
723 lines
85 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-08-10 23:08:41 -07:00
[gd_scene load_steps=59 format=3 uid="uid://dr3bcvql7burk"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://clwv2owvk6abe" path="res://Scenes/BaseMap.tscn" id="1_ci4ij"]
[ext_resource type="TileSet" uid="uid://l61kbx31ug4p" path="res://Scenes/Maps/ArenaTileset.tres" id="2_m6h7j"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cgyrw2wsjp8in" path="res://Assets/Sprites/Particles/ray-x16.png" id="3_ek23y"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://cslrhlihsf3vw" path="res://Assets/Sprites/Particles/ray-x4.png" id="3_k4qp5"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://coarr28adgo1u" path="res://Assets/Sprites/Particles/point-light.png" id="3_lgup0"]
[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://Shaders/Godrays.gdshader" id="5_11w06"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://c1w7t6irnohfx" path="res://Entities/Torch.tscn" id="6_wx4iy"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://ceadk7pam7vab" path="res://Entities/TorchLamp.tscn" id="8_3rpj6"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://hm3ek8vqt1d4" path="res://Props/Bookshelf.tscn" id="9_qsthf"]
2023-08-07 02:38:51 -07:00
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Utils/InteractionTriggerDialogue.cs" id="10_apvp5"]
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dcwerlcsr0nj0" path="res://Assets/Sprites/Props/tree-dark-3.png" id="10_i5qot"]
2023-08-07 02:38:51 -07:00
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dldnp8eunxj3q" path="res://BoundingBoxes/InteractionTrigger.tscn" id="10_scl41"]
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dl2q3k0w8e4fp" path="res://Assets/Sprites/Props/tree-dark.png" id="10_sx2hw"]
2023-08-07 02:38:51 -07:00
[ext_resource type="Resource" uid="uid://dilmuoilweoeh" path="res://Assets/Dialogue/books.dialogue" id="11_fpxpb"]
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://jhqfflef5yde" path="res://Assets/Sprites/Props/tree-dark-2.png" id="11_wjfe8"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://ds0xg848g3jid" path="res://Assets/Sprites/Props/tree-dark-5.png" id="12_md5xh"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://8rbstele3ckq" path="res://Assets/Sprites/Props/tree-dark-4.png" id="13_j84wc"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://wuvwd5corw3f" path="res://Assets/Sprites/Props/arena-stairs.png" id="14_i2ht5"]
[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://Shaders/Water.gdshader" id="15_vlb8v"]
2023-08-05 23:50:08 -07:00
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dngclnqt7pe3k" path="res://Assets/Sprites/Particles/NoiseSmall.tres" id="17_j6kc0"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://dejwdw7or8c" path="res://Assets/Sprites/Particles/NoiseLarge.tres" id="18_1c1fg"]
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://jxrytll5j50n" path="res://Assets/Sprites/Props/doc-statue.png" id="19_u6j17"]
2023-08-01 23:49:48 -07:00
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bou5pccj0147e" path="res://Entities/ArenaEntrance.tscn" id="20_tcd0x"]
2023-08-05 23:50:08 -07:00
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://c5i3cq1kewljv" path="res://Props/ArenaDoor.tscn" id="21_nvrif"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bs6xuujve2tsf" path="res://Props/ArenaDoorSwitch.tscn" id="22_ay852"]
2023-08-07 02:38:51 -07:00
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dhl071rj5wyvx" path="res://Entities/Campfire.tscn" id="23_mykt8"]
2023-08-08 00:54:00 -07:00
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://cdj50hb84aujp" path="res://Characters/DocLegionary.tscn" id="27_84gw4"]
[ext_resource type="Shader" path="res://Shaders/Flash.gdshader" id="28_b3suq"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dhamcei7tfta8" path="res://Characters/DocCenturion.tscn" id="30_qfl2k"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
[sub_resource type="Gradient" id="Gradient_jupxw"]
offsets = PackedFloat32Array(0.00740741, 0.2, 1)
colors = PackedColorArray(1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0)
[sub_resource type="GradientTexture1D" id="GradientTexture1D_nhd2r"]
gradient = SubResource("Gradient_jupxw")
[sub_resource type="ParticleProcessMaterial" id="ParticleProcessMaterial_rajfi"]
emission_shape = 3
emission_box_extents = Vector3(4, 0, 0)
particle_flag_disable_z = true
gravity = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
orbit_velocity_min = 0.0
orbit_velocity_max = 0.0
angle_min = -15.0
angle_max = -15.0
scale_min = 0.03
scale_max = 0.1
color_ramp = SubResource("GradientTexture1D_nhd2r")
attractor_interaction_enabled = false
[sub_resource type="OccluderPolygon2D" id="OccluderPolygon2D_wahbd"]
closed = false
polygon = PackedVector2Array(-23, 49, -5, -6, 2, -6, 2, -2, 6, -2, 6, 1)
[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_vyo63"]
shader = ExtResource("5_11w06")
shader_parameter/angle = -0.3
shader_parameter/position = -0.2
shader_parameter/spread = 0.718
shader_parameter/cutoff = 0.28
shader_parameter/falloff = 0.2
shader_parameter/edge_fade = 0.15
shader_parameter/speed = 5.0
shader_parameter/ray1_density = 8.0
shader_parameter/ray2_density = 30.0
shader_parameter/ray2_intensity = 0.3
shader_parameter/color = Color(1, 0.9, 0.65, 0.8)
shader_parameter/hdr = false
shader_parameter/seed = 5.0
[sub_resource type="CanvasTexture" id="CanvasTexture_1u3bg"]
[sub_resource type="ParticleProcessMaterial" id="ParticleProcessMaterial_p0lsf"]
emission_shape = 3
emission_box_extents = Vector3(2, 0, 0)
particle_flag_disable_z = true
gravity = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
orbit_velocity_min = 0.0
orbit_velocity_max = 0.0
angle_min = -15.0
angle_max = -15.0
scale_min = 0.03
scale_max = 0.1
color_ramp = SubResource("GradientTexture1D_nhd2r")
attractor_interaction_enabled = false
[sub_resource type="OccluderPolygon2D" id="OccluderPolygon2D_nfd3y"]
closed = false
polygon = PackedVector2Array(-5, 0, -5, -3, 2, -3, 2, 0, -5, 36)
[sub_resource type="OccluderPolygon2D" id="OccluderPolygon2D_sdffp"]
closed = false
polygon = PackedVector2Array(-16, 34, -5, -3, 2, -3, 2, 0, -5, 36)
[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_1m7ia"]
shader = ExtResource("5_11w06")
shader_parameter/angle = -0.3
shader_parameter/position = -0.2
shader_parameter/spread = 0.208
shader_parameter/cutoff = 0.145
shader_parameter/falloff = 0.2
shader_parameter/edge_fade = 0.128
shader_parameter/speed = 5.0
shader_parameter/ray1_density = 8.0
shader_parameter/ray2_density = 30.0
shader_parameter/ray2_intensity = 0.3
shader_parameter/color = Color(1, 0.9, 0.65, 0.8)
shader_parameter/hdr = false
shader_parameter/seed = 5.0
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_qvhmg"]
shader = ExtResource("5_11w06")
shader_parameter/angle = -0.188
shader_parameter/position = -0.2
shader_parameter/spread = 0.904
shader_parameter/cutoff = 0.0780001
shader_parameter/falloff = 0.279
shader_parameter/edge_fade = 0.567
shader_parameter/speed = 1.0
shader_parameter/ray1_density = 20.0
shader_parameter/ray2_density = 30.0
shader_parameter/ray2_intensity = 0.435
shader_parameter/color = Color(0.847059, 1, 0.803922, 0.8)
shader_parameter/hdr = true
shader_parameter/seed = 3.0
[sub_resource type="CanvasTexture" id="CanvasTexture_v43gw"]
[sub_resource type="CanvasItemMaterial" id="CanvasItemMaterial_47ohj"]
light_mode = 1
[sub_resource type="CanvasItemMaterial" id="CanvasItemMaterial_wt525"]
light_mode = 1
[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_6r42m"]
shader = ExtResource("15_vlb8v")
shader_parameter/alpha = 0.75
shader_parameter/water_speed = 0.05
shader_parameter/wave_distortion = 0.2
2023-08-01 23:49:48 -07:00
shader_parameter/reflection_offset = Vector2(-0.08, 0)
2023-08-05 23:50:08 -07:00
shader_parameter/noise_texture = ExtResource("17_j6kc0")
shader_parameter/noise_texture2 = ExtResource("18_1c1fg")
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[sub_resource type="CanvasTexture" id="CanvasTexture_44wk8"]
2023-08-01 23:49:48 -07:00
[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_vak3n"]
shader = ExtResource("15_vlb8v")
shader_parameter/alpha = 0.75
shader_parameter/water_speed = 0.05
shader_parameter/wave_distortion = 0.2
shader_parameter/reflection_offset = Vector2(0.02, 0)
2023-08-05 23:50:08 -07:00
shader_parameter/noise_texture = ExtResource("17_j6kc0")
shader_parameter/noise_texture2 = ExtResource("18_1c1fg")
2023-08-01 23:49:48 -07:00
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_wi532"]
size = Vector2(64, 97)
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
2023-08-01 23:49:48 -07:00
[sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id="RectangleShape2D_5pcme"]
size = Vector2(18, 6)
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_1q1be"]
2023-08-08 00:54:00 -07:00
resource_local_to_scene = true
shader = ExtResource("28_b3suq")
shader_parameter/color = Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)
shader_parameter/intensity = 0.0
shader_parameter/alpha_modulate = 1.0
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_obny8"]
2023-08-08 00:54:00 -07:00
resource_local_to_scene = true
shader = ExtResource("28_b3suq")
shader_parameter/color = Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)
shader_parameter/intensity = 0.0
shader_parameter/alpha_modulate = 1.0
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_exlka"]
2023-08-08 00:54:00 -07:00
resource_local_to_scene = true
shader = ExtResource("28_b3suq")
shader_parameter/color = Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)
shader_parameter/intensity = 0.0
shader_parameter/alpha_modulate = 1.0
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_ec2v5"]
2023-08-10 23:08:41 -07:00
resource_local_to_scene = true
shader = ExtResource("28_b3suq")
shader_parameter/color = Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)
shader_parameter/intensity = 0.0
shader_parameter/alpha_modulate = 1.0
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_ohpa0"]
2023-08-10 23:08:41 -07:00
resource_local_to_scene = true
shader = ExtResource("28_b3suq")
shader_parameter/color = Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)
shader_parameter/intensity = 0.0
shader_parameter/alpha_modulate = 1.0
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_aiu1q"]
2023-08-10 23:08:41 -07:00
resource_local_to_scene = true
shader = ExtResource("28_b3suq")
shader_parameter/color = Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)
shader_parameter/intensity = 0.0
shader_parameter/alpha_modulate = 1.0
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_bf84d"]
2023-08-10 23:08:41 -07:00
resource_local_to_scene = true
shader = ExtResource("28_b3suq")
shader_parameter/color = Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)
shader_parameter/intensity = 0.0
shader_parameter/alpha_modulate = 1.0
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_7skkn"]
2023-08-10 23:08:41 -07:00
resource_local_to_scene = true
shader = ExtResource("28_b3suq")
shader_parameter/color = Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)
shader_parameter/intensity = 0.0
shader_parameter/alpha_modulate = 1.0
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_soae1"]
2023-08-10 23:08:41 -07:00
resource_local_to_scene = true
shader = ExtResource("28_b3suq")
shader_parameter/color = Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)
shader_parameter/intensity = 0.0
shader_parameter/alpha_modulate = 1.0
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
[sub_resource type="ShaderMaterial" id="ShaderMaterial_to8fm"]
2023-08-08 00:54:00 -07:00
resource_local_to_scene = true
shader = ExtResource("28_b3suq")
shader_parameter/color = Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1)
shader_parameter/intensity = 0.0
shader_parameter/alpha_modulate = 1.0
2023-08-03 16:17:34 -07:00
[node name="ArenaExterior" instance=ExtResource("1_ci4ij")]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
tile_set = ExtResource("2_m6h7j")
2023-08-10 23:08:41 -07:00
layer_0/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-1703963, 393216, 0, -1703954, 393216, 0, -1703953, 458752, 2, -393224, 196608, 4, -262152, 196608, 4, -131080, 196608, 4, 196600, 196608, 4, 327672, 196608, 4, 458744, 196608, 4, -458759, 131072, 4, 589817, 458752, 4, -458757, 131072, 4, 589819, 458752, 4, -458755, 131072, 4, 589821, 458752, 4, -524286, 131072, 4, 524290, 458752, 4, -524284, 131072, 4, 524292, 458752, 4, -524282, 131072, 4, 524294, 458752, 4, -458744, 327680, 4, -327672, 327680, 4, -196600, 327680, 4, 131080, 327680, 4, 262152, 327680, 4, 393224, 327680, 4, -589819, 458752, 2, -524294, 458752, 2, -524292, 393216, 2, -589821, 393216, 2, 131070, 458752, 0, 131068, 458752, 0, 131066, 458752, 0, 262142, 458752, 0, 393214, 458752, 0, 327681, 458752, 0, 196609, 458752, 0, 65537, 458752, 0, 65539, 458752, 0, 65541, 458752, 0, -131067, 458752, 0, -131069, 458752, 0, -131071, 458752, 0, -262143, 458752, 0, -393215, 458752, 0, -327682, 458752, 0, -196610, 458752, 0, -65538, 458752, 0, -65540, 458752, 0, -65542, 458752, 0, -1638415, 131072, 4, -1638426, 131072, 4, -1507340, 131072, 4, -1572862, 131072, 4, -1507333, 131072, 4, -1703960, 393216, 2, 1900541, 131072, 4, 1835010, 131072, 4, 1835020, 131072, 4, 1835025, 131072, 4, 2883581, 458752, 4, 2818050, 458752, 4, 2818055, 458752, 4, 2818060, 458752, 4, 2818065, 458752, 4, 2097152, 458752, 0, 2097156, 458752, 0, 2097160, 458752, 0, 2097164, 458752, 0, 2490380, 458752, 0, 2490376, 458752, 0, 2490372, 458752, 0, 2490368, 458752, 0, 2097162, 458752, 0, 2097154, 458752, 0, 2490370, 458752, 0, 2490374, 458752, 0, 2097158, 458752, 0, 2490378, 458752, 0, 2097166, 458752, 0, 2228238, 458752, 0, 2359310, 458752, 0, 2490382, 458752, 0, 1835015, 131072, 4, 1835039, 786432, 0, 1835040, 851968, 0, 196584, 458752, 0, 196582, 458752, 0, 196580, 458752, 0, 1638383, 458752, 0)
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
layer_1/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-1703953, 393216, 0, -1703952, 393216, 0, 1900577, 65537, 5, 1900576, 65537, 5, 1900578, 65537, 5, 1900575, 65537, 5, 1900574, 65537, 5, 1441823, 327680, 6, 1441832, 393216, 6, 1507368, 393216, 7, 1572904, 393216, 7, 1507359, 327680, 7, 1572895, 327680, 7, 1900581, 65537, 5, 1900582, 65537, 5, 1900583, 65537, 5, 1900584, 65537, 5, 1900585, 65537, 5)
2023-08-03 11:44:50 -07:00
layer_2/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(1310721, 393216, 0, 1310722, 393216, 0, 1310723, 393216, 0, 1310724, 393216, 0, 1310728, 393216, 0, 1769490, 393216, 0, 1769487, 393216, 0, 1769488, 393216, 0, 2293761, 655360, 6, 2293762, 655360, 6, 2359298, 655360, 7, 2359297, 655360, 7, 2359296, 589824, 7, 2293760, 589824, 6, 2228224, 589824, 5, 2228225, 655360, 5, 2228226, 655360, 5, 2293763, 655360, 6, 2359299, 655360, 7, 2228227, 655360, 5, 2293764, 655360, 6, 2359300, 655360, 7, 2228228, 655360, 5, 2293765, 655360, 6, 2359301, 655360, 7, 2228229, 655360, 5, 2293766, 655360, 6, 2359302, 655360, 7, 2228230, 655360, 5, 2293767, 655360, 6, 2359303, 655360, 7, 2228231, 655360, 5, 2293768, 655360, 6, 2359304, 655360, 7, 2228232, 655360, 5, 2293769, 655360, 6, 2359305, 655360, 7, 2228233, 655360, 5, 2293770, 655360, 6, 2359306, 655360, 7, 2228234, 655360, 5, 2293771, 655360, 6, 2359307, 655360, 7, 2228235, 655360, 5, 2293772, 720896, 6, 2359308, 720896, 7, 2228236, 720896, 5, -1179649, 851968, 6, -1245184, 851968, 6, -1179648, 851968, 7, -1114113, 851968, 7, -1114114, 786432, 7, -1179650, 786432, 6, -1245186, 786432, 6, -1245185, 851968, 6, -1310720, 851968, 6, -1245183, 917504, 6, -1179647, 917504, 7, -1310719, 917504, 6, -1310722, 786432, 5, -1310721, 851968, 5, -1376256, 851968, 5, -1376255, 917504, 5, -1572889, 655360, 6, -1572888, 655360, 6, -1507352, 655360, 7, -1507353, 655360, 7, -1507354, 589824, 7, -1572890, 589824, 6, -1638426, 589824, 5, -1638425, 655360, 5, -1638424, 655360, 5, -1572887, 655360, 6, -1507351, 655360, 7, -1638423, 655360, 5, -1572886, 655360, 6, -1507350, 655360, 7, -1638422, 655360, 5, -1572885, 655360, 6, -1507349, 655360, 7, -1638421, 655360, 5, -1572884, 655360, 6, -1507348, 655360, 7, -1638420, 655360, 5, -1572883, 655360, 6, -1507347, 655360, 7, -1638419, 655360, 5, -1572882, 655360, 6, -1507346, 655360, 7, -1638418, 655360, 5, -1572881, 655360, 6, -1507345, 655360, 7, -1638417, 655360, 5, -1572880, 655360, 6, -1572879, 720896, 6, -1507343, 720896, 7, -1507344, 655360, 7, -1638416, 655360, 5, -1638415, 720896, 5, 1703970, 1, 6, 1769506, 1, 6, 1835042, 1, 6, 1900578, 1, 6, 1703973, 131073, 6, 1769509, 131073, 6, 1835045, 131073, 6, 1900581, 131073, 6, 1507361, 393216, 3, 1507362, 458752, 2, 1507365, 458752, 3, 1507366, 393216, 3, 1638431, 65537, 7, 1638430, 65537, 7, 1638441, 65537, 7, 1638440, 65537, 7)
2023-08-05 23:50:08 -07:00
layer_3/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(-65538, 0, 0, -2, 131072, 0, 65534, 196608, 0, 131070, 65536, 0, -65537, 196608, 0, -1, 131072, 0, 65535, 196608, 0, 131071, 196608, 0, -131072, 131072, 0, -65536, 131072, 0, 0, 131072, 0, 65536, 131072, 0, -131071, 65536, 1, -65535, 131072, 0, 1, 131072, 0, 65537, 65536, 1, -196612, 65536, 1, -131076, 0, 1, -65540, 65536, 0, -4, 131072, 0, 65532, 196608, 0, 131068, 0, 0, 196604, 65536, 0, 262140, 0, 0, -196611, 0, 0, -131075, 65536, 1, -65539, 0, 1, -3, 131072, 0, 65533, 131072, 0, 131069, 65536, 1, 196605, 0, 0, 262141, 65536, 0, -196610, 65536, 1, -131074, 0, 1, 196606, 0, 1, 262142, 65536, 0, -196609, 196608, 0, -131073, 196608, 0, 196607, 131072, 0, 262143, 131072, 0, -262144, 196608, 0, -196608, 196608, 0, 131072, 131072, 0, 196608, 196608, 0, -262143, 65536, 0, -196607, 65536, 0, 131073, 0, 0, 196609, 65536, 1, -262142, 65536, 1, -196606, 0, 0, -131070, 0, 0, -65534, 196608, 0, 2, 131072, 0, 65538, 0, 1, 131074, 65536, 0, 196610, 65536, 1, -262141, 0, 1, -196605, 65536, 0, -131069, 0, 1, -65533, 196608, 0, 3, 196608, 0, 65539, 0, 1, 131075, 65536, 0, 196611, 0, 1, -8, 196608, 0, 65528, 131072, 0, -7, 196608, 0, 65529, 131072, 0, -6, 131072, 0, 65530, 131072, 0, -5, 196608, 0, 65531, 196608, 0, -458753, 196608, 0, -393217, 131072, 0, -327681, 196608, 0, -262145, 131072, 0, -524288, 196608, 0, -458752, 131072, 0, -393216, 196608, 0, -327680, 196608, 0, -65532, 196608, 0, 4, 196608, 0, -65531, 196608, 0, 5, 196608, 0, -65530, 196608, 0, 6, 131072, 0, -65529, 131072, 0, 7, 131072, 0, 327679, 131072, 0, 393215, 131072, 0, 458751, 131072, 0, 524287, 196608, 0, 262144, 196608, 0, 327680, 131072, 0, 393216, 131072, 0, 458752, 131072, 0, 131064, 0, 0, 196600, 65536, 1, 262136, 65536, 1, 131065, 65536, 1, 196601, 0, 1, 262137, 65536, 1, 131066, 0, 1, 196602, 65536, 1, 262138, 65536, 0, 131067, 65536, 1, 196603, 0, 0, 262139, 65536, 1, 327672, 65536, 0, 393208, 0, 0, 458744, 65536, 1, 524280, 0, 1, 327673, 0, 1, 393209, 0, 0, 458745, 65536, 0, 524281, 0, 1, 327674, 0, 1, 393210, 0, 1, 458746, 0, 0, 524282, 0, 1, 327675, 0, 0, 393211, 0, 0, 458747, 65536, 0, 524283, 65536, 0, 327676, 0, 1, 393212, 65536, 0, 458748, 65536, 1, 524284, 65536, 1, 327677, 65536, 0, 393213, 65536, 1, 458749, 0, 1, 524285, 0, 1, 327678, 65536, 0, 393214, 0, 1, 458750, 65536, 1, 524286, 0, 0, 262145, 0, 0, 327681, 65536, 1, 393217, 0, 0, 458753, 65536, 0, 262146, 0, 1, 327682, 0, 1, 393218, 65536, 1, 458754, 65536, 1, 262147, 65536, 0, 327683, 0, 0, 393219, 0, 1, 458755, 0, 1, 65540, 0, 1, 131076, 0, 0, 196612, 65536, 0, 262148, 65536, 0, 327684, 65536, 1, 393220, 65536, 1, 458756, 65536, 1, 65541, 0, 0, 131077, 0, 1, 196613, 0, 0, 262149, 0, 0, 327685, 65536, 0, 393221, 65536, 0, 458757, 0, 0, 65542, 65536, 1, 131078, 65536, 0, 196614, 0, 1, 262150, 0, 1, 327686, 0, 1, 393222, 0, 0, 458758, 65536, 1, 65543, 0, 0, 131079, 65536, 1, 196615, 65536, 0, 262151, 0, 1, 327687, 0, 0, 393223, 65536, 0, 458759, 0, 0, -131080, 65536, 1, -65544, 65536, 1, -131079, 0, 1, -65543, 0, 0, -131078, 0, 0, -65542, 65536, 0, -131077, 65536, 1, -65541, 65536, 1, -458760, 0, 0, -393224, 65536, 0, -327688, 0, 1, -262152, 0, 1, -196616, 0, 0, -458759, 65536, 1, -393223, 0, 1, -327687, 65536, 0, -262151, 0, 1, -196615, 65536, 0, -458758, 65536, 1, -393222, 65536, 1, -327686, 65536, 0, -262150, 65536, 1, -196614, 0, 1, -458757, 0, 1, -393221, 65536, 1, -327685, 65536, 1, -262149, 0, 1, -196613, 65536, 1, -458756, 0, 1, -393220, 65536, 0, -327684, 65536, 0, -262148, 0, 1, -458755, 0, 1, -393219, 65536, 0, -327683, 0, 1, -262147, 65536, 0, -458754, 0, 1, -393218, 0, 0, -327682, 65536, 1, -262146, 65536, 0, -524287, 0, 0, -458751, 65536, 0, -393215, 65536, 1, -327679, 0, 1, -524286, 65536, 1, -458750, 0, 1, -393214, 0, 1, -327678, 65536, 0, -524285, 0, 0, -458749, 65536, 0, -393213, 65536, 0, -327677, 0, 1, -524284, 65536, 0, -458748, 65536, 1, -393212, 65536, 1, -327676, 0, 1, -262140, 65536, 0, -524283, 65536, 0, -458747, 65536, 1, -393211, 0, 1, -327675, 0, 0, -262139, 0, 1, -524282, 0, 0, -458746, 0, 0, -393210, 0, 1, -327674, 0, 1, -262
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
layer_4/tile_data = PackedInt32Array(2097150, 655360, 2, 2359293, 655360, 1, 2359294, 720896, 2, 2424830, 655360, 1, 1966085, 720896, 2, 2031621, 655360, 1, 2031622, 720896, 2, 1966086, 655360, 1, 2555909, 655360, 2, 2555917, 655360, 2, 2621453, 720896, 2, 2621454, 720896, 2, 2555918, 655360, 1, 2424850, 655360, 2, 2752533, 655360, 1, 2752534, 720896, 2, 2818070, 720896, 2, 2883606, 655360, 2, 2883607, 720896, 2, 2752536, 720896, 2, 2818072, 655360, 2, 2818074, 720896, 1, 2818075, 720896, 2, 2818076, 720896, 1, 2752540, 720896, 1, 2752543, 655360, 2, 2752542, 655360, 2, 2752546, 720896, 1, 2752545, 655360, 1, 2818084, 655360, 2, 1900558, 655360, 1, 1966094, 655360, 2, 1900559, 720896, 1, 1966095, 720896, 2, 1966096, 655360, 1, 1900557, 720896, 2, 1376286, 131072, 0, 2031646, 65537, 6, 2031647, 65537, 6, 2031648, 65537, 6, 2031649, 65537, 6, 2031654, 65537, 6, 2031655, 65537, 6, 2031656, 65537, 6, 2031657, 65537, 6)
2023-08-05 23:50:08 -07:00
CameraLowerBound = Vector2(0, 0)
CameraUpperBound = Vector2(0, 0)
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
ClearColor = Color(0.105882, 0.0470588, 0.117647, 1)
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
AreaName = "The Arena"
MapName = "Depths of the Arena"
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
[node name="CanvasModulate" parent="." index="0"]
color = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="Static@Godrays" type="Node2D" parent="Props" index="0"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
z_index = 1
position = Vector2(-327, -422)
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="GPUParticles2D" type="GPUParticles2D" parent="Props/Static@Godrays" index="0"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
visible = false
position = Vector2(-10, 27)
amount = 16
process_material = SubResource("ParticleProcessMaterial_rajfi")
texture = ExtResource("3_ek23y")
trail_lifetime = 4.0
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="LightOccluder2D" type="LightOccluder2D" parent="Props/Static@Godrays" index="1"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
occluder = SubResource("OccluderPolygon2D_wahbd")
occluder_light_mask = 8
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="PointLight2D2" type="PointLight2D" parent="Props/Static@Godrays" index="2"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
rotation = 0.261799
energy = 1.5
blend_mode = 2
shadow_enabled = true
shadow_filter = 1
shadow_item_cull_mask = 8
texture = ExtResource("3_k4qp5")
texture_scale = 0.25
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/Static@Godrays" index="3"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_vyo63")
position = Vector2(-8, 22)
scale = Vector2(-33.315, 48)
texture = SubResource("CanvasTexture_1u3bg")
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="Static@Godrays2" type="Node2D" parent="Props" index="1"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
z_index = 1
position = Vector2(-311, -425)
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="GPUParticles2D" type="GPUParticles2D" parent="Props/Static@Godrays2" index="0"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
visible = false
position = Vector2(-10, 31)
process_material = SubResource("ParticleProcessMaterial_p0lsf")
texture = ExtResource("3_ek23y")
trail_lifetime = 4.0
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="PointLight2D" type="PointLight2D" parent="Props/Static@Godrays2" index="1"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
rotation = 0.261799
energy = 1.5
blend_mode = 2
shadow_enabled = true
shadow_filter = 1
shadow_item_cull_mask = 8
texture = ExtResource("3_k4qp5")
texture_scale = 0.4
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="LightOccluder2D3" type="LightOccluder2D" parent="Props/Static@Godrays2" index="2"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
occluder = SubResource("OccluderPolygon2D_nfd3y")
occluder_light_mask = 8
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/Static@Godrays2" index="3"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_vyo63")
position = Vector2(-9, 22)
scale = Vector2(-33.315, 48)
texture = SubResource("CanvasTexture_1u3bg")
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="Static@Godrays3" type="Node2D" parent="Props" index="2"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
z_index = 1
position = Vector2(-391, -425)
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="GPUParticles2D" type="GPUParticles2D" parent="Props/Static@Godrays3" index="0"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
visible = false
position = Vector2(-5, 13)
process_material = SubResource("ParticleProcessMaterial_p0lsf")
texture = ExtResource("3_k4qp5")
trail_lifetime = 4.0
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="PointLight2D" type="PointLight2D" parent="Props/Static@Godrays3" index="1"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
position = Vector2(-3, 0)
rotation = 0.261799
energy = 1.5
blend_mode = 2
shadow_enabled = true
shadow_filter = 1
shadow_filter_smooth = 3.0
shadow_item_cull_mask = 9
texture = ExtResource("3_k4qp5")
texture_scale = 0.2
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="LightOccluder2D" type="LightOccluder2D" parent="Props/Static@Godrays3" index="2"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
occluder = SubResource("OccluderPolygon2D_sdffp")
occluder_light_mask = 8
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/Static@Godrays3" index="3"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_vyo63")
position = Vector2(-9, 22)
scale = Vector2(-33.315, 48)
texture = SubResource("CanvasTexture_1u3bg")
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="Static@Godrays4" type="Node2D" parent="Props" index="3"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
z_index = 1
position = Vector2(249, 438)
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="GPUParticles2D" type="GPUParticles2D" parent="Props/Static@Godrays4" index="0"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
visible = false
position = Vector2(-5, 13)
process_material = SubResource("ParticleProcessMaterial_p0lsf")
texture = ExtResource("3_k4qp5")
trail_lifetime = 4.0
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="PointLight2D" type="PointLight2D" parent="Props/Static@Godrays4" index="1"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
position = Vector2(-3, 0)
rotation = 0.261799
energy = 1.5
blend_mode = 2
shadow_enabled = true
shadow_filter = 1
shadow_filter_smooth = 3.0
shadow_item_cull_mask = 9
texture = ExtResource("3_k4qp5")
texture_scale = 0.2
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="PointLight2D2" type="PointLight2D" parent="Props/Static@Godrays4" index="2"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
position = Vector2(-12, 40)
energy = 0.35
shadow_enabled = true
shadow_filter = 1
shadow_filter_smooth = 3.0
shadow_item_cull_mask = 9
texture = ExtResource("3_lgup0")
texture_scale = 0.05
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="LightOccluder2D" type="LightOccluder2D" parent="Props/Static@Godrays4" index="3"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
occluder = SubResource("OccluderPolygon2D_sdffp")
occluder_light_mask = 8
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/Static@Godrays4" index="4"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_vyo63")
position = Vector2(-9, 22)
scale = Vector2(-33.315, 48)
texture = SubResource("CanvasTexture_1u3bg")
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="Static@Torch" parent="Props" index="4" instance=ExtResource("6_wx4iy")]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
position = Vector2(-152, -385)
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="Static@Torch2" parent="Props" index="5" instance=ExtResource("6_wx4iy")]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
position = Vector2(-104, -385)
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="TorchLamp" parent="Props" index="6" instance=ExtResource("8_3rpj6")]
position = Vector2(-56, -263)
[node name="TorchLamp2" parent="Props" index="7" instance=ExtResource("8_3rpj6")]
position = Vector2(56, -264)
[node name="Torch" parent="Props" index="8" instance=ExtResource("6_wx4iy")]
position = Vector2(-120, 512)
[node name="Torch2" parent="Props" index="9" instance=ExtResource("6_wx4iy")]
position = Vector2(-409, 464)
[node name="Static@Torch3" parent="Props" index="10" instance=ExtResource("6_wx4iy")]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
position = Vector2(-39, -384)
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="Static@Torch4" parent="Props" index="11" instance=ExtResource("6_wx4iy")]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
position = Vector2(8, -384)
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="StaticEntranceGodrays" type="Node2D" parent="Props" index="12"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
position = Vector2(256, -80)
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/StaticEntranceGodrays" index="0"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_1m7ia")
position = Vector2(10, -90)
scale = Vector2(-80, 216)
texture = SubResource("CanvasTexture_1u3bg")
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="PointLight2D" type="PointLight2D" parent="Props/StaticEntranceGodrays" index="1"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
texture = ExtResource("3_lgup0")
texture_scale = 0.15
2023-08-07 02:38:51 -07:00
[node name="StaticBookshelf" parent="Props" index="13" node_paths=PackedStringArray("InteractionTrigger") instance=ExtResource("9_qsthf")]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
position = Vector2(64, 456)
2023-08-07 02:38:51 -07:00
script = ExtResource("10_apvp5")
InteractionTrigger = NodePath("InteractionTrigger")
DialogueResource = ExtResource("11_fpxpb")
DialogueTitle = "unwanted_frequencies"
[node name="InteractionTrigger" parent="Props/StaticBookshelf" index="6" instance=ExtResource("10_scl41")]
[node name="Popup" parent="Props/StaticBookshelf/InteractionTrigger" index="1"]
offset_top = -57.0
offset_bottom = -27.0
[node name="Label" parent="Props/StaticBookshelf/InteractionTrigger/Popup" index="0"]
text = "Read"
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="StaticBookshelf2" parent="Props" index="14" instance=ExtResource("9_qsthf")]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
position = Vector2(96, 456)
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="BottomLeft" parent="Props/StaticBookshelf2" index="0"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
frame = 10
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="BottomRight" parent="Props/StaticBookshelf2" index="1"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
frame = 15
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="TopLeft" parent="Props/StaticBookshelf2" index="2"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
frame = 6
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="StaticBookshelf3" parent="Props" index="15" instance=ExtResource("9_qsthf")]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
position = Vector2(144, 456)
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="BottomLeft" parent="Props/StaticBookshelf3" index="0"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
frame = 14
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="BottomRight" parent="Props/StaticBookshelf3" index="1"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
frame = 13
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="TopRight" parent="Props/StaticBookshelf3" index="3"]
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
frame = 5
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="Static@ArenaEntranceLighting" type="Node2D" parent="Props" index="16"]
position = Vector2(576, 464)
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="PointLight2D" type="PointLight2D" parent="Props/Static@ArenaEntranceLighting" index="0"]
position = Vector2(-18, 18)
blend_mode = 2
shadow_enabled = true
shadow_item_cull_mask = 16
texture = ExtResource("3_lgup0")
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="Rays" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/Static@ArenaEntranceLighting" index="1"]
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_qvhmg")
position = Vector2(-0.5, 16)
scale = Vector2(191, 274)
texture = SubResource("CanvasTexture_v43gw")
offset = Vector2(0, -0.4)
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="Static@Node2D" type="Node2D" parent="Props" index="17"]
z_index = 1
position = Vector2(472, 595)
[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/Static@Node2D" index="0"]
material = SubResource("CanvasItemMaterial_47ohj")
position = Vector2(-16, 24)
texture = ExtResource("10_i5qot")
offset = Vector2(32, -32)
[node name="Sprite2D2" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/Static@Node2D" index="1"]
z_index = -4
material = SubResource("CanvasItemMaterial_47ohj")
position = Vector2(-16, 24)
texture = ExtResource("10_i5qot")
offset = Vector2(32, -32)
[node name="Static@Node2D2" type="Node2D" parent="Props" index="18"]
z_index = 2
position = Vector2(696, 559)
[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/Static@Node2D2" index="0"]
material = SubResource("CanvasItemMaterial_wt525")
position = Vector2(40, 24)
texture = ExtResource("10_sx2hw")
offset = Vector2(-48, -64)
[node name="Sprite2D2" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/Static@Node2D2" index="1"]
z_index = -4
material = SubResource("CanvasItemMaterial_wt525")
position = Vector2(40, 24)
texture = ExtResource("10_sx2hw")
offset = Vector2(-48, -64)
[node name="StaticNode2D2" type="Node2D" parent="Props" index="19"]
z_index = 1
position = Vector2(705, 447)
[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/StaticNode2D2" index="0"]
material = SubResource("CanvasItemMaterial_wt525")
position = Vector2(40, 24)
texture = ExtResource("12_md5xh")
offset = Vector2(-48, -64)
[node name="Sprite2D2" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/StaticNode2D2" index="1"]
z_index = -4
material = SubResource("CanvasItemMaterial_wt525")
position = Vector2(40, 24)
texture = ExtResource("12_md5xh")
offset = Vector2(-48, -64)
[node name="Static@Node2D3" type="Node2D" parent="Props" index="20"]
z_index = 3
position = Vector2(710, 603)
[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/Static@Node2D3" index="0"]
material = SubResource("CanvasItemMaterial_wt525")
position = Vector2(64, 56)
texture = ExtResource("11_wjfe8")
offset = Vector2(-48, -64)
[node name="Sprite2D2" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/Static@Node2D3" index="1"]
z_index = -5
material = SubResource("CanvasItemMaterial_wt525")
position = Vector2(64, 56)
texture = ExtResource("11_wjfe8")
offset = Vector2(-48, -64)
[node name="StaticNode2D3" type="Node2D" parent="Props" index="21"]
z_index = 1
position = Vector2(494, 455)
rotation = 1.5708
[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/StaticNode2D3" index="0"]
material = SubResource("CanvasItemMaterial_wt525")
position = Vector2(64, 79)
texture = ExtResource("13_j84wc")
offset = Vector2(-48, -64)
[node name="Sprite2D2" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/StaticNode2D3" index="1"]
z_index = -4
material = SubResource("CanvasItemMaterial_wt525")
position = Vector2(64, 79)
texture = ExtResource("13_j84wc")
offset = Vector2(-48, -64)
[node name="Stairs" type="Node2D" parent="Props" index="22"]
z_index = -2
position = Vector2(496, 512)
[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/Stairs" index="0"]
texture_repeat = 2
position = Vector2(16, 0)
texture = ExtResource("14_i2ht5")
region_enabled = true
region_rect = Rect2(0, 0, 64, 32)
[node name="Sprite2D2" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/Stairs" index="1"]
texture_repeat = 3
position = Vector2(144, 0)
texture = ExtResource("14_i2ht5")
region_enabled = true
region_rect = Rect2(0, 0, 64, 32)
[node name="Water" type="Node2D" parent="Props" index="23"]
z_index = -1
position = Vector2(512, 549)
[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/Water" index="0"]
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_6r42m")
scale = Vector2(64, 84)
texture = SubResource("CanvasTexture_44wk8")
[node name="Sprite2D2" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/Water" index="1"]
2023-08-01 23:49:48 -07:00
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_vak3n")
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
position = Vector2(128, 0)
scale = Vector2(64, 84)
texture = SubResource("CanvasTexture_44wk8")
[node name="Background" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/Water" index="2"]
2023-08-01 23:49:48 -07:00
modulate = Color(0.819608, 0.988235, 1, 1)
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
z_index = -3
position = Vector2(64, 0)
scale = Vector2(192, 84)
texture = SubResource("CanvasTexture_44wk8")
[node name="StaticBody2D" type="StaticBody2D" parent="Props/Water" index="3"]
collision_layer = 16
collision_mask = 0
[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Props/Water/StaticBody2D" index="0"]
visible = false
position = Vector2(0, -5.5)
shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_wi532")
[node name="StaticBody2D2" type="StaticBody2D" parent="Props/Water" index="4"]
position = Vector2(128, 0)
collision_layer = 16
collision_mask = 0
[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Props/Water/StaticBody2D2" index="0"]
visible = false
position = Vector2(0, -5.5)
shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_wi532")
2023-08-01 23:49:48 -07:00
[node name="DocStatue" type="StaticBody2D" parent="Props" index="24"]
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
z_index = -1
2023-08-01 23:49:48 -07:00
position = Vector2(544, 410)
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/DocStatue" index="0"]
texture = ExtResource("19_u6j17")
2023-08-01 23:49:48 -07:00
[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Props/DocStatue" index="1"]
position = Vector2(0, 9)
shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_5pcme")
[node name="DocStatue2" type="StaticBody2D" parent="Props" index="25"]
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
z_index = -1
2023-08-01 23:49:48 -07:00
position = Vector2(608, 410)
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Props/DocStatue2" index="0"]
texture = ExtResource("19_u6j17")
flip_h = true
2023-07-31 01:11:55 -07:00
2023-08-01 23:49:48 -07:00
[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Props/DocStatue2" index="1"]
position = Vector2(0, 9)
shape = SubResource("RectangleShape2D_5pcme")
[node name="ArenaEntrance" parent="Entities" index="0" instance=ExtResource("20_tcd0x")]
z_index = -1
position = Vector2(576, 416)
2023-08-05 23:50:08 -07:00
[node name="LeftDoor" parent="Entities" index="1" instance=ExtResource("21_nvrif")]
y_sort_enabled = true
position = Vector2(-224, 41)
MapStateKey = "b_arena_depths_1"
2023-08-06 01:13:44 -07:00
[node name="LeftDoorSwitch" parent="Entities" index="2" instance=ExtResource("22_ay852")]
2023-08-05 23:50:08 -07:00
position = Vector2(-257, 76)
MapStateKey = "b_arena_depths_1"
2023-08-06 01:13:44 -07:00
[node name="BottomDoor" parent="Entities" index="3" instance=ExtResource("21_nvrif")]
y_sort_enabled = true
position = Vector2(0, 161)
MapStateKey = "b_arena_depths_2"
[node name="BottomDoorSwitch" parent="Entities" index="4" instance=ExtResource("22_ay852")]
position = Vector2(24, 332)
MapStateKey = "b_arena_depths_2"
2023-08-05 23:50:08 -07:00
2023-08-07 02:38:51 -07:00
[node name="Campfire" parent="Entities" index="5" instance=ExtResource("23_mykt8")]
position = Vector2(256, -9)
[node name="Campfire2" parent="Entities" index="6" instance=ExtResource("23_mykt8")]
position = Vector2(80, 373)
2023-08-08 00:54:00 -07:00
[node name="Centurion" parent="Entities" index="7" instance=ExtResource("30_qfl2k")]
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_1q1be")
2023-08-08 00:54:00 -07:00
position = Vector2(-360, 31)
2023-08-10 23:08:41 -07:00
[node name="Centurion2" parent="Entities" index="8" instance=ExtResource("30_qfl2k")]
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_obny8")
2023-08-10 23:08:41 -07:00
position = Vector2(-224, 131)
[node name="Legionary" parent="Entities" index="9" instance=ExtResource("27_84gw4")]
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_exlka")
2023-08-08 00:54:00 -07:00
position = Vector2(-214, 72)
2023-08-10 23:08:41 -07:00
[node name="Legionary2" parent="Entities" index="10" instance=ExtResource("27_84gw4")]
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_ec2v5")
2023-08-08 00:54:00 -07:00
position = Vector2(-496, 15)
2023-08-10 23:08:41 -07:00
[node name="Legionary3" parent="Entities" index="11" instance=ExtResource("27_84gw4")]
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_ohpa0")
2023-08-08 00:54:00 -07:00
position = Vector2(-240, 152)
2023-08-10 23:08:41 -07:00
[node name="Legionary4" parent="Entities" index="12" instance=ExtResource("27_84gw4")]
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_aiu1q")
2023-08-10 23:08:41 -07:00
position = Vector2(-300, 384)
[node name="Legionary5" parent="Entities" index="13" instance=ExtResource("27_84gw4")]
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_bf84d")
2023-08-10 23:08:41 -07:00
position = Vector2(-300, 401)
[node name="Legionary6" parent="Entities" index="14" instance=ExtResource("27_84gw4")]
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_7skkn")
2023-08-10 23:08:41 -07:00
position = Vector2(-316, 425)
[node name="Legionary7" parent="Entities" index="15" instance=ExtResource("27_84gw4")]
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_soae1")
2023-08-10 23:08:41 -07:00
position = Vector2(-300, 449)
[node name="Legionary8" parent="Entities" index="16" instance=ExtResource("27_84gw4")]
2023-08-13 20:11:40 -07:00
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_to8fm")
2023-08-10 23:08:41 -07:00
position = Vector2(-404, 505)
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[editable path="Props/StaticBookshelf"]
2023-08-07 02:38:51 -07:00
[editable path="Props/StaticBookshelf/InteractionTrigger"]
2023-08-01 02:10:55 -07:00
[editable path="Props/StaticBookshelf2"]
[editable path="Props/StaticBookshelf3"]