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2023-12-31 05:59:33 -08:00
class_name AnnotateCanvas
extends Node2D
## Node allowing user to paint and view [AnnotateStroke]s on a [AnnotateLayer] in the 2D editor.
## Percentage size increase to stroke size caused by shift + scroll.
const SIZE_SCROLL_PERC: float = 0.1
## How large the brush size will be when [member brush_size] = 100.
@export_range(0, 9999, 1.0, "or_greater")
var max_brush_size: float = 50
## Current size of the brush used to paint strokes.
## Represents a percentage of [member max_brush_size], which is used for constructing [AnnotateStroke]s.
## [br]
## [br]
## Shortcut: shift + scroll
@export_range(1, 100, 0.1)
var brush_size: float = 50
var brush_color: Color = Color(141 / 255.0, 165 / 255.0, 243 / 255.0)
## Do not remove [AnnotateCanvas] node from scene when running outside editor.
## User will not be able to paint on the canvas, even if this is set to [code] true [/code]
var show_when_running := false
## Lock [AnnotateCanvas] node from being drawn on.
var lock_canvas := false
## Percentage of brush radius must be between a new point inserted with [method insert_point],
## for it to be added to the [member points] array.
@export_range(0, 2, 0.05)
var min_point_distance = 0.25
## Current [AnnotateLayer] resource which is painted on when user annotates.
var layer_resource: AnnotateLayer =
## Stroke currently being painted by the user.
var _active_stroke: AnnotateStrokeLine
## [code] true [/code] if user is currently trying to erase strokes.
var _erasing := false
## Array of [AnnotateStrokeLine]s, which all visually represents all of the [AnnotateStroke] resources
## in the layer_resource array.
var _stroke_lines: Array[AnnotateStrokeLine] = [ ]
func get_canvas_area() -> Rect2:
if layer_resource.strokes.size() <= 0:
return Rect2()
var canvas_area := layer_resource.strokes[0].boundary
for stroke in layer_resource.strokes.slice(1):
canvas_area = canvas_area.merge(stroke.boundary)
return canvas_area
func _ready():
if not Engine.is_editor_hint() and not show_when_running:
# restore lines from previously saved state.
for stroke in layer_resource.strokes:
var line := AnnotateStrokeLine.from_stroke(stroke)
func _on_begin_stroke():
_active_stroke = / 100 * max_brush_size, brush_color)
# instantly insert a point, to avoid the user having to drag the cursor,
# in order to insert a point.
_active_stroke.try_annotate_point(get_local_mouse_position(), min_point_distance, true)
func _on_end_stroke():
if !GodotAnnotate.poly_in_progress:
# force insert final point, as the stroke should end where the user stopped the stroke,
# even if the final point is within AnnotateStroke.MIN_POINT_DISTANCE.
_active_stroke.try_annotate_point(get_local_mouse_position(), min_point_distance, true)
_active_stroke = null
func _on_begin_erase():
_erasing = true
func _on_end_erase():
_erasing = false
func _on_draw_poly_stroke():
_active_stroke.try_annotate_point(get_local_mouse_position(), min_point_distance, false)
func _on_stroke_resize(direction: float):
brush_size *= 1 + direction * SIZE_SCROLL_PERC
brush_size = min(100, max(brush_size, 1))
func _on_capture_canvas(file: String, scale: float):
add_child(, file, scale))
func _process(delta):
if _active_stroke && !GodotAnnotate.poly_in_progress:
_active_stroke.try_annotate_point(get_local_mouse_position(), min_point_distance, false)
if _erasing:
var erase_stroke_indexes: Array[int] = []
for i in range(_stroke_lines.size()):
if _stroke_lines[i].collides_with(get_local_mouse_position(), brush_size / 100 * max_brush_size):
for erase_count in range(erase_stroke_indexes.size()):
# subtract the target index by the amount of strokes deleted,
# since these strokes no longer exist in the array.
var remove_index := erase_stroke_indexes[erase_count] - erase_count
func _draw():
if lock_canvas:
if GodotAnnotate.poly_in_progress:
draw_dashed_line(_active_stroke.points[-1], get_local_mouse_position(), brush_color, brush_size * 0.125, brush_size * 0.25)
if _erasing:
draw_arc(get_local_mouse_position(), brush_size / 100 * max_brush_size / 2, 0, TAU, 32, Color.INDIAN_RED, 3, true)
elif GodotAnnotate.selected_canvas == self:
draw_circle(get_local_mouse_position(), brush_size / 100 * max_brush_size / 2, brush_color)