Fixes for game updates ^1.93.1; Update v0.6.3

Improvements to the build script:
Regular expressions can now be generated and used automatically just by providing raw code segments of the original and the modified code;
Dictionary expressions can be generated with a similar mechanism.

Other changes:
The settings controls are now programmatically generated;
Removed the custom font setting because this was added to the base game; "Trebuchet MS" is now the default font for that setting instead of "sans-serif";
Removed the "hide all links" setting (the "Hide Links" option was removed from the base game), this could be replaced with a new "hide links" setting.
peshomir 2024-03-26 17:38:14 +02:00
parent 0fed20b940
commit f4e8debce8
3 changed files with 190 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -27,22 +27,67 @@ const escapeRegExp = (string) => string.replace(/[.*+\-?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')
//const dictionary = { __dictionaryVersion: '1.90.0 4 Feb 2024', playerId: 'bB', playerNames: 'hA', playerBalances: 'bC', playerTerritories: 'bj', gIsSingleplayer: 'fc', gIsTeamGame: 'cH' };
//if (!script.includes(`"${dictionary.__dictionaryVersion}"`)) throw new Error("Dictionary is outdated.");
let dictionary = {};
const matchDictionaryExpression = expression => {
result = expression.exec(script);
if (result === null) throw new Error("no match for ") + expression;
if (expression.exec(script) !== null) throw new Error("more than one match for: ") + expression;
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(result.groups)) dictionary[key] = value;
// Return value example:
// When this function is called with "var1=var2+1;" as the code
// and this matches "a=b+1;", the returned value will be the object: { var1: "a", var2: "b" }
const replaceRawCode = (/** @type {string} */ raw, /** @type {string} */ result, nameMappings) => {
const { expression, groups } = generateRegularExpression(raw, false, nameMappings);
let replacementString = result.replaceAll("$", "$$").replace(/\w+/g, match => {
return groups.hasOwnProperty(match) ? "$" + groups[match] : match;
const expressionMatchResult = replaceOne(expression, replacementString);
return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(groups).map(([identifier, groupNumber]) => [identifier, expressionMatchResult[groupNumber]]));
const generateRegularExpression = (/** @type {string} */ code, /** @type {boolean} */ isForDictionary, nameMappings) => {
const groups = {};
let groupNumberCounter = 1;
let raw = escapeRegExp(code).replace(isForDictionary ? /(?:@@)*(@?)(\w+)/g : /()(\w+)/g, (_match, modifier, word) => {
// if a substitution string for the "word" is specified in the nameMappings, use it
if (nameMappings && nameMappings[word] !== undefined) return nameMappings[word];
// if the "word" is a number or is one of these specific words, ingore it
if (/^\d/.test(word) || ["return", "this", "var", "function", "Math"].includes(word)) return word;
else if (groups[word] !== undefined) return "\\" + groups[word]; // regex numeric reference to the group
else {
groups[word] = groupNumberCounter++;
return modifier === "@" ? `(?<${word}>\\w+)` : "(\\w+)";
let expression = new RegExp(isForDictionary ? raw.replaceAll("@@", "@") : raw, "g");
return { expression, groups };
// this one broke in 1.91.3 /{\w+===(?<playerId>\w+)\?\w+\(175," Message to "/g,
// this one also broke in 1.91.3 /,\w+="Player: "\+(?<playerNames>\w+)\[\w+\],\w+=\(\w\+=" Balance: "\+\w+\.\w+\((?<playerBalances>\w+)\[\w+\]\)\)\+\(" Territory: "\+\w+\.\w+\((?<playerTerritories>\w+)\[\w+\]\)\)\+\(" Coords: "/g,
/(function \w+\((\w+),(\w+),(\w+),(\w+),(\w+)\){\6\.fillText\((?<playerNames>\w+)\[\2\],\4,\5\)),(\2<(?<gHumans>\w+)&&2!==(?<playerStates>\w+)\[)/g,
].forEach(expression => {
result = expression.exec(script);
if (result === null) throw new Error("no match for ") + expression;
if (expression.exec(script) !== null) throw new Error("more than one match for: ") + expression;
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(result.groups)) dictionary[key] = value;
const rawCodeSegments = [
rawCodeSegments.forEach(code => {
const { expression } = generateRegularExpression(code, true);
fs.writeFileSync("./build/fx_core.js", `const dictionary = ${JSON.stringify(dictionary)};\n` + fs.readFileSync("./build/fx_core.js").toString());
// Replace assets
@ -50,28 +95,34 @@ const assets = require('./assets.js');
replaceOne(/(\(4,"crown",4,")[^"]+"\),/g, "$1" + assets.crownIcon + "\"),");
replaceOne(/(\(6,"territorial\.io",6,")[^"]+"\),/g, "$1" + assets.fxClientLogo + "\"),");
// Add FXClient menu item in "More" menu
/*// Add FXClient menu item in "More" menu
// match },ug[0][5]={name:a79,id:5,mf:90,oU:0,e8:0},
'$1$2.push({$3:"FX Client v" + fx_version + " " + fx_update, $4: 20, $5: 0, $6: 0, $7: 70}),');
// Do not display hover effect on the last 2 items ( version and FX Client version) instead of only the last item
// match 0 === a9P ? ug[a9P].length - 1 : ug[a9P].length : 1,
replaceOne(/(0===(\w+)\?(\w+)\[\2\]\.length)-1:(\3\[\2\]\.length:1,)/g, "$1 - 2 : $4");
replaceOne(/(0===(\w+)\?(\w+)\[\2\]\.length)-1:(\3\[\2\]\.length:1,)/g, "$1 - 2 : $4");*/
// Add FX Client version info to the game version window
replaceRawCode(`ar.aAx("MenuGameVersion")||ar.aAz(new aB3(" "+aV.nU[84],gameVersion+"<br><a href='"`,
`ar.aAx("MenuGameVersion")||ar.aAz(new aB3(" "+aV.nU[84],gameVersion + "<br><b>" + "FX Client v" + fx_version + " " + fx_update + "</b><br><a href='"`);
// Max size for custom maps: from 4096x4096 to 8192x8192
// TODO: test this; it might cause issues with new boat mechanics?
{ // Add Troop Density and Maximum Troops in side panel
const { groups: { valuesArray } } = replaceOne(/(,(?<labelsArray>\w+)\[\d\]="Interest",\2\[\d\]="Income",\2\[\d\]="Time"),(\w+=\w+-\w+\(\w+,100\),\((?<valuesArray>\w+)=new Array\(\2\.length\)\)\[0\]=\w+)/g,
'$1, $<labelsArray>.push("Max Troops", "Density"), $3'); // add labels
/*const { groups: { valuesArray } } = replaceOne(/(,(?<labelsArray>\w+)\[\d\]="Interest",\2\[\d\]="Income",\2\[\d\]="Time"),(\w+=\w+-\w+\(\w+,100\),\((?<valuesArray>\w+)=new Array\(\2\.length\)\)\[0\]=\w+)/g,
'$1, $<labelsArray>.push("Max Troops", "Density"), $3'); // add labels*/
const { valuesArray } = replaceRawCode(`,labels[5]=aV.nU[76],labels[6]=aV.nU[77],labels[7]=aV.nU[78],a0Z=tn-eT(tn,100),(valuesArray=new Array(labels.length))[0]=io?`,
labels.push("Max Troops", "Density"), // add labels
a0Z=tn-eT(tn,100),(valuesArray=new Array(labels.length))[0]=io?`);
replaceOne(new RegExp(/(:(?<valueIndex>\w+)<7\?\w+\.\w+\.\w+\(valuesArray\[\2\]\)):(\w+\.\w+\(valuesArray\[7\]\))}/
.source.replace(/valuesArray/g, valuesArray), "g"),
'$1 : $<valueIndex> === 7 ? $3 '
+ `: $<valueIndex> === 8 ? utils.getMaxTroops(${dictionary.playerTerritories}, ${dictionary.playerId}) `
+ `: utils.getDensity(${dictionary.playerId}) }`);
// increase the size of the side panel by 25% to make the text easier to read
// match this.w = Math.floor((o ? .1646 : .126) * cZ),
replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=Math\.floor\(\(\w+\?\.1646:\.126\))\*(\w+\),)/g, "$1 * 1.25 * $2");
replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=Math\.floor\(\(\w+\.\w+\.\w+\(\)\?\.1646:\.126\))\*(\w+\.\w+\),)/g, "$1 * 1.25 * $2");
// Increment win counter on wins
@ -82,7 +133,7 @@ replaceOne(/(=function\((\w+)\){)([^}]+),((\w+\(0),\w+<100\?(\w+\.\w+)\(11,(\[\w
{ // Add settings button and win count
// render gear icon and win count
// cV.textAlign=cX,cV.textBaseline=cW,a03(,a9Y.gc,a9Y.m5,a9Y.tD,ug[a9P][0].mf,ug[a9P][0].oU,ug[a9P][0].e8,0===yk,ug[a9P][0].name),a9O))
/*// cV.textAlign=cX,cV.textBaseline=cW,a03(,a9Y.gc,a9Y.m5,a9Y.tD,ug[a9P][0].mf,ug[a9P][0].oU,ug[a9P][0].e8,0===yk,ug[a9P][0].name),a9O))
// l(A.f3, A.f4, A.hw, A.nI, z[0].f7, z[0].mx, z[0].cm, 0 === t, z[0].name, .6);
// cH.drawImage(settingsGearIcon,A.f3-A.hw/2,A.f4,A.nI,A.nI);
// cH.font = bt + Math.floor(A.nI * 0.4) + bu;
@ -93,14 +144,26 @@ const { groups } = replaceOne(/((?<canvas>\w+)\.textAlign=\w+,\2\.textBaseline=\
'$<canvas>.imageSmoothingEnabled = false, ' +
'$<canvas>.font = "bold " + Math.floor($<h> * 0.4) + "px " + settings.fontName, ' +
'(settings.displayWinCounter && !$<isMenuOpened> && $<canvas>.fillText("Win count: " + wins_counter, Math.floor($<x> + $<w> / 2), Math.floor(($<y> + $<h> / 2) * 2.1))), ' +
canvas.imageSmoothingEnabled = true,
canvas.drawImage(settingsGearIcon, x - width / 2, y, height, height),
canvas.imageSmoothingEnabled = false,
(settings.displayWinCounter && ( canvas.font = aY.g0.g1(1, Math.floor(height * 0.4)), canvas.fillText("Win count: " + wins_counter, Math.floor(x + width / 2), Math.floor((y + height / 2) * 2)) ) ),
// handle settings button click
replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=function\((?<mouseX>\w+),(?<mouseY>\w+)\){[^}]+?)if\((?<coordsGet>\w+=\w+\(\)),(?<isMenuOpened>\w+)\)(?<end>{for\([^}]+"Lobby ")/g,
/*replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=function\((?<mouseX>\w+),(?<mouseY>\w+)\){[^}]+?)if\((?<coordsGet>\w+=\w+\(\)),(?<isMenuOpened>\w+)\)(?<end>{for\([^}]+"Lobby ")/g,
'$1 $<coordsGet>; ' +
`var gearIconX = ${groups.x}-${groups.w}/2; ` +
// if (y > (C.f3-C.hw/2) && y < ((C.f3-C.hw/2)+C.nI) && A > C.f4 && A < (C.f4 + C.nI)) WindowManager.openWindow("settings");
`if ($<mouseX> > gearIconX && $<mouseX> < (gearIconX+${groups.h}) && $<mouseY> > ${groups.y} && $<mouseY> < (${groups.y}+${groups.h})) return WindowManager.openWindow("settings"); ` +
'if ($<isMenuOpened>) $<end>');
'if ($<isMenuOpened>) $<end>');*/
(gap <= mouseX && mouseY < jd + q6 && (ar.v2(), true)) || (mouseX >= gap - q6 / 0.7 && mouseY < jd + q6 && WindowManager.openWindow("settings"))
{ // Keybinds
@ -117,21 +180,21 @@ replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=function\((?<mouseX>\w+),(?<mouseY>\w+)\){[^}]+?)if\((?<c
"$1 if (keybindHandler($<event>.key)) return; $3");
// Enforce custom font name
script = script.replace(/"px sans-serif"/g, '"px " + settings.fontName');
// Set the default font to Trebuchet MS
script = script.replace(/sans-serif"/g, 'Trebuchet MS"');
// Realistic bot names setting
// matches c4[i] = c4[i].replace(a6U[dx], a6V[dx])
replaceOne(/(((\w+)\[\w+\])=\2\.replace\(\w+(\[\w+\]),\w+\4\))/g, "$1; if (settings.realisticNames) $3 = realisticNames;")
// Hide all links in main menu depending on settings
"$1 if (settings.hideAllLinks) $3[0] = $3[1] = $<linksHidden>; else $3[0] = $3[1] = true; $2")
//"$1 if (settings.hideAllLinks) $3[0] = $3[1] = $<linksHidden>; else $3[0] = $3[1] = true; $2")
// Make the main canvas context have an alpha channel if a custom background is being used
replaceOne(/(document\.getElementById\("canvasA"\),\(\w+=\w+\.getContext\("2d",){alpha:!1}/g, "$1 {alpha: makeMainMenuTransparent}")
// Clear canvas background if a custom background is being used
replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=function\(\){var (\w+),(\w+);)(\w+\.\w+\?\([^()]+setTransform\(\3=\2<\3\?\3:\2,0,0,\3,(?:Math\.floor\(\([^)]+\)\/2\)[,)]){2},(?:[^)]+\),){2}[^)]+\):(?<canvas>\w+)\.fillStyle=\w+\.\w+,\5\.fillRect\((?<wholeCanvas>0,0,\w+,\w+)\)}})/g,
replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=function\(\){var (\w+),(\w+);)(\w+\.\w+\?\([^()]+setTransform\(\3=\2<\3\?\3:\2,0,0,\3,(?:Math\.floor\(\([^)]+\)\/2\)[,)]){2},(?:[^)]+\),){2}[^)]+\):(?<canvas>\w+)\.fillStyle=\w+\.\w+,\5\.fillRect\((?<wholeCanvas>0,0,\w+\.\w+,\w+\.\w+)\)}})/g,
'$1 if (makeMainMenuTransparent) $<canvas>.clearRect($<wholeCanvas>); else $4')
// Track donations
@ -148,9 +211,10 @@ replaceOne(new RegExp(`,${dictionary.playerBalances}=new Uint32Array\\(\\w+\\),`
{ // Player list
// Draw player list button
const { groups: { drawFunction, topBarHeight } } = replaceOne(/(=1;function (?<drawFunction>\w+)\(\){[^}]+?(?<canvas>\w+)\.fillRect\(0,(?<topBarHeight>\w+),\w+,1\),(?:\3\.fillRect\([^()]+\),)+\3\.font=\w+,\3\.textBaseline=\w+,\3\.textAlign=\w+,\3\.fillText\(\w+,Math\.floor\()(\w+)\/2\),(Math\.floor\(\w+\+\w+\/2\)\));/g,
"$1($5 + $<topBarHeight> - 22) / 2), $6; playerList.drawButton($<canvas>, 12, 12, $<topBarHeight> - 22);");
const buttonBoundsCheck = `utils.isPointInRectangle($<x>, $<y>, ${dictionary.uiOffset} + 12, ${dictionary.uiOffset} + 12, ${topBarHeight} - 22, ${topBarHeight} - 22)`
const uiOffset = dictionary.uiSizes + "." +;
const { groups: { drawFunction, topBarHeight } } = replaceOne(/(=1;function (?<drawFunction>\w+)\(\){[^}]+?(?<canvas>\w+)\.fillRect\(0,(?<topBarHeight>\w+),\w+,1\),(?:\3\.fillRect\([^()]+\),)+\3\.font=\w+,(\w+\.\w+)\.textBaseline\(\3,1\),\5\.textAlign\(\3,1\),\3\.fillText\(\w+\.\w+\[65\],Math\.floor\()(\w+)\/2\),(Math\.floor\(\w+\+\w+\/2\)\));/g,
"$1($6 + $<topBarHeight> - 22) / 2), $7; playerList.drawButton($<canvas>, 12, 12, $<topBarHeight> - 22);");
const buttonBoundsCheck = `utils.isPointInRectangle($<x>, $<y>, ${uiOffset} + 12, ${uiOffset} + 12, ${topBarHeight} - 22, ${topBarHeight} - 22)`
// Handle player list button mouseDown
`$1 && (${buttonBoundsCheck} && playerList.display(${dictionary.playerNames}), true) && $4`);
@ -162,7 +226,7 @@ replaceOne(new RegExp(`,${dictionary.playerBalances}=new Uint32Array\\(\\w+\\),`
{ // Display density of other players
// Applies when the "Reverse Name/Balance" setting is off
const { groups: { settingsSwitchNameAndBalance } } = replaceOne(/(,(?<settingsSwitchNameAndBalance>\w+\.\w+\.\w+)\?(?<nameDrawingFunction>\w+)\(\w+,\w+,(?<x>\w+),(?<y>\w+)\+\.78\*(?<fontSize>\w+),(?<canvas>\w+)\)):(\7\.fillText\(\w+\.\w+\.\w+\(\w+\[(\w+)\]\),\4,\5\+\.78\*\6\))\)\)/g,
const { groups: { settingsSwitchNameAndBalance } } = replaceOne(/(,(?<settingsSwitchNameAndBalance>\w+\.\w+\.\w+\[7\]\.\w+)\?(?<nameDrawingFunction>\w+)\(\w+,\w+,(?<x>\w+),(?<y>\w+)\+\.78\*(?<fontSize>\w+),(?<canvas>\w+)\)):(\7\.fillText\(\w+\.\w+\.\w+\(\w+\[(\w+)\]\),\4,\5\+\.78\*\6\))\)\)/g,
`$1 : ($8, settings.showPlayerDensity && $<canvas>.fillText(utils.getDensity($9), $<x>, $<y> + $<fontSize> * 1.5)) ))`);
// Applies when the "Reverse Name/Balance" setting is on (default)
replaceOne(/(function \w+\((\w+),(?<fontSize>\w+),(?<x>\w+),(?<y>\w+),(?<canvas>\w+)\){\6\.fillText\((?<playerNames>\w+)\[\2\],\4,\5\)),(\2<(?<gHumans>\w+)&&2!==(?<playerStates>\w+)\[)/g,

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
const fx_version = ''; // FX Client Version
const fx_update = 'Mar 10'; // FX Client Last Updated
const fx_version = '0.6.3'; // FX Client Version
const fx_update = 'Mar 26'; // FX Client Last Updated
if (localStorage.getItem("fx_winCount") == undefined || localStorage.getItem("fx_winCount") == null) {
var wins_counter = 0;
@ -16,14 +16,25 @@ function escapeHtml(unsafe) {
function KeybindsInput(containerElement) {
this.container = containerElement;
const header = document.createElement("p");
header.innerText = "Attack Percentage Keybinds";
const keybindContainer = document.createElement("div");
keybindContainer.className = "arrayinput";
const keybindAddButton = document.createElement("button");
keybindAddButton.innerText = "Add";
containerElement.append(header, keybindContainer, keybindAddButton);
this.container = keybindContainer;
this.keys = [ "key", "type", "value" ];
this.objectArray = [];
this.addObject = function () {
this.objectArray.push({ key: "", type: "absolute", value: 1 });
document.getElementById("keybindAddButton").addEventListener("click", this.addObject.bind(this));
this.update = function () {
this.objectArray = settings.attackPercentageKeybinds;
keybindAddButton.addEventListener("click", this.addObject.bind(this));
this.displayObjects = function () {
// Clear the content of the container
this.container.innerHTML = "";
@ -89,11 +100,11 @@ function KeybindsInput(containerElement) {
var settings = {
"fontName": "Trebuchet MS",
"showBotDonations": false,
//"fontName": "Trebuchet MS",
//"showBotDonations": false,
"displayWinCounter": true,
"useFullscreenMode": false,
"hideAllLinks": false,
//"hideAllLinks": false,
"realisticNames": false,
"showPlayerDensity": true,
"densityDisplayStyle": "percentage",
@ -101,37 +112,80 @@ var settings = {
"customBackgroundUrl": "",
"attackPercentageKeybinds": [],
const discontinuedSettings = [ "hideAllLinks", "fontName" ];
let makeMainMenuTransparent = false;
var settingsManager = new (function() {
var inputFields = { // (includes select menus)
fontName: document.getElementById("settings_fontname"),
customBackgroundUrl: document.getElementById("settings_custombackgroundurl"),
densityDisplayStyle: document.getElementById("settings_densityDisplayStyle")
var checkboxFields = {
//showBotDonations: document.getElementById("settings_donations_bots"),
hideAllLinks: document.getElementById("settings_hidealllinks"),
realisticNames: document.getElementById("settings_realisticnames"),
displayWinCounter: document.getElementById("settings_displaywincounter"),
useFullscreenMode: document.getElementById("settings_usefullscreenmode"),
showPlayerDensity: document.getElementById("settings_showPlayerDensity"),
//customMapFileBtn: document.getElementById("settings_custommapfileinput")
const settingsStructure = [
//{ for: "fontName", type: "textInput", label: "Font name:", placeholder: "Enter font name", tooltip: "Name of the font to be used for rendering. For example: Arial, Georgia, sans-serif, serif, Comic Sans MS, ..."},
{ type: "button", text: "Reset Wins Counter", action: removeWins },
{ for: "displayWinCounter", type: "checkbox", label: "Display win counter" },
{ for: "useFullscreenMode", type: "checkbox", label: "Use fullscreen mode", note: "Note: fullscreen mode will trigger after you click anywhere on the page due to browser policy restrictions." },
//{ for: "hideAllLinks", type: "checkbox", label: "Hide Links option also hides app store links" },
{ for: "realisticNames", type: "checkbox", label: "Realistic Bot Names" },
{ for: "showPlayerDensity", type: "checkbox", label: "Show player density" },
{ for: "densityDisplayStyle", type: "selectMenu", label: "Density value display style:", tooltip: "Controls how the territorial density value should be rendered", options: [
{ value: "percentage", label: "Percentage" },
{ value: "absoluteQuotient", label: "Value from 0 to 150 (BetterTT style)" }
{ for: "customBackgroundUrl", type: "textInput", label: "Custom main menu background:", placeholder: "Enter an image URL here", tooltip: "A custom image to be shown as the main menu background instead of the currently selected map." },
const settingsContainer = document.querySelector(".settings .scrollable");
var inputFields = {}; // (includes select menus)
var checkboxFields = {};
var customElements = [];
settingsStructure.forEach(item => {
if (typeof item === "function") {
const container = document.createElement("div");
customElements.push(new item(container));
return settingsContainer.append(container);
const label = document.createElement("label");
if (item.tooltip) label.title = item.tooltip;
const isValueInput = item.type.endsWith("Input");
const element = document.createElement(isValueInput || item.type === "checkbox" ? "input" : item.type === "selectMenu" ? "select" : "button");
if (item.type === "textInput") element.type = "text";
if (item.placeholder) element.placeholder = item.placeholder;
if (isValueInput || item.type === "selectMenu") inputFields[item.for] = element;
if (item.text) element.innerText = item.text;
if (item.action) element.addEventListener("click", item.action);
if (item.label) label.append(item.label + " ");
if (item.note) {
const note = document.createElement("small");
note.innerText = item.note;
label.append(document.createElement("br"), note)
if (item.options) item.options.forEach(option => {
const optionElement = document.createElement("option");
optionElement.setAttribute("value", option.value);
optionElement.innerText = option.label;
if (item.type === "checkbox") {
element.type = "checkbox";
const checkmark = document.createElement("span");
checkmark.className = "checkmark";
label.className = "checkbox";
checkboxFields[item.for] = element;
} else label.append(document.createElement("br"));
settingsContainer.append(label, document.createElement("br"));
}); = function() {
Object.keys(inputFields).forEach(function(key) { settings[key] = inputFields[key].value.trim(); });
Object.keys(checkboxFields).forEach(function(key) { settings[key] = checkboxFields[key].checked; });
discontinuedSettings.forEach(settingName => delete settings[settingName]);
localStorage.setItem("fx_settings", JSON.stringify(settings));
// should probably firgure out a way to do this without reloading - // You can't do it, localstorages REQUIRE you to reload
let keybindsInput = new KeybindsInput(document.getElementById("keybinds"));
this.syncFields = function() {
Object.keys(inputFields).forEach(function(key) { inputFields[key].value = settings[key]; });
Object.keys(checkboxFields).forEach(function(key) { checkboxFields[key].checked = settings[key]; });
keybindsInput.objectArray = settings.attackPercentageKeybinds;
customElements.forEach(element => element.update());
this.resetAll = function() {
if (!confirm("Are you Really SURE you want to RESET ALL SETTINGS back to the default?")) return;

View File

@ -43,13 +43,15 @@
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
background: rgb(0, 0, 0);
touch-action: none;
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-khtml-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
a {
color: rgb(225, 225, 255);
@ -59,7 +61,7 @@
<div class="window flex settings" style="display:none">
<div class="scrollable">
<label title="Name of the font to be used for rendering. For example: Arial, Georgia, sans-serif, serif, Comic Sans MS, ...">
<!--<label title="Name of the font to be used for rendering. For example: Arial, Georgia, sans-serif, serif, Comic Sans MS, ...">
Font name: <input id="settings_fontname" placeholder="Enter font name" value="Arial"></label><br>
<br><button onclick="removeWins()">Reset Wins Counter</button><br><br>
<!- -<label for="settings_donations_bots" class="checkbox">
@ -102,7 +104,7 @@
</label>- ->
<p>Attack Percentage Keybinds</p>
<div id="keybinds" class="arrayinput"></div>
<button id="keybindAddButton">Add</button>
<button id="keybindAddButton">Add</button>-->