#+TITLE: Contact Information #+DATE: <2022-09-17 Sat> #+TAGS: contact * Email ~humanoidsandvichdispenser@gmail.com~ [[https://sandvich.xyz/sandvich.gpg][Click here to download GPG key]] or use the command below to import: \\ ~curl https://sandvich.xyz/sandvich.gpg | gpg --import~ All emails from me will be signed with my GPG key. \\ Signature: ~1643 9496 7ED2 8385 A5FE DBCD 9A39 BE37 E602 B22D~ * Discord/Matrix Discord: ~pyrofromcsgo~ \\ Matrix: ~@humanoidsandvichdispenser:matrix.org~ * Other You can instead sign in to GitHub or remain anonymous and leave a comment below.