#+TITLE: Software I Use/Recommend #+DATE: <2022-09-05 Mon> #+TAGS: software emacs Dotfiles can be viewed [[https://github.com/humanoidsandvichdispenser/dotfiles][here]] (emacs config in a separate repo). * Terminal Emulator I mainly use ~st~ because it starts up instantly. I occassionally use ~alacritty~ since fonts and emojis are currently broken on my build. * Shell ~zsh~. It's a better interactive shell that isn't ~fish~. I wouldn't use ~fish~ because I'm used to writing ~bash~ syntax. * Window Manager I use ~bspwm~. It's very easy to configure, and you can easily script it. I've noticed as more time passes, the more logic I include in my configuration file. * Text Editing I've been a Neovim user for a few years, but recently, I have switched to Emacs. What I really like about Emacs is that you if some small functionality is missing, you can easily write it. I wouldn't say Emacs Lisp is the greatest language, but it is the most fun language to write in. #+attr_org: :width 512px #+attr_html: :src ../../assets/emacs.png [[../assets/emacs.png]] * File Manager I'm either going to be manually managing my files on the command line or using a GUI, usually Thunar. I do not like TUI file managers because I'm too slow for them. * Web Browser I use Firefox. * Document Editing I used to write my documents using LaTeX, but now I usually write them in Org Mode because it's a lot more convenient and does more stuff.