#+TITLE: Batch download music into your Jellyfin server! #+DATE: <2023-01-25 Wed> #+TAGS[]: jellyfin software technology /Disclaimer: this guide is only for educational purposes and I do not recommend or condone any of this./ [[https://cdn.7tv.app/emote/60ae3804259ac5a73e2bff3d/3x.png]] * Deemix [[https://gitlab.com/Bockiii/deemix-docker][Docker container]] I have no association with this software (educational purposes only). * Docker Compose Here's my ~docker-compose.yml~ that sets up both Deemix and Jellyfin (just an example, I don't actually use this 👍 +500 social credit) #+begin_src yaml version: "2.1" services: jellyfin: image: lscr.io/linuxserver/jellyfin:latest container_name: jellyfin environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - TZ=America/Los_Angeles volumes: - /data/jellyfin/config:/config - /data/jellyfin/deemix:/data/deemix-downloads ports: - 8096:8096 restart: unless-stopped deemix: image: registry.gitlab.com/bockiii/deemix-docker container_name: Deemix volumes: - /data/deemix/config:/config - /data/jellyfin/deemix:/downloads environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - UMASK_SET=022 - DEEMIX_SINGLE_USER=true ports: - 6595:6595 restart: unless-stopped #+end_src * How use [[https://cdn.7tv.app/emote/603caa69faf3a00014dff0b1/1x.png]] ❓ Make sure that the Deemix download directory is mounted to both Deemix and Jellyfin to automate the process. #+attr_org: :width 256px #+attr_html: :src /assets/deemix-download.png [[../assets/deemix-download.png]] In my ~docker-compose.yml~, the container directory ~/downloads~ is mounted/bound to the host directory ~/data/jellyfin/deemix~. #+attr_org: :width 256px #+attr_html: :src /assets/jellyfin-deemix.png [[../assets/jellyfin-deemix.png]] ...which is also bound to my Jellyfin server at the container directory ~/data/deemix-downloads~ #+attr_org: :width 256px #+attr_html: :src /assets/deemix.png [[../assets/deemix.png]] Now I just search up any song, album, or discography, and it will instantly show up on the Jellyfin server.