from import Generator from datetime import timedelta, datetime from time import sleep import requests from sqlalchemy.sql import exists, func, select, update from sqlalchemy.types import DATETIME, Interval import app_db import models.match from models.match import Match from models.team_match import TeamMatch from models.player import Player from models.player_match import PlayerMatch from models.player_team import PlayerTeam from models.team_integration import TeamLogsTfIntegration from celery import shared_task FETCH_URL = "{}" SEARCH_URL = "{}" def get_log_ids(last_log_id: int): current: int = 2147483647 while current > last_log_id: response = requests.get(SEARCH_URL.format(current)) for summary in response.json()["logs"]: id: int = summary["id"] if id == last_log_id: break # yield models.match.RawLogSummary.from_response(summary) yield id current = id def extract(log_id: int) -> models.match.RawLogDetails: response = requests.get(FETCH_URL.format(log_id)) return response.json() def steam3_to_steam64(steam3_id: str) -> int: if steam3_id.startswith("[U:1:") and steam3_id.endswith("]"): numeric_id = int(steam3_id[5:-1]) steam64_id = numeric_id + 76561197960265728 return steam64_id else: raise ValueError("Invalid Steam3 ID format") def steam64_to_steam3(steam64_id: int) -> str: if steam64_id >= 76561197960265728: numeric_id = steam64_id - 76561197960265728 steam3_id = f"[U:1:{numeric_id}]" return steam3_id else: raise ValueError("Invalid Steam64 ID format") def extract_steam_ids(players: dict[str, models.match.LogPlayer]): blue_steam_ids: list[int] = [] red_steam_ids: list[int] = [] steam_ids: list[int] = [] for steam_id, player in players.items(): steam64_id = steam3_to_steam64(steam_id) steam_ids.append(steam64_id) if player["team"] == "Red": red_steam_ids.append(steam64_id) elif player["team"] == "Blue": blue_steam_ids.append(steam64_id) return steam_ids, blue_steam_ids, red_steam_ids @shared_task def update_playtime(steam_ids: list[int]): # update players with playtime (recalculate through aggregation) #subquery = ( # app_db.db.session.query( #, # func.sum(Match.duration).label("total_playtime") # ) # .join(PlayerMatch, PlayerMatch.player_id == PlayerTeam.player_id) # .join(Match, PlayerMatch.match_id == Match.logs_tf_id) # .join(TeamMatch, TeamMatch.match_id == Match.logs_tf_id) # .where(PlayerTeam.player_id.in_(steam_ids)) # .where(PlayerTeam.team_id == TeamMatch.team_id) # .group_by( # .subquery() #) steam_ids_int = list(map(lambda x: int(x), steam_ids)) ptp = ( select("id"), func.sum(Match.duration).label("playtime") ) .select_from(PlayerTeam) .join(PlayerMatch, PlayerMatch.player_id == PlayerTeam.player_id) .join(Match, PlayerMatch.match_id == Match.logs_tf_id) .join(TeamMatch, TeamMatch.match_id == Match.logs_tf_id) .where( PlayerTeam.player_id.in_(steam_ids_int), PlayerTeam.team_id == TeamMatch.team_id ) .group_by( .cte("ptp") ) stmt = ( update(PlayerTeam) .values( playtime=( select(ptp.c.playtime) .where( == ) ) .where( exists( select(1) .select_from(ptp) .where( == ) ) ) app_db.db.session.execute(stmt) app_db.db.session.commit() def get_common_teams(steam_ids: list[str]): return ( app_db.db.session.query( PlayerTeam.team_id, func.count(PlayerTeam.team_id), TeamLogsTfIntegration.min_team_member_count, #aggregate_func ) .outerjoin( TeamLogsTfIntegration, TeamLogsTfIntegration.team_id == PlayerTeam.team_id ) .where(PlayerTeam.player_id.in_(steam_ids)) .group_by(PlayerTeam.team_id) .order_by(func.count(PlayerTeam.team_id).desc()) .all() ) def transform( log_id: int, details: models.match.RawLogDetails, existing_match: Match | None = None, invoked_by_team_id: int | None = None ): steam_ids, blue_steam_ids, red_steam_ids = extract_steam_ids(details["players"]) # fetch players in steam_ids if they exist players = ( app_db.db.session.query(Player) .where(Player.steam_id.in_(steam_ids)) .all() ) if len(players) == 0: return if not existing_match: match = Match() match.logs_tf_id = log_id match.logs_tf_title = details["info"]["title"] match.blue_score = details["teams"]["Blue"]["score"] match.red_score = details["teams"]["Red"]["score"] match.duration = details["length"] match.match_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(details["info"]["date"]) yield match else: match = existing_match #app_db.db.session.add(match) for player in players: player_data = details["players"][steam64_to_steam3(player.steam_id)] if not player_data: print(f"Player {player.steam_id} not found in log {log_id}") continue player_match = PlayerMatch() player_match.player_id = player.steam_id player_match.match_id = match.logs_tf_id player_match.kills = player_data["kills"] player_match.deaths = player_data["deaths"] player_match.assists = player_data["assists"] player_match.damage = player_data["dmg"] player_match.damage_taken = player_data["dt"] yield player_match # get common teams # if common teams exist, automatically create a TeamMatch for the match for team, ids in { "Blue": blue_steam_ids, "Red": red_steam_ids }.items(): for row in get_common_teams(ids): row_tuple = tuple(row) team_id = row_tuple[0] player_count = row_tuple[1] log_min_player_count = row_tuple[2] or 100 should_create_team_match = False if invoked_by_team_id and team_id == invoked_by_team_id: # if manually uploading a log, then add TeamMatch for the team # that uploaded the log should_create_team_match = True elif not invoked_by_team_id and player_count >= log_min_player_count: # if automatically fetching logs, then add TeamMatch for teams # with player count >= log_min_player_count should_create_team_match = True if should_create_team_match: team_match = TeamMatch() team_match.team_id = team_id team_match.match_id = match.logs_tf_id team_match.team_color = team yield team_match #app_db.db.session.flush() update_playtime.delay(list(map(lambda x: str(x), steam_ids))) @shared_task def load_specific_match(id: int, team_id: int | None): match = ( app_db.db.session.query(Match) .where(Match.logs_tf_id == id) .first() ) raw_match = extract(id) app_db.db.session.bulk_save_objects(transform(id, raw_match, match, team_id)) app_db.db.session.commit() sleep(3) # avoid rate limiting if multiple tasks are queued def main(): last: int = ( app_db.db.session.query( func.max(models.match.Match.logs_tf_id) ).scalar() ) or 3767233 for summary in get_log_ids(last): print(summary) sleep(3)