msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Dialogue Manager\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.2.2\n"

msgid "start_a_new_file"
msgstr "Start a new file"

msgid "open_a_file"
msgstr "Open a file"

msgid ""
msgstr "Open..."

msgid "open.no_recent_files"
msgstr "No recent files"

msgid "open.clear_recent_files"
msgstr "Clear recent files"

msgid "save_all_files"
msgstr "Save all files"

msgid "test_dialogue"
msgstr "Test dialogue"

msgid "search_for_text"
msgstr "Search for text"

msgid "insert"
msgstr "Insert"

msgid "translations"
msgstr "Translations"

msgid "settings"
msgstr "Settings"

msgid "docs"
msgstr "Docs"

msgid "insert.wave_bbcode"
msgstr "Wave BBCode"

msgid "insert.shake_bbcode"
msgstr "Shake BBCode"

msgid "insert.typing_pause"
msgstr "Typing pause"

msgid "insert.typing_speed_change"
msgstr "Typing speed change"

msgid "insert.auto_advance"
msgstr "Auto advance"

msgid "insert.templates"
msgstr "Templates"

msgid "insert.title"
msgstr "Title"

msgid "insert.dialogue"
msgstr "Dialogue"

msgid "insert.response"
msgstr "Response"

msgid "insert.random_lines"
msgstr "Random lines"

msgid "insert.random_text"
msgstr "Random text"

msgid "insert.actions"
msgstr "Actions"

msgid "insert.jump"
msgstr "Jump to title"

msgid "insert.end_dialogue"
msgstr "End dialogue"

msgid "generate_line_ids"
msgstr "Generate line IDs"

msgid "save_characters_to_csv"
msgstr "Save character names to CSV..."

msgid "save_to_csv"
msgstr "Save lines to CSV..."

msgid "import_from_csv"
msgstr "Import line changes from CSV..."

msgid "confirm_close"
msgstr "Save changes to '{path}'?"

msgid ""
msgstr "Save changes"

msgid "confirm_close.discard"
msgstr "Discard"

msgid ""
msgstr "Save"

msgid "buffer.save_as"
msgstr "Save as..."

msgid "buffer.close"
msgstr "Close"

msgid "buffer.close_all"
msgstr "Close all"

msgid "buffer.close_other_files"
msgstr "Close other files"

msgid "buffer.copy_file_path"
msgstr "Copy file path"

msgid "buffer.show_in_filesystem"
msgstr "Show in FileSystem"

msgid "settings.revert_to_default_test_scene"
msgstr "Revert to default test scene"

msgid "settings.autoload"
msgstr "Autload"

msgid "settings.path"
msgstr "Path"

msgid "settings.new_template"
msgstr "New dialogue files will start with template text"

msgid "settings.missing_keys"
msgstr "Treat missing translation keys as errors"

msgid "settings.missing_keys_hint"
msgstr "If you are using static translation keys then having this enabled will help you find any lines that you haven't added a key to yet."

msgid "settings.wrap_long_lines"
msgstr "Wrap long lines"

msgid "settings.include_failed_responses"
msgstr "Include responses with failed conditions"

msgid "settings.custom_test_scene"
msgstr "Custom test scene (must extend BaseDialogueTestScene)"

msgid "settings.states_shortcuts"
msgstr "State Shortcuts"

msgid "settings.states_message"
msgstr "If an autoload is enabled here you can refer to its properties and methods without having to use its name."

msgid "settings.states_hint"
msgstr "ie. Instead of \"SomeState.some_property\" you could just use \"some_property\""

msgid "n_of_n"
msgstr "{index} of {total}"

msgid "search.previous"
msgstr "Previous"

msgid ""
msgstr "Next"

msgid "search.match_case"
msgstr "Match case"

msgid "search.toggle_replace"
msgstr "Replace"

msgid "search.replace_with"
msgstr "Replace with:"

msgid "search.replace"
msgstr "Replace"

msgid "search.replace_all"
msgstr "Replace all"

msgid "files_list.filter"
msgstr "Filter files"

msgid "titles_list.filter"
msgstr "Filter titles"

msgid "errors.line_and_message"
msgstr "Error at {line}, {column}: {message}"

msgid "errors_in_script"
msgstr "You have errors in your script. Fix them and then try again."

msgid "errors_with_build"
msgstr "You need to fix dialogue errors before you can run your game."

msgid "errors.import_errors"
msgstr "There are errors in this imported file."

msgid "errors.already_imported"
msgstr "File already imported."

msgid "errors.duplicate_import"
msgstr "Duplicate import name."

msgid "errors.empty_title"
msgstr "Titles cannot be empty."

msgid "errors.duplicate_title"
msgstr "There is already a title with that name."

msgid "errors.nested_title"
msgstr "Titles cannot be nested."

msgid "errors.invalid_title_string"
msgstr "Titles can only contain alphanumeric characters and numbers."

msgid "errors.invalid_title_number"
msgstr "Titles cannot begin with a number."

msgid "errors.unknown_title"
msgstr "Unknown title."

msgid "errors.jump_to_invalid_title"
msgstr "This jump is pointing to an invalid title."

msgid "errors.title_has_no_content"
msgstr "That title has no content. Maybe change this to a \"=> END\"."

msgid "errors.invalid_expression"
msgstr "Expression is invalid."

msgid "errors.unexpected_condition"
msgstr "Unexpected condition."

msgid "errors.duplicate_id"
msgstr "This ID is already on another line."

msgid "errors.missing_id"
msgstr "This line is missing an ID."

msgid "errors.invalid_indentation"
msgstr "Invalid indentation."

msgid "errors.condition_has_no_content"
msgstr "A condition line needs an indented line below it."

msgid "errors.incomplete_expression"
msgstr "Incomplate expression."

msgid "errors.invalid_expression_for_value"
msgstr "Invalid expression for value."

msgid "errors.file_not_found"
msgstr "File not found."

msgid "errors.unexpected_end_of_expression"
msgstr "Unexpected end of expression."

msgid "errors.unexpected_function"
msgstr "Unexpected function."

msgid "errors.unexpected_bracket"
msgstr "Unexpected bracket."

msgid "errors.unexpected_closing_bracket"
msgstr "Unexpected closing bracket."

msgid "errors.missing_closing_bracket"
msgstr "Missing closing bracket."

msgid "errors.unexpected_operator"
msgstr "Unexpected operator."

msgid "errors.unexpected_comma"
msgstr "Unexpected comma."

msgid "errors.unexpected_colon"
msgstr "Unexpected colon."

msgid "errors.unexpected_dot"
msgstr "Unexpected dot."

msgid "errors.unexpected_boolean"
msgstr "Unexpected boolean."

msgid "errors.unexpected_string"
msgstr "Unexpected string."

msgid "errors.unexpected_number"
msgstr "Unexpected number."

msgid "errors.unexpected_variable"
msgstr "Unexpected variable."

msgid "errors.invalid_index"
msgstr "Invalid index."

msgid "errors.unexpected_assignment"
msgstr "Unexpected assignment."

msgid "errors.unknown"
msgstr "Unknown syntax."

msgid "update.available"
msgstr "v{version} available"

msgid "update.is_available_for_download"
msgstr "Version %s is available for download!"

msgid "update.downloading"
msgstr "Downloading..."

msgid "update.download_update"
msgstr "Download update"

msgid "update.needs_reload"
msgstr "The project needs to be reloaded to install the update."

msgid "update.reload_ok_button"
msgstr "Reload project"

msgid "update.reload_cancel_button"
msgstr "Do it later"

msgid "update.reload_project"
msgstr "Reload project"

msgid "update.release_notes"
msgstr "Read release notes"

msgid "update.success"
msgstr "Dialogue Manager is now v{version}."

msgid "update.failed"
msgstr "There was a problem downloading the update."

msgid "runtime.no_resource"
msgstr "No dialogue resource provided."

msgid "runtime.no_content"
msgstr "\"{file_path}\" has no content."

msgid "runtime.errors"
msgstr "You have {count} errors in your dialogue text."

msgid "runtime.error_detail"
msgstr "Line {line}: {message}"

msgid "runtime.errors_see_details"
msgstr "You have {count} errors in your dialogue text. See Output for details."

msgid "runtime.invalid_expression"
msgstr "\"{expression}\" is not a valid expression: {error}"

msgid "runtime.unsupported_array_method"
msgstr "Calling \"{method_name}\" on an array isn't supported."

msgid "runtime.unsupported_dictionary_method"
msgstr "Calling \"{method_name}\" on a dictionary isn't supported."

msgid "runtime.array_index_out_of_bounds"
msgstr "Index {index} out of bounds of array \"{array}\"."

msgid "runtime.left_hand_size_cannot_be_assigned_to"
msgstr "Left hand side of expression cannot be assigned to."

msgid "runtime.key_not_found"
msgstr "Key \"{key}\" not found in dictionary \"{dictionary}\""

msgid "runtime.property_not_found"
msgstr "\"{property}\" is not a property on any game states ({states})."

msgid "runtime.method_not_found"
msgstr "\"{method}\" is not a method on any game states ({states})"

msgid "runtime.signal_not_found"
msgstr "\"{signal_name}\" is not a signal on any game states ({states})"

msgid "runtime.method_not_callable"
msgstr "\"{method}\" is not a callable method on \"{object}\""

msgid "runtime.unknown_operator"
msgstr "Unknown operator."

msgid "runtime.something_went_wrong"
msgstr "Something went wrong."