using Godot; using SupaLidlGame.Utils; namespace SupaLidlGame.Characters { public partial class Player : Character { private AnimatedSprite2D _sprite; private string _spriteAnim; [Export] public PlayerCamera Camera { get; set; } public string Animation { get => _sprite.Animation; set { // the Player.Animation property might be set before this node is // even ready, so if _sprite is null, then we just hold the new // animation in a temp value, which will be assigned once this // node is ready if (_sprite is null) { _spriteAnim = value; return; } _sprite.Play(value); } } public override void _Ready() { _sprite = GetNode("Sprite"); if (_spriteAnim != default) { _sprite.Animation = _spriteAnim; } } public override void ModifyVelocity() { if (StateMachine.State is State.PlayerRollState) { Velocity *= 2; } base.ModifyVelocity(); } public override void Stun(float time) { base.Stun(time); Camera.Shake(2, 0.8f); // TODO: implement visual effects for stun } public override void Die() { GD.Print("died"); //base.Die(); } } }