392 lines
26 KiB
392 lines
26 KiB
const beautify = require('js-beautify').js;
const fs = require('fs');
if (!fs.existsSync("./build")) fs.mkdirSync("./build");
fs.cpSync("./static/", "./build/", { recursive: true });
fs.cpSync("./assets/", "./build/assets/", { recursive: true });
fs.cpSync("./src/fx_core.js", "./build/fx_core.js");
fs.writeFileSync("./build/index.html", fs.readFileSync("./build/index.html").toString().replace(/buildTimestamp/g, Date.now()));
let script = fs.readFileSync('./game/latest.js', { encoding: 'utf8' }).replace("\n", "").trim();
const replaceOne = (expression, replaceValue) => {
const result = matchOne(expression);
// this (below) works correctly because expression.lastIndex gets reset above in matchOne when there is no match
script = script.replace(expression, replaceValue);
return result;
const matchOne = (expression) => {
const result = expression.exec(script);
if (result === null) throw new Error("no match for: ") + expression;
if (expression.exec(script) !== null) throw new Error("more than one match for: " + expression);
return result;
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/63838890
const escapeRegExp = (string) => string.replace(/[.*+\-?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
//const dictionary = { __dictionaryVersion: '1.90.0 4 Feb 2024', playerId: 'bB', playerNames: 'hA', playerBalances: 'bC', playerTerritories: 'bj', gIsSingleplayer: 'fc', gIsTeamGame: 'cH' };
//if (!script.includes(`"${dictionary.__dictionaryVersion}"`)) throw new Error("Dictionary is outdated.");
const dictionary = {};
const matchDictionaryExpression = expression => {
result = expression.exec(script);
if (result === null) throw new Error("no match for ") + expression;
if (expression.exec(script) !== null) throw new Error("more than one match for: ") + expression;
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(result.groups)) dictionary[key] = value;
// Return value example:
// When replaceRawCode or matchRawCode are called with "var1=var2+1;" as the code
// and this matches "a=b+1;", the returned value will be the object: { var1: "a", var2: "b" }
const replaceRawCode = (/** @type {string} */ raw, /** @type {string} */ result, nameMappings) => {
const { expression, groups } = generateRegularExpression(raw, false, nameMappings);
let replacementString = result.replaceAll("$", "$$").replace(/\w+/g, match => {
return groups.hasOwnProperty(match) ? "$" + groups[match] : match;
let expressionMatchResult;
try { expressionMatchResult = replaceOne(expression, replacementString); }
catch (e) {
throw new Error("replaceRawCode match error:\n\n" + e + "\n\nRaw code: " + raw + "\n");
return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(groups).map(([identifier, groupNumber]) => [identifier, expressionMatchResult[groupNumber]]));
const matchRawCode = (/** @type {string} */ raw, nameMappings) => {
const { expression, groups } = generateRegularExpression(raw, false, nameMappings);
const expressionMatchResult = matchOne(expression);
return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(groups).map(([identifier, groupNumber]) => [identifier, expressionMatchResult[groupNumber]]));
const generateRegularExpression = (/** @type {string} */ code, /** @type {boolean} */ isForDictionary, nameMappings) => {
const groups = {};
let groupNumberCounter = 1;
let raw = escapeRegExp(code).replace(isForDictionary ? /(?:@@)*(@?)(\w+)/g : /()(\w+)/g, (_match, modifier, word) => {
// if a substitution string for the "word" is specified in the nameMappings, use it
if (nameMappings && nameMappings.hasOwnProperty(word)) return nameMappings[word];
// if the "word" is a number or is one of these specific words, ingore it
if (/^\d/.test(word) || ["return", "this", "var", "function", "Math"].includes(word)) return word;
else if (groups.hasOwnProperty(word)) return "\\" + groups[word]; // regex numeric reference to the group
else {
groups[word] = groupNumberCounter++;
return modifier === "@" ? `(?<${word}>\\w+)` : "(\\w+)";
let expression = new RegExp(isForDictionary ? raw.replaceAll("@@", "@") : raw, "g");
return { expression, groups };
/function \w+\(\)\{if\(2===(?<game>\w+)\.(?<gameState>\w+)\)return 1;\w+\.\w+\(\),\1\.\2=2,\1\.\w+=\1.\w+\}/g,
/(function \w+\((\w+),(?<fontSize>\w+),(?<x>\w+),(?<y>\w+),(?<canvas>\w+)\){)(\6\.fillText\((?<playerData>\w+)\.(?<playerNames>\w+)\[\2\],\4,\5\)),(\2<(?<game>\w+)\.(?<gHumans>\w+)&&2!==\8\.(?<playerStates>\w+)\[[^}]+)}/g
const rawCodeSegments = [
`for(a0L=new Array(@game.@gMaxPlayers),a0A.font=a07,@i=game.gMaxPlayers-1;0<=i;i--)a0L[i]=i+1+".",@playerData.@playerNames[i]=aY.qW.tm(playerData.@rawPlayerNames[i],a07,a0W),a0K[i]=Math.floor(a0A.measureText(playerData.playerNames[i]).width);`,
rawCodeSegments.forEach(code => {
const { expression } = generateRegularExpression(code, true);
fs.writeFileSync("./build/fx_core.js", `const dictionary = ${JSON.stringify(dictionary)};\n` + fs.readFileSync("./build/fx_core.js").toString());
// Constants for easy usage of otherwise long variable access expressions
const dict = dictionary;
const playerId = `${dict.game}.${dict.playerId}`;
const rawPlayerNames = `${dict.playerData}.${dict.rawPlayerNames}`;
const gIsSingleplayer = `${dict.game}.${dict.gIsSingleplayer}`;
// Replace assets
const assets = require('./assets.js');
replaceOne(/(\(4,"crown",4,")[^"]+"\),/g, "$1" + assets.crownIcon + "\"),");
replaceOne(/(\(6,"territorial\.io",6,")[^"]+"\),/g, "$1" + assets.fxClientLogo + "\"),");
// Add FX Client version info to the game version window
replaceRawCode(`ar.oa(4,1,new s8("ℹ️ "+Translations.txt[84],gameVersion+"<br><a href='"+ah.aC5+"' target='_blank'>"+ah.aC5+"</a>",`,
`ar.oa(4,1,new s8("ℹ️ "+Translations.txt[84],gameVersion+"<br><a href='"+ah.aC5+"' target='_blank'>"+ah.aC5+"</a>"
+ "<br><br><b>" + "FX Client v" + fx_version + " " + fx_update + "<br><a href='https://discord.gg/dyxcwdNKwK' target='_blank'>FX Client Discord server</a>"
+ "<br><a href='https://github.com/fxclient/FXclient' target='_blank'>Github repository</a></b>",`);
// Max size for custom maps: from 4096x4096 to 8192x8192
// TODO: test this; it might cause issues with new boat mechanics?
{ // Add Troop Density and Maximum Troops in side panel
const { valuesArray } = replaceRawCode(`,labels[5]=aV.nU[76],labels[6]=aV.nU[77],labels[7]=aV.nU[78],a0Z=game.tn-eT(game.tn,100),(valuesArray=new Array(labels.length))[0]=game.io?`,
labels.push("Max Troops", "Density"), // add labels
a0Z=game.tn-eT(game.tn,100),(valuesArray=new Array(labels.length))[0]=game.io?`);
replaceOne(new RegExp(/(:(?<valueIndex>\w+)<7\?\w+\.\w+\.\w+\(valuesArray\[\2\]\)):(\w+\.\w+\(valuesArray\[7\]\))}/
.source.replace(/valuesArray/g, valuesArray), "g"),
'$1 : $<valueIndex> === 7 ? $3 '
+ `: $<valueIndex> === 8 ? utils.getMaxTroops(${dict.playerData}.${dict.playerTerritories}, ${playerId}) `
+ `: utils.getDensity(${playerId}) }`);
// increase the size of the side panel by 25% to make the text easier to read
replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=Math\.floor\(\(\w+\.\w+\.\w+\(\)\?\.1646:\.126\))\*(\w+\.\w+\),)/g, "$1 * 1.25 * $2");
// Increment win counter on wins
if (${playerId} === sE && !${gIsSingleplayer})
wins_counter++, window.localStorage.setItem("fx_winCount", wins_counter),
xD(0,"Your Win Count is now " + wins_counter,3,sE,ad.gN,ad.kl,-1,!0);
{ // Add settings button and win count
// render gear icon and win count
canvas.imageSmoothingEnabled = true,
canvas.drawImage(settingsGearIcon, x - width / 2, y, height, height),
canvas.imageSmoothingEnabled = false,
(settings.displayWinCounter && (
canvas.font = aY.g0.g1(1, Math.floor(height * 0.4)),
canvas.fillStyle = "#ffffff",
canvas.fillText("Win count: " + wins_counter, Math.floor(x + width / 2), Math.floor((y + height / 2) * 2))
// handle settings button click
(gap <= mouseX && mouseY < jd + q6 && (ar.v2(1), true)) || (mouseX >= gap - q6 / 0.7 && mouseY < jd + q6 && WindowManager.openWindow("settings"))
{ // Keybinds
// match required variables
const { 0: match, groups: { attackBarObject, setRelative } } = matchOne(/:"."===(\w+\.key)\?(?<attackBarObject>\w+)\.(?<setRelative>\w+)\(31\/32\):"."===\1\?\2\.\3\(32\/31\):/g,);
// create a setAbsolutePercentage function on the attack percentage bar object,
// and also register the keybind handler functions
replaceOne(/}(function \w+\((\w+)\){return!\(1<\2&&1===(?<attackPercentage>\w+)\|\|\(1<\2&&\2\*\3-\3<1\/1024\?\2=\(\3\+1\/1024\)\/\3:\2<1)/g,
"} this.setAbsolutePercentage = function(newPercentage) { $<attackPercentage> = newPercentage; }; "
+ "keybindFunctions.setAbsolute = this.setAbsolutePercentage; "
+ `keybindFunctions.setRelative = (arg1) => ${attackBarObject}.${setRelative}(arg1); $1`);
// insert keybind handling code into the keyDown handler function
replaceOne(new RegExp(/(function \w+\((?<event>\w+)\){)([^}]+matched)/g.source.replace(/matched/g, escapeRegExp(match)), "g"),
"$1 if (keybindHandler($<event>.key)) return; $3");
// Set the default font to Trebuchet MS
script = script.replace(/sans-serif"/g, 'Trebuchet MS"');
// Realistic bot names setting
// matches c4[i] = c4[i].replace(a6U[dx], a6V[dx])
replaceOne(/(((\w+)\[\w+\])=\2\.replace\(\w+(\[\w+\]),\w+\4\))/g, "$1; if (settings.realisticNames) $3 = realisticNames;")
// Hide all links in main menu depending on settings
//"$1 if (settings.hideAllLinks) $3[0] = $3[1] = $<linksHidden>; else $3[0] = $3[1] = true; $2")
// Make the main canvas context have an alpha channel if a custom background is being used
replaceOne(/(document\.getElementById\("canvasA"\),\(\w+=\w+\.getContext\("2d",){alpha:!1}/g, "$1 {alpha: makeMainMenuTransparent}")
// Clear canvas background if a custom background is being used
replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=function\(\){var (\w+),(\w+);)(\w+\.\w+\?\([^()]+setTransform\(\3=\2<\3\?\3:\2,0,0,\3,(?:Math\.floor\(\([^)]+\)\/2\)[,)]){2},(?:[^)]+\),){2}[^)]+\):(?<canvas>\w+)\.fillStyle=\w+\.\w+,\5\.fillRect\((?<wholeCanvas>0,0,\w+\.\w+,\w+\.\w+)\)}})/g,
'$1 if (makeMainMenuTransparent) $<canvas>.clearRect($<wholeCanvas>); else $4')
// Track donations
"$1 donationsTracker.logDonation($2, $3, $5[0]); $4")
// Display donations for a player when clicking on them in the leaderboard
// and skip handling clicks when clicking on an empty space (see the isEmptySpace
// variable in the modified leaderboard click handler from the leaderboard filter)
// match , 0 !== dG[x]) && fq.hB(x, 800, false, 0),
`, ${dict.game}.${dict.gIsTeamGame} && donationsTracker.displayHistory($2, ${rawPlayerNames}, ${gIsSingleplayer}), $1 && !isEmptySpace $3`);
// Reset donation history and leaderboard filter when a new game is started
replaceOne(new RegExp(`,this\\.${dictionary.playerBalances}.fill\\(0\\),`, "g"), "$& donationsTracker.reset(), leaderboardFilter.reset(), ");
{ // Player list and leaderboard filter tabs
// Draw player list button
const uiOffset = dictionary.uiSizes + "." + dictionary.gap;
const { groups: { drawFunction, topBarHeight } } = replaceOne(/(=1;function (?<drawFunction>\w+)\(\){[^}]+?(?<canvas>\w+)\.fillRect\(0,(?<topBarHeight>\w+),\w+,1\),(?:\3\.fillRect\([^()]+\),)+\3\.font=\w+,(\w+\.\w+)\.textBaseline\(\3,1\),\5\.textAlign\(\3,1\),\3\.fillText\(\w+\.\w+\[65\],Math\.floor\()(\w+)\/2\),(Math\.floor\(\w+\+\w+\/2\)\));/g,
"$1($6 + $<topBarHeight> - 22) / 2), $7; playerList.drawButton($<canvas>, 12, 12, $<topBarHeight> - 22);");
const buttonBoundsCheck = `utils.isPointInRectangle($<x>, $<y>, ${uiOffset} + 12, ${uiOffset} + 12, ${topBarHeight} - 22, ${topBarHeight} - 22)`
// Handle player list button and leaderboard tabs mouseDown
// and create a function for scrolling the leaderboard to the top
`leaderboardFilter.scrollToTop = function(){position = 0;}, $1 && ((${buttonBoundsCheck} && playerList.display(${rawPlayerNames}), true)
&& !($<y> - ${uiOffset} > leaderboardFilter.verticalClickThreshold && leaderboardFilter.handleMouseDown($<x> - ${uiOffset})) && $4),!0)`);
// Handle player list button and leaderboard tabs hover
// and create a function for repainting the leaderboard
replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=function\((?<x>\w+),(?<y>\w+)\){)(var \w+,\w+=\w+\(\3\);return \w+\?\(\w+=(\w+),\(\5=\w+\(0,\5\+=(?:[^}]+,(?<setRepaintNeeded>\w+\.\w+=!0)){2})/g,
`leaderboardFilter.repaintLeaderboard = function() { ${drawFunction}(), $<setRepaintNeeded>; },
$1 if (${buttonBoundsCheck}) { playerList.hoveringOverButton === false && (playerList.hoveringOverButton = true, ${drawFunction}(), $<setRepaintNeeded>); }
else { playerList.hoveringOverButton === true && (playerList.hoveringOverButton = false, ${drawFunction}(), $<setRepaintNeeded>); }
if (leaderboardFilter.setHovering(
utils.isPointInRectangle($<x>, $<y>, ${uiOffset}, ${uiOffset} + leaderboardFilter.verticalClickThreshold, leaderboardFilter.windowWidth, leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset), $<x> - ${uiOffset}
)) return; $4`);
{ // Display density of other players
const r = matchRawCode(`bD.dO.data[7].value?a9W(i,jm,jk,jl,ctx):a9V(ctx,i,jm,jk,jl,a9S)))`);
const settingsSwitchNameAndBalance = `${r.bD}.${r.dO}.${r.data}[7].${r.value}`;
// Applies when the "Reverse Name/Balance" setting is off
replaceRawCode("function a9V(ctx,i,fontSize,x,y,a9S){i=ac.jv.formatNumber(playerData.playerBalances[i]);a9S>>1&1?(ctx.lineWidth=.05*fontSize,ctx.strokeStyle=a9U(fontSize,a9S%2),ctx.strokeText(i,x,y)):(1<a9S&&(ctx.lineWidth=.12*fontSize,ctx.strokeStyle=a9U(fontSize,a9S),ctx.strokeText(i,x,y)),ctx.fillText(i,x,y))}",
`function a9V(ctx,i,fontSize,x,y,a9S){
var ___id = i;
${settingsSwitchNameAndBalance} || settings.showPlayerDensity && (settings.coloredDensity && (ctx.fillStyle = utils.textStyleBasedOnDensity(___id)), ctx.fillText(utils.getDensity(___id), x, y + fontSize))}`)
// Applies when the "Reverse Name/Balance" setting is on (default)
replaceOne(/(function \w+\((\w+),(?<fontSize>\w+),(?<x>\w+),(?<y>\w+),(?<canvas>\w+)\){)(\6\.fillText\((?<playerData>\w+)\.(?<playerNames>\w+)\[\2\],\4,\5\)),(\2<(?<game>\w+)\.(?<gHumans>\w+)&&2!==\8\.(?<playerStates>\w+)\[[^}]+)}/g,
`$1 var ___id = $2; $7, $10; ${settingsSwitchNameAndBalance} && settings.showPlayerDensity && (settings.coloredDensity && ($<canvas>.fillStyle = utils.textStyleBasedOnDensity(___id)), $<canvas>.fillText(utils.getDensity(___id), $<x>, $<y> + $<fontSize>)); }`);
{ // Leaderboard filter
// for the leaderboard draw function:
replaceRawCode("function drawFunction(){a0A.clearRect(0,0,a04,y9),a0A.fillStyle=aZ.lE,a0A.fillRect(0,0,a04,a0F),a0A.fillStyle=aZ.kZ,a0A.fillRect(0,a0F,a04,y9-a0F),leaderboardPositionsById[game.playerId]>=position&&a0Z(leaderboardPositionsById[game.playerId]-position,aZ.kw),0!==leaderboardPositionsById[game.playerId]&&0===position&&a0Z(0,aZ.lJ),-1!==a0P&&a0Z(a0P,aZ.kd),a0A.fillStyle=aZ.gF,a0A.fillRect(0,a0F,a04,1),a0A.fillRect(0,0,a04,b0.ur),a0A.fillRect(0,0,b0.ur,y9),a0A.fillRect(a04-b0.ur,0,b0.ur,y9),a0A.fillRect(0,y9-b0.ur,a04,b0.ur),",
`var leaderboardHasChanged = true;
this.playerPos = game.playerId;
leaderboardFilter.setUpdateFlag = () => leaderboardHasChanged = true;
function updateFilteredLb() {
if (!leaderboardHasChanged) return;
leaderboardFilter.filteredLeaderboard = leaderboardFilter.playersToInclude
.map(id => leaderboardPositionsById[id]).sort((a, b) => a - b);
leaderboardHasChanged = false;
this.playerPos = leaderboardFilter.filteredLeaderboard.indexOf(leaderboardPositionsById[game.playerId]);
function drawFunction() {
a0A.clearRect(0, 0, a04, y9),
a0A.fillStyle = aZ.lE,
a0A.fillRect(0, 0, a04, a0F),
a0A.fillStyle = aZ.kZ,
a0A.fillRect(0, a0F, a04, y9 - a0F);
if (leaderboardFilter.enabled) updateFilteredLb();
var playerPos = (leaderboardFilter.enabled
? this.playerPos
: leaderboardPositionsById[game.playerId]
if (leaderboardFilter.hoveringOverTabs) a0P = -1;
if (leaderboardFilter.enabled && a0P >= leaderboardFilter.filteredLeaderboard.length) a0P = -1;
playerPos >= position && a0Z(playerPos - position, aZ.kw),
0 !== leaderboardPositionsById[game.playerId] && 0 === position && a0Z(0, aZ.lJ),
-1 !== a0P && a0Z(a0P, aZ.kd),
a0A.fillStyle = aZ.kZ,
//console.log("drawing", a0P),
a0A.clearRect(0, y9 - leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset, a04, leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset);
a0A.fillRect(0, y9 - leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset, a04, leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset);
a0A.fillStyle = aZ.gF,
a0A.fillRect(0, a0F, a04, 1),
a0A.fillRect(0, y9 - leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset, a04, 1),
leaderboardFilter.drawTabs(a0A, a04, y9 - leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset, aZ.kw),
a0A.fillRect(0, 0, a04, b0.ur),
a0A.fillRect(0, 0, b0.ur, y9),
a0A.fillRect(a04 - b0.ur, 0, b0.ur, y9),
a0A.fillRect(0, y9 - b0.ur, a04, b0.ur),`)
replaceRawCode("var hZ,eh=leaderboardPositionsById[game.playerId]<position+windowHeight-1?1:2;for(a0A.font=a07,aY.g0.textAlign(a0A,0),hZ=windowHeight-eh;0<=hZ;hZ--)a0a(leaderboardArray[hZ+position]),a0b(hZ,hZ+position,leaderboardArray[hZ+position]);for(aY.g0.textAlign(a0A,2),hZ=windowHeight-eh;0<=hZ;hZ--)a0a(leaderboardArray[hZ+position]),a0c(hZ,leaderboardArray[hZ+position]);",
`var hZ, eh = playerPos < position + windowHeight - 1 ? 1 : 2;
if (leaderboardFilter.enabled) {
let result = leaderboardFilter.filteredLeaderboard;
if (position !== 0 && position >= result.length - windowHeight)
position = (result.length > windowHeight ? result.length : windowHeight) - windowHeight;
//if (position >= result.length) position = result.length - 1;
for (a0A.font = a07, aY.g0.textAlign(a0A, 0), hZ = windowHeight - eh; 0 <= hZ; hZ--) {
const pos = result[hZ + position];
if (pos !== undefined)
a0a(leaderboardArray[pos]), a0b(hZ, pos, leaderboardArray[pos]);
for (aY.g0.textAlign(a0A, 2), hZ = windowHeight - eh; 0 <= hZ; hZ--) {
const pos = result[hZ + position];
if (pos !== undefined)
a0a(leaderboardArray[pos]), a0c(hZ, leaderboardArray[pos]);
} else {
for (a0A.font = a07, aY.g0.textAlign(a0A, 0), hZ = windowHeight - eh; 0 <= hZ; hZ--)
a0a(leaderboardArray[hZ + position]), a0b(hZ, hZ + position, leaderboardArray[hZ + position]);
for (aY.g0.textAlign(a0A, 2), hZ = windowHeight - eh; 0 <= hZ; hZ--)
a0a(leaderboardArray[hZ + position]), a0c(hZ, leaderboardArray[hZ + position]);
// in the leaderboard resize handler: make space for the tab buttons at the bottom of the leaderboard
a09.height = y9 += a0G, leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset = Math.floor(a0G * 1.3), leaderboardFilter.verticalClickThreshold = y9 - leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset, leaderboardFilter.windowWidth = a04,
// Set the leaderboardHasChanged flag on leaderboard updates
replaceRawCode("for(var eM=a0q-1;0<=eM;eM--)a14[eM]=jR[eM],a15[eM]=a8.f8[jR[eM]];a14[a0q]=a0l[b.ed],a15[a0q]=a8.f8[b.ed]",
`for(var eM=a0q-1;0<=eM;eM--)a14[eM]=jR[eM],a15[eM]=a8.f8[jR[eM]];a14[a0q]=a0l[b.ed],a15[a0q]=a8.f8[b.ed]; leaderboardHasChanged = true;`);
// handle clicking on a player in the leaderboard
replaceRawCode("var a0p=a0q(fJ);return ag.tQ()&&-1!==a0P&&(a0P=-1,a0Y(),b3.d1=!0),b3.dY-a0Q<350&&a0T===a0p&&-1!==(a0p=(a0p=yr(-1,a0p,windowHeight))!==windowHeight&&vU(x,y)?a0p:-1)&&(x=leaderboardArray[a0p+position],a0p===windowHeight-1&&leaderboardPositionsById[game.playerId]>=position+windowHeight-1&&(x=game.playerId),",
`var a0p = a0q(fJ);
var isEmptySpace = false;
return ag.tQ() && -1 !== a0P && (a0P = -1, a0Y(), b3.d1 = !0), b3.dY - a0Q < 350 && a0T === a0p && -1 !== (a0p = (a0p = yr(-1, a0p, windowHeight)) !== windowHeight && vU(x, y) ? a0p : -1) && (x = (leaderboardFilter.enabled ? (updateFilteredLb(), leaderboardArray[leaderboardFilter.filteredLeaderboard[a0p + position] ?? (isEmptySpace = true, leaderboardPositionsById[game.playerId])]) : leaderboardArray[a0p + position]), a0p === windowHeight - 1 && (leaderboardFilter.enabled ? this.playerPos : leaderboardPositionsById[game.playerId]) >=
position + windowHeight - 1 && (x = game.playerId), !isEmptySpace && `);
// Get clan parsing function
replaceRawCode(`this.uI=function(username){var uK,uJ=username.indexOf("[");return!(uJ<0)&&1<(uK=username.indexOf("]"))-uJ&&uK-uJ<=8?username.substring(uJ+1,uK).toUpperCase().trim():null},`,
`this.uI=function(username){var uK,uJ=username.indexOf("[");return!(uJ<0)&&1<(uK=username.indexOf("]"))-uJ&&uK-uJ<=8?username.substring(uJ+1,uK).toUpperCase().trim():null}, leaderboardFilter.parseClanFromPlayerName = this.uI;`);
{ // Hovering tooltip
replaceRawCode("this.click=function(gG,gH,uH){var fd=an.fe(gG),ff=an.fg(gH),fh=an.fi(fd,ff),fj=an.fk(fh);return!(!an.fl(fd,ff)||(fd=(bB.d3.isUIZoomEnabled()?.025:.0144)*aO.g4,ff=performance.now(),Math.abs(gG-wK)>fd)||Math.abs(gH-wL)>fd||dg+500<ff)&&(dg=ff,uH?(function(gG,gH,fj){a3.ek(fj)||-1===(gG=ao.fr.wq(gG,gH))?l.wp(fj):l.wr(gG)}(gG,gH,fj),",
`hoveringTooltip.display = function(mouseX, mouseY) {
var coordX = an.fe(mouseX), coordY = an.fg(mouseY),
coord = an.fi(coordX, coordY), point = an.fk(coord);
if (coordX < 0 || coordY < 0) return;
(function(gG, gH, fj) {
a3.ek(fj) || -1 === (gG = ao.fr.wq(gG, gH)) ? l.wp(fj) : l.wr(gG)
}(mouseX, mouseY, point))
this.click = function(gG, gH, uH) {
var fd = an.fe(gG),
ff = an.fg(gH),
fh = an.fi(fd, ff),
fj = an.fk(fh);
return !(!an.fl(fd, ff) || (fd = (bB.d3.isUIZoomEnabled() ? .025 : .0144) * aO.g4, ff = performance.now(), Math.abs(gG - wK) > fd) || Math.abs(gH - wL) > fd || dg + 500 < ff) && (dg = ff, uH ? (function(gG, gH, fj) {
a3.ek(fj) || -1 === (gG = ao.fr.wq(gG, gH)) ? l.wp(fj) : l.wr(gG)
}(gG, gH, fj),`)
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console.log("Build done"); |