
398 lines
27 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters!

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that may be processed differently from what appears below. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal hidden characters.

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

const beautify = require('js-beautify').js;
const fs = require('fs');
if (!fs.existsSync("./build")) fs.mkdirSync("./build");
fs.cpSync("./static/", "./build/", { recursive: true });
fs.cpSync("./assets/", "./build/assets/", { recursive: true });
fs.cpSync("./src/fx_core.js", "./build/fx_core.js");
fs.writeFileSync("./build/index.html", fs.readFileSync("./build/index.html").toString().replace(/buildTimestamp/g, Date.now()));
let script = fs.readFileSync('./game/latest.js', { encoding: 'utf8' }).replace("\n", "").trim();
const replaceOne = (expression, replaceValue) => {
const result = matchOne(expression);
// this (below) works correctly because expression.lastIndex gets reset above in matchOne when there is no match
script = script.replace(expression, replaceValue);
return result;
const matchOne = (expression) => {
const result = expression.exec(script);
if (result === null) throw new Error("no match for: ") + expression;
if (expression.exec(script) !== null) throw new Error("more than one match for: " + expression);
return result;
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/63838890
const escapeRegExp = (string) => string.replace(/[.*+\-?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
//const dictionary = { __dictionaryVersion: '1.90.0 4 Feb 2024', playerId: 'bB', playerNames: 'hA', playerBalances: 'bC', playerTerritories: 'bj', gIsSingleplayer: 'fc', gIsTeamGame: 'cH' };
//if (!script.includes(`"${dictionary.__dictionaryVersion}"`)) throw new Error("Dictionary is outdated.");
let dictionary = {};
const matchDictionaryExpression = expression => {
result = expression.exec(script);
if (result === null) throw new Error("no match for ") + expression;
if (expression.exec(script) !== null) throw new Error("more than one match for: ") + expression;
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(result.groups)) dictionary[key] = value;
// Return value example:
// When replaceRawCode or matchRawCode are called with "var1=var2+1;" as the code
// and this matches "a=b+1;", the returned value will be the object: { var1: "a", var2: "b" }
const replaceRawCode = (/** @type {string} */ raw, /** @type {string} */ result, nameMappings) => {
const { expression, groups } = generateRegularExpression(raw, false, nameMappings);
let replacementString = result.replaceAll("$", "$$").replace(/\w+/g, match => {
return groups.hasOwnProperty(match) ? "$" + groups[match] : match;
const expressionMatchResult = replaceOne(expression, replacementString);
return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(groups).map(([identifier, groupNumber]) => [identifier, expressionMatchResult[groupNumber]]));
const matchRawCode = (/** @type {string} */ raw, nameMappings) => {
const { expression, groups } = generateRegularExpression(raw, false, nameMappings);
const expressionMatchResult = matchOne(expression);
return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(groups).map(([identifier, groupNumber]) => [identifier, expressionMatchResult[groupNumber]]));
const generateRegularExpression = (/** @type {string} */ code, /** @type {boolean} */ isForDictionary, nameMappings) => {
const groups = {};
let groupNumberCounter = 1;
let raw = escapeRegExp(code).replace(isForDictionary ? /(?:@@)*(@?)(\w+)/g : /()(\w+)/g, (_match, modifier, word) => {
// if a substitution string for the "word" is specified in the nameMappings, use it
if (nameMappings && nameMappings.hasOwnProperty(word)) return nameMappings[word];
// if the "word" is a number or is one of these specific words, ingore it
if (/^\d/.test(word) || ["return", "this", "var", "function", "Math"].includes(word)) return word;
else if (groups.hasOwnProperty(word)) return "\\" + groups[word]; // regex numeric reference to the group
else {
groups[word] = groupNumberCounter++;
return modifier === "@" ? `(?<${word}>\\w+)` : "(\\w+)";
let expression = new RegExp(isForDictionary ? raw.replaceAll("@@", "@") : raw, "g");
return { expression, groups };
// this one broke in 1.91.3 /{\w+===(?<playerId>\w+)\?\w+\(175," Message to "/g,
// this one also broke in 1.91.3 /,\w+="Player: "\+(?<playerNames>\w+)\[\w+\],\w+=\(\w\+=" Balance: "\+\w+\.\w+\((?<playerBalances>\w+)\[\w+\]\)\)\+\(" Territory: "\+\w+\.\w+\((?<playerTerritories>\w+)\[\w+\]\)\)\+\(" Coords: "/g,
/(function \w+\((\w+),(\w+),(\w+),(\w+),(\w+)\){\6\.fillText\((?<playerNames>\w+)\[\2\],\4,\5\)),(\2<(?<gHumans>\w+)&&2!==(?<playerStates>\w+)\[)/g,
/function \w+\(\)\{if\(2===(?<gameState>\w+)\)return 1;\w+\.\w+\(\),\1=2,\w+=\w+\}/g
const rawCodeSegments = [
`for(a0L=new Array(@gMaxPlayers),a0A.font=a07,@i=gMaxPlayers-1;0<=i;i--)a0L[i]=i+1+".",@playerNames[i]=aY.qW.tm(@rawPlayerNames[i],a07,a0W),a0K[i]=Math.floor(a0A.measureText(playerNames[i]).width);`
rawCodeSegments.forEach(code => {
const { expression } = generateRegularExpression(code, true);
fs.writeFileSync("./build/fx_core.js", `const dictionary = ${JSON.stringify(dictionary)};\n` + fs.readFileSync("./build/fx_core.js").toString());
// Replace assets
const assets = require('./assets.js');
replaceOne(/(\(4,"crown",4,")[^"]+"\),/g, "$1" + assets.crownIcon + "\"),");
replaceOne(/(\(6,"territorial\.io",6,")[^"]+"\),/g, "$1" + assets.fxClientLogo + "\"),");
/*// Add FXClient menu item in "More" menu
// match },ug[0][5]={name:a79,id:5,mf:90,oU:0,e8:0},
'$1$2.push({$3:"FX Client v" + fx_version + " " + fx_update, $4: 20, $5: 0, $6: 0, $7: 70}),');
// Do not display hover effect on the last 2 items (territorial.io version and FX Client version) instead of only the last item
// match 0 === a9P ? ug[a9P].length - 1 : ug[a9P].length : 1,
replaceOne(/(0===(\w+)\?(\w+)\[\2\]\.length)-1:(\3\[\2\]\.length:1,)/g, "$1 - 2 : $4");*/
// Add FX Client version info to the game version window
//replaceRawCode(`ar.aAx("MenuGameVersion")||ar.aAz(new aB3(" "+aV.nU[84],gameVersion+"<br><a href='"`,
replaceRawCode(`ar.oa(4,1,new s8(" "+Translations.txt[84],gameVersion+"<br><a href='"+ah.aC5+"' target='_blank'>"+ah.aC5+"</a>",`,
`ar.oa(4,1,new s8(" "+Translations.txt[84],gameVersion+"<br><a href='"+ah.aC5+"' target='_blank'>"+ah.aC5+"</a>"
+ "<br><br><b>" + "FX Client v" + fx_version + " " + fx_update + "<br><a href='https://discord.gg/dyxcwdNKwK' target='_blank'>FX Client Discord server</a>"
+ "<br><a href='https://github.com/fxclient/FXclient' target='_blank'>Github repository</a></b>",`);
// Max size for custom maps: from 4096x4096 to 8192x8192
// TODO: test this; it might cause issues with new boat mechanics?
{ // Add Troop Density and Maximum Troops in side panel
/*const { groups: { valuesArray } } = replaceOne(/(,(?<labelsArray>\w+)\[\d\]="Interest",\2\[\d\]="Income",\2\[\d\]="Time"),(\w+=\w+-\w+\(\w+,100\),\((?<valuesArray>\w+)=new Array\(\2\.length\)\)\[0\]=\w+)/g,
'$1, $<labelsArray>.push("Max Troops", "Density"), $3'); // add labels*/
const { valuesArray } = replaceRawCode(`,labels[5]=aV.nU[76],labels[6]=aV.nU[77],labels[7]=aV.nU[78],a0Z=tn-eT(tn,100),(valuesArray=new Array(labels.length))[0]=io?`,
labels.push("Max Troops", "Density"), // add labels
a0Z=tn-eT(tn,100),(valuesArray=new Array(labels.length))[0]=io?`);
replaceOne(new RegExp(/(:(?<valueIndex>\w+)<7\?\w+\.\w+\.\w+\(valuesArray\[\2\]\)):(\w+\.\w+\(valuesArray\[7\]\))}/
.source.replace(/valuesArray/g, valuesArray), "g"),
'$1 : $<valueIndex> === 7 ? $3 '
+ `: $<valueIndex> === 8 ? utils.getMaxTroops(${dictionary.playerTerritories}, ${dictionary.playerId}) `
+ `: utils.getDensity(${dictionary.playerId}) }`);
// increase the size of the side panel by 25% to make the text easier to read
replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=Math\.floor\(\(\w+\.\w+\.\w+\(\)\?\.1646:\.126\))\*(\w+\.\w+\),)/g, "$1 * 1.25 * $2");
// Increment win counter on wins
`$1 if (${dictionary.playerId} === $2) wins_counter++, window.localStorage.setItem("fx_winCount", wins_counter); ` +
`$3, $4, $5, "Your Current Win Count is Now " + wins_counter, $8, $<end>`);*/
if (${dictionary.playerId} === rC && !${dictionary.gIsSingleplayer})
wins_counter++, window.localStorage.setItem("fx_winCount", wins_counter),
vm(0,"Your Win Count is now " + wins_counter,3,rC,aZ.gG,aZ.ka,-1,!0);
{ // Add settings button and win count
// render gear icon and win count
/*// cV.textAlign=cX,cV.textBaseline=cW,a03(a9Y.gb,a9Y.gc,a9Y.m5,a9Y.tD,ug[a9P][0].mf,ug[a9P][0].oU,ug[a9P][0].e8,0===yk,ug[a9P][0].name),a9O))
// l(A.f3, A.f4, A.hw, A.nI, z[0].f7, z[0].mx, z[0].cm, 0 === t, z[0].name, .6);
// cH.drawImage(settingsGearIcon,A.f3-A.hw/2,A.f4,A.nI,A.nI);
// cH.font = bt + Math.floor(A.nI * 0.4) + bu;
// cH.fillText("Win count: " + wins_counter, Math.floor(A.f3 + A.hw / 2), Math.floor((A.f4 + A.nI / 2) * 2.1));
const { groups } = replaceOne(/((?<canvas>\w+)\.textAlign=\w+,\2\.textBaseline=\w+,\w+\((?<x>(?<coords>\w+).\w+),(?<y>\4.\w+),(?<w>\4.\w+),(?<h>\4.\w+),[^)]+\)),(?<end>(?<isMenuOpened>\w+)\)\))/g, '$1, ' +
'$<canvas>.imageSmoothingEnabled = true, ' +
'$<canvas>.drawImage(settingsGearIcon, $<x>-$<w>/2, $<y>, $<h>, $<h>), ' +
'$<canvas>.imageSmoothingEnabled = false, ' +
'$<canvas>.font = "bold " + Math.floor($<h> * 0.4) + "px " + settings.fontName, ' +
'(settings.displayWinCounter && !$<isMenuOpened> && $<canvas>.fillText("Win count: " + wins_counter, Math.floor($<x> + $<w> / 2), Math.floor(($<y> + $<h> / 2) * 2.1))), ' +
canvas.imageSmoothingEnabled = true,
canvas.drawImage(settingsGearIcon, x - width / 2, y, height, height),
canvas.imageSmoothingEnabled = false,
(settings.displayWinCounter && (
canvas.font = aY.g0.g1(1, Math.floor(height * 0.4)),
canvas.fillStyle = "#ffffff",
canvas.fillText("Win count: " + wins_counter, Math.floor(x + width / 2), Math.floor((y + height / 2) * 2))
// handle settings button click
/*replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=function\((?<mouseX>\w+),(?<mouseY>\w+)\){[^}]+?)if\((?<coordsGet>\w+=\w+\(\)),(?<isMenuOpened>\w+)\)(?<end>{for\([^}]+"Lobby ")/g,
'$1 $<coordsGet>; ' +
`var gearIconX = ${groups.x}-${groups.w}/2; ` +
// if (y > (C.f3-C.hw/2) && y < ((C.f3-C.hw/2)+C.nI) && A > C.f4 && A < (C.f4 + C.nI)) WindowManager.openWindow("settings");
`if ($<mouseX> > gearIconX && $<mouseX> < (gearIconX+${groups.h}) && $<mouseY> > ${groups.y} && $<mouseY> < (${groups.y}+${groups.h})) return WindowManager.openWindow("settings"); ` +
'if ($<isMenuOpened>) $<end>');*/
(gap <= mouseX && mouseY < jd + q6 && (ar.v2(1), true)) || (mouseX >= gap - q6 / 0.7 && mouseY < jd + q6 && WindowManager.openWindow("settings"))
{ // Keybinds
// match required variables
const { 0: match, groups: { attackBarObject, setRelative } } = matchOne(/:"."===(\w+\.key)\?(?<attackBarObject>\w+)\.(?<setRelative>\w+)\(31\/32\):"."===\1\?\2\.\3\(32\/31\):/g,);
// create a setAbsolutePercentage function on the attack percentage bar object,
// and also register the keybind handler functions
replaceOne(/}(function \w+\((\w+)\){return!\(1<\2&&1===(?<attackPercentage>\w+)\|\|\(1<\2&&\2\*\3-\3<1\/1024\?\2=\(\3\+1\/1024\)\/\3:\2<1)/g,
"} this.setAbsolutePercentage = function(newPercentage) { $<attackPercentage> = newPercentage; }; "
+ "keybindFunctions.setAbsolute = this.setAbsolutePercentage; "
+ `keybindFunctions.setRelative = (arg1) => ${attackBarObject}.${setRelative}(arg1); $1`);
// insert keybind handling code into the keyDown handler function
replaceOne(new RegExp(/(function \w+\((?<event>\w+)\){)([^}]+matched)/g.source.replace(/matched/g, escapeRegExp(match)), "g"),
"$1 if (keybindHandler($<event>.key)) return; $3");
// Set the default font to Trebuchet MS
script = script.replace(/sans-serif"/g, 'Trebuchet MS"');
// Realistic bot names setting
// matches c4[i] = c4[i].replace(a6U[dx], a6V[dx])
replaceOne(/(((\w+)\[\w+\])=\2\.replace\(\w+(\[\w+\]),\w+\4\))/g, "$1; if (settings.realisticNames) $3 = realisticNames;")
// Hide all links in main menu depending on settings
//"$1 if (settings.hideAllLinks) $3[0] = $3[1] = $<linksHidden>; else $3[0] = $3[1] = true; $2")
// Make the main canvas context have an alpha channel if a custom background is being used
replaceOne(/(document\.getElementById\("canvasA"\),\(\w+=\w+\.getContext\("2d",){alpha:!1}/g, "$1 {alpha: makeMainMenuTransparent}")
// Clear canvas background if a custom background is being used
replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=function\(\){var (\w+),(\w+);)(\w+\.\w+\?\([^()]+setTransform\(\3=\2<\3\?\3:\2,0,0,\3,(?:Math\.floor\(\([^)]+\)\/2\)[,)]){2},(?:[^)]+\),){2}[^)]+\):(?<canvas>\w+)\.fillStyle=\w+\.\w+,\5\.fillRect\((?<wholeCanvas>0,0,\w+\.\w+,\w+\.\w+)\)}})/g,
'$1 if (makeMainMenuTransparent) $<canvas>.clearRect($<wholeCanvas>); else $4')
// Track donations
"$1 donationsTracker.logDonation($2, $3, $5[0]); $4")
// Display donations for a player when clicking on them in the leaderboard
// and skip handling clicks when clicking on an empty space (see the isEmptySpace
// variable in the modified leaderboard click handler from the leaderboard filter)
// match , 0 !== dG[x]) && fq.hB(x, 800, false, 0),
`, ${dictionary.gIsTeamGame} && donationsTracker.displayHistory($2, ${dictionary.rawPlayerNames}, ${dictionary.gIsSingleplayer}), $1 && !isEmptySpace $3`);
// Reset donation history and leaderboard filter when a new game is started
replaceOne(new RegExp(`,${dictionary.playerBalances}=new Uint32Array\\(\\w+\\),`, "g"), "$& donationsTracker.reset(), leaderboardFilter.reset(), ");
{ // Player list and leaderboard filter tabs
// Draw player list button
const uiOffset = dictionary.uiSizes + "." + dictionary.gap;
const { groups: { drawFunction, topBarHeight } } = replaceOne(/(=1;function (?<drawFunction>\w+)\(\){[^}]+?(?<canvas>\w+)\.fillRect\(0,(?<topBarHeight>\w+),\w+,1\),(?:\3\.fillRect\([^()]+\),)+\3\.font=\w+,(\w+\.\w+)\.textBaseline\(\3,1\),\5\.textAlign\(\3,1\),\3\.fillText\(\w+\.\w+\[65\],Math\.floor\()(\w+)\/2\),(Math\.floor\(\w+\+\w+\/2\)\));/g,
"$1($6 + $<topBarHeight> - 22) / 2), $7; playerList.drawButton($<canvas>, 12, 12, $<topBarHeight> - 22);");
const buttonBoundsCheck = `utils.isPointInRectangle($<x>, $<y>, ${uiOffset} + 12, ${uiOffset} + 12, ${topBarHeight} - 22, ${topBarHeight} - 22)`
// Handle player list button and leaderboard tabs mouseDown
// and create a function for scrolling the leaderboard to the top
`leaderboardFilter.scrollToTop = function(){position = 0;}, $1 && ((${buttonBoundsCheck} && playerList.display(${dictionary.rawPlayerNames}), true)
&& !($<y> - ${uiOffset} > leaderboardFilter.verticalClickThreshold && leaderboardFilter.handleMouseDown($<x> - ${uiOffset})) && $4),!0)`);
// Handle player list button and leaderboard tabs hover
// and create a function for repainting the leaderboard
replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=function\((?<x>\w+),(?<y>\w+)\){)(var \w+,\w+=\w+\(\3\);return \w+\?\(\w+=(\w+),\(\5=\w+\(0,\5\+=(?:[^}]+,(?<setRepaintNeeded>\w+\.\w+=!0)){2})/g,
`leaderboardFilter.repaintLeaderboard = function() { ${drawFunction}(), $<setRepaintNeeded>; },
$1 if (${buttonBoundsCheck}) { playerList.hoveringOverButton === false && (playerList.hoveringOverButton = true, ${drawFunction}(), $<setRepaintNeeded>); }
else { playerList.hoveringOverButton === true && (playerList.hoveringOverButton = false, ${drawFunction}(), $<setRepaintNeeded>); }
if (leaderboardFilter.setHovering(
utils.isPointInRectangle($<x>, $<y>, ${uiOffset}, ${uiOffset} + leaderboardFilter.verticalClickThreshold, leaderboardFilter.windowWidth, leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset), $<x> - ${uiOffset}
)) return; $4`);
{ // Display density of other players
// Applies when the "Reverse Name/Balance" setting is off
const { groups: { settingsSwitchNameAndBalance } } = replaceOne(/(,(?<settingsSwitchNameAndBalance>\w+\.\w+\.\w+\[7\]\.\w+)\?(?<nameDrawingFunction>\w+)\(\w+,\w+,(?<x>\w+),(?<y>\w+)\+\.78\*(?<fontSize>\w+),(?<canvas>\w+)\)):(\7\.fillText\(\w+\.\w+\.\w+\(\w+\[(\w+)\]\),\4,\5\+\.78\*\6\))\)\)/g,
`$1 : ($8, settings.showPlayerDensity && (settings.coloredDensity && ($<canvas>.fillStyle = utils.textStyleBasedOnDensity($9)), $<canvas>.fillText(utils.getDensity($9), $<x>, $<y> + $<fontSize> * 1.5)) ) ) )`);
// Applies when the "Reverse Name/Balance" setting is on (default)
replaceOne(/(function \w+\((\w+),(?<fontSize>\w+),(?<x>\w+),(?<y>\w+),(?<canvas>\w+)\){)(\6\.fillText\((?<playerNames>\w+)\[\2\],\4,\5\)),(\2<(?<gHumans>\w+)&&2!==(?<playerStates>\w+)\[[^}]+)}/g,
`$1 var ___id = $2; $7, $9; ${settingsSwitchNameAndBalance} && settings.showPlayerDensity && (settings.coloredDensity && ($<canvas>.fillStyle = utils.textStyleBasedOnDensity(___id)), $<canvas>.fillText(utils.getDensity(___id), $<x>, $<y> + $<fontSize>)); }`);
{ // Leaderboard filter
// for the leaderboard draw function:
`a0A.clearRect(0, 0, a04, y9),
a0A.fillStyle = aZ.lE,
a0A.fillRect(0, 0, a04, a0F),
a0A.fillStyle = aZ.kZ,
a0A.fillRect(0, a0F, a04, y9 - a0F);
if (leaderboardFilter.enabled) {
leaderboardFilter.filteredLeaderboard = leaderboardFilter.playersToInclude
.map(id => leaderboardPositionsById[id]).sort((a, b) => a - b);
var playerPos = (leaderboardFilter.enabled
? leaderboardFilter.filteredLeaderboard.indexOf(leaderboardPositionsById[playerId])
: leaderboardPositionsById[playerId]
this.playerPos = playerPos;
if (leaderboardFilter.hoveringOverTabs) a0P = -1;
if (leaderboardFilter.enabled && a0P >= leaderboardFilter.filteredLeaderboard.length) a0P = -1;
playerPos >= position && a0Z(playerPos - position, aZ.kw),
0 !== leaderboardPositionsById[playerId] && 0 === position && a0Z(0, aZ.lJ),
-1 !== a0P && a0Z(a0P, aZ.kd),
a0A.fillStyle = aZ.kZ,
//console.log("drawing", a0P),
a0A.clearRect(0, y9 - leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset, a04, leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset);
a0A.fillRect(0, y9 - leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset, a04, leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset);
a0A.fillStyle = aZ.gF,
a0A.fillRect(0, a0F, a04, 1),
a0A.fillRect(0, y9 - leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset, a04, 1),
leaderboardFilter.drawTabs(a0A, a04, y9 - leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset, aZ.kw),
a0A.fillRect(0, 0, a04, b0.ur),
a0A.fillRect(0, 0, b0.ur, y9),
a0A.fillRect(a04 - b0.ur, 0, b0.ur, y9),
a0A.fillRect(0, y9 - b0.ur, a04, b0.ur),`)
replaceRawCode("var hZ,eh=leaderboardPositionsById[playerId]<position+windowHeight-1?1:2;for(a0A.font=a07,aY.g0.textAlign(a0A,0),hZ=windowHeight-eh;0<=hZ;hZ--)a0a(leaderboardArray[hZ+position]),a0b(hZ,hZ+position,leaderboardArray[hZ+position]);for(aY.g0.textAlign(a0A,2),hZ=windowHeight-eh;0<=hZ;hZ--)a0a(leaderboardArray[hZ+position]),a0c(hZ,leaderboardArray[hZ+position]);",
`var hZ, eh = playerPos < position + windowHeight - 1 ? 1 : 2;
if (leaderboardFilter.enabled) {
let result = leaderboardFilter.filteredLeaderboard;
if (position !== 0 && position >= result.length - windowHeight)
position = (result.length > windowHeight ? result.length : windowHeight) - windowHeight;
//if (position >= result.length) position = result.length - 1;
for (a0A.font = a07, aY.g0.textAlign(a0A, 0), hZ = windowHeight - eh; 0 <= hZ; hZ--) {
const pos = result[hZ + position];
if (pos !== undefined)
a0a(leaderboardArray[pos]), a0b(hZ, pos, leaderboardArray[pos]);
for (aY.g0.textAlign(a0A, 2), hZ = windowHeight - eh; 0 <= hZ; hZ--) {
const pos = result[hZ + position];
if (pos !== undefined)
a0a(leaderboardArray[pos]), a0c(hZ, leaderboardArray[pos]);
} else {
for (a0A.font = a07, aY.g0.textAlign(a0A, 0), hZ = windowHeight - eh; 0 <= hZ; hZ--)
a0a(leaderboardArray[hZ + position]), a0b(hZ, hZ + position, leaderboardArray[hZ + position]);
for (aY.g0.textAlign(a0A, 2), hZ = windowHeight - eh; 0 <= hZ; hZ--)
a0a(leaderboardArray[hZ + position]), a0c(hZ, leaderboardArray[hZ + position]);
// in the leaderboard resize handler: make space for the tab buttons at the bottom of the leaderboard
a09.height = y9 += a0G, leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset = Math.floor(a0G * 1.3), leaderboardFilter.verticalClickThreshold = y9 - leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset, leaderboardFilter.windowWidth = a04,
// handle clicking on a player in the leaderboard
replaceRawCode("var a0p=a0q(fJ);return ag.tQ()&&-1!==a0P&&(a0P=-1,a0Y(),b3.d1=!0),b3.dY-a0Q<350&&a0T===a0p&&-1!==(a0p=(a0p=yr(-1,a0p,windowHeight))!==windowHeight&&vU(x,y)?a0p:-1)&&(x=leaderboardArray[a0p+position],a0p===windowHeight-1&&leaderboardPositionsById[playerId]>=position+windowHeight-1&&(x=playerId),",
`var a0p = a0q(fJ);
var isEmptySpace = false;
return ag.tQ() && -1 !== a0P && (a0P = -1, a0Y(), b3.d1 = !0), b3.dY - a0Q < 350 && a0T === a0p && -1 !== (a0p = (a0p = yr(-1, a0p, windowHeight)) !== windowHeight && vU(x, y) ? a0p : -1) && (x = (leaderboardFilter.enabled ? leaderboardArray[leaderboardFilter.filteredLeaderboard[a0p + position] ?? (isEmptySpace = true, leaderboardPositionsById[playerId])] : leaderboardArray[a0p + position]), a0p === windowHeight - 1 && (leaderboardFilter.enabled ? this.playerPos : leaderboardPositionsById[playerId]) >=
position + windowHeight - 1 && (x = playerId), !isEmptySpace && `);
// Get clan parsing function
replaceRawCode(`this.uI=function(username){var uK,uJ=username.indexOf("[");return!(uJ<0)&&1<(uK=username.indexOf("]"))-uJ&&uK-uJ<=8?username.substring(uJ+1,uK).toUpperCase().trim():null}`,
`this.uI=function(username){var uK,uJ=username.indexOf("[");return!(uJ<0)&&1<(uK=username.indexOf("]"))-uJ&&uK-uJ<=8?username.substring(uJ+1,uK).toUpperCase().trim():null}, leaderboardFilter.parseClanFromPlayerName = this.uI;`);
{ // Hovering tooltip
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