
607 lines
30 KiB

const dictionary = {"gIsTeamGame":"hd","game":"a4","playerId":"er","playerData":"aZ","playerNames":"l3","rawPlayerNames":"vM","playerBalances":"es","playerTerritories":"fN","gameState":"uU","fontSize":"fontSize","x":"fg","y":"fh","canvas":"gN","gHumans":"ik","playerStates":"xv","fontGeneratorFunction":"b3.kt.ky","gIsSingleplayer":"jC","gLobbyMaxJoin":"sE","SingleplayerMenu":"aS","getSingleplayerPlayerCount":"yw","gMaxPlayers":"f0","gBots":"j9","Translations":"m","txt":"n","strs":"a4f","uiSizes":"bR","gap":"gap","i":"a2"};
const fx_version = ''; // FX Client Version
const fx_update = 'Aug 3'; // FX Client Last Updated
if (localStorage.getItem("fx_winCount") == undefined || localStorage.getItem("fx_winCount") == null) {
var wins_counter = 0;
console.log('Couldn\'t find a saved win data. creating one...');
} else if (localStorage.getItem("fx_winCount") != undefined || localStorage.getItem("fx_winCount") != null) {
var wins_counter = localStorage.getItem("fx_winCount");
const playerDataProperties = ["playerTerritories", "playerBalances", "rawPlayerNames"];
const gameObjectProperties = ["playerId", "gIsTeamGame", "gHumans", "gLobbyMaxJoin", "gameState", "gIsSingleplayer"];
const getVar = varName => {
if (playerDataProperties.includes(varName)) return window[dictionary.playerData][dictionary[varName]];
if (gameObjectProperties.includes(varName)) return window[dictionary.game][dictionary[varName]];
return window[dictionary[varName]]
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/6234804
function escapeHtml(unsafe) {
return unsafe.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#039;");
function KeybindsInput(containerElement) {
const header = document.createElement("p");
header.innerText = "Attack Percentage Keybinds";
const keybindContainer = document.createElement("div");
keybindContainer.className = "arrayinput";
const keybindAddButton = document.createElement("button");
keybindAddButton.innerText = "Add";
containerElement.append(header, keybindContainer, keybindAddButton);
this.container = keybindContainer;
this.keys = [ "key", "type", "value" ];
this.objectArray = [];
this.addObject = function () {
this.objectArray.push({ key: "", type: "absolute", value: 0.8 });
this.update = function () {
this.objectArray = settings.attackPercentageKeybinds;
keybindAddButton.addEventListener("click", this.addObject.bind(this));
this.displayObjects = function () {
// Clear the content of the container
this.container.innerHTML = "";
if (this.objectArray.length === 0) return this.container.innerText = "No custom attack percentage keybinds added";
// Loop through the array and display input fields for each object
for (var i = 0; i < this.objectArray.length; i++) {
var objectDiv = document.createElement("div");
// Create input fields for each key
this.keys.forEach(function (key) {
let inputField = document.createElement(key === "type" ? "select" : "input");
if (key === "type") {
inputField.innerHTML = '<option value="absolute">Absolute</option><option value="relative">Relative</option>';
inputField.addEventListener("change", this.updateObject.bind(this, i, key));
} else if (key === "key") {
inputField.type = "text";
inputField.setAttribute("readonly", "");
inputField.setAttribute("placeholder", "No key set");
inputField.addEventListener("click", this.startKeyInput.bind(this, i, key));
} else { // key === "value"
const isAbsolute = this.objectArray[i].type === "absolute";
inputField.type = isAbsolute ? "text" : "number";
if (isAbsolute) inputField.addEventListener("click", this.convertIntoNumberInput.bind(this, i, key), { once: true });
else inputField.setAttribute("step", "0.1");
inputField.addEventListener("input", this.updateObject.bind(this, i, key));
if (key === "value" && this.objectArray[i].type === "absolute")
inputField.value = this.objectArray[i][key] * 100 + "%";
else inputField.value = this.objectArray[i][key];
// Append input field to the object div
}, this);
// Button to delete the object
var deleteButton = document.createElement("button");
deleteButton.textContent = "Delete";
deleteButton.addEventListener("click", this.deleteObject.bind(this, i));
// Append delete button to the object div
// Append the object div to the container
/** @param {PointerEvent} event */
this.startKeyInput = function (index, property, event) {
event.target.value = "Press any key";
const handler = this.updateObject.bind(this, index, property);
event.target.addEventListener('keydown', handler, { once: true });
event.target.addEventListener("blur", () => {
event.target.removeEventListener('keydown', handler, { once: true });
event.target.value = this.objectArray[index][property];
}, { once: true });
/** @param {PointerEvent} event */
this.convertIntoNumberInput = function (index, property, event) {
event.target.value = event.target.value.slice(0, -1);
event.target.type = "number";
event.target.addEventListener("blur", () => {
//event.target.value = this.objectArray[index][property];
}, { once: true });
this.updateObject = function (index, property, event) {
if (index >= this.objectArray.length) return;
// Update the corresponding property of the object in the array
const value = property === "value" ? (
this.objectArray[index].type === "absolute" ? parseFloat(event.target.value) / 100 : parseFloat(event.target.value)
) : property === "key" ? event.key : event.target.value;
this.objectArray[index][property] = value;
if (property === "key") this.displayObjects();
this.deleteObject = function (index) {
// Remove the object from the array
this.objectArray.splice(index, 1);
// Display the updated input fields for objects
return this;
var settings = {
//"fontName": "Trebuchet MS",
//"showBotDonations": false,
"displayWinCounter": true,
"useFullscreenMode": false,
"hoveringTooltip": true,
//"hideAllLinks": false,
"realisticNames": false,
"showPlayerDensity": true,
"coloredDensity": true,
"densityDisplayStyle": "percentage",
"highlightClanSpawns": false,
//"customMapFileBtn": true
"customBackgroundUrl": "",
"attackPercentageKeybinds": [],
const discontinuedSettings = [ "hideAllLinks", "fontName" ];
let makeMainMenuTransparent = false;
var settingsManager = new (function() {
const settingsStructure = [
{ for: "displayWinCounter", type: "checkbox", label: "Display win counter",
note: "The win counter tracks multiplayer solo wins (not in team games)" },
{ type: "button", text: "Reset win counter", action: removeWins },
{ for: "useFullscreenMode", type: "checkbox", label: "Use fullscreen mode",
note: "Note: fullscreen mode will trigger after you click anywhere on the page due to browser policy restrictions." },
{ for: "hoveringTooltip", type: "checkbox", label: "Hovering tooltip",
note: "Display map territory info constantly (on mouse hover) instead of only when right clicking on the map" },
//{ for: "hideAllLinks", type: "checkbox", label: "Hide Links option also hides app store links" },
{ for: "realisticNames", type: "checkbox", label: "Realistic Bot Names" },
{ for: "showPlayerDensity", type: "checkbox", label: "Show player density" },
{ for: "coloredDensity", type: "checkbox", label: "Colored density", note: "Display the density with a color between red and green depending on the density value" },
{ for: "densityDisplayStyle", type: "selectMenu", label: "Density value display style:", tooltip: "Controls how the territorial density value should be rendered", options: [
{ value: "percentage", label: "Percentage" },
{ value: "absoluteQuotient", label: "Value from 0 to 150 (BetterTT style)" }
{ for: "highlightClanSpawns", type: "checkbox", label: "Highlight clan spawnpoints",
note: "Increases the spawnpoint glow size for members of your clan" },
{ for: "customBackgroundUrl", type: "textInput", label: "Custom main menu background:", placeholder: "Enter an image URL here", tooltip: "A custom image to be shown as the main menu background instead of the currently selected map." },
const settingsContainer = document.querySelector(".settings .scrollable");
var inputFields = {}; // (includes select menus)
var checkboxFields = {};
var customElements = [];
settingsStructure.forEach(item => {
if (typeof item === "function") {
const container = document.createElement("div");
customElements.push(new item(container));
return settingsContainer.append(container);
const label = document.createElement("label");
if (item.tooltip) label.title = item.tooltip;
const isValueInput = item.type.endsWith("Input");
const element = document.createElement(isValueInput || item.type === "checkbox" ? "input" : item.type === "selectMenu" ? "select" : "button");
if (item.type === "textInput") element.type = "text";
if (item.placeholder) element.placeholder = item.placeholder;
if (isValueInput || item.type === "selectMenu") inputFields[item.for] = element;
if (item.text) element.innerText = item.text;
if (item.action) element.addEventListener("click", item.action);
if (item.label) label.append(item.label + " ");
if (item.note) {
const note = document.createElement("small");
note.innerText = item.note;
label.append(document.createElement("br"), note)
if (item.options) item.options.forEach(option => {
const optionElement = document.createElement("option");
optionElement.setAttribute("value", option.value);
optionElement.innerText = option.label;
if (item.type === "checkbox") {
element.type = "checkbox";
const checkmark = document.createElement("span");
checkmark.className = "checkmark";
label.className = "checkbox";
checkboxFields[item.for] = element;
} else label.append(document.createElement("br"));
settingsContainer.append(label, document.createElement("br"));
this.save = function() {
Object.keys(inputFields).forEach(function(key) { settings[key] = inputFields[key].value.trim(); });
Object.keys(checkboxFields).forEach(function(key) { settings[key] = checkboxFields[key].checked; });
discontinuedSettings.forEach(settingName => delete settings[settingName]);
localStorage.setItem("fx_settings", JSON.stringify(settings));
// should probably firgure out a way to do this without reloading - // You can't do it, localstorages REQUIRE you to reload
const fileInput = document.createElement("input");
fileInput.type = "file";
function handleFileSelect(event) {
const input = event.target;
/** @type {File} */
const selectedFile = input.files[0];
if (!selectedFile) return;
input.removeEventListener("change", handleFileSelect);
input.value = "";
if (!selectedFile.name.endsWith(".json")) return alert("Invalid file format");
const fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function() {
let result;
try {
result = JSON.parse(fileReader.result);
if (confirm("Warning: This will override all current settings, click \"OK\" to confirm")) settings = result;
localStorage.setItem("fx_settings", JSON.stringify(settings));
} catch (error) {
alert("Error\n" + error)
this.importFromFile = function() {
fileInput.addEventListener('change', handleFileSelect);
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/34156339
function saveFile(content, fileName, contentType) {
var a = document.createElement("a");
var file = new Blob([content], {type: contentType});
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(file);
a.download = fileName;
this.exportToFile = function() {
saveFile(JSON.stringify(settings), 'FX_client_settings.json', 'application/json');
this.syncFields = function() {
Object.keys(inputFields).forEach(function(key) { inputFields[key].value = settings[key]; });
Object.keys(checkboxFields).forEach(function(key) { checkboxFields[key].checked = settings[key]; });
customElements.forEach(element => element.update());
this.resetAll = function() {
if (!confirm("Are you Really SURE you want to RESET ALL SETTINGS back to the default?")) return;
this.applySettings = function() {
//setVarByName("bu", "px " + settings.fontName);
if (settings.useFullscreenMode && document.fullscreenEnabled) {
function tryEnterFullscreen() {
if (document.fullscreenElement !== null) return;
document.documentElement.requestFullscreen({ navigationUI: "hide" })
.then(() => { console.log('Fullscreen mode activated'); })
.catch((error) => { console.warn('Could not enter fullscreen mode:', error); });
document.addEventListener('mousedown', tryEnterFullscreen, { once: true });
document.addEventListener('click', tryEnterFullscreen, { once: true });
if (settings.customBackgroundUrl !== "") {
document.body.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + settings.customBackgroundUrl + ")";
document.body.style.backgroundSize = "cover";
document.body.style.backgroundPosition = "center";
makeMainMenuTransparent = settings.customBackgroundUrl !== "";
function removeWins() {
var confirm1 = confirm('Do you really want to reset your Wins?');
if (confirm1) {
wins_counter = 0;
alert("Successfully reset wins");
const openCustomBackgroundFilePicker = () => {
const fileInput = document.getElementById("customBackgroundFileInput");
fileInput.addEventListener('change', handleFileSelect);
function handleFileSelect(event) {
const fileInput = event.target;
const selectedFile = fileInput.files[0];
if (selectedFile) {
const fileUrl = URL.createObjectURL(selectedFile);
console.log("File URL:", fileUrl);
fileInput.value = "";
fileInput.removeEventListener("change", handleFileSelect);
var WindowManager = new (function() {
var windows = {};
this.add = function(newWindow) {
windows[newWindow.name] = newWindow;
windows[newWindow.name].isOpen = false;
this.openWindow = function(windowName, ...args) {
if (windows[windowName].isOpen === true) return;
if (windows[windowName].beforeOpen !== undefined) windows[windowName].beforeOpen(...args);
windows[windowName].isOpen = true;
windows[windowName].element.style.display = null;
this.closeWindow = function(windowName) {
if (windows[windowName].isOpen === false) return;
windows[windowName].isOpen = false;
windows[windowName].element.style.display = "none";
if (windows[windowName].onClose !== undefined) windows[windowName].onClose();
this.closeAll = function() {
Object.values(windows).forEach(function(windowObj) {
name: "settings",
element: document.querySelector(".settings"),
beforeOpen: function() { settingsManager.syncFields(); }
name: "donationHistory",
element: document.querySelector("#donationhistory"),
beforeOpen: function(isSingleplayer) {
document.getElementById("donationhistory_note").style.display = ((true || settings.showBotDonations || /*getVarByName("dt")*/ isSingleplayer) ? "none" : "block");
onClose: function() { donationsTracker.openedWindowPlayerID = null; }
name: "playerList",
element: document.getElementById("playerlist"),
beforeOpen: function() {}
document.getElementById("canvasA").addEventListener("mousedown", WindowManager.closeAll);
document.getElementById("canvasA").addEventListener("touchstart", WindowManager.closeAll, { passive: true });
document.addEventListener("keydown", event => { if (event.key === "Escape") WindowManager.closeAll(); });
var settingsGearIcon = document.createElement('img');
settingsGearIcon.setAttribute('src', 'assets/geari_white.png');
const playerList = new (function () {
const playersIcon = document.createElement('img');
playersIcon.setAttribute('src', 'assets/players_icon.png');
document.getElementById("playerlist_content").addEventListener("click", event => {
const playerId = event.target.closest("tr[data-player-id]")?.getAttribute("data-player-id");
if (!playerId) return;
if (getVar("gIsTeamGame")) WindowManager.closeWindow("playerList"), donationsTracker.displayHistory(playerId);
this.display = function displayPlayerList(playerNames) {
const gHumans = getVar("gHumans");
const gLobbyMaxJoin = getVar("gLobbyMaxJoin");
let listContent = `<h3>Players (${gHumans})</h3>`;
for (let i = 0; i < gLobbyMaxJoin; i++) {
if (i === gHumans) listContent += `<h3>Bots (${gLobbyMaxJoin - gHumans})</h3>`;
listContent += `<tr data-player-id="${i}"><td><span class="color-light-gray">${i + 1}.</span> ${escapeHtml(playerNames[i])}</td></tr>`
document.getElementById("playerlist_content").innerHTML = listContent;
document.getElementById("playerlist_content").setAttribute("class", getVar("gIsTeamGame") ? "clickable" : "");
this.hoveringOverButton = false;
this.drawButton = (canvas, x, y, size) => {
canvas.fillRect(x, y, size, size);
canvas.fillStyle = this.hoveringOverButton ? "#aaaaaaaa" : "#000000aa";
canvas.clearRect(x + 1, y + 1, size - 2, size - 2);
canvas.fillRect(x + 1, y + 1, size - 2, size - 2);
canvas.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
canvas.imageSmoothingEnabled = true;
canvas.drawImage(playersIcon, x + 2, y + 2, size - 4, size - 4);
canvas.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
const leaderboardFilter = new (function() {
//this.playersToInclude = [0,1,8,20,24,30,32,42,50,69,200,400,500,510,511]; // for testing
this.playersToInclude = [];
this.tabLabels = ["ALL", "CLAN"];
// these get populated by the modified game code
this.filteredLeaderboard = [];
this.tabBarOffset = 0;
this.windowWidth = 0;
this.verticalClickThreshold = 1000;
this.hoveringOverTabs = false;
this.scrollToTop = () => {};
this.repaintLeaderboard = () => {};
this.setUpdateFlag = () => {};
this.parseClanFromPlayerName = () => { console.warn("parse function not set"); };
this.selectedTab = 0;
this.tabHovering = -1;
this.enabled = false;
//this.enabled = true;
this.drawTabs = function(canvas, totalWidth, verticalOffset, colorForSelectedTab) {
canvas.textBaseline = "middle";
canvas.textAlign = "center";
const tabWidth = totalWidth / this.tabLabels.length;
const textOffsetY = verticalOffset + this.tabBarOffset / 2;
//console.log(verticalOffset, this.tabBarOffset, textOffsetY);
this.tabLabels.forEach((label, index) => {
if (index !== 0) canvas.fillRect(tabWidth * index, verticalOffset, 1, this.tabBarOffset);
if (this.selectedTab === index) {
canvas.fillStyle = colorForSelectedTab;
canvas.fillRect(tabWidth * index, verticalOffset, tabWidth, this.tabBarOffset);
canvas.fillStyle = "rgb(255,255,255)";
if (this.tabHovering === index) {
canvas.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.3)";
canvas.fillRect(tabWidth * index, verticalOffset, tabWidth, this.tabBarOffset);
canvas.fillStyle = "rgb(255,255,255)";
canvas.fillText(label, tabWidth * index + tabWidth / 2, textOffsetY);
this.setHovering = (isHovering, xRelative) => {
let repaintNeeded = false;
if (isHovering) {
const tab = Math.floor(xRelative / (this.windowWidth / this.tabLabels.length));
if (this.tabHovering !== tab) {
this.tabHovering = tab;
repaintNeeded = true;
if (isHovering !== this.hoveringOverTabs) {
this.hoveringOverTabs = isHovering;
if (isHovering === false) this.tabHovering = -1;
if (!isHovering) repaintNeeded = true;
if (repaintNeeded) this.repaintLeaderboard();
return isHovering;
this.handleMouseDown = (xRelative) => {
const tab = Math.floor(xRelative / (this.windowWidth / this.tabLabels.length));
if (this.selectedTab !== tab) {
this.selectedTab = tab;
if (this.selectedTab === 0) this.clearFilter();
else if (this.selectedTab === 1) {
return true;
this.filterByOwnClan = () => {
this.playersToInclude = [];
const playerId = getVar("playerId");
const ownClan = this.parseClanFromPlayerName(getVar("rawPlayerNames")[playerId]);
getVar("rawPlayerNames").forEach((name, id) => {
if (id === playerId || this.parseClanFromPlayerName(name) === ownClan) this.playersToInclude.push(id);
this.enabled = true;
this.clearFilter = () => { this.enabled = false; }
this.reset = () => {
this.enabled = false;
this.selectedTab = 0;
const clanFilter = new (function() {
this.inOwnClan = new Array(512);
this.refresh = () => {
const gHumans = getVar("gHumans");
const ownClan = leaderboardFilter.parseClanFromPlayerName(getVar("rawPlayerNames")[getVar("playerId")]);
if (ownClan === null) this.inOwnClan.fill(false);
else getVar("rawPlayerNames").forEach((name, id) => {
this.inOwnClan[id] = id < gHumans && leaderboardFilter.parseClanFromPlayerName(name) === ownClan;
const hoveringTooltip = new (function() {
let recentlyShown = false;
this.display = () => {}; // this gets populated by the modified game script
this.canvasPixelScale = 1;
function handler(e) {
if (!settings.hoveringTooltip || !getVar("gameState") || recentlyShown) return;
let x, y;
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/61732450
if (e.type.includes(`touch`)) {
const { touches, changedTouches } = e.originalEvent ?? e;
const touch = touches[0] ?? changedTouches[0];
x = touch.pageX;
y = touch.pageY;
} else if (e.type.includes(`mouse`)) {
x = e.clientX;
y = e.clientY;
recentlyShown = true;
try {
this.display(this.canvasPixelScale * x, this.canvasPixelScale * y);
} catch (e) { console.error(e) }
// for better performance, reduce the tooltip display frequency to no more than once every 100 ms
setTimeout(() => recentlyShown = false, 100);
document.getElementById("canvasA").addEventListener("mousemove", handler.bind(this));
document.getElementById("canvasA").addEventListener("touchstart", handler.bind(this));
var donationsTracker = new (function(){
this.openedWindowPlayerID = null;
this.contentElement = document.querySelector("#donationhistory_content");
this.donationHistory = Array(512);
// fill the array with empty arrays with length of 3
//for (var i = 0; i < 512; i++) this.donationHistory.push([]); // not needed as .reset is called on game start
this.getHistoryOf = function(playerID) {
return this.donationHistory[playerID].toReversed();
this.reset = function() { for (var i = 0; i < 512; i++) this.donationHistory[i] = []; };
this.logDonation = function(senderID, receiverID, amount) {
const donationInfo = [senderID, receiverID, amount];
if (this.openedWindowPlayerID === senderID || this.openedWindowPlayerID === receiverID) {
const indexOfNewItem = this.donationHistory[this.openedWindowPlayerID === senderID ? senderID : receiverID].length;
this.contentElement.prepend(generateTableRowItem(donationInfo, indexOfNewItem, this.openedWindowPlayerID, true));
function generateTableRowItem(historyItem, index, playerID, isNew) {
const rawPlayerNames = getVar("rawPlayerNames");
const row = document.createElement("tr");
if (isNew) row.setAttribute("class", "new");
let content = `<td><span class="color-light-gray">${index}.</span> `;
if (playerID === historyItem[1])
content += `Received <span class="color-green">${historyItem[2]}</span> resources from ${escapeHtml(rawPlayerNames[historyItem[0]])}`;
else content += `Sent <span class="color-red">${historyItem[2]}</span> resources to ${escapeHtml(rawPlayerNames[historyItem[1]])}`;
content += "</td>";
row.innerHTML = content;
return row;
this.displayHistory = function displayDonationsHistory(playerID, playerNames = getVar("rawPlayerNames"), isSingleplayer = getVar("gIsSingleplayer")) {
var history = donationsTracker.getHistoryOf(playerID);
console.log("History for " + playerNames[playerID] + ":");
document.querySelector("#donationhistory h1").innerHTML = "Donation history for " + escapeHtml(playerNames[playerID]);
this.contentElement.innerHTML = "";
if (history.length > 0) history.forEach((historyItem, index) => {
this.contentElement.appendChild(generateTableRowItem(historyItem, history.length - index, playerID));
else this.contentElement.innerText = "Nothing to display";
this.openedWindowPlayerID = playerID;
WindowManager.openWindow("donationHistory", isSingleplayer);
var utils = new (function() {
this.getMaxTroops = function(playerTerritories, playerID) { return (playerTerritories[playerID]*150).toString(); };
this.getDensity = function(playerID, playerBalances = getVar("playerBalances"), playerTerritories = getVar("playerTerritories")) {
if (settings.densityDisplayStyle === "percentage") return (((playerBalances[playerID] / ((playerTerritories[playerID] === 0 ? 1 : playerTerritories[playerID]) * 150)) * 100).toFixed(1) + "%");
else return (playerBalances[playerID] / (playerTerritories[playerID] === 0 ? 1 : playerTerritories[playerID])).toFixed(1);
this.isPointInRectangle = function(x, y, rectangleStartX, rectangleStartY, width, height) {
return x >= rectangleStartX && x <= rectangleStartX + width && y >= rectangleStartY && y <= rectangleStartY + height;
/** @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} canvas @param {string} text */
this.fillTextMultiline = function(canvas, text, x, y, maxWidth) {
const lineHeight = parseInt(canvas.font.split(" ").find(part => part.endsWith("px")).slice(0, -2));
text.split("\n").forEach((line, index) => canvas.fillText(line, x, y + index * lineHeight, maxWidth));
this.textStyleBasedOnDensity = function(playerID) {
const playerBalances = getVar("playerBalances"), playerTerritories = getVar("playerTerritories");
return `hsl(${playerBalances[playerID] / (playerTerritories[playerID] * 1.5)}, 100%, 50%, 1)`;
const keybindFunctions = { setAbsolute: () => {}, setRelative: () => {} };
const keybindHandler = key => {
const keybindData = settings.attackPercentageKeybinds.find(keybind => keybind.key === key);
if (keybindData === undefined) return false;
if (keybindData.type === "absolute") keybindFunctions.setAbsolute(keybindData.value);
else keybindFunctions.setRelative(keybindData.value);
return true;
if (localStorage.getItem("fx_settings") !== null) {
settings = {...settings, ...JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("fx_settings"))};
console.log('Successfully loaded FX Client');