import beautifier from 'js-beautify'; const { js: beautify } = beautifier; import UglifyJS from 'uglify-js'; import fs from 'fs'; import webpack from 'webpack'; import path from 'path'; import applyPatches from './patches.js'; if (!fs.existsSync("./build")) fs.mkdirSync("./build"); fs.cpSync("./static/", "./build/", { recursive: true }); fs.cpSync("./assets/", "./build/assets/", { recursive: true }); fs.writeFileSync("./build/index.html", fs.readFileSync("./build/index.html").toString().replace(/buildTimestamp/g,; const buildClientCode = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { webpack({ mode: 'production', entry: { fxClient: "./src/main.js" }, output: { path: path.resolve(import.meta.dirname, 'build'), filename: 'fx.bundle.js', }, }, (err, stats) => { if (err) { if (err.details) console.error(err.details); return reject(err); } const info = stats.toJson(); if (stats.hasWarnings()) console.warn(info.warnings); if (stats.hasErrors()) { console.error(info.errors); reject("Webpack compilation error"); } else resolve(); }); }); let script = fs.readFileSync('./game/latest.js', { encoding: 'utf8' }).replace("\n", "").trim(); const exposeVarsToGlobalScope = true; // need to first remove the iife wrapper so the top-level functions aren't inlined if (exposeVarsToGlobalScope && script.startsWith("\"use strict\"; (function () {") && script.endsWith("})();")) script = script.slice("\"use strict\"; (function () {".length, -"})();".length); if (exposeVarsToGlobalScope && script.startsWith("(function () {") && script.endsWith("})();")) script = script.slice("(function () {".length, -"})();".length); // uncompress strings // this will break if there is a closing square bracket ("]") in one of the strings const stringArrayRaw = script.match(/var S=(\[[^\]]+\]);/)?.[1]; if (stringArrayRaw === undefined) throw new Error("cannot find the string array"); const stringArray = JSON.parse(stringArrayRaw); script = script.replace(/\bS\[(\d+)\]/g, (_match, index) => `"${stringArray[index]}"`); // for versions ^ const minificationResult = UglifyJS.minify(script, { "compress": { "arrows": false }, "mangle": false }); if (minificationResult.error) console.log(minificationResult.error); if (minificationResult.warnings) console.log(minificationResult.warnings); script = minificationResult.code; const replaceOne = (expression, replaceValue) => { const result = matchOne(expression); // this (below) works correctly because expression.lastIndex gets reset above in matchOne when there is no match script = script.replace(expression, replaceValue); return result; } const replace = (...args) => script = script.replace(...args); const matchOne = (expression) => { const result = expression.exec(script); if (result === null) throw new Error("no match for: ") + expression; if (expression.exec(script) !== null) throw new Error("more than one match for: " + expression); return result; } // const escapeRegExp = (string) => string.replace(/[.*+\-?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); //const dictionary = { __dictionaryVersion: '1.90.0 4 Feb 2024', playerId: 'bB', playerNames: 'hA', playerBalances: 'bC', playerTerritories: 'bj', gIsSingleplayer: 'fc', gIsTeamGame: 'cH' }; //if (!script.includes(`"${dictionary.__dictionaryVersion}"`)) throw new Error("Dictionary is outdated."); const dictionary = {}; const matchDictionaryExpression = expression => { const result = expression.exec(script); if (result === null) throw new Error("no match for ") + expression; if (expression.exec(script) !== null) throw new Error("more than one match for: ") + expression; for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(result.groups)) dictionary[key] = value; } // Return value example: // When replaceRawCode or matchRawCode are called with "var1=var2+1;" as the code // and this matches "a=b+1;", the returned value will be the object: { var1: "a", var2: "b" } const replaceRawCode = (/** @type {string} */ raw, /** @type {string} */ result, nameMappings) => { const { expression, groups } = generateRegularExpression(raw, false, nameMappings); let localizerCount = 0; let replacementString = result.replaceAll("$", "$$").replaceAll("__L()", "__L)").replaceAll("__L(", "__L,") .replace(/\w+/g, match => { // these would get stored as "___localizer1", "___localizer2", ... if (match === "__L") match = "___localizer" + (++localizerCount); return groups.hasOwnProperty(match) ? "$" + groups[match] : match; }); //console.log(replacementString); let expressionMatchResult; try { expressionMatchResult = replaceOne(expression, replacementString); } catch (e) { throw new Error("replaceRawCode match error:\n\n" + e + "\n\nRaw code: " + raw + "\n"); } return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(groups).map(([identifier, groupNumber]) => [identifier, expressionMatchResult[groupNumber]])); } const matchRawCode = (/** @type {string} */ raw, nameMappings) => { const { expression, groups } = generateRegularExpression(raw, false, nameMappings); const expressionMatchResult = matchOne(expression); return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(groups).map(([identifier, groupNumber]) => [identifier, expressionMatchResult[groupNumber]])); } const generateRegularExpression = (/** @type {string} */ code, /** @type {boolean} */ isForDictionary, nameMappings) => { const groups = {}; let groupNumberCounter = 1; let localizerCount = 0; let raw = escapeRegExp(code).replaceAll("__L\\(\\)", "___localizer\\)") // when there is a parameter, add a comma to separate it from the added number .replaceAll("__L\\(", "___localizer,"); raw = raw.replace(isForDictionary ? /(?:@@)*(@?)(\w+)/g : /()(\w+)/g, (_match, modifier, word) => { // if a substitution string for the "word" is specified in the nameMappings, use it if (nameMappings && nameMappings.hasOwnProperty(word)) return nameMappings[word]; // if the "word" is a number or is one of these specific words, ingore it if (/^\d/.test(word) || ["return", "this", "var", "function", "new", "Math", "WebSocket"].includes(word)) return word; // for easy localizer function matching else if (word === "___localizer") { groups[word + (++localizerCount)] = groupNumberCounter++; return "\\b(L\\(\\d+)"; // would match "L(123", "L(50" and etc. when using "__L(" } else if (groups.hasOwnProperty(word)) return "\\" + groups[word]; // regex numeric reference to the group else { groups[word] = groupNumberCounter++; return modifier === "@" ? `(?<${word}>\\w+)` : "(\\w+)"; } }); let expression = new RegExp(isForDictionary ? raw.replaceAll("@@", "@") : raw, "g"); return { expression, groups }; } [ /,this\.(?\w+)=this\.\w+<7\|\|9===this\.\w+,/g, /=function\((\w+),(\w+),\w+\){\1===(?\w+)\.(?\w+)\?\w+\(175," "\+\w+\(\d+,\[(?\w+)\.(?\w+)\[\2\]\]\)\+": ",1001,\2,\w+\(/g, /function \w+\(\)\{if\(2===(?\w+)\.(?\w+)\)return 1;\w+\.\w+\(\),\1\.\2=2,\1\.\w+=\1.\w+\}/g, /(function \w+\((\w+),(?\w+),(?\w+),(?\w+),(?\w+)\){)(\6\.fillText\((?\w+)\.(?\w+)\[\2\],\4,\5\)),(\2<(?\w+)\.(?\w+)&&2!==\8\.(?\w+)\[[^}]+)}/g, /\w+\.font=(?\w+\.\w+\.\w+)\(1,\.39\*this\.\w+\),/g ].forEach(matchDictionaryExpression); const rawCodeSegments = [ `aQ.eI(e0)?aQ.eE(e0)?a38=__L([a38]):(player=aQ.eF(e0),oq=__L([b0.uS.zG(@playerData.@rawPlayerNames[player],b0.p9.qQ(0,10),150)])+" ",oq=(oq+=__L([b0.wx.a07(playerData.@playerBalances[player])])+" ")+__L([b0.wx.a07(playerData.@playerTerritories[player])])+" ",`, "this.@gLobbyMaxJoin=1===dg?this.@gHumans:this.@data.@playerCount,this.tZ=this.gLobbyMaxJoin,this.@gBots=this.gLobbyMaxJoin-this.gHumans,,", "[0]=__L(),@strs[1]=@game.@gIsSingleplayer?__L():__L(),", "?(this.gB=Math.floor(.066*aK.fw),g5=aK.g5-4*@uiSizes.@gap-this.gB):", `for(a0L=new Array(@game.@gMaxPlayers),a0A.font=a07,@i=game.gMaxPlayers-1;0<=i;i--)a0L[i]=i+1+".",@playerData.@playerNames[i][i],a07,a0W),a0K[i]=Math.floor(a0A.measureText(playerData.playerNames[i]).width);`, `var dt=@MenuManager.@getState();if(6===dt){if(4211===d)` ] rawCodeSegments.forEach(code => { const { expression } = generateRegularExpression(code, true); //console.log(expression); matchDictionaryExpression(expression); }); applyPatches({ replace, replaceOne, replaceRawCode, dictionary, matchOne, matchRawCode, escapeRegExp }); await buildClientCode(); // the dictionary should maybe get embedded into one of the files in the bundle fs.writeFileSync("./build/fx.bundle.js", `const dictionary = ${JSON.stringify(dictionary)};\n` + fs.readFileSync("./build/fx.bundle.js").toString()); console.log("Formatting code..."); script = beautify(script, { "indent_size": "1", "indent_char": "\t", "max_preserve_newlines": "5", "preserve_newlines": true, "keep_array_indentation": false, "break_chained_methods": false, "indent_scripts": "normal", "brace_style": "collapse", //"brace_style": "expand", "space_before_conditional": true, "unescape_strings": false, "jslint_happy": false, "end_with_newline": false, "wrap_line_length": "250", "indent_inner_html": false, "comma_first": false, "e4x": false, "indent_empty_lines": false }); fs.writeFileSync("./build/game.js", script); console.log("Wrote ./build/game.js"); console.log("Build done");