const fx_version = ''; // FX Client Version const fx_update = 'Feb 6'; // FX Client Last Updated if (localStorage.getItem("fx_winCount") == undefined || localStorage.getItem("fx_winCount") == null) { var wins_counter = 0; console.log('Couldn\'t find a saved win data. creating one...'); } else if (localStorage.getItem("fx_winCount") != undefined || localStorage.getItem("fx_winCount") != null) { var wins_counter = localStorage.getItem("fx_winCount"); } var settings = { "fontName": "Trebuchet MS", "showBotDonations": false, "hideAllLinks": false, "realisticNames": false, //"customMapFileBtn": true }; var settingsManager = new (function() { var inputFields = { fontName: document.getElementById("settings_fontname") }; var checkboxFields = { //showBotDonations: document.getElementById("settings_donations_bots"), hideAllLinks: document.getElementById("settings_hidealllinks"), realisticNames: document.getElementById("settings_realisticnames"), //customMapFileBtn: document.getElementById("settings_custommapfileinput") }; = function() { Object.keys(inputFields).forEach(function(key) { settings[key] = inputFields[key].value.trim(); }); Object.keys(checkboxFields).forEach(function(key) { settings[key] = checkboxFields[key].checked; }); this.applySettings(); WindowManager.closeWindow("settings"); localStorage.setItem("fx_settings", JSON.stringify(settings)); // should probably firgure out a way to do this without reloading - // You can't do it, localstorages REQUIRE you to reload window.location.reload(); }; this.syncFields = function() { Object.keys(inputFields).forEach(function(key) { inputFields[key].value = settings[key]; }); Object.keys(checkboxFields).forEach(function(key) { checkboxFields[key].checked = settings[key]; }); }; this.resetAll = function() { if (!confirm("Are you Really SURE you want to RESET ALL SETTINGS back to the default?")) return; localStorage.removeItem("fx_settings"); window.location.reload(); }; this.applySettings = function() { //setVarByName("bu", "px " + settings.fontName); }; }); function removeWins() { var confirm1 = confirm('Do you really want to reset your Wins?'); if (confirm1) { wins_counter = 0; localStorage.removeItem('fx_winCount'); alert("Successfully reset wins"); } } var WindowManager = new (function() { var windows = {}; this.add = function(newWindow) { windows[] = newWindow; windows[].isOpen = false; }; this.openWindow = function(windowName, ...args) { if (windows[windowName].isOpen === true) return; if (windows[windowName].beforeOpen !== undefined) windows[windowName].beforeOpen(...args); windows[windowName].isOpen = true; windows[windowName] = null; }; this.closeWindow = function(windowName) { if (windows[windowName].isOpen === false) return; windows[windowName].isOpen = false; windows[windowName] = "none"; }; this.closeAll = function() { Object.values(windows).forEach(function(windowObj) { WindowManager.closeWindow(; }); }; }); WindowManager.add({ name: "settings", element: document.querySelector(".settings"), beforeOpen: function() { settingsManager.syncFields(); } }); WindowManager.add({ name: "donationHistory", element: document.querySelector("#donationhistory"), beforeOpen: function(isSingleplayer) { document.getElementById("donationhistory_note").style.display = ((true || settings.showBotDonations || /*getVarByName("dt")*/ isSingleplayer) ? "none" : "block"); } }); document.getElementById("canvasA").addEventListener("mousedown", WindowManager.closeAll); document.getElementById("canvasA").addEventListener("touchstart", WindowManager.closeAll); var settingsGearIcon = document.createElement('img'); settingsGearIcon.setAttribute('src', 'geari_white.png'); var donationsTracker = new (function(){ this.donationHistory = Array(512); // fill the array with empty arrays with length of 3 //for (var i = 0; i < 512; i++) this.donationHistory.push([]); // not needed as .reset is called on game start // from inside of game: // ((!gE[g].startsWith("[Bot] ") || settings.showBotDonations) && donationsTracker.logDonation(g,k,x)) this.logDonation = function(senderID, receiverID, amount) { const donationInfo = [senderID, receiverID, amount]; this.donationHistory[receiverID].push(donationInfo); this.donationHistory[senderID].push(donationInfo); }; this.getRecipientHistoryOf = function(playerID) { return this.donationHistory[playerID]; }; this.reset = function() { for (var i = 0; i < 512; i++) this.donationHistory[i] = []; }; }); // usage from inside: displayDonationsHistory(Y, gE); function displayDonationsHistory(playerID, playerNames, isSingleplayer) { var history = donationsTracker.getRecipientHistoryOf(playerID); console.log("History for " + playerNames[playerID] + ":"); console.log(history); document.querySelector("#donationhistory h1").innerHTML = "Donation history for " + playerNames[playerID]; var historyText = ""; history.reverse(); if (history.length > 0) history.forEach(function(historyItem, index) { historyText += `${(history.length - index)}. `; if (playerID === historyItem[1]) historyText += `Received ${historyItem[2]} resources from ${playerNames[historyItem[0]]}
`; else historyText += `Sent ${historyItem[2]} resources to ${playerNames[historyItem[1]]}
`; }); else historyText = "Nothing to display"; document.querySelector("#donationhistory p#donationhistory_text").innerHTML = historyText; WindowManager.openWindow("donationHistory", isSingleplayer); } var utils = new (function() { this.getMaxTroops = function(playerTerritories, playerID) { return (playerTerritories[playerID]*150).toString(); }; this.getDensity = function(playerBalances, playerTerritories, playerID) { return (Math.floor((playerBalances[playerID] / ((playerTerritories[playerID] === 0 ? 1 : playerTerritories[playerID]) * 150)) * 100) + "%"); }; }); if (localStorage.getItem("fx_settings") !== null) { settings = {...settings, ...JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("fx_settings"))}; } //settingsManager.applySettings(); console.log('Successfully loaded FX Client');