const beautify = require('js-beautify').js; const fs = require('fs'); if (!fs.existsSync("./build")) fs.mkdirSync("./build"); fs.cpSync("./static/", "./build/", { recursive: true }); fs.cpSync("./assets/", "./build/assets/", { recursive: true }); fs.writeFileSync("./build/index.html", fs.readFileSync("./build/index.html").toString().replace(/buildTimestamp/g,; let script = fs.readFileSync('./game/latest.js', { encoding: 'utf8' }).replace("\n", "").trim(); const replaceOne = (expression, replaceValue) => { const result = expression.exec(script); if (result === null) throw new Error("no match for: ") + expression; if (expression.exec(script) !== null) throw new Error("more than one match for: " + expression); // this (below) works correctly because expression.lastIndex gets reset in the line above when there is no match script = script.replace(expression, replaceValue); return result; } const matchOne = (expression) => { const result = expression.exec(script); if (result === null) throw new Error("no match for: ") + expression; if (expression.exec(script) !== null) throw new Error("more than one match for: " + expression); return result; } // const escapeRegExp = (string) => string.replace(/[.*+\-?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); //const dictionary = { __dictionaryVersion: '1.90.0 4 Feb 2024', playerId: 'bB', playerNames: 'hA', playerBalances: 'bC', playerTerritories: 'bj', gIsSingleplayer: 'fc', gIsTeamGame: 'cH' }; //if (!script.includes(`"${dictionary.__dictionaryVersion}"`)) throw new Error("Dictionary is outdated."); let dictionary = {}; [ /=(?\w+)\?"Players":"Bots"/g, /,(?\w+)=\(\w+=\w+\)<7\|\|9===\w+,/g, /=function\((\w+),(\w+),\w+\){\1===(?\w+)\?\w+\(175,\w+\.\w+\(18,\[(?\w+)\[\2\]\]\),1001,\2,\w+\(/g, // this one broke in 1.91.3 /{\w+===(?\w+)\?\w+\(175," Message to "/g, /\w+\.\w+\((\w+)\)\?\w+\.\w+\(\1\)\?(\w+)=(\w+\.\w+)\(13,\[\2\]\):\(\w+=\w+\.\w+\(\1\),\2=\3\(14,\[(?\w+)\[(\w+)\],(\w+\.\w+\.\w+\()(?\w+)\[\5\]\),\6(?\w+)\[\5\]\),\2\]\),\w+=!0\):\2=/g, // this one also broke in 1.91.3 /,\w+="Player: "\+(?\w+)\[\w+\],\w+=\(\w\+=" Balance: "\+\w+\.\w+\((?\w+)\[\w+\]\)\)\+\(" Territory: "\+\w+\.\w+\((?\w+)\[\w+\]\)\)\+\(" Coords: "/g, /\((?\w+)=Math\.floor\(\(\w+\?\.0114:\.01296\)\*\w+\)\)/g, /(function \w+\((\w+),(\w+),(\w+),(\w+),(\w+)\){\6\.fillText\((?\w+)\[\2\],\4,\5\)),(\2<(?\w+)&&2!==(?\w+)\[)/g, /,\w+=512,(?\w+)=\w+,(?\w+)&&\(\1=\w+\.\w+\(\)\),\w+=\1-\w+,\w+=0,/g ].forEach(expression => { result = expression.exec(script); if (result === null) throw new Error("no match for ") + expression; if (expression.exec(script) !== null) throw new Error("more than one match for: ") + expression; for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(result.groups)) dictionary[key] = value; }); fs.writeFileSync("./build/fx_core.js", `const dictionary = ${JSON.stringify(dictionary)};\n` + fs.readFileSync("./build/fx_core.js").toString()); // Replace assets const assets = require('./assets.js'); replaceOne(/(\(4,"crown",4,")[^"]+"\),/g, "$1" + assets.crownIcon + "\"),"); replaceOne(/(\(6,"territorial\.io",6,")[^"]+"\),/g, "$1" + assets.fxClientLogo + "\"),"); // Add FXClient menu item in "More" menu // match },ug[0][5]={name:a79,id:5,mf:90,oU:0,e8:0}, replaceOne(/(},(\w+\[0\])\[\d+\]={(\w+):\w+,(\w+):\d+,(\w+):90,(\w+):0,(\w+):0},)/g, '$1$2.push({$3:"FX Client v" + fx_version + " " + fx_update, $4: 20, $5: 0, $6: 0, $7: 70}),'); // Do not display hover effect on the last 2 items ( version and FX Client version) instead of only the last item // match 0 === a9P ? ug[a9P].length - 1 : ug[a9P].length : 1, replaceOne(/(0===(\w+)\?(\w+)\[\2\]\.length)-1:(\3\[\2\]\.length:1,)/g, "$1 - 2 : $4"); // Max size for custom maps: from 4096x4096 to 8192x8192 // TODO: test this; it might cause issues with new boat mechanics? { // Add Troop Density and Maximum Troops in side panel const { groups: { valuesArray } } = replaceOne(/(,(?\w+)\[\d\]="Interest",\2\[\d\]="Income",\2\[\d\]="Time"),(\w+=\w+-\w+\(\w+,100\),\((?\w+)=new Array\(\2\.length\)\)\[0\]=\w+)/g, '$1, $.push("Max Troops", "Density"), $3'); // add labels replaceOne(new RegExp(/(:(?\w+)<7\?\w+\.\w+\.\w+\(valuesArray\[\2\]\)):(\w+\.\w+\(valuesArray\[7\]\))}/ .source.replace(/valuesArray/g, valuesArray), "g"), '$1 : $ === 7 ? $3 ' + `: $ === 8 ? utils.getMaxTroops(${dictionary.playerTerritories}, ${dictionary.playerId}) ` + `: utils.getDensity(${dictionary.playerId}) }`); // increase the size of the side panel by 25% to make the text easier to read // match this.w = Math.floor((o ? .1646 : .126) * cZ), replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=Math\.floor\(\(\w+\?\.1646:\.126\))\*(\w+\),)/g, "$1 * 1.25 * $2"); } // Increment win counter on wins replaceOne(/(=function\((\w+)\){)([^}]+),((\w+\(0),\w+<100\?(\w+\.\w+)\(11,(\[\w+\[\w+\]\])\):\6\(12,\7\),(3,\2,[^()]+?\))),(?[^}]+},)/g, `$1 if (${dictionary.playerId} === $2) wins_counter++, window.localStorage.setItem("fx_winCount", wins_counter); ` + `$3, $4, $5, "Your Current Win Count is Now " + wins_counter, $8, $`); { // Add settings button and win count // render gear icon and win count // cV.textAlign=cX,cV.textBaseline=cW,a03(,a9Y.gc,a9Y.m5,a9Y.tD,ug[a9P][0].mf,ug[a9P][0].oU,ug[a9P][0].e8,0===yk,ug[a9P][0].name),a9O)) // l(A.f3, A.f4, A.hw, A.nI, z[0].f7, z[0].mx, z[0].cm, 0 === t, z[0].name, .6); // cH.drawImage(settingsGearIcon,A.f3-A.hw/2,A.f4,A.nI,A.nI); // cH.font = bt + Math.floor(A.nI * 0.4) + bu; // cH.fillText("Win count: " + wins_counter, Math.floor(A.f3 + A.hw / 2), Math.floor((A.f4 + A.nI / 2) * 2.1)); const { groups } = replaceOne(/((?\w+)\.textAlign=\w+,\2\.textBaseline=\w+,\w+\((?(?\w+).\w+),(?\4.\w+),(?\4.\w+),(?\4.\w+),[^)]+\)),(?(?\w+)\)\))/g, '$1, ' + '$.imageSmoothingEnabled = true, ' + '$.drawImage(settingsGearIcon, $-$/2, $, $, $), ' + '$.imageSmoothingEnabled = false, ' + '$.font = "bold " + Math.floor($ * 0.4) + "px " + settings.fontName, ' + '(settings.displayWinCounter && !$ && $.fillText("Win count: " + wins_counter, Math.floor($ + $ / 2), Math.floor(($ + $ / 2) * 2.1))), ' + '$'); // handle settings button click replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=function\((?\w+),(?\w+)\){[^}]+?)if\((?\w+=\w+\(\)),(?\w+)\)(?{for\([^}]+"Lobby ")/g, '$1 $; ' + `var gearIconX = ${groups.x}-${groups.w}/2; ` + // if (y > (C.f3-C.hw/2) && y < ((C.f3-C.hw/2)+C.nI) && A > C.f4 && A < (C.f4 + C.nI)) WindowManager.openWindow("settings"); `if ($ > gearIconX && $ < (gearIconX+${groups.h}) && $ > ${groups.y} && $ < (${groups.y}+${groups.h})) return WindowManager.openWindow("settings"); ` + 'if ($) $'); } { // Keybinds // match required variables const { 0: match, groups: { attackBarObject, setRelative } } = matchOne(/:"."===(\w+\.key)\?(?\w+)\.(?\w+)\(31\/32\):"."===\1\?\2\.\3\(32\/31\):/g,); // create a setAbsolutePercentage function on the attack percentage bar object, // and also register the keybind handler functions replaceOne(/}(function \w+\((\w+)\){return!\(1<\2&&1===(?\w+)\|\|\(1<\2&&\2\*\3-\3<1\/1024\?\2=\(\3\+1\/1024\)\/\3:\2<1)/g, "} this.setAbsolutePercentage = function(newPercentage) { $ = newPercentage; }; " + "keybindFunctions.setAbsolute = this.setAbsolutePercentage; " + `keybindFunctions.setRelative = (arg1) => ${attackBarObject}.${setRelative}(arg1); $1`); // insert keybind handling code into the keyDown handler function replaceOne(new RegExp(/(function \w+\((?\w+)\){)([^}]+matched)/g.source.replace(/matched/g, escapeRegExp(match)), "g"), "$1 if (keybindHandler($.key)) return; $3"); } // Enforce custom font name script = script.replace(/"px sans-serif"/g, '"px " + settings.fontName'); // Realistic bot names setting // matches c4[i] = c4[i].replace(a6U[dx], a6V[dx]) replaceOne(/(((\w+)\[\w+\])=\2\.replace\(\w+(\[\w+\]),\w+\4\))/g, "$1; if (settings.realisticNames) $3 = realisticNames;") // Hide all links in main menu depending on settings replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=function\(\){)((\w+\.\w+)\[2\]=\3\[3\]=\3\[4\]=(?!this\.\w+\.\w+),)/g, "$1 if (settings.hideAllLinks) $3[0] = $3[1] = $; else $3[0] = $3[1] = true; $2") // Make the main canvas context have an alpha channel if a custom background is being used replaceOne(/(document\.getElementById\("canvasA"\),\(\w+=\w+\.getContext\("2d",){alpha:!1}/g, "$1 {alpha: makeMainMenuTransparent}") // Clear canvas background if a custom background is being used replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=function\(\){var (\w+),(\w+);)(\w+\.\w+\?\([^()]+setTransform\(\3=\2<\3\?\3:\2,0,0,\3,(?:Math\.floor\(\([^)]+\)\/2\)[,)]){2},(?:[^)]+\),){2}[^)]+\):(?\w+)\.fillStyle=\w+\.\w+,\5\.fillRect\((?0,0,\w+,\w+)\)}})/g, '$1 if (makeMainMenuTransparent) $.clearRect($); else $4') // Track donations replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=function\((\w+),(\w+)\)\{)(\2===\w+&&\(\w+\.\w+\((\w+\.\w+)\[0\],\5\[1\],\3\),this\.(\w+)\[12\]\+=\5\[1\],this\.\6\[16\]\+=\5\[0\]\),\3===\w+&&\()/g, "$1 donationsTracker.logDonation($2, $3, $5[0]); $4") // Display donations for a player when clicking on them in the leaderboard // match , 0 !== dG[x]) && fq.hB(x, 800, false, 0), replaceOne(/,(0!==\w+\[(\w+)\]\)&&\w+\.\w+\(\2,800,!1,0\),)/g, `, ${dictionary.gIsTeamGame} && donationsTracker.displayHistory($2, ${dictionary.playerNames}, ${dictionary.gIsSingleplayer}), $1`); // Reset donation history when a new game is started replaceOne(new RegExp(`,${dictionary.playerBalances}=new Uint32Array\\(\\w+\\),`, "g"), "$& donationsTracker.reset(), "); { // Player list // Draw player list button const { groups: { drawFunction, topBarHeight } } = replaceOne(/(=1;function (?\w+)\(\){[^}]+?(?\w+)\.fillRect\(0,(?\w+),\w+,1\),(?:\3\.fillRect\([^()]+\),)+\3\.font=\w+,\3\.textBaseline=\w+,\3\.textAlign=\w+,\3\.fillText\(\w+,Math\.floor\()(\w+)\/2\),(Math\.floor\(\w+\+\w+\/2\)\));/g, "$1($5 + $ - 22) / 2), $6; playerList.drawButton($, 12, 12, $ - 22);"); const buttonBoundsCheck = `utils.isPointInRectangle($, $, ${dictionary.uiOffset} + 12, ${dictionary.uiOffset} + 12, ${topBarHeight} - 22, ${topBarHeight} - 22)` // Handle player list button mouseDown replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=function\((?\w+),(?\w+)\){return!!\w+\(\2,\3\))&&(\(\w+=\w+\.\w+,)/g, `$1 && (${buttonBoundsCheck} && playerList.display(${dictionary.playerNames}), true) && $4`); // Handle player list button hover replaceOne(/(this\.\w+=function\((?\w+),(?\w+)\){)(var \w+,\w+=\w+\(\3\);return \w+\?\(\w+=(\w+),\(\5=\w+\(0,\5\+=(?:[^}]+,(?\w+\.\w+=!0)){2})/g, `$1 if (${buttonBoundsCheck}) { playerList.hoveringOverButton === false && (playerList.hoveringOverButton = true, ${drawFunction}(), $); } ` + ` else { playerList.hoveringOverButton === true && (playerList.hoveringOverButton = false, ${drawFunction}(), $); } $4`); } { // Display density of other players // Applies when the "Reverse Name/Balance" setting is off const { groups: { settingsSwitchNameAndBalance } } = replaceOne(/(,(?\w+\.\w+\.\w+)\?(?\w+)\(\w+,\w+,(?\w+),(?\w+)\+\.78\*(?\w+),(?\w+)\)):(\7\.fillText\(\w+\.\w+\.\w+\(\w+\[(\w+)\]\),\4,\5\+\.78\*\6\))\)\)/g, `$1 : ($8, settings.showPlayerDensity && $.fillText(utils.getDensity($9), $, $ + $ * 1.5)) ))`); // Applies when the "Reverse Name/Balance" setting is on (default) replaceOne(/(function \w+\((\w+),(?\w+),(?\w+),(?\w+),(?\w+)\){\6\.fillText\((?\w+)\[\2\],\4,\5\)),(\2<(?\w+)&&2!==(?\w+)\[)/g, `$1, ${settingsSwitchNameAndBalance} && settings.showPlayerDensity && $.fillText(utils.getDensity($2), $, $ + $), $8`); } // Disable built-in error reporting replaceOne(/window\.addEventListener\("error",function (\w+)\((\w+)\){/g, '$& window.removeEventListener("error", $1); return alert("Error:\\n" + $2.filename + " " + $2.lineno + " " + $2.colno + " " + $2.message);'); // Remove ads script = script.replace('//',''); console.log("Formatting code..."); exposeVarsToGlobalScope = true; if (exposeVarsToGlobalScope && script.startsWith("\"use strict\"; (function () {") && script.endsWith("})();")) script = script.slice("\"use strict\"; (function () {".length, -"})();".length); if (exposeVarsToGlobalScope && script.startsWith("(function () {") && script.endsWith("})();")) script = script.slice("(function () {".length, -"})();".length); script = beautify(script, { "indent_size": "1", "indent_char": "\t", "max_preserve_newlines": "5", "preserve_newlines": true, "keep_array_indentation": false, "break_chained_methods": false, "indent_scripts": "normal", "brace_style": "collapse", //"brace_style": "expand", "space_before_conditional": true, "unescape_strings": false, "jslint_happy": false, "end_with_newline": false, "wrap_line_length": "250", "indent_inner_html": false, "comma_first": false, "e4x": false, "indent_empty_lines": false }); fs.writeFileSync("./build/game.js", script); console.log("Wrote ./build/game.js"); console.log("Build done");