Update v0.6.4.6 - Fix leaderboard filter bug, hovering tooltip improvements, update fixes

peshomir 2024-06-05 10:47:09 +03:00
parent 8672f00ac1
commit acf79bcc9c
2 changed files with 31 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -228,9 +228,15 @@ replaceOne(new RegExp(`,this\\.${dictionary.playerBalances}.fill\\(0\\),`, "g"),
{ // Display density of other players
const r = matchRawCode(`bD.dO.data[7].value?a9W(i,jm,jk,jl,ctx):a9V(ctx,i,jm,jk,jl,a9S)))`);
const settingsSwitchNameAndBalance = `${r.bD}.${r.dO}.${r.data}[7].${r.value}`;
// Applies when the "Reverse Name/Balance" setting is off
const { groups: { settingsSwitchNameAndBalance } } = replaceOne(/(,(?<settingsSwitchNameAndBalance>\w+\.\w+\.\w+\[7\]\.\w+)\?(?<nameDrawingFunction>\w+)\(\w+,\w+,(?<x>\w+),(?<y>\w+)\+\.78\*(?<fontSize>\w+),(?<canvas>\w+)\)):(\7\.fillText\(\w+\.\w+\.\w+\(\w+\.\w+\[(\w+)\]\),\4,\5\+\.78\*\6\))\)\)/g,
`$1 : ($8, settings.showPlayerDensity && (settings.coloredDensity && ($<canvas>.fillStyle = utils.textStyleBasedOnDensity($9)), $<canvas>.fillText(utils.getDensity($9), $<x>, $<y> + $<fontSize> * 1.5)) ) ) )`);
replaceRawCode("function a9V(ctx,i,fontSize,x,y,a9S){i=ac.jv.formatNumber(playerData.playerBalances[i]);a9S>>1&1?(ctx.lineWidth=.05*fontSize,ctx.strokeStyle=a9U(fontSize,a9S%2),ctx.strokeText(i,x,y)):(1<a9S&&(ctx.lineWidth=.12*fontSize,ctx.strokeStyle=a9U(fontSize,a9S),ctx.strokeText(i,x,y)),ctx.fillText(i,x,y))}",
`function a9V(ctx,i,fontSize,x,y,a9S){
var ___id = i;
${settingsSwitchNameAndBalance} || settings.showPlayerDensity && (settings.coloredDensity && (ctx.fillStyle = utils.textStyleBasedOnDensity(___id)), ctx.fillText(utils.getDensity(___id), x, y + fontSize))}`)
// Applies when the "Reverse Name/Balance" setting is on (default)
replaceOne(/(function \w+\((\w+),(?<fontSize>\w+),(?<x>\w+),(?<y>\w+),(?<canvas>\w+)\){)(\6\.fillText\((?<playerData>\w+)\.(?<playerNames>\w+)\[\2\],\4,\5\)),(\2<(?<game>\w+)\.(?<gHumans>\w+)&&2!==\8\.(?<playerStates>\w+)\[[^}]+)}/g,
`$1 var ___id = $2; $7, $10; ${settingsSwitchNameAndBalance} && settings.showPlayerDensity && (settings.coloredDensity && ($<canvas>.fillStyle = utils.textStyleBasedOnDensity(___id)), $<canvas>.fillText(utils.getDensity(___id), $<x>, $<y> + $<fontSize>)); }`);
@ -242,6 +248,7 @@ replaceOne(new RegExp(`,this\\.${dictionary.playerBalances}.fill\\(0\\),`, "g"),
`var leaderboardHasChanged = true;
this.playerPos = game.playerId;
leaderboardFilter.setUpdateFlag = () => leaderboardHasChanged = true;
function updateFilteredLb() {
if (!leaderboardHasChanged) return;
leaderboardFilter.filteredLeaderboard = leaderboardFilter.playersToInclude
@ -316,26 +323,28 @@ replaceOne(new RegExp(`,this\\.${dictionary.playerBalances}.fill\\(0\\),`, "g"),
return ag.tQ() && -1 !== a0P && (a0P = -1, a0Y(), b3.d1 = !0), b3.dY - a0Q < 350 && a0T === a0p && -1 !== (a0p = (a0p = yr(-1, a0p, windowHeight)) !== windowHeight && vU(x, y) ? a0p : -1) && (x = (leaderboardFilter.enabled ? (updateFilteredLb(), leaderboardArray[leaderboardFilter.filteredLeaderboard[a0p + position] ?? (isEmptySpace = true, leaderboardPositionsById[game.playerId])]) : leaderboardArray[a0p + position]), a0p === windowHeight - 1 && (leaderboardFilter.enabled ? this.playerPos : leaderboardPositionsById[game.playerId]) >=
position + windowHeight - 1 && (x = game.playerId), !isEmptySpace && `);
// Get clan parsing function
replaceRawCode(`this.uI=function(username){var uK,uJ=username.indexOf("[");return!(uJ<0)&&1<(uK=username.indexOf("]"))-uJ&&uK-uJ<=8?username.substring(uJ+1,uK).toUpperCase().trim():null}`,
replaceRawCode(`this.uI=function(username){var uK,uJ=username.indexOf("[");return!(uJ<0)&&1<(uK=username.indexOf("]"))-uJ&&uK-uJ<=8?username.substring(uJ+1,uK).toUpperCase().trim():null},`,
`this.uI=function(username){var uK,uJ=username.indexOf("[");return!(uJ<0)&&1<(uK=username.indexOf("]"))-uJ&&uK-uJ<=8?username.substring(uJ+1,uK).toUpperCase().trim():null}, leaderboardFilter.parseClanFromPlayerName = this.uI;`);
{ // Hovering tooltip
replaceRawCode("this.click=function(g8,g9,tE){var fT=aj.fU(g8),fV=aj.fW(g9),fX=aj.fY(fT,fV),fZ=aj.fa(fX);return!(!aj.fb(fT,fV)||(fT=(b7.cv.fv()?.025:.0144)*aK.fw,fV=performance.now(),Math.abs(g8-uu)>fT)||Math.abs(g9-uv)>fT||dY+500<fV)&&(dY=fV,tE&&function(g8,g9,fZ){a2.eb(fZ)||-1===(g8=ak.ff.vR(g8,g9))?k.vQ(fZ):k.vS(g8)}(g8,g9,fZ),",
replaceRawCode("this.click=function(gG,gH,uH){var fd=an.fe(gG),ff=an.fg(gH),fh=an.fi(fd,ff),fj=an.fk(fh);return!(!an.fl(fd,ff)||(fd=(bB.d3.isUIZoomEnabled()?.025:.0144)*aO.g4,ff=performance.now(),Math.abs(gG-wK)>fd)||Math.abs(gH-wL)>fd||dg+500<ff)&&(dg=ff,uH?(function(gG,gH,fj){a3.ek(fj)||-1===(gG=ao.fr.wq(gG,gH))?l.wp(fj):l.wr(gG)}(gG,gH,fj),",
`hoveringTooltip.display = function(mouseX, mouseY) {
var coordX = aj.fU(mouseX), coordY = aj.fW(mouseY),
coord = aj.fY(coordX, coordY), point = aj.fa(coord);
var coordX = an.fe(mouseX), coordY = an.fg(mouseY),
coord = an.fi(coordX, coordY), point = an.fk(coord);
if (coordX < 0 || coordY < 0) return;
(function(gG, gH, fj) {
a3.ek(fj) || -1 === (gG = ao.fr.wq(gG, gH)) ? l.wp(fj) : l.wr(gG)
}(mouseX, mouseY, point))
this.click = function(g8, g9, tE) {
var fT = aj.fU(g8),
fV = aj.fW(g9),
fX = aj.fY(fT, fV),
fZ = aj.fa(fX);
return !(!aj.fb(fT, fV) || (fT = (b7.cv.fv() ? .025 : .0144) * aK.fw, fV = performance.now(), Math.abs(g8 - uu) > fT) || Math.abs(g9 - uv) > fT || dY + 500 < fV) && (dY = fV, tE && function(g8, g9, fZ) {
a2.eb(fZ) || -1 === (g8 = ak.ff.vR(g8, g9)) ? k.vQ(fZ) : k.vS(g8)
}(g8, g9, fZ),`)
this.click = function(gG, gH, uH) {
var fd = an.fe(gG),
ff = an.fg(gH),
fh = an.fi(fd, ff),
fj = an.fk(fh);
return !(!an.fl(fd, ff) || (fd = (bB.d3.isUIZoomEnabled() ? .025 : .0144) * aO.g4, ff = performance.now(), Math.abs(gG - wK) > fd) || Math.abs(gH - wL) > fd || dg + 500 < ff) && (dg = ff, uH ? (function(gG, gH, fj) {
a3.ek(fj) || -1 === (gG = ao.fr.wq(gG, gH)) ? l.wp(fj) : l.wr(gG)
}(gG, gH, fj),`)
`aK.nH = (window.devicePixelRatio || 1) * aEr, hoveringTooltip.canvasPixelScale = aK.nH,`)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
const fx_version = ''; // FX Client Version
const fx_update = 'Jun 3'; // FX Client Last Updated
const fx_version = ''; // FX Client Version
const fx_update = 'Jun 5'; // FX Client Last Updated
if (localStorage.getItem("fx_winCount") == undefined || localStorage.getItem("fx_winCount") == null) {
var wins_counter = 0;
@ -360,6 +360,7 @@ const leaderboardFilter = new (function() {
this.hoveringOverTabs = false;
this.scrollToTop = () => {};
this.repaintLeaderboard = () => {};
this.setUpdateFlag = () => {};
this.parseClanFromPlayerName = () => { console.warn("parse function not set"); };
this.selectedTab = 0;
@ -409,7 +410,10 @@ const leaderboardFilter = new (function() {
if (this.selectedTab !== tab) {
this.selectedTab = tab;
if (this.selectedTab === 0) this.clearFilter();
else if (this.selectedTab === 1) this.filterByOwnClan();
else if (this.selectedTab === 1) {
return true;