
8690 lines
687 KiB
Raw Normal View History

var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, aA, aB, aC, aD, aE, aF, aG, aH, aI, aJ, aK, aL, aM, aN, aO, aP, aQ, aR, aS, aT, aU, aV, aW, aX, aY, aZ, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af,
ag, ah, ai, aj, ak, al, am, an, ao, ap, aq, ar, at, au, av, aw, ax, ay, az, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, bA, bB, bC, bD, dA, dB, dC, dD, dE, dF, e0, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, eA, eB, eC, hm, hk, hl, hU;
function bE() {
var cw;
a || (bG(), bH(), aj = new bI, ai = new bJ, aZ = new bK, aa = new bL, b = new bM, ad = new bN, ae = new bO, c = new bP, d = new bQ, e = new bR, f = new bS, g = new bT, h = new bU, i = new bV, j = new bW, k = new bX, l = new bY, m = new bZ, n =
new ba, o = new bb, p = new bc, q = new bd, r = new be, s = new bf, t = new bg, u = new bh, v = new bi, w = new bj, x = new bk, y = new bl, z = new bm, a0 = new bn, a1 = new bo, a2 = new bp, a3 = new bq, a4 = new br, a7 = new bs, a5 =
new bt, a6 = new bu, a8 = new bv, aN = new bw, a9 = new bx, aA = new by, aB = new bz, aC = new c0, aO = new c1, aM = new c2, aD = new c3, aE = new c4, aF = new c5, aG = new c6, aL = new c7, aH = new c8, aI = new c9, aJ = new cA, aK =
new cB, aP = new cC, aQ = new cD, aR = new cE, aS = new cF, aT = new cG, aU = new cH, aV = new cI, aX = new cJ, aY = new cK, ab = new cL, ac = new cM, af = new cN, ag = new cO, ah = new cP, ak = new cQ, al = new cR, am = new cS, an =
new cT, ao = new cU, ap = new cV, aq = new cW, ar = new cX, at = new cY, au = new cZ, aW = new ca, b8 = new cb, a = new cc, b9 = new cd, bA = new ce, b5 = new cf, b6 = new cg, ay = new ch, az = new ci, b0 = new cj, av = new ck, b2 =
new cl, b3 = new cm, b4 = new cn, bB = new co, b1 = new cp, bC = new cq, bD = new cr, a.ct(), b8.ct(), aL.cu(), bA.ct(), aW.ct(), bD.ct(), aZ.ct(), a2.ct(), av.ct(), aO.ct(), ad.ct(), ae.ct(), aq.ct(), cv(), (cw = document.getElementById(
"usernameField")) && document.body.removeChild(cw), aw = new cx, aL.ct(), b8.cy.cz(), b4.ct(), b1.ct(), ay.ct(), (b7 = new d0).ct(), ax = new d1, aM.ct(), a4.d2(), au.ct(), aA.ct(), y.ct(), aU.ct(), r.ct(), a8.ct(), ah.ct(), a0.ct(),
b4.d3 = !0, setTimeout(function() {
aq.d4(2, 14071)
}, 0), at.d5(5, 5), ag.d6(), b8.cy.d7(), aL.d8(), a.d9 = 1)
function cc() {
this.dG = 1045, this.ct = function() {
dA = 2, dC = 23, dB = "25 Jun 2024 [1.96.1]", dD = 0 <= window.location.hostname.toLowerCase().indexOf("territorial.io") || Math.random() >= 0.5, dF = function() {
try {
return window.self !== window.top
} catch (dI) {
return !0
}(), dE = (new Date).getTime() % 1024
}, this.d9 = 0
function cr() {
this.id = new dJ, this.ct = function() {
function dJ() {
this.ct = function() {
0 === bA.dK.data[181].value && (bA.dK.dL(180, Math.floor(Math.random() * aj.pow(30))), bA.dK.dL(181, Math.floor((new Date).getTime() / 36e5)))
function cZ() {
this.dM = new dN, this.dO = new dP, this.ct = function() {
function dN() {
function da() {}
this.ct = function() {}, this.dZ = function() {
return !!da() && (aiptag.cmd.player.push(function() {
}), !0)
}, this.hideCMPButton = function() {
"undefined" != typeof aipAPItag && aipAPItag.hideCMPButton && aipAPItag.hideCMPButton()
}, this.showCMPButton = function() {
"undefined" != typeof aipAPItag && aipAPItag.showCMPButton && aipAPItag.showCMPButton()
}, this.showCMPScreen = function() {
da() && aipAPItag.showCMPScreen()
function dP() {
var dc = 2e4;
this.show = function() {
if (b4.dc < dc) return !1;
dc = b4.dc + 135e4, b8.cy.de(Math.floor(135e4))
function cS() {
this.di = new Uint16Array(2), this.dj = new Uint32Array(2), this.dk = new Uint32Array(2), this.dl = new Uint8Array(4), this.dm = new Uint8Array(4), this.dn = new Uint32Array(5), this.dp = new Uint32Array(8), this.dq = new Uint16Array(512), this
.dr = function(ds, dt) {
return ds[0] = dt, ds
}, this.du = function(ds, dt, dv) {
return ds[0] = dt, ds[1] = dv, ds
}, this.dw = function(ds, dt, dv, dx) {
return ds[0] = dt, ds[1] = dv, ds[2] = dx, ds
}, this.dy = function(ds, dt, dv, dx, dz) {
return ds[0] = dt, ds[1] = dv, ds[2] = dx, ds[3] = dz, ds
function eD() {
e5 = 0, e6 = 2048, e7 = new Uint32Array(4 * e6), e8 = 0, e9 = new Uint32Array(e6), (eA = new Int32Array(4))[0] = -4 * aq.eE, eA[1] = 4, eA[2] = -eA[0], eA[3] = -eA[1], eB = new Uint8Array(aq.eE * aq.eF)
function eG(player) {
e1 = player, eC = !1, eH(), eI();
for (var eJ = a3.eK(e1) - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) 0 === a3.eL(e1, eJ) && (e0 = eJ, eM());
eC && eN()
function eN() {
eO(), eP()
function eM() {
e4 = a3.eQ(e1, e0), e2 = a3.eR(e1, e0), eS(), (0 !== e5 && (eU(), eV()) ? eW : eT)()
function eV() {
return (e3 = eX(e2, e5)) > b.eY
function eU() {
for (var eJ = e5 - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) eB[eX(e7[eJ], 4)] = 0
function eT() {
var dd;
1 === a3.eK(e1) && d.eZ(e1), e1 !== b.ea ? (a6.eb[e1] += e2, a4.ec(e1)) : (dd = a6.eb[e1], a6.eb[e1] += e2, a4.ec(e1), b2.ed[13] -= a6.eb[e1] - dd), a3.ee(e1, e0)
function eH() {
var eJ, ef = a6.eg[e1].length;
for (e8 = 0, eJ = (e6 < ef ? e6 : ef) - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) e9[e8++] = a6.eg[e1][eJ]
function eI() {
for (var eJ = a6.eg[e1].length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a1.eh(a6.eg[e1][eJ]) && a1.ei(a6.eg[e1][eJ], e1);
a6.eg[e1] = []
function eS() {
e5 = 0, (e4 === b.ej ? ek : el)()
function el() {
for (var em, en, eJ, eo = 3; 0 <= eo; eo--)
for (eJ = e8 - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) en = eX(em = e9[eJ] + eA[eo], 4), 0 === eB[en] && a1.ep(em) && a1.eq(em) === e4 && (eB[en] = 1, e7[e5++] = em)
function ek() {
for (var em, en, eJ, eo = 3; 0 <= eo; eo--)
for (eJ = e8 - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) en = eX(em = e9[eJ] + eA[eo], 4), 0 === eB[en] && a1.er(em) && (eB[en] = 1, e7[e5++] = em)
function eW() {
es() ? (et(), e4 !== b.ej && eu()) : eT()
function eu() {
ev(), ew(a6.ex[e4]), ew(a6.ey[e4]), ez(a6.eg[e4]), f0(a6.ey[e4]), f0(a6.f1[e4]), f2(), f3()
function et() {
eC = !0, a3.f4(e1, e0, e2), a6.f5[e1] += e5, f6(), f7()
function es() {
return (e4 === b.ej ? f8 : f9)()
function f9() {
var fA = e5 * b.eY,
fB = fC(),
fD = fE(),
fB = fA + 2 * fB + fD,
fG = e3 * e5;
return fB < fG ? (e2 -= fB, fH(fB - fA, fD), !0) : (e2 -= fG, fH(fG - fA, fD), !1)
function fH(fG, fD) {
if (0 < fD) {
if (!(fD <= fG)) return a3.fI(e4, e1, fD - fG), void(fG = 0);
a3.fI(e4, e1, 0), fG -= fD
fG = eX(fG, 2), a6.eb[e4] >= fG ? a6.eb[e4] -= fG : a6.eb[e4] = 0
function fE() {
return a3.fJ(e4, e1)
function fC() {
return aj.fK(e5 * a6.eb[e4], 1 + aj.fK(10 * a6.f5[e4], 16))
function f8() {
return e2 -= e5 * b.eY, !0
function f7() {
for (var eJ = e5 - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a6.eg[e1].push(e7[eJ]), a6.ex[e1].push(e7[eJ]), a1.ei(e7[eJ], e1)
function cX() {
var fL = 0,
fM = 0;
this.fN = function(fO, fP) {
fL = fO, fM = fP
}, this.fQ = function(fR) {
b.fS || k.fT || (aZ.fU.fV(0) || aZ.fU.fV(1)) && aZ.fU.fW(b.ea) && (p.fX(fL, fM) ? p.fY = !1 : function(fR) {
var fa = ak.fb(fL),
fc = ak.fd(fM),
fe = ak.ff(fa, fc),
fg = ak.fh(fe);
ak.fi(fa, fc) && (b.fj ? a1.eh(fg) && aX.fk.fl(fe) : a1.fm(fg) || (a1.fn(fg) || fR ? al.fo.fp(b.ea, fe) && aX.fk.fq(p.fr(), fe) : a1.er(fg) ? fs(b.ea) ? aX.fk.ft(p.fr(), b.ej) : fu(b.ea, b.ej) ? aP.fv(b.ej, p.fr()) : al.fo.fp(
b.ea, fe) && aX.fk.fq(p.fr(), fe) : (fa = a1.eq(fg)) !== b.ea && (fw(fa, b.ea) ? fx(b.ea, fa) ? aX.fk.ft(p.fr(), fa) : fu(b.ea, fa) ? aP.fv(fa, p.fr()) : al.fo.fp(b.ea, fe) && aX.fk.fq(p.fr(), fe) : al.fo.fp(b
.ea, fe) && aX.fk.fq(p.fr(), fe))))
function ch() {
var fy = 1,
fz = [null, null];
this.ct = function() {
fy = .72 * (b8.cy.g0() ? .0011 : .001) * aL.g1;
for (var eJ = 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) fz[eJ] && this.g2(eJ, fz[eJ].g3)
}, this.g2 = function(g4, g3) {
fz[g4] = {
g3: g3,
font: aZ.g5.g6(1, 10)
}, this.g7(g4)
}, this.g7 = function(g4) {
var g3, fontSize, g9, gA, gB;
a0.g8() && fz[g4] && (g3 = fz[g4].g3, fontSize = Math.floor(.15 * fy * a0.get(13).height), g9 = aZ.g5.g6(1, fontSize), gA = o.measureText(g3, g9), (gB = .8 * fy * a0.get(13).width) < gA && (fontSize = Math.floor(fontSize * gB / gA), g9 =
aZ.g5.g6(1, fontSize)), fz[g4] = {
g3: g3,
font: g9
}, b4.d3 = !0)
}, this.gC = function() {
return Math.floor(fy * a0.get(13).height)
}, this.fX = function(gD, gE) {
return !!a0.g8() && !(gD < b1.gap || gE < aL.gF - fy * a0.get(13).height - 2 * b1.gap || gE > aL.gF - 2 * b1.gap || (gD < b1.gap + fy * a0.get(13).width ? (at.d5(8, 0, new gG("⏳ Connecting...", 21, {
gH: 0,
gI: 0,
gJ: 9
})), 0) : gD < 2 * b1.gap + fy * a0.get(13).width || !(gD < 2 * b1.gap + 2 * fy * a0.get(13).width) || (at.d5(8, 0, new gG("⏳ Connecting...", 21, {
gH: 1,
gI: 0,
gJ: 9
})), 0)))
}, this.gK = function() {
return Math.floor(aL.gF - fy * a0.get(13).height - b1.gap)
}, this.gL = function() {
if (a0.g8()) {
gM.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0, gM.setTransform(fy, 0, 0, fy, b1.gap, this.gK()), gM.drawImage(a0.get(14), 0, 0), gM.setTransform(fy, 0, 0, fy, 2 * b1.gap + fy * a0.get(13).width, this.gK()), gM.drawImage(a0.get(13), 0, 0);
for (var eJ = 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) fz[eJ] && (gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, (1 + eJ) * b1.gap + eJ * fy * a0.get(13).width, this.gK()), gM.font = fz[eJ].font, aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 1), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM
.fillText(fz[eJ].g3, .5 * fy * a0.get(13).width, .86 * fy * a0.get(13).height));
gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
function gO(gP, size, gQ, gR, font) {
var eJ, gU = .2,
gV = document.createElement("canvas"),
gW = gV.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !1
for (gV.width = gP, gV.height = gP, gW.font = size + font, gW.textAlign = "center", gW.textBaseline = "middle", gW.fillStyle = "red", eJ = 0; eJ < gQ.length; eJ++) gW.fillText(gQ[eJ], .5 * gP, .5 * gP);
return -1 < (gV = function(gS) {
var eJ, gY;
for (eJ = gS.data.length - 4; 0 <= eJ; eJ -= 4)
if (gY = gS.data[eJ], gR <= gY) return Math.floor(eJ / (4 * gP));
return -1
}(gW.getImageData(0, 0, gP, gP))) && (gU = (gV - .5 * gP + .1 * size) / size), Math.max(gU, 0)
function cQ() {
this.gZ = new Int16Array(4), this.ga = new Int16Array(4), this.ct = function() {
var eJ;
for (this.gZ[0] = -aq.eE, this.gZ[1] = 1, this.gZ[2] = aq.eE, this.gZ[3] = -1, eJ = 0; eJ < 4; eJ++) this.ga[eJ] = 4 * this.gZ[eJ]
}, this.gb = function(gc, gd) {
var ge = this.gf(gd) - this.gf(gc),
gd = this.gh(gd) - this.gh(gc),
gc = ge >>> 31 << 1;
return 5 + gc + (1 - gc) * (1 - (gd >>> 31 << 1)) * (Math.abs(ge) - Math.abs(gd) >>> 31) & 3
}, this.gl = function(gc, gd, gm) {
return gm % 2 == 0 ? gm + (1 - gm) * (1 - (this.gf(gd) - this.gf(gc) >>> 31 << 1)) + 4 & 3 : gm + (2 - gm) * (1 - (this.gh(gd) - this.gh(gc) >>> 31 << 1)) + 4 & 3
}, this.go = function(em, fe) {
for (var gd, gp, gr = a6.ey[em], ef = gr.length, gA = aq.eE, gs = this.gf(fe), gt = this.gh(fe), gu = gr[0] >> 2, min = this.gv(gs, gt, gu), eJ = 1; eJ < ef; eJ++)(gp = (gp = gs - (gd = gr[eJ] >> 2) % gA) * gp + (gp = gt - ~~((.5 + gd) /
gA)) * gp) < min && (min = gp, gu = gd);
return gu
}, this.gw = function(player, fg) {
return !a1.er(fg) && player === a1.eq(fg)
}, this.gv = function(fa, fc, fe) {
return (fa -= this.gf(fe)) * fa + (fc -= this.gh(fe)) * fc
}, this.gx = function(gy, gz, h0) {
gy = this.h2(gy) - this.h3(h0), gz = this.h5(gz) - this.h6(h0);
return Math.sqrt(gy * gy + gz * gz)
}, this.h7 = function(gc, gd) {
var h1 = this.gf(gc) - this.gf(gd),
gc = this.gh(gc) - this.gh(gd);
return Math.sqrt(h1 * h1 + gc * gc)
}, this.h8 = function(em, h9) {
return aj.fK(h9 * a6.eb[em], 1e3)
}, this.h2 = function(gy) {
return 16 * (gy + hA) / hB
}, this.h5 = function(gz) {
return 16 * (gz + hC) / hB
}, this.fb = function(gy) {
return Math.floor((gy + hA) / hB)
}, this.fd = function(gz) {
return Math.floor((gz + hC) / hB)
}, this.fi = function(fa, fc) {
return 1 <= fa && 1 <= fc && fa < aq.eE - 1 && fc < aq.eF - 1
}, this.gf = function(fe) {
return fe % aq.eE
}, this.gh = function(fe) {
return aj.fK(fe, aq.eE)
}, this.ff = function(fa, fc) {
return fc * aq.eE + fa
}, this.hD = function(fe) {
var fa = this.gf(fe),
fe = this.gh(fe);
return 0 < fa && fa < aq.eE - 1 && 0 < fe && fe < aq.eF - 1
}, this.fh = function(fe) {
return fe << 2
}, this.hE = function(fe) {
return aq.eE * this.gh(fe) * 256 + (this.gf(fe) << 4)
}, this.hF = function(fe) {
return this.hE(fe) + 8 + (aq.eE << 7)
}, this.hG = function(h0) {
return aq.eE * (this.h6(h0) >> 4) + (this.h3(h0) >> 4)
}, this.hH = function(h0) {
h0 = this.hG(h0);
return (this.gf(h0) >> 5) + al.hI.hJ * (this.gh(h0) >> 5)
}, this.h3 = function(h0) {
return h0 % (aq.eE << 4)
}, this.h6 = function(h0) {
return aj.fK(h0, aq.eE << 4)
}, this.hK = function(fe, gm) {
return fe + this.gZ[gm]
}, this.hL = function(fg, gm) {
return fg + this.ga[gm]
function hM(player, hN) {
return am.dp[1] = a6.eg[player].length, am.dp[0] === b.ej ? hO(player) : hP(player, am.dp[0]), (0 !== am.dp[1] || 0 !== a6.eg[player].length) && !(!hN && am.dp[1] === a6.eg[player].length || (am.dp[0] === b.ej ? a6.hQ[player]++ : a6.hR[player]++,
function hS(player) {
b.hT && (hU[player] = 1), hV(am.dp[1], player), a3.hW(player, am.dj[0], am.dp[0]), d.hX(player, !1)
function hY(player, hZ, ef, ha) {
var hb = eX(3 * a6.eb[player], 256);
ha -= ha >= eX(a6.eb[player], 2) ? hb : 0, hV(ef, player), a3.hW(player, ha, hZ), a6.eb[player] -= ha + hb, d.hX(player, !1)
function hP(player, hZ) {
for (var gm, eJ = a6.ex[player].length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (a1.hc(a6.ex[player][eJ]))
for (gm = 3; 0 <= gm; gm--)
if (a1.ep(a6.ex[player][eJ] + eA[gm]) && a1.eq(a6.ex[player][eJ] + eA[gm]) === hZ) {
function hV(size, player) {
for (var eJ = a6.eg[player].length - 1; size <= eJ; eJ--) a1.hd(a6.eg[player][eJ], player)
function hO(player) {
for (let eJ = a6.ex[player].length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (a1.hc(a6.ex[player][eJ]))
for (let gm = 3; 0 <= gm; gm--)
if (a1.er(a6.ex[player][eJ] + eA[gm])) {
function he(player, hf) {
var eJ, hg, gm, hh, ef = a6.ex[player].length,
gn = 256 <= ef ? 12 : 32 <= ef ? 6 : 1,
hi = ef - 1 - aM.hj(gn);
hk = 0;
loop: for (eJ = hi; 0 <= eJ; eJ -= gn)
for (gm = 3; 0 <= gm; gm--)
if ((hh = a1.er(a6.ex[player][eJ] + eA[gm]) ? b.ej : a1.eq(a6.ex[player][eJ] + eA[gm])) === b.ej || a1.ep(a6.ex[player][eJ] + eA[gm]) && hh !== player && (hf || fw(player, hh))) {
for (hg = hk - 1; 0 <= hg; hg--)
if (hl[hg] === hh) continue loop;
if (hl[hk] = hh, ++hk >= hm) return !0
return 0 < hk
function hn(player, hf) {
var eJ, gm, hh;
for (hk = 0, eJ = a6.ex[player].length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
for (gm = 3; 0 <= gm; gm--)
if ((hh = a1.er(a6.ex[player][eJ] + eA[gm]) ? b.ej : a1.eq(a6.ex[player][eJ] + eA[gm])) === b.ej || a1.ep(a6.ex[player][eJ] + eA[gm]) && hh !== player && (hf || fw(player, hh))) return hl[hk++] = hh, !0;
return !1
function ho() {
for (var hp, eJ = hk - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (hl[eJ] === b.ej) {
for (hk--, hp = eJ; hp < hk; hp++) hl[hp] = hl[hp + 1];
return !0
} return !1
function hq(player) {
for (var hp, eJ = hk - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (a3.hr(player, hl[eJ]))
for (hk--, hp = eJ; hp < hk; hp++) hl[hp] = hl[hp + 1];
return 0 === hk
function hs() {
for (var eJ = hk - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (hl[eJ] >= b.ht) return !0;
return !1
function hu() {
for (var eJ = hk - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) hl[eJ] < b.ht && (hl[eJ] = hl[--hk]);
return 0 < hk
function hv(player) {
for (var hp, hw = hl[0], hx = a6.eb[hw] + a3.fJ(hw, player), eJ = hk - 1; 1 <= eJ; eJ--)(hp = a6.eb[hl[eJ]] + a3.fJ(hl[eJ], player)) < hx && (hw = hl[eJ], hx = hp);
return hw
function hy(player) {
var gF, hz = hl[0];
if (1 !== hk)
for (var i0 = eX(a6.i1[player] + a6.i2[player], 2), i3 = eX(a6.i4[player] + a6.i5[player], 2), i6 = i7(i0 - eX(a6.i1[hz] + a6.i2[hz], 2)) + i7(i3 - eX(a6.i4[hz] + a6.i5[hz], 2)), eJ = hk - 1; 1 <= eJ; eJ--)(gF = i7(i0 - eX(a6.i1[hl[eJ]] + a6
.i2[hl[eJ]], 2)) + i7(i3 - eX(a6.i4[hl[eJ]] + a6.i5[hl[eJ]], 2))) < i6 && (i6 = gF, hz = hl[eJ]);
return hz
function i8() {
return hl[aM.hj(hk)]
function cv() {
hm = 8, hk = 0, hl = new Uint16Array(hm)
function i9() {
hU = b.hT ? new Uint8Array(b.ej) : null
function iA(player, ha) {
var iB;
b.hT && (hU[player] = 0), !a3.iC(player) || ha < 60 || (0 === a6.ex[player].length ? al.iD.iE(player) || (c.iF(player - b.ht, 200), iG(player, ha, c.ha[player - b.ht], a4.iH(player))) : 0 < a6.ey[player].length && aM.random() < aM.value(a6.ey[
player].length > a6.ex[player].length ? 7 : 3) && al.iD.iE(player) || (iB = a4.iH(player), a6.eb[player] > iB && ha < a6.eb[player] - iB && (ha = a6.eb[player] - iB), b.hT ? iI(player, ha, c.ha[player - b.ht], iB) : iJ(player, ha, c
.ha[player - b.ht])))
function iI(player, ha, iK, iB) {
var hZ;
he(player, !1) || hn(player, !1) ? (hU[player] = 1, hq(player) || (ho() ? (iL(player, ha), iM(player, b.ej, iK)) : (aM.iN(c.iO[iK]) ? iP(player, ha, hZ = hv(player)) : (hs() && aM.iN(c.iQ[iK]) && hu(), iP(player, ha, hZ = hy(player))), iM(player,
hZ, iK)))) : 0 < a6.ey[player].length && aM.random() < aM.value(60) && al.iD.iE(player) || (c.iF(player - b.ht, 200), iG(player, ha, iK, iB))
function iR(player, ha) {
he(player, !1) || hn(player, !1) ? (hU[player] = 1, ho() ? iL(player, ha) : iP(player, ha, i8())) : iG(player, ha, 0, 0)
function iM(player, hZ, iK) {
3 <= iK && 2142 < b4.iS() && (hZ === b.ej || a6.eb[hZ] < eX(a6.eb[player], 20)) && c.iF(player - b.ht, 25)
function iG(player, ha, iK, iB) {
var eJ, hp, iT;
if (0 !== b5.iU[player] && !(5 === iK && a6.eb[player] < iB || 4 === iK && a6.eb[player] < eX(iB, 2)))
for (eJ = aM.hj(iV), hp = 0; hp < iV; hp++)
if (iT = iW[(hp + eJ) % iV], b5.iU[iT] === b5.iU[player] && 1 === hU[iT]) return void aX.iX.iY(player, iT, ha)
function iJ(player, ha, iK) {
!he(player, !0) && !hn(player, !0) || hq(player) || (ho() ? iL(player, ha) : aM.iN(c.iO[iK]) ? iP(player, ha, hv(player)) : (hs() && aM.iN(c.iQ[iK]) && hu(), iP(player, ha, hy(player))))
function iZ(player, ha) {
(he(player, !0) || hn(player, !0)) && (ho() ? iL(player, ha) : iP(player, ha, i8()))
function iP(player, ha, hZ) {
eX(a6.eb[player], 8) > a6.eb[hZ] && (ha = (ia = eX(11 * a6.eb[hZ], 5)) < ha ? ha : ia);
var ia = a6.eg[player].length;
hP(player, hZ), hY(player, hZ, ia, ha)
function iL(player, ha) {
var hZ = b.ej,
ef = a6.eg[player].length;
return hO(player), a6.eg[player].length !== ef && (hY(player, hZ, ef, ha), !0)
self.aiCommand746 = function(df) {
0 === df ? bE() : 1 !== df || 1 !== b8.id || b8.dg < 14 || y.dh()
var hB, hA, hC, zZ, jM, a1Q, iW, iV, uD, gM, qu, a2z, wi, wj, ib = [60, 74, 112, 200, 256, 512];
function bP() {
var ic, ie, ig, ih, ii, ij;
function ix(eJ) {
ic[eJ] = 1 + eX(ii[eJ] * aM.random(), 10 * aM.value(100))
this.ik = ["Very Easy", "Easy", "Normal", "Hard", "Harder", "Very Hard"], this.il = [97, 95, 93, 90, 87, 84], this.iQ = [98, 95, 70, 40, 20, 0], this.im = [85, 70, 50, 30, 7, 3], this.iO = [0, 0, 5, 25, 50, 90], this.ha = null, this.ct =
function() {
var eJ, io;
if (ic = new Uint8Array(b.ip), ie = new Uint16Array(b.ip), ig = new Uint16Array(b.ip), ih = new Uint8Array(b.ip), this.ha = new Uint8Array(b.ip), ii = new Uint16Array(b.ip), ij = new Uint16Array(b.ip), aV.iq) {
if (aV.ir.is)
for (eJ = b.ip - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) this.ha[eJ] = aV.ir.is[eJ + 1]
} else if (9 === b.it) this.iu();
else if (b.iv)
if (b.hT)
for (eJ = b.ip - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) this.ha[eJ] = z.iw[b5.iU[eJ + b.ht] - 1].eo;
for (eJ = b.ip - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) this.ha[eJ] = z.iw[0].eo;
for (io = 8 === b.it ? 1 : 0, eJ = b.ip - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) this.ha[eJ] = io;
for (eJ = b.ip - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) this.ha[eJ] <= 2 ? (ih[eJ] = 5, ii[eJ] = ij[eJ] = 1040, 0 === this.ha[eJ] ? (ie[eJ] = 1e3, ig[eJ] = 1e3) : 1 === this.ha[eJ] ? (ie[eJ] = 1e3, ig[eJ] = 920, ii[eJ] = ij[eJ] = 1100) : (ie[eJ] = 825, ig[
eJ] = 750)) : this.ha[eJ] <= 4 ? (ih[eJ] = 1 + aM.hj(20), 3 === this.ha[eJ] ? (ie[eJ] = ig[eJ] = 500, ii[eJ] = ij[eJ] = 1e3) : (ij[eJ] = 250 + aM.hj(1501), ii[eJ] = 500 + aM.hj(501), ie[eJ] = 300 + aM.hj(201), ig[eJ] = 100 + aM
.hj(201))) : (ii[eJ] = 1e3, ij[eJ] = 1e3, ih[eJ] = 35 + aM.hj(16), ie[eJ] = 300 + aM.hj(201), ig[eJ] = 50 + aM.hj(101)), ix(eJ)
}, this.iu = function() {
for (var eJ, fg = 0, hp = 0; hp < 6; hp++) {
for (eJ = fg + aN.iy[hp] - 1; fg <= eJ; eJ--) this.ha[eJ] = hp;
fg += aN.iy[hp]
}, this.iF = function(iz, value) {
0 <= iz && (ic[iz] = value)
}, this.iE = function(iz) {
0 == --ic[iz] && ! function(iz) {
! function(iz) {
ii[iz] !== ij[iz] && (ii[iz] += ii[iz] < ij[iz] ? 3 : -3);
ie[iz] !== ig[iz] && (ie[iz] += ie[iz] < ig[iz] ? ih[iz] : -ih[iz], ie[iz] = (Math.abs(ie[iz] - ig[iz]) <= ih[iz] ? ig : ie)[iz]);
ic[iz] = eX(ii[iz], 10)
var player = iz + b.ht;
iA(player, eX(ie[iz] * a6.eb[player], 1e3))
function j2() {
l.iE(), a5.iE(), u.j3(), aO.j4.iE()
function j5() {
aP.iE(), e.iE(), a4.iE(), aS.iE(), aR.iE(), d.iE(), f.iE(), al.j4.iE(), j6(), t.iE(), aN.iE(), a5.iE(), a5.j7(), u.iE(), an.iE(), s.iE(), n.iE(), l.iE(), aT.iE(), p.iE(), aJ.iE(), b2.iE(), b6.iE(), ao.iE(), aO.j4.iE(), aO.j8.iE(), at.iE(), aY
.iE(), b4.iE()
function j9() {
g.iE(), v.iE(), o.iE(), aG.iE(), ab.iE(), aK.jA()
function jB() {
t.jC(!1), n.jC(), u.jC(!1), s.jC(), p.jC(), aJ.jC(), a5.jC(!1), b6.g7()
function jD() {
a5.jC(!1) && (b4.d3 = !0), aO.j4.iE()
function bQ() {
var jE, jF, jG, jH, jI, jJ;
function jN(jP) {
for (var eJ = jF - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) 0 === jH[jG[eJ]] && a6.f5[jG[eJ]] >= jP && eG(jG[eJ])
function jL(player) {
10 === jH[player] ? jH[player] = jE : a6.f5[player] < 1e3 ? jH[player] = 3 : a6.f5[player] < 1e4 ? jH[player] = 2 : a6.f5[player] < 6e4 ? jH[player] = 1 : jH[player] = 0
this.ct = function() {
jI = jJ = 0, jE = 6, jF = 0, jG = new Uint16Array(b.ej), jH = new Uint8Array(b.ej)
}, this.iE = function() {
var eJ;
for (jI = b2.ed[13], jJ = a6.eb[b.ea], eJ = jF - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) 10 === jH[jG[eJ]] ? jL(jG[eJ]) : 0 == jH[jG[eJ]]-- && (jL(jG[eJ]), eG(jG[eJ]));
16e4 <= a6.f5[jM[0]] && (jN(16e4), 3e5 <= a6.f5[jM[0]]) && jN(3e5), a6.f5[b.ea] > b2.ed[7] && (b2.ed[7] = a6.f5[b.ea]), b2.ed[14] += jJ - a6.eb[b.ea] + jI - b2.ed[13]
}, this.eZ = function(player) {
for (var hg, eJ = jF - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (player === jG[eJ]) {
for (jF--, hg = eJ; hg < jF; hg++) jG[hg] = jG[hg + 1];
}, this.hX = function(player, jQ) {
for (var eJ = jF - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (player === jG[eJ]) return;
jG[jF++] = player, jH[player] = jQ ? 2 : 10
function bR() {
var size, iD;
this.ct = function() {
size = b.ip, iD = new Uint16Array(b.ip);
for (var eJ = b.ip - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) iD[eJ] = eJ
}, this.iE = function() {
for (var eJ = size - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) 0 === a6.jS[iD[eJ] + b.ht] ? function(hg) {
for (var eJ = hg; eJ < size; eJ++) iD[eJ] = iD[eJ + 1]
}(eJ) : c.iE(iD[eJ])
function bS() {
var jU, jV, jF, jG, jH, jW, jX, jY;
function ja(eJ) {
var hg;
for (jF--, hg = eJ; hg < jF; hg++) jG[hg] = jG[hg + 1], jH[hg] = jH[hg + 1], jW[hg] = jW[hg + 1], jX[hg] = jX[hg + 1], jY[hg] = jY[hg + 1]
this.ct = function() {
jU = 1, jF = 0, jV = 2 * b.ej, jG = new Uint16Array(jV), jH = new Uint8Array(jV), jW = new Uint16Array(jV), jX = new Uint32Array(jV), jY = new Uint32Array(jV)
}, this.jZ = function(g4, position) {
jX[g4] = position
}, this.iE = function() {
for (var eJ = jF - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) 0 == jH[eJ]-- && (jH[eJ] = 2, aD.iE(eJ, jW[eJ], jG[eJ], jX[eJ], jY[eJ]))
}, this.eZ = function(player, id) {
for (var eJ = jF - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (player === jG[eJ] && id === jW[eJ]) return void ja(eJ)
}, this.jb = function(player) {
for (var eJ = jF - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) player === jG[eJ] && (aD.jc(player, jX[eJ]), ja(eJ))
}, this.hX = function(player, hi, jd) {
if (jV <= jF) return 0;
jG[jF] = player, jH[jF] = 0, jW[jF] = jU, jX[jF] = hi, jY[jF] = jd;
player = jU;
return jF++, jU = 2 * jV < ++jU ? 1 : jU, player
}, this.gL = function() {
if (!(hB < 40 || 0 === jF)) {
var hg, fO, fP, eJ, fontSize, ji, ha, jj = hA / hB,
jk = hC / hB,
jl = (aL.gA + hA) / hB,
jm = (aL.gF + hC) / hB;
for (aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 1), aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1), hg = jF - 1; 0 <= hg; hg--) fO = a1.jn(jX[hg]), fP = a1.gK(jX[hg]), eJ = jG[hg], jj - 1 < fO && fO < jl && jk - 1 < fP && fP < jm && 0 !== a6.jS[eJ] && ((fontSize = Math.floor(
.94 * hB * a5.jo(eJ))) < 6 || (fO = Math.floor(aL.gA * (fO + .5 - jj) / (jl - jj)), fP = Math.floor(aL.gF * (fP + .48 - jk) / (jm - jk)), gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, fontSize), gM.fillStyle = aa.jp, ha = a3.eR(eJ, a3.jq(eJ, jW[
hg])), gM.fillText(bA.dK.data[7].value ? aZ.jr.js(ha) : a6.jt[eJ], fO, fP), (ji = Math.floor(.5 * fontSize)) < 6) || (gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, ji), gM.fillText(bA.dK.data[7].value ? a6.jt[eJ] : aZ.jr.js(ha), fO, fP + Math
.floor(.82 * fontSize))))
function bT() {
var ju, jv, jw, jx, jy, jz, k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7 = !1,
k8 = !1;
function k9(kA) {
k5 = b4.dc, jw = jx = jv = 0, jy = (k6 = 33) / kA, ju = 1 / (kA / k6 / 4), jz = (aL.gA / 2 + hA) / hB, k0 = (aL.gF / 2 + hC) / hB, k1 = hB
function kN(kP) {
Math.abs(Math.log(k4 / k1)) < .125 && (k4 = kP * k1)
function kM(jj, jk, jl, jm) {
k2 = (jj + jl + 1) / 2, k3 = (jk + jm + 1) / 2;
jl = aL.gA / (jl - jj + 1), jj = aL.gF / (jm - jk + 1);
k4 = .9 * (jl < jj ? jl : jj)
this.kB = function() {
return k7
}, this.kC = function() {
k9(1), this.kD(0, 0, aq.eE - 1, aq.eF - 1), b.fj || b.fS || this.kE(b.ea, 3e3, !0, .3)
}, this.kE = function(player, kA, kF, zoom) {
b.kG || k7 && !kF && k8 || 0 === a6.f5[player] || (q.kH = !1, k8 = kF, k9(kA), function(player) {
k2 = (a6.i2[player] + a6.i1[player] + 1) / 2, k3 = (a6.i5[player] + a6.i4[player] + 1) / 2
}(player), function(zoom, player) {
var h1 = a6.i1[player] - a6.i2[player] + 1,
player = a6.i4[player] - a6.i5[player] + 1,
hg = aL.gA / h1,
hp = aL.gF / player,
hg = (k4 = hg < hp ? hg : hp, 0 !== zoom ? zoom : h1 < 20 && player < 20 ? .5 : .9);
k4 *= hg, kN(7 / 8)
}(zoom, player), k7 = !0, aC.kK())
}, this.kL = function(kA) {
b.fS || b.kG || (q.kH = !1, k8 = !1, k9(kA), kM(0, 0, aq.eE - 1, aq.eF - 1), kN(7 / 8), k7 = !0, aC.kK())
}, this.kD = function(jj, jk, jl, jm) {
kM(jj, jk, jl, jm), hB = k4, q.kQ(k2, aL.gA / 2), q.kR(k3, aL.gF / 2), az.kS()
}, this.kT = function() {
return !(k7 && k8 || (k7 = !1))
}, this.iE = function() {
var kW, kX, eo, ka;
k7 && (jv < .5 ? jx < jy && (jx += jy * ju, jw = jv) : 1 - jw < jv && (jx = (jx -= jy * ju) < jy * ju ? jy * ju : jx), k5 = k5 >= b4.dc ? b4.dc - 1 : k5, eo = b4.dc - k5, jv = 1e3 < eo || 1 < (jv += jx * eo / k6) ? 1 : jv, k5 = b4.dc,
eo = hB, kW = hA, kX = hC, eo = (hB = k1 * Math.pow(k4 / k1, jv)) / eo, ka = 1 - (k1 * Math.pow(k4 / k1, 1 - jv) - k1) / (k4 - k1), q.kQ(jz + ka * (k2 - jz), aL.gA / 2), q.kR(k0 + ka * (k3 - k0), aL.gF / 2), a5.zoom(eo, (kW * eo -
hA) / (1 - eo), (kX * eo - hC) / (1 - eo)), az.kS(), 1 <= jv && (k7 = !1, b0.kb = !0), b4.d3 = !0)
function bL() {
let iT = aZ.color;
this.jp = iT.kc(0, 0, 0), this.kd = iT.ke(0, 0, 0, .7), this.kf = iT.ke(0, 0, 0, .5), this.kg = iT.ke(0, 0, 0, .85), this.kh = iT.ke(0, 0, 0, .75), this.ki = iT.ke(0, 0, 0, .6), this.kj = iT.ke(0, 0, 0, .35), this.gN = iT.kc(255, 255, 255), this
.kk = iT.ke(255, 255, 255, .3), this.kl = iT.ke(255, 255, 255, .6), this.km = iT.ke(255, 255, 255, .4), this.kn = iT.ke(255, 255, 255, .25), this.ko = iT.ke(255, 255, 255, .85), this.kp = iT.ke(255, 255, 255, .75), this.kq = iT.ke(255, 255,
255, .15), this.kr = iT.kc(128, 128, 128), this.ks = iT.ke(64, 64, 64, .75), this.kt = iT.ke(88, 88, 88, .83), this.ku = iT.ke(60, 60, 60, .85), this.kv = iT.ke(80, 60, 60, .85), this.kw = iT.kc(30, 255, 30), this.kx = iT.kc(0, 200, 0),
this.ky = iT.kc(128, 255, 128), this.kz = iT.ke(10, 65, 10, .75), this.l0 = iT.ke(0, 255, 0, .6), this.l1 = iT.ke(0, 255, 0, .5), this.l2 = iT.ke(0, 200, 0, .5), this.l3 = iT.ke(0, 100, 0, .75), this.l4 = iT.ke(0, 60, 0, .8), this.l5 = iT.ke(
0, 255, 0, .3), this.l6 = iT.ke(0, 180, 0, .6), this.l7 = iT.ke(0, 120, 0, .85), this.l8 = iT.kc(0, 120, 0), this.l9 = iT.ke(0, 70, 0, .85), this.lA = iT.kc(255, 120, 120), this.lB = iT.kc(255, 160, 160), this.lC = iT.kc(255, 70, 70),
this.lD = iT.kc(230, 0, 0), this.lE = iT.ke(220, 0, 0, .6), this.lF = iT.ke(255, 100, 100, .8), this.lG = iT.ke(100, 0, 0, .85), this.lH = iT.ke(60, 0, 0, .85), this.lI = iT.ke(200, 0, 0, .6), this.lJ = iT.ke(120, 0, 0, .85), this.lK = iT.kc(
255, 70, 10), this.lL = iT.ke(0, 60, 60, .85), this.lM = iT.ke(10, 60, 60, .9), this.lN = iT.ke(0, 96, 96, .75), this.lO = iT.kc(160, 160, 255), this.lP = iT.ke(0, 40, 90, .75), this.lQ = iT.ke(0, 0, 255, .6), this.lR = iT.kc(200, 200,
255), this.lS = iT.kc(255, 120, 100), this.lT = iT.ke(255, 255, 0, .5), this.lU = iT.ke(255, 255, 150, .2), this.lV = iT.kc(255, 255, 0), this.lW = iT.kc(255, 255, 200), this.lX = iT.ke(200, 200, 0, .6), this.lY = iT.ke(140, 120, 0, .75),
this.lZ = iT.ke(180, 160, 40, .75), this.la = iT.ke(70, 50, 20, .85), this.lb = iT.ke(255, 140, 0, .75), this.lc = iT.ke(0, 0, 0, 0), iT = null
function cJ() {
this.fk = new ld, this.fU = new le, this.lf = new lg, this.lh = new li, this.iX = new lj
function ld() {
this.fl = function(fe) {
b.iv ? aX.lf.fl(b.ea, fe) : aO.lk.ll(fe)
}, this.ft = function(h9, hZ) {
l.lm(), b.iv ? aX.lf.ft(b.ea, h9, hZ) : aO.lk.ln(h9, hZ)
}, this.lo = function(h9, lp) {
l.lm(), b.iv ? aX.lf.lq(b.ea, h9, lp) : aO.lk.lr(h9, lp)
}, this.fq = function(h9, fe) {
b.iv ? aX.lf.fq(b.ea, h9, fe) : al.fo.fp(b.ea, fe) && aO.lk.ls(h9, fe)
}, this.lt = function(lu, fe) {
b.iv ? aX.lf.lt(b.ea, lu, fe) : al.fo.lv(b.ea, lu, fe) && aO.lk.lw(lu, fe)
}, this.lx = function(hZ) {
b.iv ? aX.lf.lx(b.ea, hZ) : aO.lk.ly(hZ)
}, this.lz = function(m0) {
b.iv ? aX.lf.m1(b.ea, m0) : aO.lk.m2(m0)
}, this.m3 = function(m4) {
b.iv ? aX.lf.m3(b.ea, m4) : aO.lk.m5(m4)
}, this.m6 = function() {
b.iv ? aX.lf.m6(b.ea) : aO.lk.m7()
function lj() {
this.iY = function(player, lp, ha) {
aZ.fU.m8(player, ha, lp) && (a4.lo(player, lp), lp < b.ht) && aM.random() < aM.value(10) && (hU[lp] = 0)
}, this.m9 = function(player, lp, ha) {
aZ.fU.mA(ha, lp) && (aZ.fU.mB(lp, am.dj[0]), b2.mC(player, lp), a5.mD(lp, am.dj[0]))
function le() {
this.mE = function(m0, player) {
l.lz(b.ea, player, m0), aO.lk.mF(m0, player)
}, this.mG = function(player) {
l.mH(player, 0), aO.lk.mI(player)
}, this.mJ = function(mK, player) {
l.mL(mK, player), aO.lk.mM(mK, player)
}, this.mN = function() {
b.iv || b.fS || aO.mO.mN()
function li() {
this.iE = function(mP) {
var id, dt, kT;
for (af.ct(mP), af.g4 += 2, kT = 8 * af.size; af.g4 + 8 <= kT;) id = af.mQ(4), dt = af.mQ(9), 0 === id ? this.mR(id, dt, af.mQ(22)) : 1 === id ? this.mR(id, dt, af.mQ(10), af.mQ(10)) : 2 === id ? this.mR(id, dt, af.mQ(10), af.mQ(9)) :
3 === id || 4 === id ? this.mR(id, dt, af.mQ(10), af.mQ(22)) : 5 === id || 6 === id ? this.mR(id, dt, af.mQ(10)) : 7 === id ? this.mR(id, dt, af.mQ(1)) : this.mR(id, dt)
}, this.mS = [], this.mT = function() {
for (var mV = 0, mW = 0, mX = 0, mY = 0, mZ = 0, ma = 0, eJ = 0; eJ < 512; eJ++) mV += a6.jS[eJ], mW += a6.f5[eJ], mX += a6.eb[eJ], mY += al.j4.mb[eJ];
mZ += al.j4.mc, ma += iV, this.mS.push(((255 & mV + mW + mX + mY + mZ + ma) << 12) + ((3 & mV) << 10) + ((3 & mW) << 8) + ((3 & mX) << 6) + ((3 & mY) << 4) + ((3 & mZ) << 2) + (3 & ma))
}, this.mR = function(id, dt, dv, dx) {
0 === id ? aX.lf.fl(dt, dv) : 1 === id ? aX.lf.ft(dt, dv, dx) : 2 === id ? aX.lf.lq(dt, dv, dx) : 3 === id ? aX.lf.fq(dt, dv, dx) : 4 === id ? aX.lf.lt(dt, dv, dx) : 5 === id ? aX.lf.lx(dt, dv) : 6 === id ? aX.lf.m1(dt, dv) : 7 === id ?
aX.lf.m3(dt, dv) : 8 === id ? aX.lf.m6(dt) : aX.lf.md(dt)
function lg() {
this.fl = function(player, fe) {
aZ.fU.fV(0) && aZ.fU.fW(player) && ak.hD(fe) && (aY.me.mf(0, player, fe), b.mg.hW(player, fe))
}, this.ft = function(player, h9, hZ) {
a6.mh[player]++, aZ.fU.fV(1) && aZ.fU.fW(player) && aZ.fU.mi(player, hZ) && aZ.fU.mj(player, h9, 12, b.eY) && aZ.fU.mk(player, hZ) && ((hZ = a3.hr(player, am.dp[0])) || a3.iC(player)) && hM(player, hZ) && (aY.me.mf(1, player, h9, am.dp[
0]), aZ.fU.ml(player), b2.mm(player, h9), hS(player))
}, this.lq = function(player, h9, lp) {
aZ.fU.fV(1) && aZ.fU.fW(player) && b.hT && aZ.fU.mi(player, lp) && aZ.fU.mn(player, lp) && aZ.fU.m8(player, aZ.fU.h8(player, h9), lp) && (aY.me.mf(2, player, h9, lp), a4.lo(player, lp))
}, this.fq = function(player, h9, fe) {
aZ.fU.fV(1) && aZ.fU.fW(player) && ak.hD(fe) && al.j4.mc !== al.j4.mo && al.j4.mb[player] !== al.j4.mp && 0 !== a6.ey[player].length && aZ.fU.mj(player, h9, 32, 16) && al.mq.mr(player, fe) && (aY.me.mf(3, player, h9, fe), aZ.fU.ml(
player), al.j4.ms(player))
}, this.lt = function(player, lu, fe) {
aZ.fU.fV(1) && aZ.fU.fW(player) && ak.hD(fe) && al.fo.mt(player, lu) && al.mq.mu(fe) && (aY.me.mf(4, player, lu, fe), aZ.fU.mv(player, 8), al.j4.lt())
}, this.lx = function(player, hZ) {
aZ.fU.fV(1) && aZ.fU.fW(player) && (hZ = Math.min(hZ, b.ej), a3.hr(player, hZ)) && (aY.me.mf(5, player, hZ), a3.mw(player, hZ))
}, this.m1 = function(player, m0) {
(aZ.fU.fV(1) || aZ.fU.fV(2)) && aZ.fU.fW(player) && (m0 = aj.mx(m0, 0, 1023), aY.me.mf(6, player, m0), a5.my(player, 0, m0))
}, this.m3 = function(player, m4) {
aZ.fU.fV(1) && aZ.fU.fW(player) && (aY.me.mf(7, player, m4), aJ.mz(player, m4))
}, this.m6 = function(player) {
(aZ.fU.fV(0) || aZ.fU.fV(1)) && aZ.fU.fW(player) && ao.m6(player) && aY.me.mf(8, player)
}, this.md = function(player) {
ao.md(player), aY.me.mf(9, player)
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nL(), nL()
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oS: oS,
oU: aL.gF / aL.nN - oR - oS
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this.nX = new oi, this.dK = new oj, this.nq = new ok, this.j4 = new ol, this.ct = function() {
this.dK.ct(), (new om).ct()
function oj() {
function on(eJ, title, type = 0, oE = null, ot = 0, dg = 0) {
g4: eJ,
title: title,
type: type,
oE: oE,
value: ot,
ot: ot,
dg: dg
function oo(eJ, title, type, oE = null, ot = "", dg = 0) {
g4: eJ,
title: title,
type: type,
oE: oE,
value: ot,
ot: ot,
dg: dg
function op(kT) {
for (var eJ = bA.dK.data.length; eJ < kT; eJ++) bA.dK.data.push(null)
this.data = [], this.ct = function() {
on(0, "", 1, ["English", "Русский", "Türkçe", "Española", "Deutsch", "Polski"], 0, 5), on(1, "", 1, null, 1), on(2, "", 0, [0, 1]), oo(3, "Username", 2), on(4, "Font5", 1, ["Default", "Custom"]), oo(5, "", 2, null, "Trebuchet MS", 1), on(
6, "", 0, [0, 1]), on(7, "", 0, [0, 1], 1), on(8, "", 0, [0, 1]), on(9, "", 1, null, 1), on(10, "", 1, null), on(11, "", 1, null, 1), op(100), oo(100, "Username", 2), oo(101, "Password", 2), oo(102, "Emojis", 2), oo(103, "Colors",
2), oo(104, "Clan", 2), oo(105, "AccountName", 2), oo(106, "Password", 2), on(107), on(108), on(109), oo(110, null, 2), on(111), on(112), on(113), oo(114, null, 2), on(115), oo(116, null, 2), on(117, null, 1), oo(118, null, 2,
null, "", 2), on(119, null, 1, null, 0, 1), oo(120, null, 2), on(121, "CountryColor", 1, null, -1), oo(122, "Username", 2), on(123, "Same as MP Username"), oo(124, null, 2, null, "Player " + Math.floor(1e3 * Math.random())), op(
180), on(180, "R0", 0), on(181, "R1", 0)
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this.data[0].title = "🌐 " + aW.np[101], this.data[1].title = aW.np[102], this.data[2].title = aW.np[103], this.data[5].title = aW.np[104], this.data[6].title = aW.np[105], this.data[7].title = aW.np[106], this.data[8].title = aW.np[107],
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.data[10].oE = [aW.np[109] + " 1", aW.np[117] + " 1", aW.np[109] + " 2", aW.np[117] + " 2"], this.data[11].oE = [aW.np[118], aW.np[119], aW.np[120]]
}, this.nr = function(g4, value) {
this.data[g4].value = value
}, this.dL = function(g4, value) {
this.nr(g4, value), bA.nX.save(g4, String(value)), bA.nX.save(g4, String(this.data[g4].dg), !0)
}, this.oq = function() {
for (var eJ = 0; eJ < this.data.length; eJ++) this.data[eJ] && (bA.nX.save(eJ, String(this.data[eJ].value)), bA.nX.save(eJ, String(this.data[eJ].dg), !0))
}, this.or = function(g4) {
return Number(this.data[g4].value)
}, this.os = function(g4) {
return String(this.data[g4].value)
function oi() {
this.ou = function(g4, dg = !1) {
return Number(this.ov(g4, dg))
}, this.ov = function(g4, dg = !1) {
var df = null;
return 0 === b8.id ? b8.ow && (df = b8.ow.getItem((dg ? "v" : "d") + g4)) : 1 === b8.id ? df = b8.ox.loadString((dg ? 1e3 : 2e3) + g4) : 2 === b8.id && (df = b8.oy[(dg ? "v" : "d") + g4]), df && 0 !== df.length ? df : null
}, this.save = function(g4, value, dg = !1) {
0 === b8.id ? b8.ow && b8.ow.setItem((dg ? "v" : "d") + g4, value) : 1 === b8.id ? b8.ox.saveString((dg ? 1e3 : 2e3) + g4, value) : 2 === b8.id && (b8.oy["d" + g4] = value, b8.oz.postMessage((dg ? "v" : "d") + g4 + " " + value))
function om() {
this.ct = function() {
! function() {
var data = bA.dK.data;
0 === data[2].dg && (aL.gF > aL.gA || 0 !== b8.id) && (data[2].value = data[2].ot = 1);
0 === data[100].dg && (data[100].value = data[100].ot = (0 === b8.id ? "Player " : 1 === b8.id ? "Android User " : "iOS User ") + Math.floor(1e3 * Math.random()));
data[0].value = data[0].ot = aW.p2()
var eJ, df, data = bA.dK.data,
ef = data.length;
for (eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) data[eJ] && data[eJ].dg === bA.nX.ou(eJ, !0) && (df = bA.nX.ov(eJ), data[eJ].value = null === df ? data[eJ].ot : 2 === data[eJ].type ? df : Number(df));
bA.dK.data[10].value = bA.dK.data[10].ot
function ol() {
function p6(ds) {
if (0 === ds.length) bA.nq.nr(116, "");
else {
let pA = ds[0];
for (let eJ = 1; eJ < ds.length; eJ++) pA += ";" + ds[eJ];
bA.nq.nr(116, pA)
this.p3 = function() {
bA.dK.data[110].value.length && (bA.dK.data[106].value = bA.dK.data[110], bA.nq.nr(110, ""), this.p4())
}, this.p4 = function() {
var ds = bA.dK.data[116].value.split(";");
ds.length % 2 == 1 && ds.pop(), ds.unshift(bA.dK.data[106].value), ds.unshift(bA.dK.data[105].value);
for (let eJ = 2; eJ < ds.length; eJ += 2)
if (ds[eJ] === ds[0]) {
ds.splice(eJ, 2);
} var p5 = [];
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ds.length; eJ += 2) p5.push(ds[eJ]);
p6(ds), bA.dK.data[117].value = 0, bA.dK.data[117].oE = p5
}, this.p7 = function(g4) {
bA.dK.data[117].oE.splice(g4, 1), bA.dK.data[117].value = Math.min(g4, bA.dK.data[117].oE.length - 1);
var ds = bA.dK.data[116].value.split(";");
ds.splice(2 * g4, 2), p6(ds)
}, this.p8 = function(g4) {
var ds = bA.dK.data[116].value.split(";");
return {
p9: ds[2 * g4],
password: ds[2 * g4 + 1]
}, this.o2 = function() {
let df = aj.mx(bA.dK.data[121].value, -1, 262143);
return df = -1 === df ? ~~(262144 * Math.random()) : df
function ok() {
this.nr = function(g4, value) {
bA.dK.data[g4].value !== value && (bA.dK.dL(g4, value), 0 === g4 ? (at.pB(), aW.ct(), at.d5(2)) : 1 === g4 ? aL.d8(1) : 2 === g4 ? aL.d8(0) : 5 === g4 && (aZ.g5.pC(), aL.d8(0)))
}, this.pD = function() {
for (var data = bA.dK.data, eJ = 0; eJ < 100; eJ++) data[eJ] && bA.dK.dL(eJ, data[eJ].ot);
aZ.g5.pC(), aL.d8(1), aW.ct()
}, this.pE = function() {
var data = bA.dK.data;
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < data.length; eJ++) data[eJ] && bA.dK.nr(eJ, data[eJ].ot)
function bO() {
this.pF = new pG, this.pH = new pI, this.ct = function() {
function pI() {
this.pJ = function(size) {
var pK = af,
ds = [];
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < size; eJ++) ds.push(String.fromCharCode(pK.mQ(16)));
return ds.join("")
}, this.pL = function(g3) {
return 20 < (g3 = g3.trim()).length ? g3.substring(0, 20) : g3
function pG() {
var pM = new Uint8Array(78);
this.ct = function() {
var eJ;
for (pM[50] = 37, eJ = 0; eJ < 10; eJ++) pM[eJ + 3] = eJ + 1;
for (eJ = 0; eJ < 26; eJ++) pM[eJ + 20] = eJ + 11, pM[eJ + 52] = eJ + 38
}, this.pN = function(g3) {
return g3.trim().replace(new RegExp("[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]", "g"), "_")
}, this.pO = function(g3, size) {
if ((g3 = this.pN(g3)).length > size) return g3.substring(0, size);
for (; g3.length < size;) g3 += "_";
return g3
}, this.pP = function(g3) {
for (var pQ = pM, ef = g3.length, ds = new Uint8Array(ef), eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) ds[eJ] = pQ[g3.charCodeAt(eJ) - 45];
return ds
}, this.pR = function(pS) {
ac.d4(6 * pS.length), this.pT(pS), af.ct(ac.mP)
}, this.pT = function(pS) {
var ef = pS.length,
gA = ac;
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) gA.pU(6, pS[eJ])
}, this.pV = function(g3) {
}, this.pW = function(g3, size) {
this.pT(this.pP(this.pO(g3, size)))
function pX() {
var gA, gF, pY;
function py(pz, eo, pw, pe, pr) {
eo = px(pz, eo + 1 + 2 * pe & 3);
! function(pz, q0) {
return 1 < Math.abs(pz % gA - q0 % gA) || 1 < Math.abs(q3(pz) - q3(q0))
}(pz, eo) && 0 === pr[eo << 2] && (pr[eo << 2] = pw)
function q3(em) {
return Math.floor((em + .5) / gA) % gF
function px(em, eo) {
return em + pY[eo]
this.pZ = function(g3) {
var eJ, pa, ef, pc, pK = af;
for (ae.pF.pR(ae.pF.pP(g3)), aq.eE = gA = pK.mQ(12), aq.eF = gF = pK.mQ(12), pY = [-gA, -1, gA, 1], aq.pn = document.createElement("canvas"), aq.pn.width = aq.eE, aq.pn.height = aq.eF, aq.pj = aq.pn.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !1
}), aq.pk = aq.pj.getImageData(0, 0, aq.eE, aq.eF), aq.po = aq.pk.data, aZ.pp.pq(aq.po), ef = pK.mQ(12), pa = pK.mQ(5), pc = pg(gA * gF - 1), eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) ! function(pb, em, pd, pe) {
var eJ, eo, pK = af,
pr = aq.po,
ps = em,
pt = em,
pu = 0,
pv = 1 + pd,
pw = 2 - pd;
for (pr[em << 2] = pv, eJ = 0; eJ < pb; eJ++) eo = pK.mQ(2), em = px(em, eo), pr[em << 2] === pv ? pu % 2 == 1 && py(pt, pu + 2 * pe + 3, pw, pe, pr) : pr[em << 2] = pv, py(em, eo, pw, pe, pr), py(pt, eo, pw, pe, pr), pt = em,
pu = eo;
px(em, 0) === ps ? (py(em, 0, pw, pe, pr), py(ps, 0, pw, pe, pr)) : px(em, 1) === ps && (py(em, 0, pw, pe, pr), py(ps, 2, pw, pe, pr));
0 === pb && (py(ps, 0, pw, pe, pr), py(ps, 2, pw, pe, pr))
}(pK.mQ(pa), pK.mQ(pc), 1 === pK.mQ(1), 1 === pK.mQ(1));
var fO, fP, q4, q5, q6, q7, pr = aq.po,
q8 = !0,
q9 = aq.ir.qA[aq.qB].q9,
qC = aq.ir.qA[aq.qB].qC;
for (fP = 0; fP < gF; fP++)
for (q5 = !0, q6 = q8, fO = q7 = 0; fO < gA; fO++) q4 = 4 * fP * gA + 4 * fO, q7 <= fO && 0 < pr[q4] && (q6 = 2 === pr[q4], q5) && (q5 = !1, q6 !== q8) ? (q8 = q6, q7 = fO + 1, fO = -1) : (q6 ? (pr[q4] = qC[0], pr[1 + q4] = qC[1], pr[
2 + q4] = qC[2]) : (pr[q4] = q9[0], pr[1 + q4] = q9[1], pr[2 + q4] = q9[2]), pr[3 + q4] = 255);
aq.pj.putImageData(aq.pk, 0, 0), aq.pl = !0, aq.pm.ct(), b4.d3 = !0
function bU() {
var fO, fP, gA, gF, qD, qE, qF, qG, player, ds;
function qO() {
return function() {
var eJ;
for (eJ = 0; eJ < 8; eJ++)
if (fO = eX(gA * aM.random(), aM.value(100)), fP = eX(gF * aM.random(), aM.value(100)), qW()) return 1;
}() || function() {
var h1, h4, hg, qM, hp, qL;
for (h1 = eX(gA * aM.random(), aM.value(100)), h4 = eX(gF * aM.random(), aM.value(100)), hg = 40; 1 <= hg; hg--)
for (qM = gF - hg; 0 <= qM; qM -= 40)
for (fP = (qM + h4) % gF, hp = 40; 1 <= hp; hp--)
for (qL = gA - hp; 0 <= qL; qL -= 40)
if (fO = (qL + h1) % gA, qW()) return 1;
function qW() {
for (var em, qY, gap = eX(qD - qG, 2), qZ = qF + fP * qD + gap, qa = qE + fO * qD + gap, qX = qZ + qG - 1; qZ <= qX; qX--)
for (qY = qa + qG - 1; qa <= qY; qY--)
if (em = a1.qU(qY, qX), !a1.eh(em) || a1.hc(em)) return;
return 1
function qP(qL, qM) {
qH(), qb(qL - 2, qM - 2)
function qH() {
a6.jS[player] = 0, a6.eb[player] = 0, a6.f5[player] = a6.qc[player] = 0, a6.eg[player] = [], a6.ex[player] = [], a6.ey[player] = [], a6.f1[player] = [], a6.i2[player] = a6.i5[player] = a6.i1[player] = a6.i4[player] = 0
function qb(qL, qM) {
var em, eJ, qe, qf;
for (a6.jS[player] = 1, player < b.ht ? a6.eb[player] = b.qd : a6.eb[player] = ib[c.ha[player - b.ht]], a6.i2[player] = qL + 10, a6.i5[player] = qM + 10, a6.i4[player] = a6.i1[player] = 0, qe = qL; qe < qL + 4; qe++)
for (qf = qM; qf < qM + 4; qf++)(qL < qe && qe < qL + 3 || qM < qf && qf < qM + 3) && (em = a1.qU(qe, qf), a1.eh(em)) && (a6.i2[player] = qe < a6.i2[player] ? qe : a6.i2[player], a6.i1[player] = qe > a6.i1[player] ? qe : a6.i1[player], a6
.i5[player] = qf < a6.i5[player] ? qf : a6.i5[player], a6.i4[player] = qf > a6.i4[player] ? qf : a6.i4[player], ds[a6.f5[player]] = em, a6.f5[player]++, a1.qg(em, player));
for (a6.qc[player] = a6.f5[player], eJ = a6.f5[player] - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a1.qh(ds[eJ], player) ? (a1.ei(ds[eJ], player), a6.ex[player].push(ds[eJ])) : a1.qi(ds[eJ]) ? (a1.ei(ds[eJ], player), a6.ey[player].push(ds[eJ])) : a1.qj(ds[eJ]) && (
a1.ei(ds[eJ], player), a6.f1[player].push(ds[eJ]))
function qV(qL, qM) {
for (var em, qY, qX = qM; qM - 6 < qX; qX--)
for (qY = qL; qL - 6 < qY; qY--)
if (em = a1.qU(qY, qX), a1.hc(em)) return;
return 1
this.ct = function() {
var eJ, qL, qM;
if (ds = new Array(12), qG = 6, qD = 10, gA = eX(aq.eE, qD), gF = eX(aq.eF, qD), qE = eX(aq.eE - qD * gA, 2), qF = eX(aq.eF - qD * gF, 2), b.fj)
for (eJ = 0; eJ < b.ht; eJ++) player = eJ, qH(), a6.jS[player] = 1;
if (aV.iq && aV.ir.qI) {
for (player = 0; player < b.ej; player++)
if (1 !== a6.jS[player]) {
if (player < b.qN) {
if (function() {
var qL = aV.ir.qI[player] + 1,
qM = aV.ir.qT[player] + 1;
if (3 < qL && qL < aq.eE - 5 && 3 < qM && qM < aq.eF - 5 && a1.eh(a1.qU(qL, qM)) && qV(qL + 3, qM + 3)) return qP(qL + 1, qM + 1), 1;
}()) continue;
if (qO()) {
qL = qE + fO * qD + eX(qD, 2), qM = qF + fP * qD + eX(qD, 2), qP(qL, qM);
} else ! function() {
var qL, qM;
for (player = 0; player < b.ej; player++) 1 !== a6.jS[player] && (player < b.qN && qO() ? (qL = qE + fO * qD + eX(qD, 2), qM = qF + fP * qD + eX(qD, 2), qP(qL, qM)) : qH())
b2.ed[7] = a6.f5[b.ea], b2.ed[8] = a6.eb[b.ea]
}, this.qk = function(hZ, ql, qm) {
var eJ, qL, qM, em, fO, fP;
for (player = hZ, eJ = 0; eJ < 20; eJ++)
for (qL = ql + eJ; ql - eJ <= qL; qL--)
for (qM = qm + eJ; qm - eJ <= qM; qM--)
if ((qL === ql + eJ || qL === ql - eJ || qM === qm + eJ || qM === qm - eJ) && 3 < qL && qL < aq.eE - 5 && 3 < qM && qM < aq.eF - 5 && a1.eh(a1.qU(qL, qM)) && qV(qL + 3, qM + 3)) {
if (0 < a6.f5[player]) {
for (fP = fO = em = void 0, fO = a6.i1[player]; fO >= a6.i2[player]; fO--)
for (fP = a6.i4[player]; fP >= a6.i5[player]; fP--) em = 4 * (fP * aq.eE + fO), a1.qo(player, em) && (a1.qp(em), a6.f5[player]--);
return qb(qL - 1, qM - 1), !0
} return !1
}, this.qq = function(hZ) {
player = hZ, qO() ? qP(qE + fO * qD + eX(qD, 2), qF + fP * qD + eX(qD, 2)) : qH()
function qr() {
aE.qs(), gM.setTransform(hB, 0, 0, hB, 0, 0), gM.imageSmoothingEnabled = hB < 3, gM.drawImage(aq.pn, q.jn(), q.gK()), an.qt.gL(), gM.drawImage(qu, q.jn(), q.gK()), aE.gL(), gM.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1, gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), al.qt
.gL(), a5.gL(), f.gL(), (b.kG ? (b6.gL(), ab) : (l.gL(), t.gL(), p.gL(), ab.gL(), aJ.gL(), u.gL(), q.gL(), o.gL(), b6.gL(), s.gL(), n.gL(), k.gL(), j.gL(), v.gL(), b3.gL(), aG)).gL()
function qv(qw, gA, gF) {
qw.clearRect(0, 0, gA, gF), qw.fillStyle = aa.kh, qw.fillRect(0, 0, gA, gF)
function qx(qw, gA, gF, qy) {
qw.fillStyle = aa.gN, qw.fillRect(0, 0, gA, qy), qw.fillRect(0, 0, qy, gF), qw.fillRect(gA - qy, 0, qy, gF), qw.fillRect(0, gF - qy, gA, qy)
function qz(qw, fO, fP, gP, qy, em, r0) {
qw.fillStyle = aa.gN;
var em = Math.floor(gP * em),
r2 = (em += (em - qy) % 2, Math.floor((em - qy) / 2)),
gP = Math.floor((gP - em) / 2);
qw.fillRect(fO + gP, fP + gP + r2, em, qy), r0 && qw.fillRect(fO + gP + r2, fP + gP, qy, em)
function r4() {
this.r5 = null, this.ct = function(r5) {
this.r5 = r5, l.r6(this.r5)
}, this.r7 = function(r8) {
var gn = (this.r5[r8].r9 - this.r5[1 - r8].r9) / 10,
gn = 8 / (1 + Math.pow(2, gn / 32)),
gn = Math.floor(10 * gn + .5),
rB = this.rC(this.r5[r8].r9 + gn + 1),
gn = this.rC(this.r5[1 - r8].r9 - gn);
0 === r8 ? l.rE(this.r5, rB, gn, ["rgba(10,140,10,0.75)", "rgba(140,10,10,0.75)"]) : l.rE(this.r5, gn, rB, ["rgba(140,10,10,0.75)", "rgba(10,140,10,0.75)"])
}, this.rC = function(r9) {
return 16e3 <= (r9 = r9 < 0 ? 0 : 16e3 < r9 ? 16e3 : r9) ? "Unknown" : (r9 / 10).toFixed(1)
function bx() {
this.rF = new rG, this.pr = new rH
function rH() {
this.rI = !1;
let jj, jk, gap, gP, zoom, rJ, rL;
this.rM = [], this.rN = 100;
let rP = 0,
rQ = new Array(9),
rR = [],
rS = [],
rT = 0,
rU = 0,
rV = 0,
rW = 0;
function ri() {
rQ.sort((hg, hp) => hp.ic - hg.ic);
let g3 = "" + rQ[0].m0;
for (let eJ = 1; eJ < 9; eJ++) g3 += "," + rQ[eJ].m0;
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < 9; eJ++) g3 += "," + rQ[eJ].ic;
bA.dK.dL(120, g3)
this.ct = function() {
var rX = [0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 6];
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < rX.length; eJ++) {
var color = 6 === rX[eJ] ? aa.l6 : aa.ki;
this.rM.push(aZ.gV.rY(a0.get(3), rX[eJ], color))
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < a9.rF.rZ; eJ++) rS.push(a9.rF.ra - a9.rF.rZ + eJ);
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < a9.rF.rb; eJ++) rS.push(a9.rF.rc + eJ);
var rd = a9.rF.re(ai.rd);
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < rd.length; eJ++) rS.push(rd[eJ]);
var ds = bA.dK.data[120].value.split(",");
if (18 !== ds.length)
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < 9; eJ++) rQ[eJ] = {
m0: 1015 + eJ,
ic: 0
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < 9; eJ++) {
var df = parseInt(ds[eJ]),
iT = (df = 0 <= df && df < a9.rF.ra ? df : 0, parseInt(ds[eJ + 9]));
iT = 0 <= iT && iT < 1e3 ? iT : 0, rQ[eJ] = {
m0: df,
ic: iT
}, this.show = function(gD, gE, rj = 0) {
if (rT = gD, rU = gE, rP = rj, this.rI = !0, rR = [], 0 === rP)
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < 9; eJ++) rR.push(rQ[eJ].m0);
else {
let hp = 49 * rP,
hg = hp - 49;
hg >= rS.length && (rP = 1, hg = 0, hp = 49), hp = Math.min(hp, rS.length);
for (let eJ = hg = hp - 49; eJ < hp; eJ++) rR.push(rS[eJ])
rj = rR.length, gP = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .075 : .0468) * aL.g1), gap = Math.floor(gP / 3), rJ = gP + gap, (rV = 10 * rJ) > aL.gA && (rV = aL.gA, rJ = rV / 10, gP = 3 * rJ / 4, gap = rJ - gP), rL = aj.fK(rj, 10) + !!(rj % 10), (rW =
rL * rJ) > aL.gF && (rW = aL.gF, rJ = rW / rL, gP = 3 * rJ / 4, gap = rJ - gP), zoom = gP / this.rN, rj = .5 * gap;
jj = Math.min(Math.max(gD - .5 * rV + rj, rj), aL.gA - rV + rj), jk = Math.min(Math.max(gE - .5 * rW + rj, rj), aL.gF - rW + rj)
}, this.fX = function(gD, gE, player) {
if (!this.rI) return !1;
if (this.rm(gD, gE)) {
gD = aj.mx(aj.fK(gD - jj + .5 * gap, rJ), 0, 9);
if ((gD += 10 * aj.mx(aj.fK(gE - jk + .5 * gap, rJ), 0, 9)) >= rR.length) return j.oP(), !0;
gE = rR[gD];
if (1024 === gE) return this.show(rT, rU, rP + 1), !0;
! function(m0) {
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < 9; eJ++) rQ[eJ].ic = Math.floor(.99 * rQ[eJ].ic);
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < 9; eJ++)
if (m0 === rQ[eJ].m0) return rQ[eJ].ic = Math.min(rQ[eJ].ic + 30, 999), ri();
rQ.splice(5, 0, {
m0: m0,
ic: Math.max(rQ[4].ic, 30)
}), rQ.pop(), ri()
}(gE), player === b.ea ? aX.fk.lz(gE) : aX.fU.mE(gE, player)
return j.oP(), !0
}, this.rm = function(gD, gE) {
return !(gD < jj - .5 * gap || gE < jk - .5 * gap || gD >= jj + rV - .5 * gap || gE >= jk + rW - .5 * gap)
}, this.gL = function() {
gM.fillStyle = aa.kh, gM.fillRect(jj - .5 * gap, jk - .5 * gap, rV, rW);
var q4 = .5 * b1.rn,
ef = (gM.lineWidth = b1.rn, gM.strokeStyle = gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.strokeRect(jj - .5 * gap + q4, jk - .5 * gap + q4, rV - 2 * q4, rW - 2 * q4), gM.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0, rR.length);
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) this.ro(rR[eJ], gM, jj + eJ % 10 * rJ, jk + aj.fK(eJ, 10) * rJ, gP);
gM.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1
}, this.ro = function(m0, gW, fO, fP, gP) {
var fg;
m0 >= 1024 - a9.rF.rZ ? (fg = gP / this.rN, gW.setTransform(fg, 0, 0, fg, fO, fP), gW.drawImage(this.rM[m0 - 1024 + a9.rF.rZ], 0, 0), gW.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)) : (aZ.g5.textAlign(gW, 1), aZ.g5.textBaseline(gW, 1), gW.font = aZ.g5
.g6(0, .89 * gP), gW.fillText(a9.rF.rp(m0), fO + .5 * gP, fP + (.35 - aZ.g5.rq + .56) * gP))
function rG() {
this.emojis = ["🥰", "😎", "😘", "😜", "🤗", "🥳", "😇", "😊", "🥱", "🙄", "🤔", "🥺", "😡", "😭", "😱", "😞", "💀", "👹", "👋", "🙏", "👏", "💪", "🙋‍♂️", "🤦‍♂️", "⬆️", "➡️", "⬇️", "⬅️", "👀", "❤️", "💔", "💥", "🔥", "🪦", "🥇", "🥈", "🥉",
"🎖️", "🏅", "👑", "🎉", "💯", "✝️", "☪️", "🕉️", "☸️", "✡️", "☦️", "⚛️"
], this.rZ = 13, this.rb = this.emojis.length, this.rc = 676, this.ra = 1024, this.rr = this.emojis.indexOf("💀"), this.rs = this.rr + 1, this.rt = this.emojis.indexOf("🥇"), this.ru = this.emojis.indexOf("😊"), this.rp = function(df) {
return df < this.rc ? String.fromCharCode(55356, 56806 + aj.fK(df, 26), 55356, 56806 + df % 26) : this.emojis[Math.min(df - this.rc, this.rb - 1)]
}, this.re = function(g3) {
var ef = g3.length - 2,
ds = [];
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) {
var gi = g3.charCodeAt(eJ) - 56806,
gj = g3.charCodeAt(eJ + 2) - 56806;
0 <= gi && gi < 26 && 0 <= gj && gj < 26 && (ds.push(26 * gi + gj), eJ += 3)
return ds
}, this.rv = function(df) {
return df < this.rc
}, this.rw = function(df) {
return df >= 1024 - this.rZ
}, this.rx = function(df) {
return df >= this.rc && df < this.rc + this.rs
function bN() {
this.pF = new ry, this.pH = new rz, this.ct = function() {
function rz() {
this.pV = function(g3) {
var ef = g3.length,
gA = ac;
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) gA.pU(16, g3.charCodeAt(eJ))
function ry() {
var s0 = new Uint8Array(64);
this.ct = function() {
var eJ;
for (s0[0] = 45, s0[37] = 95, eJ = 0; eJ < 10; eJ++) s0[eJ + 1] = 48 + eJ;
for (eJ = 0; eJ < 26; eJ++) s0[eJ + 11] = 65 + eJ, s0[eJ + 38] = 97 + eJ
}, this.s1 = function(s2) {
for (var pK = af, pS = new Uint8Array(s2), eJ = 0; eJ < s2; eJ++) pS[eJ] = pK.mQ(6);
return pS
}, this.s3 = function(pS) {
for (var ef = pS.length, s4 = s0, ds = [], eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) ds.push(String.fromCharCode(s4[pS[eJ]]));
return ds.join("")
function bV() {
var s5, s6, s7;
s5 = [32, 65, 191, 913, 931], s6 = [64, 127, 688, 930, 1155], s7 = new Array(s5.length + 1);
for (var eJ = 0; eJ < s7.length; eJ++) {
s7[eJ] = 0;
for (var hg = eJ - 1; 0 <= hg; hg--) s7[eJ] += s6[hg] - s5[hg]
function sD(iT) {
for (var eJ = s5.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (iT >= s5[eJ] && iT < s6[eJ]) return eJ;
return -1
this.pL = function(g3) {
return 0 !== (g3 = g3.trim()).indexOf("Bot ") && 0 !== g3.indexOf("[Bot] ") && function(g3, sA, sB) {
var ef = (g3 = g3.trim()).length;
if (ef < sA || sB < ef) return !1;
for (var iT, sC = 0, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++)
if (iT = g3.charCodeAt(eJ), sC += 65 <= iT && iT <= 90 || 1040 <= iT && iT <= 1071 ? 1 : 0, -1 === sD(iT)) return !1;
if (3 < sC && sC > Math.floor(ef / 2)) return !1;
return !0
}(g3, 3, 20)
}, this.sE = function(g3) {
for (var ef = (g3 = g3.trim()).length, ds = [], eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) {
var iT, em = sD(iT = g3.charCodeAt(eJ));
ds.push(s7[em] + iT - s5[em])
return ds
}, this.pZ = function(ds) {
for (var iT, hp, g3 = "", ef = ds.length, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++)
for (hp = 1; hp < s7.length; hp++)
if (ds[eJ] < s7[hp]) {
iT = s5[hp - 1] + ds[eJ] - s7[hp - 1], g3 += String.fromCharCode(iT);
} return g3
}, this.sF = function(g3) {
for (var ds = this.sE(g3), result = "", eJ = 0; eJ < ds.length; eJ++) result = (result += ds[eJ] < 10 ? "00" : ds[eJ] < 100 ? "0" : "") + ds[eJ].toString(10);
return result
}, this.sG = function(g3) {
for (var ds = new Array(Math.floor(g3.length / 3)), eJ = 0; eJ < g3.length; eJ += 3) ds[Math.floor(eJ / 3)] = parseInt(g3.substring(eJ, eJ + 3));
return this.pZ(ds)
}, this.sH = function(g3) {
for (var df, ds = [g3.length], eJ = 0; eJ < g3.length; eJ++) ds[eJ] = g3.charCodeAt(eJ) - 48;
var result = "";
for (eJ = 0; eJ < g3.length; eJ++) eJ === g3.length - 1 || 51 < 10 * ds[eJ] + ds[eJ + 1] ? result += ds[eJ].toString() : (df = 10 * ds[eJ] + ds[eJ + 1], result += String.fromCharCode(df + (df < 26 ? 65 : 71)), eJ++);
return result
}, this.sI = function(g3) {
for (var iT, result = "", eJ = 0; eJ < g3.length; eJ++) 48 <= (iT = g3.charCodeAt(eJ)) && iT < 58 ? result += String.fromCharCode(iT) : 65 <= iT && iT < 75 ? result += "0" + (iT - 65).toString() : 75 <= iT && iT < 91 ? result += (iT - 65)
.toString() : 97 <= iT && iT < 123 && (result += (iT - 71).toString());
return result
}, this.sJ = function(g3) {
for (var ef = g3.length, ds = [], eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++)(iT = g3.charCodeAt(eJ)) < 58 ? ds.push(g3[eJ]) : (iT -= iT < 91 ? 65 : 71, ds.push(String(eX(iT, 10))), ds.push(String(iT - 10 * eX(iT, 10))));
var ef = ds.length - 2,
iT = 0,
pS = [];
for (eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ += 3) pS[iT++] = parseInt(ds[eJ] + ds[eJ + 1] + ds[eJ + 2]);
return pS
}, this.sK = function() {
for (var gY, sL = "", eJ = 0; eJ < 6; eJ++) gY = 48 + aM.random() % 36, gY += 58 <= gY ? 39 : 0, sL += String.fromCharCode(gY);
return sL
function cV() {
this.sM = new sN, this.sO = new sP, this.result = new sQ, this.fo = new sR
function sS() {
this.sT = function() {}
function sR() {
this.sU = function() {
var ef = iV,
r5 = iW,
sV = [];
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) {
var em = r5[eJ];
a1.sW(em) && sV.push(em)
return sV
}, this.sX = function() {
var ef = iV,
r5 = iW;
let dd = 0;
var f5 = a6.f5;
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) dd += f5[r5[eJ]];
return dd
function sN() {
function sZ() {
if (2 === b.sm) return 1;
aJ.sn(), b.sm = 2, b.so = b.sp
function sd() {
ap.result.sT(), ap.result.sq(), l.sr(!0), l.ss(247, 0), t.jC(!0), u.jC(!0), aJ.jC(), ab.st(), b.fS && b4.su.sv(), b4.d3 = !0, b0.sw(), b8.cy.setState(0)
this.sY = function() {
sZ() || (b.sa = 2, ap.result.sb(), l.sc(0, 59), g.kL(2700), v.show(!1, !1, !0), sd())
}, this.se = function(sf) {
sZ() || (b.sa = 1, 8 === b.it ? (b.sg = sf < 0 ? a6.f5[0] >= a6.f5[1] ? 0 : 1 : sf, b.sh = +(b.sg === b.ea), b.sh ? l.sc(b.sg, 2) : l.sc(1 - b.ea, 3), b.si.r7(b.sg)) : b.hT ? (b.sh = +(b5.iU[b.ea] === b6.sj()), 9 === b.it && l.sk()) : (b
.sg = jM[0], b.sh = +(b.sg === b.ea), l.sl(b.sg)), v.show(1 === b.sh, !1), sd())
function sQ() {
this.sx = 0, this.sV = null;
let sz = this.sy = 0;
this.t0 = 0, this.sb = function() {
0 !== a6.jS[b.ea] && a1.sW(b.ea) && 2 === b.sa && (b.sh = 2)
}, this.sT = function() {
var en, dd;
this.sV = ap.fo.sU(), this.sx = b9.t1.t2(), b.it < 7 && 2 !== b.sa ? this.sy = b6.t3() : this.sy = ap.fo.sX(), 8 === b.it && 1 === b.sa ? (en = 1 - b.sg, dd = a6.f5[en], a6.f5[en] = 0, aX.fU.mN(), a6.f5[en] = dd) : aX.fU.mN(), sz = .01 *
a6.t7[b.ea] / 50, this.t0 = 0, b.it < 7 ? ap.sO.sT(this.sV) : 7 === b.it || 10 === b.it ? aZ.fU.fW(b.ea) && (en = ap.result.sx * (1 + b.tA), 2 === b.sa ? ap.result.t0 += en * a6.f5[b.ea] / ap.result.sy : jM[0] === b.ea && (ap.result
.t0 += en)) : 8 !== b.it || 1 !== b.sh || (ap.result.t0 += 2, 0 === bA.dK.data[107].value) || 200 <= (dd = bA.dK.data[108].value) || (ap.result.t0 += .01 * (200 - dd) * 2 * (1 + (0 === dd)))
}, this.sq = function() {
0 !== sz && 0 !== ap.result.t0 && l.tB(0, "🏆 You earned prize money of 🧈 " + ap.result.t0.toFixed(2) + ".", 40, 0, aa.gN, aa.kh, -1, !1)
function sP() {
function tK(sV, tI) {
var gn = (b.it + 2) * (1 + b.tA) * sV.length / (1e5 * ap.result.sy);
let tM = "";
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < tI.length; eJ++) {
var tN = tI[eJ].tO * gn;
tM += " " + tI[eJ].name + ": " + aZ.jr.tP(1e6 * tN)
tM.length && (l.tB(0, "The following clans won these points:", 45, 0, aZ.color.kc(225, 240, 255), aa.kh, -1, !1), l.tB(0, tM.trim(), 45, 0, aZ.color.kc(225, 240, 255), aa.kh, -1, !1))
this.sT = function(sV) {
var tC = b5.tD[b6.tE()],
tF = b5.fz[tC],
tF = (o.tG("Team " + tF, 2, 1, 12), l.tB(0, "Team " + tF + " won the game!", 40, 0, aa.gN, aa.kh, -1, !1), b.sh && aZ.fU.fW(b.ea) && (ap.result.t0 += .125 * ap.result.sx * (1 + b.tA) * (b.it + 2) * a6.f5[b.ea] / ap.result.sy),
function(r5) {
var tI = [],
username = a6.tQ,
ef = r5.length;
loop: for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) {
var em = r5[eJ],
tR = aZ.jr.tS(username[em]);
if (tR) {
for (let hg = tI.length - 1; 0 <= hg; hg--)
if (tI[hg].name === tR) {
tI[hg].tO += a6.f5[em];
continue loop
} tI.push({
name: tR,
tO: a6.f5[em],
tT: b5.iU[em]
return tI
tF.length && (2 === b.sa ? tK(sV, tF) : tK(sV, function(tI, tC) {
for (let eJ = tI.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) b5.tD[tI[eJ].tT] !== tC && tI.splice(eJ, 1);
return tI
}(tF, tC)))
function cb() {
this.id = 0, this.dg = 0, this.ow = null, this.ox = null, this.oy = null, this.oz = null, this.cy = new tU, this.ct = function() {
var self, dg;
self = this, "undefined" == typeof Android || (dg = Android.getVersion()) < 12 || (self.dg = dg, self.id = 1, self.ox = Android),
function(self) {
var dg;
"undefined" != typeof mwIOSdataX && window.webkit && window.webkit.messageHandlers && window.webkit.messageHandlers.iosCommandA && (self.id = 2, self.oy = mwIOSdataX, self.oz = window.webkit.messageHandlers.iosCommandA, dg = self
.oy.version, self.dg = dg ? Number(dg) : 0)
function(self) {
var ow;
if (0 === self.id) {
try {
if (!(ow = window.localStorage)) return;
ow.setItem("tls7", "1"), ow.removeItem("tls7")
} catch (error) {
self.ow = ow
function tU() {
this.tY = function() {
bA.nq.pD(), bA.nq.pE(), aO.j4.close(0, 3255), 0 === b8.id ? b8.ow && b8.ow.clear() : 1 === b8.id ? b8.ox.saveString(199, "") : 2 === b8.id && b8.oz.postMessage("clear")
}, this.tZ = function() {
2 === b8.id ? b8.oz.postMessage("showConsentForm") : 1 === b8.id ? b8.ox.setState(7) : au.dM.showCMPScreen()
}, this.ta = function() {
}, this.tb = function() {
var g3 = bA.dK.os(101),
max = ("string" != typeof(g3 = "" === g3 ? function() {
if (2 === b8.id) return b8.oy.password;
if (1 === b8.id) return 12 <= b8.dg ? b8.ox.loadString(22) : ""
return a2.te(9)
}() : g3) && (g3 = ""), Math.floor(Math.pow(2, 48))),
td = Math.floor(parseInt(i.sI(g3)));
return 0 < td && td < max ? bA.dK.dL(101, g3) : (td = Math.floor(1 + (max - 1) * Math.random()), bA.dK.dL(101, g3)), td
}, this.g0 = function() {
return 1 === bA.dK.or(2)
}, this.tf = function() {
bA.dK.dL(102, "")
}, this.setState = function(db) {
1 === b8.id && 5 <= b8.dg && b8.ox.setState(db)
}, this.tg = function() {
var th;
1 === b8.id && 7 <= b8.dg ? b8.ox.setState(5) : ((th = new URL(window.location)).searchParams.set("v", "" + Math.floor(1e3 * Math.random())), window.location.href = th.toString())
}, this.cz = function() {
1 !== b8.id || b8.dg < 17 || b8.ox.saveString(23, document.documentElement.outerHTML)
}, this.dQ = function() {
0 === b8.id ? au.dM.ct() : 1 === b8.id ? b8.ox.prepareAd("1688441405") : 2 === b8.id && (0 === b8.dg ? b8.oz.postMessage("prepare ad 4500876070") : b8.oz.postMessage("loadAds 4500876070"))
}, this.de = function(dd) {
return 0 === b8.id ? !!au.dM.dZ() : 1 === b8.id ? 12 <= b8.dg && (b8.ox.presentAd(dd), !0) : 2 === b8.id && (0 === b8.dg ? b8.oz.postMessage("show ad " + dd) : b8.oz.postMessage("showAd"), !0)
}, this.d7 = function() {
2 === b8.id && b8.dg < 23 && at.d5(4, 1, new ti("App Update Required", "A new iOS app version with bug fixes has been published.<br>Please download the new Territorial.io app version for iOS:<br><a href='" + ai.tj + "' target='_blank'>" +
ai.tj + "</a>", !0, [new nT("❌ " + aW.np[92], function() {
}, aa.lJ)]))
function cq() {
function tw(title, tM, dI) {
tq(dI), at.d5(4, 5, new ti("⚠️ " + title, tM, !0))
function tq(dI) {
! function(dI) {
var db = y.tp();
0 !== db && (6 === db ? aO.j4.u0(dI) : 7 === db ? (aH.u1(), aO.j4.close(aO.j4.tt, 3256)) : 8 === db && b.u2(!0))
}(dI), at.j4.tz()
this.tk = function(tl, dI) {
if (8 === at.tm && 0 === tl) at.d5(4, 0, new ti("⚠️ " + aW.tn(64), aW.to(dI), !0));
else {
var db = y.tp();
if (6 === db) {
if (4211 === dI) return tq(dI), void at.d5(4, 5, new ti("🚀 " + aW.np[122], aW.np[123], !0, [new nT("❌ " + aW.np[92], function() {
}, aa.lJ), new nT("🔄 " + aW.np[124], function() {
}, aa.l3)]));
if (4214 !== dI) return void x.ts(tl)
} else {
if (7 !== db) return 8 === db ? void(tl !== aO.j4.tu || b.iv || 1 !== b.sm || l.tv(aW.to(dI))) : void 0;
if (tl !== aO.j4.tt) return
tw(aW.tn(64), aW.to(dI), dI)
}, this.tx = function(dI) {
8 === y.tp() ? b.iv || 1 !== b.sm || l.tv(aW.to(dI)) : tw(aW.tn(64), aW.to(dI), dI)
function bG() {
var u3, u4;
function u5() {
var gA = new cM;
gA.d4(1612), gA.pU(1, 0), gA.pU(6, 7), gA.pU(2, b8 ? b8.id : 3), gA.pU(1, dD ? 1 : 0), gA.pU(1, dF ? 1 : 0), gA.pU(1, a ? a.d9 : 0);
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < u4.length && eJ < 100; eJ++) gA.pU(16, u4.charCodeAt(eJ));
u3.send(gA.mP), u6()
function u6() {
u3 && (u3.onclose = null, u3.onopen = null, u3 = null)
window.addEventListener("error", function error(dI) {
window.removeEventListener("error", error);
return alert("Error:\n" + dI.filename + " " + dI.lineno + " " + dI.colno + " " + dI.message);
window.removeEventListener("error", error), u4 = dI.lineno + " " + dI.colno + " " + dI.message, (u3 = new WebSocket("wss://territorial.io/s52/")).onopen = u5, u3.onclose = function() {
}, 0 === dI.lineno && 0 === dI.colno || (b8 && 1 === b8.id ? b8.ox.showToast(u4) : alert(u4))
function cP() {
var u7, u8, u9 = -15e3,
uA = !1;
function fX(dI) {
uT() || (uA = !0, uU(dI, 1), aO.j4.uV(aO.j4.tu), uW(Math.floor(aL.nN * dI.clientX), Math.floor(aL.nN * dI.clientY)))
function uI(dI) {
u9 = b4.dc, uU(dI, 1), aO.j4.uV(aO.j4.tu), 0 < dI.touches.length && (u7 = Math.floor(aL.nN * dI.touches[0].clientX), u8 = Math.floor(aL.nN * dI.touches[0].clientY), aF.uI(dI) || uW(u7, u8))
function uW(fO, fP) {
at.fX(fO, fP), 0 === b.sm ? y.fX(fO, fP) : ab.uX(fO, fP) || b3.fX(fO, fP) || v.fX(fO, fP) || j.uY(fO, fP) || n.fX(fO, fP) || k.fX(fO, fP) || ah.uZ(fO, fP) || aJ.fX(fO, fP) || j.ua(fO, fP)
function uE(dI) {
uT() || (uA = !0, uU(dI, 1), ub(Math.floor(aL.nN * dI.clientX), Math.floor(aL.nN * dI.clientY)))
function uJ(dI) {
u9 = b4.dc, uU(dI, 1), 0 < dI.touches.length && (u7 = Math.floor(aL.nN * dI.touches[0].clientX), u8 = Math.floor(aL.nN * dI.touches[0].clientY), aF.uJ(dI) || ub(u7, u8))
function ub(fO, fP) {
at.uE(fO, fP), 0 === b.sm ? y.uE(fO, fP) : (ar.fN(fO, fP), b3.uE(fO, fP) || (k.uE(fO, fP), j.rI() ? j.uE(fO, fP) : p.fY ? p.uE(fO) && (b4.d3 = !0) : (t.uE(fO, fP), q.kH && q.uE(fO, fP) && (b4.d3 = !0))))
function uG(dI) {
uT() || (uU(dI, 1), uc(), 0 === b.sm ? (y.click(-1024, -1024), r.ud()) : (t.ue(-1024, -1024), k.uE(-1024, -1024), p.uf(), q.kH && (q.kH = !1)))
function uF(dI) {
uT() || (uU(dI, 1), ug(Math.floor(aL.nN * dI.clientX), Math.floor(aL.nN * dI.clientY), 2 === dI.button))
function click(dI) {
uT() || uU(dI, 1)
function uK(dI) {
u9 = b4.dc, uU(dI, 1), dI && dI.touches && 0 < dI.touches.length && 0 !== b.sm ? q.kH = !1 : aF.uh() || ug(u7, u8, !1)
function uL(dI) {
u9 = b4.dc, uU(dI, 1), ug(u7, u8, !1)
function uM(dI) {
function uN(dI) {
function uO(dI) {
uT() || uU(dI, 0)
function ug(fO, fP, ui) {
uc(), 0 === b.sm ? y.click(fO, fP) : (t.ue(fO, fP), b3.ue(), p.uf(), q.kH = !1, j.click(fO, fP, ui) && (b4.d3 = !0))
function uc() {
function uH(dI) {
var fO, fP, deltaY;
uT() || (uU(dI, 1), aO.j4.uV(aO.j4.tu), fO = Math.floor(aL.nN * dI.clientX), fP = Math.floor(aL.nN * dI.clientY), deltaY = dI.deltaY, 1 === dI.deltaMode && (deltaY *= 16), at.uH(fO, fP, deltaY), 0 === b.sm ? y.uH(fO, fP, deltaY) : t.uH(fO,
fP, deltaY) || (p.uj(fO, fP) ? p.uH(deltaY) && (b4.d3 = !0) : q.uH(fO, fP, deltaY)))
function uP(dI) {
uU(dI, 0)
function uU(dI, id) {
0 === id && at.rI() || (id = window.innerWidth / document.documentElement.clientWidth) < .999 || 1.001 < id || 0 !== y.tp() && dI.preventDefault()
function uR(dI) {
if (keybindHandler(dI.key)) return;
uT() || ("ArrowLeft" === dI.key ? aC.ul(3) : "ArrowUp" === dI.key ? aC.ul(0) : "ArrowRight" === dI.key ? aC.ul(1) : "ArrowDown" === dI.key ? aC.ul(2) : "a" === dI.key ? p.um(.9375) : "d" === dI.key ? p.um(16 / 15) : "s" === dI.key ? p.um(7 /
8) : "w" === dI.key ? p.um(8 / 7) : "1" === dI.key ? p.um(.75) : "2" === dI.key ? p.um(7 / 8) : "3" === dI.key ? p.um(.9375) : "4" === dI.key ? p.um(31 / 32) : "5" === dI.key ? p.um(32 / 31) : "6" === dI.key ? p.um(16 / 15) :
"7" === dI.key ? p.um(8 / 7) : "8" === dI.key ? p.um(4 / 3) : "+" === dI.key ? 0 !== b.sm && q.uH(Math.floor(aL.gA / 2), Math.floor(aL.gF / 2), -200) : "-" === dI.key ? 0 !== b.sm && q.uH(Math.floor(aL.gA / 2), Math.floor(aL.gF / 2),
200) : "c" === dI.key ? 0 !== b.sm && b3.un() : " " === dI.key ? b.sm && ar.fQ(!1) : "b" === dI.key && b.sm && ar.fQ(!0))
function uQ(dI) {
uT() || b4.dc < 400 || at.uo(dI) || (8 !== y.tp() && y.uo(dI) ? b4.d3 = !0 : "Escape" === dI.key ? y.dh() : "ArrowLeft" === dI.key || "a" === dI.key ? aC.up(3) : "ArrowUp" === dI.key || "w" === dI.key ? aC.up(0) : "ArrowRight" === dI.key ||
"d" === dI.key ? aC.up(1) : "ArrowDown" === dI.key || "s" === dI.key ? aC.up(2) : "h" === dI.key ? 1 <= b.sm && ab.uq(!b.kG) : " " === dI.key && b.sm && (k.fT && k.ur(), b.fS) && ab.us(!1))
function uS() {
"hidden" === document.visibilityState ? 1 === b.sm && (b.fS ? ab.ut() : !b.iv || k.fT || b.fj || k.ur()) : b4.d3 = !0
function uT() {
return u9 + 15e3 > b4.dc
function resize() {
this.uB = 0, this.uC = "", this.ct = function() {
uD.addEventListener("mousedown", fX, {
passive: !1
}), uD.addEventListener("mousemove", uE, {
passive: !1
}), uD.addEventListener("mouseup", uF, {
passive: !1
}), uD.addEventListener("click", click, {
passive: !1
}), uD.addEventListener("mouseleave", uG, {
passive: !1
}), uD.addEventListener("wheel", uH, {
passive: !1
}), uD.addEventListener("touchstart", uI, {
passive: !1
}), uD.addEventListener("touchmove", uJ, {
passive: !1
}), uD.addEventListener("touchend", uK, {
passive: !1
}), uD.addEventListener("touchcancel", uL, {
passive: !1
}), uD.addEventListener("dragover", uM), uD.addEventListener("drop", uN), uD.addEventListener("dblclick", uO), document.addEventListener("contextmenu", uP), document.addEventListener("keyup", uQ), document.addEventListener("keydown",
uR), document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", uS), window.addEventListener("resize", resize)
}, this.uZ = function(fO, fP) {
return !!ab.fX(fO, fP) || !!(t.fX(fO, fP) || q.fX(fO, fP) || p.fX(fO, fP) || l.fX(fO, fP))
}, this.uu = uT, this.uv = function() {
return !uA || 0 < u9
function bK() {
this.g5 = new ux, this.pp = new uy, this.fU = new uz, this.jr = new v0, this.qw = new v1, this.v2 = new v3, this.gV = new v4, this.color = new v5, this.ct = function() {
function uy() {
this.pq = function(ds) {
}, this.v6 = function(ds) {
for (var ef = ds.length, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) ds[eJ] = []
}, this.v7 = function(gi, fy) {
for (var gj = am.dm, eJ = 0; eJ < 3; eJ++) gj[eJ] = fy * gi[eJ];
return gj
}, this.v8 = function(gi, gj, v9) {
for (var gn = 0, eJ = 0; eJ < 3; eJ++) gn += Math.abs(gi[eJ] - gj[eJ]);
return v9 <= gn
}, this.vA = function(gi, vB) {
for (var eJ = 0; eJ < 3; eJ++) gi[eJ] = aj.mx(gi[eJ] + vB, 0, 255);
return gi
}, this.vC = function(ds, gI = 0, gJ = ds.length - 1) {
for (var vD = 0, eJ = gI; eJ <= gJ; eJ++) vD += ds[eJ];
return vD
}, this.vE = function(ds, vF) {
for (var eJ, vG, ef = ds.length, vH = [], hg = ef - 1; 0 <= hg; hg--) {
for (eJ = vG = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) vF(ds[eJ]) < vF(ds[vG]) && (vG = eJ);
ef--, vH.push(ds[vG]), ds[vG] = ds[ef], ds.pop()
return vH
function v4() {
this.rY = function(vI, g4, vJ) {
var gP = vI.height,
vK = aZ.g5.pf(gP, gP),
gW = aZ.g5.getContext(vK);
return function(gA, gW, vJ) {
gW.fillStyle = vJ, gW.beginPath(), gW.arc(gA / 2, gA / 2, .47 * gA, 0, 2 * Math.PI), gW.fill()
}(gP, gW, vJ), gW.drawImage(vI, -g4 * gP, 0), vK
}, this.vM = function(vN) {
var gP = vN.height,
gW = aZ.g5.getContext(vN, !0),
gS = gW.getImageData(0, 0, gP, gP);
return aZ.v2.vO(gS.data, gP, gP, .9), gW.putImageData(gS, 0, 0), vN
function v5() {
this.vP = function(df) {
return [df >> 12 & 63, df >> 6 & 63, 63 & df]
}, this.o1 = function(df) {
var ds = this.vP(df);
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < 3; eJ++) ds[eJ] = ~~(4.05 * ds[eJ]);
return ds
}, this.vQ = function(df) {
df = this.o1(df);
return aZ.color.kc(df[0], df[1], df[2])
}, this.o3 = function(ds) {
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < 3; eJ++) ds[eJ] = ~~(ds[eJ] / 4.04);
return (ds[0] << 12) + (ds[1] << 6) + ds[2]
}, this.kc = function(gY, vR, hp) {
return "rgb(" + gY + "," + vR + "," + hp + ")"
}, this.ke = function(gY, vR, hp, hg) {
return "rgba(" + gY + "," + vR + "," + hp + "," + hg.toFixed(3) + ")"
}, this.ne = function(iT) {
var ds = iT.split("(")[1].split(","),
dl = (ds.length, am.dl);
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < 3; eJ++) dl[eJ] = parseInt(ds[eJ]);
return dl
}, this.na = function(vS, eo) {
var ds = vS.slice(vS.indexOf("(") + 1, vS.indexOf(")")).split(","),
dl = am.dl;
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < 3; eJ++) dl[eJ] = aj.mx(parseInt(ds[eJ].trim(), 10) + eo, 0, 255);
return 3 === ds.length ? this.kc(dl[0], dl[1], dl[2]) : this.ke(dl[0], dl[1], dl[2], parseFloat(ds[3].trim()))
}, this.o0 = function(ds) {
let g3 = "#";
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < 3; eJ++) {
var gY = ds[eJ].toString(16);
g3 += 1 === gY.length ? "0" + gY : gY
return g3
}, this.o4 = function(g3) {
var gY, vR;
return g3.length < 7 ? aa.jp : (gY = parseInt(g3.slice(1, 3), 16), vR = parseInt(g3.slice(3, 5), 16), g3 = parseInt(g3.slice(5, 7), 16), this.kc(gY, vR, g3))
function v1() {
this.vT = function(g3, font, maxWidth) {
if (gM.font = font, gM.measureText(g3).width <= maxWidth) return g3;
for (let eJ = g3.length - 1; 1 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (g3 = g3.substring(0, eJ), gM.measureText(g3 + "...").width <= maxWidth) return g3 + "...";
return "..."
function ux() {
var vU = null;
this.rq = 0, this.pC = function() {
var df = bA.dK.data[5].value;
vU = "px " + df, "Trebuchet MS" !== df && (vU += ", Trebuchet MS"), this.rq = gO(32, 32, ["a", "b", "m"], 200, vU)
}, this.pf = function(gA, gF) {
var iT = document.createElement("canvas");
return iT.width = gA, iT.height = gF, iT
}, this.getContext = function(gV, alpha) {
return gV.getContext("2d", {
alpha: alpha
}, this.getImageData = function(qw, gA, gF) {
return qw.getImageData(0, 0, gA, gF)
}, this.g6 = function(type, size) {
return size = size.toFixed(2), 0 === type ? size + vU : 1 === type ? "bold " + size + vU : 2 === type ? "lighter " + size + vU : 3 === type ? "italic " + size + vU : 4 === type ? "oblique " + size + vU : 5 === type ? "small-caps " +
size + vU : "small-caps bold " + size + vU
}, this.textAlign = function(gW, id) {
gW.textAlign = 0 === id ? "left" : 1 === id ? "center" : "right"
}, this.textBaseline = function(gW, id) {
gW.textBaseline = 1 === id ? "middle" : "bottom"
}, this.nS = function(dI, code = 5, color = aa.gN) {
color = this.nR(b1.vV) + " solid " + color;
5 === code ? dI.style.border = color : 4 === code ? dI.style.borderLeft = color : 2 === code ? dI.style.borderBottom = color : 6 === code ? dI.style.borderRight = color : dI.style.borderTop = color
}, this.vW = function(dI, fO, fP, gA, gF) {
dI = dI.style;
dI.left = this.vX(fO), dI.top = this.vX(fP), dI.width = this.vX(gA), dI.height = this.vX(gF)
}, this.nJ = function(df) {
return 1 + df * b8.cy.g0()
}, this.nu = function(kO, en = .5) {
return kO * this.nJ(en) * aL.g1 / aL.nN
}, this.nR = function(df) {
return df.toFixed(1) + "px"
}, this.vX = function(df) {
return this.vY(df).toFixed(1) + "px"
}, this.vY = function(df) {
return df / aL.nN
}, this.vZ = function(va, vb) {
for (var g3 = "<ul>", ef = va.length, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) g3 += "<li>" + va[eJ] + ": <a href='" + vb[eJ] + "' target='_blank'>" + vb[eJ] + "</a></li>";
return g3 += "</ul>"
}, this.vc = function(vd) {
return "<a href='" + vd + "' target='_blank'>" + vd + "</a>"
}, this.ve = function(dI) {
navigator.clipboard && navigator.clipboard.writeText(dI.value)
}, this.vf = function(dI) {
dI.innerText.startsWith("✅ ") || (dI.innerText = "✅ " + dI.innerText, setTimeout(function() {
dI.innerText = dI.innerText.substring(dI.innerText.indexOf(" ") + 1)
}, 500))
function uz() {
this.fV = function(db) {
return 0 === db ? 1 === b.sm && b.fj : 1 === db ? 1 === b.sm && !b.fj : 2 === b.sm
}, this.fW = function(player) {
return 0 !== a6.jS[player] && 2 !== a6.vg[player]
}, this.mi = function(vh, vi) {
return vh !== vi
}, this.mB = function(player, df) {
return df = this.vj(player, df), a6.eb[player] += df, df
}, this.vj = function(player, df) {
var vk = a6.eb[player];
return df = Math.min(df, a6.f5[player] * b.vl - vk), df = Math.min(df, b.vm - vk), Math.max(df, 0)
}, this.mj = function(player, h9, vn, vo) {
var vk = a6.eb[player],
h9 = aj.fK(vk * (h9 + 1), 1024),
vn = aj.fK(vn * vk, 1024),
h9 = Math.min(h9, vk - vn);
return 10 === b.it && (h9 = aS.vq(player, h9)), am.dj[0] = h9, am.dj[1] = vn, vo <= h9
}, this.m8 = function(player, lq, lp) {
var player = a6.eb[player],
vp = aj.fK(64 * player, 1024);
return lq = Math.min(lq, player - vp), vp += player = this.vs(lq), lq = this.vj(lp, lq -= player), am.dj[0] = lq, am.dj[1] = vp, 1 <= lq
}, this.mA = function(lq, lp) {
var vr = this.vs(lq);
return lq = this.vj(lp, lq -= vr), am.dj[0] = lq, am.dj[1] = vr, 1 <= lq
}, this.h8 = function(player, vt) {
return aj.fK(a6.eb[player] * (vt + 1), 1024)
}, this.vs = function(vu) {
return aj.fK(Math.max(2142 - b4.iS(), 0) * vu, 2142)
}, this.mv = function(player, vn) {
a6.eb[player] -= aj.fK(vn * a6.eb[player], 1024)
}, this.ml = function(player) {
a6.eb[player] -= am.dj[0] + am.dj[1]
}, this.mk = function(player, hZ) {
return (hZ = Math.min(hZ, b.ej)) < b.ej && 0 === a6.jS[hZ] && (hZ = b.ej), (am.dp[0] = hZ) === b.ej || fw(player, hZ)
}, this.mn = function(player, lp) {
return 0 !== a6.jS[lp] && !fw(player, lp)
function v3() {
this.vv = function(gV, vw, vx) {
var gA = gV.width,
gF = gV.height,
iT = aZ.g5.pf(gA, gF),
gW = aZ.g5.getContext(iT, !0),
gV = (gW.drawImage(gV, 0, 0), gW.getImageData(0, 0, gA, gF));
return vw(gV.data, gA, gF, vx), gW.putImageData(gV, 0, 0), iT
}, this.vy = function(pr, gA, gF) {
for (let fO = gA - 1; 0 <= fO; fO--)
for (let fP = gF - 1; 0 <= fP; fP--) {
var eJ = 4 * (fO + fP * gA);
pr[3 + eJ] = pr[eJ], pr[eJ] = pr[1 + eJ] = pr[2 + eJ] = 255
}, this.vz = function(pr, gA, gF) {
for (let fO = gA - 1; 0 <= fO; fO--)
for (let fP = gF - 1; 0 <= fP; fP--) {
var eJ = 4 * (fO + fP * gA);
pr[1 + eJ] > pr[2 + eJ] + 10 && (pr[3 + eJ] = pr[eJ], pr[1 + eJ] = pr[2 + eJ])
}, this.w0 = function(pr, gA, gF, vx) {
var eJ, gap = Math.floor(Math.min(gA, gF) * vx);
for (let fO = 0; fO < gA; fO++)
for (let fP = 0; fP < gF; fP++)(fO < gap || fP < gap || fO >= gA - gap || fP >= gF - gap) && (pr[3 + (eJ = 4 * (fO + fP * gA))] = 255 - 255 * (pr[1 + eJ] - pr[eJ]) / (255 - pr[eJ]))
}, this.w1 = function(pr, gA, gF, vx) {
for (let fO = gA - 1; 0 <= fO; fO--)
for (let fP = gF - 1; 0 <= fP; fP--) {
var eJ = 4 * (fO + fP * gA);
pr[eJ] = vx[0], pr[1 + eJ] = vx[1], pr[2 + eJ] = vx[2]
}, this.w2 = function(pr, gA, gF, vx) {
var eJ, gap = Math.floor(gA * vx);
for (let fO = 0; fO < gA; fO++)
for (let fP = 0; fP < gF; fP++)(fO < gap || fP < gap || fO >= gA - gap || fP >= gF - gap) && (pr[eJ = 4 * (fO + fP * gA)] = pr[1 + eJ] = pr[2 + eJ] = 0)
}, this.w3 = function(pr, gA, gF) {
for (var fP, eJ, fO = gA - 1; 0 <= fO; fO--)
for (fP = gF - 1; 0 <= fP; fP--) 200 < pr[1 + (eJ = 4 * (fO + fP * gA))] && pr[1 + eJ] - 20 > pr[eJ] && pr[1 + eJ] - 20 > pr[2 + eJ] ? pr[eJ] + pr[2 + eJ] < 40 ? pr[3 + eJ] = 0 : (pr[3 + eJ] = pr[eJ], pr[eJ] = 255, pr[1 + eJ] = 255,
pr[2 + eJ] = 255) : pr[eJ] < 50 && pr[1 + eJ] < 50 && pr[2 + eJ] < 50 && (pr[eJ] + pr[1 + eJ] + pr[2 + eJ] < 50 ? pr[3 + eJ] = 180 : pr[3 + eJ] = 180 + Math.floor(75 * (pr[eJ] + pr[1 + eJ] + pr[2 + eJ] - 50) / 100))
}, this.w4 = function(pr, gA, gF) {
for (var fP, eJ, fO = gA - 1; 0 <= fO; fO--)
for (fP = gF - 1; 0 <= fP; fP--) pr[1 + (eJ = 4 * (fO + fP * gA))] > pr[eJ] + 20 && pr[1 + eJ] > pr[2 + eJ] + 20 && pr[eJ] + pr[2] < 40 && (pr[3 + eJ] = 255 - pr[1 + eJ], pr[eJ] = pr[1 + eJ] = pr[2 + eJ] = pr[eJ])
}, this.vO = function(pr, gA, gF, vx) {
var gY = gA >> 1;
for (let fO = 0; fO < gA; fO++)
for (let fP = 0; fP < gF; fP++) Math.sqrt((fO - gY) * (fO - gY) + (fP - gY) * (fP - gY)) > vx * gY && (pr[4 * (fO + fP * gA) + 3] = 0)
function v0() {
this.js = function(df) {
var eJ, w5, w6, w7, w8;
if (df < 0) return "-" + this.js(Math.abs(df));
if (df < 1e3) return df.toString();
for (w5 = Math.floor(Math.log(df + .5) / Math.log(10)) + 1, w6 = Math.floor((w5 - 1) / 3), w8 = (w7 = df.toString()).substring(w5 - 3, w5), eJ = 1; eJ < w6; eJ++) w8 = w7.substring(w5 - 3 * (eJ + 1), w5 - 3 * eJ) + " " + w8;
return w7.substring(0, w5 - 3 * w6) + " " + w8
}, this.w9 = function(em, w5) {
return em.toFixed(w5) + "%"
}, this.tP = function(df, wA = 3) {
return df.toFixed(Math.max(Math.floor(wA - Math.log10(df)), 0))
}, this.wB = function(df, kO, w5) {
return (df * kO).toFixed(w5)
}, this.tS = function(username) {
var wD, wC = username.indexOf("[");
return !(wC < 0) && 1 < (wD = username.indexOf("]")) - wC && wD - wC <= 8 ? username.substring(wC + 1, wD).toUpperCase().trim() : null
}, leaderboardFilter.parseClanFromPlayerName = this.tS;
this.wE = function(g3) {
var hg = Math.floor(.5 * g3.length + .5),
kT = Math.floor(.5 * (hg - 1));
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < kT; eJ++)
for (let hp = -1; hp < 2; hp += 2) {
var iT = hg + hp * eJ;
if (" " === g3[iT]) return [this.wF(g3.substring(0, iT)), this.wG(g3.substring(iT))]
return [g3.substring(0, hg), g3.substring(hg)]
}, this.wG = function(g3) {
var ef = g3.length;
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++)
if (" " !== g3[eJ]) return g3.substring(eJ);
return g3
}, this.wF = function(g3) {
for (let eJ = g3.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (" " !== g3[eJ]) return g3.substring(0, eJ + 1);
return g3
}, this.wH = function(g3, wI) {
return g3.split("(")[0] + "(🧈 " + wI.toFixed(2) + ")"
function wJ() {
this.hW = function(player, fe) {
h.qk(player, ak.gf(fe), ak.gh(fe)) && (b4.d3 = !0), b.iv && this.iE()
}, this.iE = function() {
b.fj = !1;
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < b.ht; eJ++) 0 !== a6.jS[eJ] && 0 === a6.f5[eJ] && h.qq(eJ);
0 !== a6.jS[b.ea] ? (b2.ed[7] = a6.f5[b.ea], b2.ed[8] = a6.eb[b.ea], p.wK(), u.wL(), b.fS || g.kD(a6.i2[b.ea] - 5, a6.i5[b.ea] - 5, a6.i1[b.ea] + 5, a6.i4[b.ea] + 5), aG.ct()) : v.show(!1, !1, !1, !0), l.wM(18), a5.wN(), a5.jC(!0), an.j4
.wO(), b.mg = null, b0.wP = !0, b0.wQ(), b.iv && b8.cy.setState(1)
function bM() {
this.ej = 512, this.vm = 15e8, this.wR = 1e9, this.qd = 512, this.eY = 2, this.ea = 0, this.ht = 0, this.sp = 0, this.ip = 0, this.so = 0, this.qN = 512, this.vl = 150, this.iv = !0, this.fS = !1, this.sm = 0, this.wS = 0, this.kG = !1, this
.fj = !1, this.wT = !1, this.hT = !1, this.wU = 0, this.it = 0, this.tA = !1, this.mg = null, this.si = null, this.wV = 30, this.sa = 0, this.sh = 0, this.sg = 0, this.wW = function(wX, wY, r5, wZ, wa, wb) {
this.kG = !1, this.fS = wb, this.it = wZ, this.tA = wa, this.hT = this.it < 7 || 9 === this.it, this.sp = this.ht = r5.length, this.iv = 1 === this.sp, this.it = 10 === this.it && this.iv ? 7 : this.it, this.it = 8 === this.it && 2 !==
this.ht ? 7 : this.it, this.wU = 9 === this.it ? 2 : this.it + 2, this.wV = this.ht <= 2 ? 30 : this.ht <= 50 ? 40 : 50, aV.iq && !aV.ir.wc ? this.wT = this.fj = !1 : this.wT = this.fj = this.hT || this.ht < 100, this.mg = this.fj ?
new wJ : null, this.iv ? this.qN = z.wd() : this.qN = this.ej, this.ip = this.qN - this.ht, this.so = 0, this.ea = wY, this.sa = 0, this.sh = 0, this.sg = 0, aM.we(wX), aN.ct(), a6.ct(r5), aX.lh.mS = [], b5.ct(r5), this.sm = 1, b2
.ct(), wf(), aA.wg(), b0.ct(), a4.ct(), i9(), a1.ct(r5), aE.ct(), ak.ct(), al.ct(), c.ct(), a8.d4(), h.ct(), wh(), aY.ct(wX, r5, wZ, wa), b6.ct(), ao.ct(), an.ct(), b3.ct(), wi.putImageData(wj, 0, 0), t.ct(), q.ct(), p.ct(), ab.ct(),
aJ.ct(), s.ct(), u.ct(), k.ct(), o.ct(), l.ct(), n.ct(), j.ct(), v.ct(), f.ct(), d.ct(), e.ct(), eD(), a3.ct(), a5.ct(), aS.ct(), aR.ct(), aT.ct(), aP.ct(), 8 === this.it ? (this.si = new r4, this.si.ct(r5)) : this.si = null, b4.wk(),
g.kC(), 0 === a6.jS[b.ea] && v.show(!1, !0), a5.jC(!0), aG.ct(), b4.d3 = !0, this.fS || this.iv && this.fj || b8.cy.setState(1)
}, this.u2 = function(wm) {
aO.j4.wn(), this.sm = 0, b4.wo(), b8.cy.setState(0), wm || au.dO.show(), y.setState(0), at.d5(5, 5)
}, this.wp = function() {
return this.fS ? k.fT || !ab.wq : this.iv && (k.fT || this.fj)
}, this.wr = function() {
return 1 === this.sm && !this.fj
function cp() {
this.rn = 0, this.gap = 0, this.vV = 0, this.nP = 0, this.ct = function() {
}, this.resize = function() {
this.rn = .0022 * aZ.g5.nJ(.5) * aL.g1, this.vV = this.rn / aL.nN, this.gap = Math.max(Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .0114 : .01296) * aL.g1), 2), this.nP = this.gap / aL.nN
function co() {
this.ws = function() {
return 2 === b8.id ? 4 : b8.cy.g0() ? 2 : 1
function bW() {
var fO, fP, wt, wu, wv, dc, player, ww, gap, zoom, mK, wx, ng = new Array(10);
function x8(player) {
for (var eJ = mK.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (mK[eJ] === player) return 1
function x6(x3) {
var eJ, ef;
if (-1 !== x3)
for (ef = ng.length, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++)
if (ng[eJ].rI && ng[eJ].fO + 1 === x3 % 4 && ng[eJ].fP + 1 === x3 >> 2) return eJ;
return -1
function x4(gD, gE) {
var vR = gap / 2;
return gD < fO - wt - 3 * vR || fO + 3 * wt + 5 * vR < gD || gE < fP - wt - 3 * vR || fP + 2 * wt + 3 * vR < gE ? -1 : 4 * (gE < fP - vR ? 0 : gE < fP + wt + vR ? 1 : 2) + (gD < fO - vR ? 0 : gD < fO + wt + vR ? 1 : gD < fO + 2 * wt + 3 *
vR ? 2 : 3)
this.wy = function() {
var eJ, hp, x1 = [aa.l6, aa.lI, aa.ki, aa.lX, aa.lQ];
for (ng = new Array(8), eJ = 0; eJ < 8; eJ++) ng[eJ] = {
id: eJ,
rI: !1,
x2: 0,
gV: [],
fO: 0,
fP: 0
for (ng[0].colors = [0, 1, 2, 3], ng[0].fO = 0, ng[0].fP = 0, ng[1].colors = [0, 1, 4], ng[1].fO = 1, ng[1].fP = 0, ng[2].colors = [0, 2], ng[2].fO = -1, ng[2].fP = 0, ng[3].colors = [0], ng[3].fO = 0, ng[3].fP = 0, ng[4].colors = [0, 2],
ng[4].fO = 1, ng[4].fP = 1, ng[5].colors = [3], ng[5].fO = 0, ng[5].fP = -1, ng[6].id = 20, ng[6].colors = [0], ng[6].fO = 1, ng[6].fP = -1, ng[7].id = 21, ng[7].colors = [0], ng[7].fO = 0, ng[7].fP = 1, eJ = 0; eJ < 8; eJ++)
for (hp = 0; hp < ng[eJ].colors.length; hp++) ng[eJ].gV.push(function(id, vJ) {
if (id < 20) return aZ.gV.rY(a0.get(3), id, vJ);
var vJ = a0.get(3).height,
vK = aZ.g5.pf(vJ, vJ),
gW = aZ.g5.getContext(vK);
20 === id ? gW.drawImage(a0.get(18), 0, 0) : 21 === id && a9.pr.ro(a9.rF.rc + a9.rF.ru, gW, 0, 0, vJ);
return vK
}(ng[eJ].id, x1[ng[eJ].colors[hp]]))
}, this.x0 = function() {
return ng
}, this.ct = function() {
mK = [], fO = fP = dc = 0, wu = wv = -1e3, this.resize()
}, this.resize = function() {
wt = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .075 : .0468) * aL.g1), zoom = wt / a0.get(3).height, gap = Math.floor(wt / 3)
}, this.uY = function(gD, gE) {
return !!this.rI() && (b4.d3 = !0, !!a9.pr.fX(gD, gE, player) || (gD = function(gD, gE) {
wv = wu = -1e3;
var x3 = x4(gD, gE),
x3 = x6(x3);
if (-1 === x3) return 0;
if (1 !== ng[x3].colors[ng[x3].x2])
if (5 === x3) {
if (! function() {
var dd = performance.now();
wx + 4e3 < dd && (mK = []);
wx = dd
}(), x8(player)) return 1;
mK.push(player), 16 < mK.length && mK.shift()
} else if (6 === x3) {
for (let eJ = mK.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) 0 === a6.jS[mK[eJ]] && mK.splice(eJ, 1);
0 < mK.length && (aT.x9(1, mK, !0) && aX.fU.mJ(mK, player), mK = [])
} else if (2 === x3) aX.fk.lo(p.fr(), player);
else if (3 === x3) b.fj && aX.fk.fl(ww);
else if (0 === x3)
if (0 === ng[0].x2) {
if (b.wT && u.xA() < 300) return 1;
aX.fk.ft(p.fr(), player)
} else aP.fv(player, p.fr());
else if (1 === x3) av.xB(), aX.fk.fq(p.fr(), ww);
else {
if (7 === x3) return av.xC(), a9.pr.show(gD, gE), 2;
if (4 !== x3) return 0;
aT.x9(0, [player], !0) && aX.fU.mG(player)
return 1
}(gD, gE), this.oP(), 2 === gD && (a9.pr.rI = !0), 0 < gD))
}, this.ua = function(gD, gE) {
this.rI() || (wu = gD, wv = gE, dc = performance.now())
}, hoveringTooltip.display = function(mouseX, mouseY) {
var coordX = ak.fb(mouseX),
coordY = ak.fd(mouseY),
coord = ak.ff(coordX, coordY),
point = ak.fh(coord);
if (coordX < 0 || coordY < 0) return;
(function(gD, gE, fg) {
a1.eh(fg) || -1 === (gD = al.fo.xP(gD, gE)) ? l.xO(fg) : l.xQ(gD)
}(mouseX, mouseY, point))
this.click = function(gD, gE, ui) {
var fa = ak.fb(gD),
fc = ak.fd(gE),
fe = ak.ff(fa, fc),
fg = ak.fh(fe);
return !(!ak.fi(fa, fc) || (fa = (b8.cy.g0() ? .025 : .0144) * aL.g1, fc = performance.now(), Math.abs(gD - wu) > fa) || Math.abs(gE - wv) > fa || dc + 500 < fc) && (dc = fc, ui ? (function(gD, gE, fg) {
a1.eh(fg) || -1 === (gD = al.fo.xP(gD, gE)) ? l.xO(fg) : l.xQ(gD)
}(gD, gE, fg), !1) : k.fT || this.rI() || !aZ.fU.fW(b.ea) || b.fS ? (this.oP(), !1) : b.fj ? !!a1.eh(fg) && (ww = fe, ng[3].rI = !0, this.xF(gD, gE)) : (al.fo.lt(fe) ? al.xG.xH = -1 : al.fo.xI(gD, gE) || (2 === b.sm ? a1.ep(fg) &&
(player = a1.eq(fg), a1.sW(player)) && (ng[0].rI = !0, ng[0].x2 = 1, ng[7].rI = !0) : a1.fm(fg) || (ww = fe, al.fo.fp(b.ea, fe) && (ng[0].rI = !0, ng[0].x2 = 1, ng[1].rI = !0, ng[1].x2 = am.dn[2] ? 0 : 2), a1.fn(fg)) || (
a1.er(fg) ? (player = b.ej, fs(b.ea) ? (ng[0].rI = !0, ng[0].x2 = 0) : fu(b.ea, player) && (ng[0].rI = !0, ng[0].x2 = 3)) : (player = a1.eq(fg)) === b.ea ? (ng[0].rI = !0, ng[0].x2 = 1, ng[7].rI = !0) : (ng[0].x2 = 1,
ng[5].rI = function(player) {
return a1.sW(player) && !x8(player) && aT.x9(1, [player], !1)
}(player), ng[7].rI = a1.sW(player), fw(player, b.ea) ? (ng[4].rI = a1.sW(player) && !a5.xK(player) && aT.x9(0, [player], !1), ng[6].rI = function(player) {
if (0 === mK.length) return !1;
if (performance.now() > wx + 4e3) return !(mK = []);
return !x8(player) && ! function(player) {
var eJ;
if (b.hT)
for (eJ = mK.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (!fw(player, mK[eJ])) return 1;
}(player), fx(b.ea, player) ? (ng[0].x2 = 0, ng[0].rI = !0) : fu(b.ea, player) && (ng[0].x2 = 3, ng[0].rI = !0), ng[0].rI = this.xM()) : (ng[2].rI = !0, ng[0].rI = !0)))), this.xF(gD, gE)))
}, this.xF = function(gD, gE) {
return fO = gD - Math.floor(wt / 2), fP = gE - Math.floor(wt / 2), !!this.rI()
}, this.uE = function(gD, gE) {
return !!this.rI() && (a9.pr.rI ? !a9.pr.rm(gD, gE) && (a9.pr.rI = !1, b4.d3 = !0) : function(xT, gD, gE) {
gD = x4(gD, gE);
if (0 <= x6(gD)) return !1;
if ((1 === gD || 6 === gD) && 0 <= x6(2)) return !1;
if ((6 === gD || 9 === gD) && 0 <= x6(10)) return !1;
return xT.oP(), b4.d3 = !0
}(this, gD, gE))
}, this.oP = function() {
for (let eJ = ng.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) ng[eJ].rI = !1, ng[eJ].x2 = 0;
a9.pr.rI = !1
}, this.rI = function() {
return this.xM() || a9.pr.rI
}, this.xM = function() {
for (var ef = ng.length, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++)
if (ng[eJ].rI) return !0;
return !1
}, this.gL = function() {
if (this.rI())
if (a9.pr.rI) a9.pr.gL();
else {
var eJ, gW = gM,
hp = ng,
ef = hp.length,
xV = (wt + gap) / zoom;
for (gW.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0, gW.setTransform(zoom, 0, 0, zoom, fO, fP), eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) hp[eJ].rI && gM.drawImage(hp[eJ].gV[hp[eJ].x2], hp[eJ].fO * xV, hp[eJ].fP * xV);
gW.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1, gW.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
function bX() {
var gF, gV, g9, xW, xX;
function xY() {
var xZ, qw = gV.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
qw.clearRect(0, 0, gF, gF), qw.fillStyle = aa.kf, qw.fillRect(0, 0, gF, gF), 0 === xW && (qw.fillStyle = aa.kk, qw.fillRect(0, 0, gF, gF)), qw.fillStyle = aa.gN, qw.fillRect(0, 0, gF, 1), qw.fillRect(0, 0, 1, gF), qw.fillRect(0, gF - 1, gF,
1), qw.fillRect(gF - 1, 0, 1, gF), xZ = .9 * gF / a0.get(0).width, qw.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0, qw.setTransform(xZ, 0, 0, xZ, Math.floor((gF - xZ * a0.get(0).width) / 2), Math.floor((gF - xZ * a0.get(0).height) / 2)), qw.drawImage(
a0.get(0), 0, 0), qw.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
function xb(gD, gE) {
if (!k.fT) return gD <= gF + b1.gap && gE >= p.fP ? 0 : -1;
if (gD <= 4 * gF + b1.gap) {
if (gE >= p.fP) return 0;
if (gE >= p.fP - gF - xX * b1.gap) return 2
} else if (gD <= 7 * gF + b1.gap && gE >= p.fP - gF - xX * b1.gap) return 1;
return -1
this.fT = !1, this.ct = function() {
xW = -1, this.fT = !1, xX = b8.cy.g0() ? 1.2 : .6, this.resize()
}, this.resize = function() {
gF = p.gF, (gV = document.createElement("canvas")).width = gF, gV.height = gF, g9 = aZ.g5.g6(1, (b8.cy.g0() ? .5 : .45) * gF), xY()
}, this.ur = function() {
this.fT = !this.fT, this.fT ? (au.dM.hideCMPButton(), ab.uq(!1), b.fS && ab.wq && ab.us(!0), this.xa()) : (xW = -1, xY(), b.iv && 1 === b.sm && !b.fj && b8.cy.setState(1)), b4.d3 = !0
}, this.xa = function() {
(b.iv || b.fS) && 1 === b.sm && (t.jC(!0), b.fj || setTimeout(function() {
}, 0), b8.cy.setState(0))
}, this.fX = function(gD, gE) {
var x2 = xb(gD, gE);
if (this.fT) {
if (b.kG) return 0 <= x2 && ab.uq(!1), !b.fS;
if (0 === x2) b.u2();
else if (1 === x2) this.ur();
else if (2 === x2) at.d5(1, 0);
else {
if (!(b.iv || 1 !== b.sm || b.fS || b3.rI) && (k.ur(), 1)) return !1;
ah.uZ(gD, gE) || j.ua(gD, gE)
return !0
return 0 === x2 && (this.ur(), !0)
}, this.uE = function(gD, gE) {
gD = xb(gD, gE);
gD !== xW && (xW = gD, this.fT || xY(), b4.d3 = !0)
}, this.gL = function() {
var gA;
this.fT ? (gA = Math.floor(5.5 * gF), gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, b1.gap, p.fP), gM.fillStyle = aa.kf, gM.fillRect(0, 0, gA, gF), 0 === xW ? (gM.fillStyle = aa.kk, gM.fillRect(0, 0, 4 * gF, gF)) : 1 === xW && (gM.fillStyle = aa.kk, gM
.fillRect(4 * gF, 0, Math.floor(1.5 * gF), gF)), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.fillRect(0, 0, gA, 1), gM.fillRect(0, 0, 1, gF), gM.fillRect(4 * gF, 0, 1, gF), gM.fillRect(0, gF - 1, gA, 1), gM.fillRect(gA - 1, 0, 1, gF), gM.font =
g9, aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 1), gM.fillText(aW.np[79], 2 * gF, .54 * gF), gA = .4 * gF, k.xg(b1.gap + 4 * gF + (1.5 * gF - gA) / 2, p.fP + .3 * gF, gA), gA = 1, gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, b1.gap, p.fP -
gA * xX * b1.gap - gA * gF), gM.fillStyle = aa.kf, gM.fillRect(0, 0, 4 * gF, gF), xW === gA + 1 && (gM.fillStyle = aa.kk, gM.fillRect(0, 0, 4 * gF, gF)), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.fillRect(0, 0, 4 * gF, 1), gM.fillRect(0, 0, 1,
gF), gM.fillRect(4 * gF, 0, 1, gF), gM.fillRect(0, gF - 1, 4 * gF, 1), gM.fillText(aW.np[79 + gA], 2 * gF, .54 * gF), gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)) : gM.drawImage(gV, b1.gap, p.fP)
}, this.xf = function(player) {
return 0 !== a6.jS[player] && 2 !== b.sm && a1.sW(player)
}, this.xg = function(fO, fP, ef) {
gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, fO, fP), gM.lineWidth = b1.rn, gM.strokeStyle = aa.gN, gM.beginPath(), gM.moveTo(0, 0), gM.lineTo(ef, ef), gM.moveTo(0, ef), gM.lineTo(ef, 0), gM.stroke()
function bY() {
var xi, gF, xj, xk, xl, xm, xn, xo, xp;
function gK() {
return p.y8(l.y4()) ? aJ.rI ? p.fP - p.gF - 2 * xj : p.fP - xj : ab.y8(l.y7()) ? aJ.rI ? ab.gK() - p.gF - 2 * xj : ab.gK() - xj : aJ.rI ? aL.gF - p.gF - (bB.ws() + 1) * xj : aL.gF - bB.ws() * b1.gap
function xv(dd, g3, id, em, xz, y0, q0, y1, y2) {
var eJ, qw, vK, nC, ds, yC = void 0 !== y2,
gA = Math.floor(o.measureText(g3, l.g9) + 1.5 * xk + (yC ? gF : 1.5 * xk));
if (b4.d3 = !0, gA + xj > aL.gA && !yC && 50 !== id && 20 < g3.length) xv(dd, (ds = aZ.jr.wE(g3))[0], id, em, xz, y0, q0, y1, y2), xv(dd, ds[1], id, em, xz, y0, q0, y1, y2);
else if (ds = gA + (50 === id ? xl : 0), (vK = document.createElement("canvas")).width = gA, vK.height = gF, (qw = vK.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
})).font = l.g9, aZ.g5.textBaseline(qw, 1), aZ.g5.textAlign(qw, 0), qw.clearRect(0, 0, gA, gF), qw.fillStyle = y0, qw.fillRect(0, 0, gA, gF), qw.fillStyle = xz, qw.fillText(g3, Math.floor(1.5 * xk), Math.floor(gF / 2)), yC && (qw
.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0, a9.pr.ro(y2, qw, gA - gF, 0, gF)), 0 === (nC = {
dc: dd,
g3: g3,
id: id,
player: em,
gV: vK,
xz: xz,
y0: y0,
gA: gA,
y5: ds,
q0: q0,
y1: y1,
y2: y2
}).dc || 0 < xi.length && 0 < xi[0].dc) xi.unshift(nC);
else {
for (eJ = 1; eJ < xi.length; eJ++)
if (0 < xi[eJ].dc) return void xi.splice(eJ, 0, nC);
function xx(gY, vR, hp) {
return "rgb(" + gY + "," + vR + "," + hp + ")"
function yD(id, rk) {
for (var ef = xi.length, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) xi[eJ].id === id && rk-- <= 0 && (xi.splice(eJ, 1), eJ--, ef--)
function yE(id, player) {
for (var yV = !1, eJ = xi.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) xi[eJ].id !== id || player !== b.ej && xi[eJ].player !== player || (xi.splice(eJ, 1), yV = !0);
return yV
function ya(g3) {
xv(340, g3, 6, 0, xx(215, 245, 255), aa.kh, -1, !1)
this.xq = "", this.ct = function() {
var self;
xo = 0, xn = b8.cy.g0() ? 7 : 12, xm = {
r5: [0, 0, 0],
xr: [0, 0, 0],
kA: [220, 180, 180],
oV: [0, 0, 0],
iT: [0, 0, 0]
}, xi = [], this.resize(), b.fj && this.sc(0, 18), ya(aW.tn(37, [aq.ir.qA[aq.qB].name])), ya(aW.tn(38, [aq.eE - 2, aq.eF - 2])), ya(aW.tn(39, [aA.yb], {
yM: [0]
})), aA.yb !== aA.yc && ya(aW.tn(40, [aA.yc, aA.yc / aA.yb], {
yM: [0],
yd: [1]
})), 0 < aA.ye && ya(aW.tn(41, [aA.ye, aA.ye / aA.yb], {
yM: [0],
yd: [1]
})), 0 < aA.yf && ya(aW.tn(42, [aA.yf, aA.yf / aA.yb], {
yM: [0],
yd: [1]
})), 10 === b.it && xv(120, aW.tn(43), 6, 0, xx(235, 255, 120), aa.kh, -1, !1), 0 !== (self = this).xq.length && (xv(200, self.xq, 0, 0, aa.gN, aa.kh, -1, !1), self.xq = ""), this.xu()
}, this.xu = function() {
var eJ, ef;
if (aV.iq)
for (ef = aV.ir.xw.length, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) xv(400, aV.ir.xw[eJ], 6, 0, xx(255, 255, 255), aa.kh, -1, !1)
}, this.resize = function() {
var xy, eJ;
if (gF = (gF = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .031 : .0249) * aL.g1)) < 10 ? 10 : gF, this.fontSize = Math.floor(2 * gF / 3), this.g9 = aZ.g5.g6(1, this.fontSize), xj = b1.gap, xk = Math.floor(gF / 5), 0 < xi.length)
for (xy = xi, xi = [], eJ = xy.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) xv(xy[eJ].dc, xy[eJ].g3, xy[eJ].id, xy[eJ].player, xy[eJ].xz, xy[eJ].y0, xy[eJ].q0, xy[eJ].y1, xy[eJ].y2);
}, this.y3 = function() {
xp = document.createElement("canvas");
var g3 = aW.tn(0),
qw = (xl = o.measureText(g3, this.g9) + 5 * xk, xp.height = gF, xp.width = xl, xp.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
qw.font = this.g9, aZ.g5.textBaseline(qw, 1), aZ.g5.textAlign(qw, 1), qw.clearRect(0, 0, xl, gF), qw.fillStyle = aa.l3, qw.fillRect(0, 0, xl, gF), qw.fillStyle = aa.gN, qw.fillText(g3, Math.floor(xl / 2), Math.floor(gF / 2))
}, this.y4 = function() {
var ef;
return aJ.rI ? aJ.gA : 0 === (ef = xi.length) ? 0 : 1 === ef ? xi[0].y5 : y6(xi[0].y5, xi[1].y5)
}, this.y7 = function() {
var ef = xi.length;
return aJ.rI ? ef ? y6(aJ.gA, xi[0].y5) : aJ.gA : 0 === ef ? 0 : 1 === ef ? xi[0].y5 : 2 === ef ? y6(xi[0].y5, xi[1].y5) : y6(y6(xi[0].y5, xi[1].y5), xi[2].y5)
}, this.fX = function(fO, fP) {
for (var y9, yA = gK(), eJ = xi.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if ((y9 = yA - (eJ + 1) * gF) <= fP && fP < y9 + gF) return 50 === xi[eJ].id ? fO >= aL.gA - xl - xj - xi[eJ].gA && (fO >= aL.gA - xl - xj ? aX.fU.mG(xi[eJ].player) : g.kE(xi[eJ].player, 800, !1, 0), !0) : fO >= aL.gA - xi[eJ].gA -
xj && (736 === xi[eJ].id ? window.open("https://" + xi[eJ].g3, "_blank") : xi[eJ].y1 && (g.kE(xi[eJ].player, 800, !1, 0), 0 <= xi[eJ].q0) && (y9 = xi[eJ].q0, xi[eJ].q0 = xi[eJ].player, xi[eJ].player = y9), !0);
return !1
}, this.tB = function(dd, g3, id, em, xz, y0, q0, y1, y2) {
xv(dd, g3, id, em, xz, y0, q0, y1, y2)
}, this.yB = function(tM) {
xv(300, tM, 252, 0, aa.gN, aa.kh, -1, !1)
}, this.wM = function(id) {
for (var eJ = xi.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) xi[eJ].id === id && (xi[eJ].dc = 1)
}, this.sc = function(player, id) {
0 === id ? (b2.ed[player < b.ht ? 4 : 3]++, o.hW(player, 0), yD(423, 0), xv(160, aW.tn(1, [a6.jt[player]]), 423, player, "rgb(10,220,10)", aa.kh, -1, !1)) : 1 === id ? (yE(50, b.ej), o.hW(player, 1), xv(360, aW.tn(2, [a6.jt[player]]), 0,
player, aa.lK, aa.kh, -1, !0), g.kE(player, 2700, !1, 0)) : 2 === id ? (o.hW(player, 2), xv(0, aW.tn(3), 0, player, "rgb(10,255,255)", aa.kh, -1, !0), g.kE(player, 2700, !1, 0)) : 3 === id ? (o.hW(player, 2), xv(0, aW.tn(4, [a6
]), 0, player, aa.gN, aa.kh, -1, !0), g.kE(player, 2700, !1, 0)) : 4 === id ? this.yF(1, player, player) : 5 === id ? 2 !== a6.vg[player] && a1.sW(b.ea) && (function(id, jP) {
var eJ, yP = 0,
ef = xi.length;
for (eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++)
if (xi[eJ].id === id && jP <= ++yP) return xi.splice(eJ, 1)
}(1, 5), a5.yH(player) ? xv(180, aW.tn(5, [a6.jt[player]]), 1, player, xx(255, 200, 180), aa.kh, -1, !0) : (yD(573, 0), xv(180, aW.tn(6, [a6.jt[player]]), 573, player, aa.lK, aa.kh, -1, !0))) : 18 === id ? xv(255, aW.tn(7), 18, 0, aa
.gN, aa.kh, -1, !1) : 21 === id ? xv(220, aW.tn(8), id, 0, aa.gN, aa.kh, -1, !1) : 22 === id ? this.yF(2, player, player) : 59 === id && xv(0, aW.tn(9), id, 0, aa.lW, aa.kh, 0, !1)
}, this.tv = function(tM) {
xv(200, aW.tn(10, [tM]), 94, 0, aa.gN, aa.lG, -1, !1)
}, this.sl = function(sf) {
if (b.ea === sf && !b.iv)
wins_counter++, window.localStorage.setItem("fx_winCount", wins_counter),
xv(0, "Your Win Count is now " + wins_counter, 3, sf, aa.gN, aa.kh, -1, !0);
o.hW(sf, 2), b.ht < 100 ? xv(0, aW.tn(4, [a6.jt[sf]]), 3, sf, aa.gN, aa.kh, -1, !0) : xv(0, aW.tn(12, [a6.jt[sf]]), 3, sf, aa.gN, aa.kh, -1, !0), g.kE(sf, 2700, !1, 0)
}, this.xO = function(fg) {
var yI = "(" + ak.gf(fg >> 2) + ", " + ak.gh(fg >> 2) + ")",
y1 = !1,
player = 0;
a1.eh(fg) ? a1.er(fg) ? yI = aW.tn(13, [yI]) : (player = a1.eq(fg), yI = aW.tn(14, [aZ.qw.vT(a6.tQ[player], aZ.g5.g6(0, 10), 150), aZ.jr.js(a6.eb[player]), aZ.jr.js(a6.f5[player]), yI]), y1 = !0) : yI = a1.fm(fg) ? aW.tn(15, [yI]) : aW
.tn(16, [yI]), b4.d3 = !0, yD(55, 0), xv(220, yI, 55, player, aa.gN, aa.kh, -1, y1)
}, this.xQ = function(yJ) {
var pb = al.j4,
player = pb.yK[yJ] >> 3;
b4.d3 = !0, yD(55, 0), xv(220, aW.tn(17, [a6.jt[player], pb.yL[yJ]], {
yM: [1]
}), 55, player, aa.gN, aa.kh, -1, !0)
}, this.lz = function(lk, yN, m0) {
lk === b.ea ? xv(175, aW.tn(18, [a6.jt[yN]]), 1001, yN, xx(200, 255, 210), aa.kh, -1, !0, m0) : this.yO(lk, m0)
}, this.yO = function(lk, m0) {
yD(1e3, 0), xv(175, aW.tn(19, [a6.jt[lk]]), 1e3, lk, aa.gN, "rgba(5,60,25,0.9)", -1, !0, m0)
}, this.sk = function() {
var tM;
b.sh ? (tM = aW.tn(20), o.tG(aW.tn(21), 2, 1, 12), xv(0, tM, 40, 0, "rgb(10,220,10)", aa.kh, -1, !1)) : (tM = aW.tn(22), o.tG(aW.tn(23), 2, 0, 16), xv(0, tM, 41, 0, aa.gN, aa.kh, -1, !1)), g.kL(2700)
}, this.r6 = function(r5) {
xv(300, r5[0].name + " [" + b.si.rC(r5[0].r9) + "] vs " + r5[1].name + " [" + b.si.rC(r5[1].r9) + "]", 65, 0, aa.jp, "rgba(100,255,255,0.75)", -1, !1)
}, this.yQ = function(tM) {
xv(200, tM, 0, 0, "rgb(40,255,200)", "rgba(10,60,40,0.9)", -1, !1)
}, this.yR = function(yS) {
xv(0, aW.tn(yS ? 24 : 129), 247, 0, aa.lV, aa.kh, -1, !1)
}, this.rE = function(r5, rB, rD, yT) {
xv(0, r5[0].name + ": " + b.si.rC(r5[0].r9) + " -> " + rB, 66, 0, aa.gN, yT[0], -1, !1), xv(0, r5[1].name + ": " + b.si.rC(r5[1].r9) + " -> " + rD, 66, 1, aa.gN, yT[1], -1, !1)
}, this.mH = function(player, id) {
0 === id ? yE(50, player) ? (xv(128, aW.tn(25, [a6.jt[player]]), 52, player, xx(180, 255, 180), aa.kh, -1, !0), a5.my(player, 2, 255)) : xv(384, aW.tn(26, [a6.jt[player]]), 51, player, xx(210, 210, 255), aa.kh, -1, !0) : yE(51, player) ?
(xv(128, aW.tn(27, [a6.jt[player]]), 52, player, aa.gN, "rgba(60,120,10,0.9)", -1, !0), a5.my(player, 2, 255)) : (xv(384, aW.tn(28, [a6.jt[player]]), 50, player, aa.gN, "rgba(90,90,90,0.9)", -1, !0), a5.my(player, 2, 96))
}, this.mL = function(r5, target) {
var color = xx(210, 255, 210);
1 < r5.length ? xv(230, aW.tn(29, [r5.length, a6.jt[target]]), 66, target, color, aa.kh, -1, !0) : xv(230, aW.tn(30, [a6.jt[r5[0]], a6.jt[target]]), 66, r5[0], color, aa.kh, target, !0)
}, this.yU = function(player, target) {
xv(230, aW.tn(31, [a6.jt[player], a6.jt[target]]), 66, player, aa.gN, "rgba(75,65,5,0.9)", target, !0)
}, this.ss = function(id, player) {
yE(id, player)
}, this.lm = function() {
var g4;
100 <= a6.eb[b.ea] || (-1 === (g4 = function(id) {
for (var eJ = xi.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (xi[eJ].id === id) return eJ;
return -1
}(143)) ? xv(80, aW.tn(32), 143, 0, aa.gN, aa.kh, -1, !1) : xi[g4].dc = 80)
}, this.mC = function(yX, yY, player) {
2 !== a6.vg[b.ea] && (xv(200, aW.tn(33, [yX, a6.jt[player]], {
yM: [0]
}), 30, player, "rgb(190,255,190)", aa.kh, -1, !0), yY) && xv(30, aW.tn(34, [yY], {
yM: [0]
}), 30, 0, aa.gN, aa.kh, -1, !1)
}, this.yZ = function(yX, player) {
2 !== a6.vg[b.ea] && (yD(31, 0), 2 === a6.vg[player] || player >= b.ht ? xv(150, aW.tn(36, [a6.jt[player], yX], {
yM: [1]
}), 31, player, aa.jp, "rgba(205,205,205,0.9)", -1, !0) : xv(150, aW.tn(35, [a6.jt[player], yX], {
yM: [1]
}), 31, player, aa.jp, "rgba(205,255,205,0.9)", -1, !0))
}, this.sr = function(yg) {
for (var iT = b4.iS(), eJ = 2; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) 0 < xm.oV[eJ] && (yg || xm.iT[eJ] < iT - 220) && this.yh(eJ)
}, this.yh = function(id) {
var g3, ef = xm.oV[id],
player = xm.r5[id];
xm.oV[id] = 0, 1 === ef ? (g3 = 0 === id ? aW.tn(47, [a6.jt[player], a6.jt[xm.xr[0]]]) : aW.tn(47 + id, [a6.jt[player]]), yD(7, 0), xv(xm.kA[id], g3, 7, xm.xr[id], aa.gN, aa.kh, -1, !0)) : 2 <= ef && (g3 = aW.tn(44 + id, [a6.jt[player],
ef - 1
]), yD(7, 0), xv(xm.kA[id], g3, 7, player, aa.gN, aa.kh, -1, !1))
}, this.yF = function(id, pz, q0) {
var iT = b4.iS(),
ef = xm.oV[id] + 1;
xm.oV[id]++, xm.r5[id] = pz, xm.xr[id] = q0, 1 === ef && (xm.iT[id] = iT), (1 === ef && (b.sp < 32 || 2 === b.sm) || 1 < ef && (xm.iT[id] < iT - 140 || 2 === b.sm)) && this.yh(id)
}, this.iE = function() {
for (var gn = (gn = xi.length - xn) <= 1 ? 1 : gn * gn, eJ = xi.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) 0 < xi[eJ].dc && (xi[eJ].dc -= gn, xi[eJ].dc <= 0) && (b4.d3 = !0, xi.splice(eJ, 1));
! function() {
var rk, eJ;
if (128 !== xo && !(++xo < 128))
for (rk = 5, eJ = iV - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) 1 === a6.vg[iW[eJ]] && 0 < rk-- && xv(240, aW.tn(50, [a6.jt[iW[eJ]]]), 1, iW[eJ], aa.jp, "rgba(255,255,255,0.75)", -1, !0)
}(), this.sr(!1)
}, this.gL = function() {
for (var qM, fP = gK(), eJ = xi.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) qM = fP - (eJ + 1) * gF, 50 === xi[eJ].id ? (gM.drawImage(xi[eJ].gV, aL.gA - xi[eJ].gA - xl - xj, qM), gM.drawImage(xp, aL.gA - xl - xj, qM)) : gM.drawImage(xi[eJ].gV, aL.gA - xi[
eJ].gA - xj, qM)
function bZ() {
var np, yj, yk, gA, gF, font;
function yo(yp) {
return yp < 10 ? "0" + yp : String(yp)
this.ct = function() {
void 0 === gA && this.resize(), this.setTime()
}, this.resize = function() {
gA = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .53 : .36) * aL.g1), gF = Math.floor(.065 * gA), font = aZ.g5.g6(1, Math.floor(.9 * gF)), yk--, this.setTime()
}, this.iE = function() {
this.setTime() && (b4.d3 = !0)
}, this.setTime = function() {
var dd = new Date,
ym = dd.getUTCMinutes(),
dd = dd.getUTCSeconds();
return yj = 3600 - 60 * ym - dd, yj %= 900, np = "Next Contest: " + yo(Math.floor(yj / 60)) + ":" + yo(yj % 60), yk !== (yk = 60 * ym + dd) && (gA = o.measureText(np, font), gA += Math.floor(.4 * gF), !0)
}, this.gL = function() {
gM.lineWidth = 1 + Math.floor(gF / 15), 7 === y.tp() && aH.yq() + 2 * b1.gap > .5 * (aL.gF - gA) ? gM.translate(aL.gA - gF, Math.floor(aH.yq() + 2 * b1.gap + gA)) : gM.translate(aL.gA - gF, Math.floor(.5 * (aL.gF + gA))), gM.rotate(-Math
.PI / 2), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.fillRect(0, 0, gA, gF), gM.strokeStyle = aa.jp, gM.strokeRect(0, 0, gA, gF + 10), gM.fillStyle = aa.jp, gM.font = font, aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 1), gM.fillText(np, Math
.floor(gA / 2), Math.floor(.59 * gF)), gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
function ba() {
var xi, yr, g9, gF, ys;
function yu(eJ) {
let yw = !0,
gi = aa.gN;
xi[eJ].hZ === b.ej ? xi[eJ].qw.fillStyle = aa.kt : (a1.yx(xi[eJ].hZ), xi[eJ].qw.fillStyle = aZ.color.ke(am.dl[0], am.dl[1], am.dl[2], .87), 400 < aZ.pp.vC(am.dl, 0, 2) && (yw = !1, gi = aa.jp));
var gA = xi[eJ].gV.width,
r1 = (xi[eJ].qw.clearRect(0, 0, gA, gF), xi[eJ].qw.fillRect(0, 0, gA, gF), xi[eJ].qw.fillStyle = gi, ! function(qw, gA, gF) {
qw.fillRect(0, 0, gA, 1), qw.fillRect(0, gF - 1, gA, 1), qw.fillRect(0, 0, 1, gF), qw.fillRect(gA - 1, 0, 1, gF)
}(xi[eJ].qw, gA, gF), yr + 2 * gF < gA && (xi[eJ].qw.fillRect(gA - yr - gF, 0, 1, gF), xi[eJ].qw.fillText(a6.jt[xi[eJ].hZ], Math.floor((gA - yr) / 2), Math.floor(.57 * gF))), 0 !== xi[eJ].id ? 0 : gF);
xi[eJ].qw.fillText(aZ.jr.js(xi[eJ].ha), Math.floor(gA - yr / 2 - r1), Math.floor(.57 * gF)),
function(eJ, gA, r1, yw) {
xi[eJ].qw.fillStyle = yw ? aa.kl : aa.ki;
yw = Math.floor(yr * xi[eJ].ha / xi[eJ].z3);
xi[eJ].qw.fillRect(Math.floor(gA - yr - r1), gF - ys, yw, ys)
}(eJ, gA, r1, yw), 0 === xi[eJ].id ? (z0(eJ, gA, yw, gi), function(eJ, gA, yw) {
xi[eJ].qw.strokeStyle = yw ? aa.ky : aa.l8, xi[eJ].qw.fillRect(gF, 0, 1, gF);
yw = gA - gF;
xi[eJ].qw.beginPath(), xi[eJ].qw.moveTo(Math.floor(.3 * gF + yw), Math.floor(gF / 2)), xi[eJ].qw.lineTo(Math.floor(gF - .3 * gF + 0 + yw), Math.floor(gF / 2)), xi[eJ].qw.stroke(), xi[eJ].qw.beginPath(), xi[eJ].qw.moveTo(Math
.floor(gF / 2 + yw), Math.floor(.3 * gF)), xi[eJ].qw.lineTo(Math.floor(gF / 2 + yw), Math.floor(gF - .3 * gF + 0)), xi[eJ].qw.stroke()
}(eJ, gA, yw)) : z0(eJ, 2 * gF, yw, gi)
function z0(eJ, gA, yw, gi) {
xi[eJ].qw.strokeStyle = xi[eJ].z4 ? aa.kr : yw ? aa.lC : aa.lD, xi[eJ].qw.fillStyle = gi, xi[eJ].qw.fillRect(gA - gF, 0, 1, gF), xi[eJ].qw.lineWidth = Math.max(Math.floor(gF / 12), 3), xi[eJ].qw.lineCap = "round";
yw = .35;
gA = gF + 1, xi[eJ].qw.beginPath(), xi[eJ].qw.moveTo(Math.floor(gA - yw * gF + 0), Math.floor(yw * gF)), xi[eJ].qw.lineTo(Math.floor(gA - gF + yw * gF), Math.floor(gF - yw * gF + 0)), xi[eJ].qw.stroke(), xi[eJ].qw.beginPath(), xi[eJ].qw
.moveTo(Math.floor(gA - gF + yw * gF), Math.floor(yw * gF)), xi[eJ].qw.lineTo(Math.floor(gA - yw * gF + 0), Math.floor(gF - yw * gF + 0)), xi[eJ].qw.stroke()
function zF(ef) {
for (var ha, eJ = ef - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) ha = a3.eR(b.ea, eJ), xi[eJ].ha !== ha && (xi[eJ].ha = ha, xi[eJ].z3 = ha > xi[eJ].z3 ? ha : xi[eJ].z3, xi[eJ].yv = !0)
function yt(zH) {
zH.gV = document.createElement("canvas"), aq.pj.font = g9;
var gA = yr;
zH.hZ < b.ej && 0 === zH.id && (gA += Math.floor(aq.pj.measureText(a6.jt[zH.hZ] + "000").width)), gA += gF, 0 === zH.id && (gA += gF), zH.gV.width = gA, zH.gV.height = gF, zH.qw = zH.gV.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
}), zH.qw.font = g9, aZ.g5.textBaseline(zH.qw, 1), aZ.g5.textAlign(zH.qw, 1)
function zB(eJ) {
return s.zJ() ? aL.gA - xi[eJ].gV.width - b1.gap : s.fO
function zC(eJ) {
return Math.floor(2 * b1.gap + (s.zJ() ? u.gF + b1.gap : 0) + s.gF + eJ * (1.3 * gF))
this.ct = function() {
xi = [], this.resize()
}, this.resize = function() {
g9 = l.g9, gF = l.fontSize + 5, gF = Math.floor(1.25 * gF), b8.cy.g0() && (gF = Math.floor(1.25 * gF)), ys = Math.floor(.15 * gF), aq.pj.font = g9, yr = Math.floor(aq.pj.measureText("02 000 000 0000").width);
for (var eJ = xi.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) yt(xi[eJ]), yu(eJ)
}, this.jC = function() {
for (var eJ = xi.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) xi[eJ].yv && (xi[eJ].yv = !1, yu(eJ))
}, this.fX = function(gD, fP) {
if (2 !== b.sm && 0 !== a6.jS[b.ea] && !b.fS && a1.sW(b.ea))
for (var z6, z7, z8, z9 = b8.cy.g0() ? gF : 0, zA = b8.cy.g0() ? Math.floor(.15 * gF) : 0, eJ = xi.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (z6 = zB(eJ), z7 = zC(eJ), z8 = xi[eJ].gV.width, z7 - zA <= fP && fP <= z7 + gF + zA) {
if (z6 - z9 <= gD && gD <= z6 + gF + z9) return xi[eJ].z4 || (xi[eJ].yv = !0, xi[eJ].z4 = !0, 0 === xi[eJ].id && aX.fk.lx(xi[eJ].hZ)), !0;
if (0 === xi[eJ].id && z6 + z8 - gF - z9 <= gD && gD <= z6 + z8 + z9) return aX.fk.ft(p.fr(), xi[eJ].hZ), !0
} return !1
}, this.iE = function() {
var ef;
2 !== b.sm && 0 !== a6.jS[b.ea] && !b.fS && a1.sW(b.ea) && (function(ef) {
if (xi.length !== ef) return 1;
for (var eJ = ef - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (xi[eJ].id !== a3.eL(b.ea, eJ) || xi[eJ].hZ !== a3.eQ(b.ea, eJ)) return 1;
}(ef = a3.eK(b.ea)) && function(ef) {
var eJ, id, hZ, hp, ha, xy = [];
loop: for (eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) {
for (id = a3.eL(b.ea, eJ), hZ = a3.eQ(b.ea, eJ), hp = 0; hp < xi.length; hp++)
if (xi[hp].id === id && xi[hp].hZ === hZ) {
xy.push(xi.splice(hp, 1)[0]);
continue loop
} ha = a3.eR(b.ea, eJ), yt(ha = {
hZ: hZ,
ha: ha,
z3: ha,
id: id,
yv: !0,
z4: !1,
gV: null,
qw: null
}), xy.push(ha)
xi = xy
}(ef), zF(ef))
}, this.zI = function(em) {
for (var ef = Math.min(xi.length, a3.eK(b.ea)), eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++)
if (xi[eJ].hZ === em) return void(xi = [])
}, this.gL = function() {
if (0 !== a6.jS[b.ea] && a1.sW(b.ea) && !b.fS)
for (var eJ = xi.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) gM.drawImage(xi[eJ].gV, zB(eJ), zC(eJ))
function bb() {
var xi, ic, zK, zL, gF, g9, fontSize, zM, zN, zO, zP, gV, qw, k5, zQ;
function zX() {
gM.drawImage(gV, b1.gap + (b.hT ? b1.gap + b6.zY() : 0), zZ + 2 * b1.gap)
function zR() {
gV.width = xi[0].width + zO, gV.height = gF + zO, (qw = gV.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
})).clearRect(0, 0, xi[0].width + zO, gF + zO), qw.translate(Math.floor(zO / 2), Math.floor(zO / 2)), qw.lineWidth = zO, qw.fillStyle = 1 === xi[0].zW ? aa.ko : aa.kh, za(), qw.fill(), qw.strokeStyle = 1 === xi[0].zW ? aa.jp : aa.gN,
za(), qw.stroke(), aZ.g5.textAlign(qw, 1), aZ.g5.textBaseline(qw, 1), qw.fillStyle = 1 === xi[0].zW ? aa.jp : aa.gN, qw.font = g9[0], qw.fillText(aW.np[66 + xi[0].zV], Math.floor(xi[0].width / 2), Math.floor(.72 * zM[0] * gF)), qw.font = g9[
1], qw.fillText(xi[0].g3, Math.floor(xi[0].width / 2), Math.floor((zM[0] + .48 * zM[1]) * gF))
function za() {
qw.beginPath(), qw.moveTo(zP, 0), qw.lineTo(xi[0].width - zP, 0), qw.lineTo(xi[0].width, zP), qw.lineTo(xi[0].width, gF - zP), qw.lineTo(xi[0].width - zP, gF), qw.lineTo(zP, gF), qw.lineTo(0, gF - zP), qw.lineTo(0, zP), qw.closePath()
this.ct = function() {
ic = 4, zK = zL = k5 = 0, xi = [], g9 = new Array(2), fontSize = new Array(2), (zM = new Array(2))[0] = .3, zM[1] = .7, zN = new Array(4), gV = document.createElement("canvas"), zQ = b4.dc + 2e3, this.resize()
}, this.resize = function() {
var eJ, gA;
for (gF = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .0725 : .058) * aL.g1), fontSize[0] = Math.floor(.85 * zM[0] * gF), fontSize[1] = Math.floor(.85 * zM[1] * gF), g9[0] = aZ.g5.g6(1, fontSize[0]), g9[1] = aZ.g5.g6(1, fontSize[1]), eJ = zN.length -
1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) zN[eJ] = this.measureText(aW.np[66 + eJ] + "000", g9[0]);
if (zO = Math.floor(1 + .05 * gF), zP = Math.floor(.2 * gF), 0 < xi.length) {
for (eJ = xi.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) gA = this.measureText(xi[eJ].g3 + "00", g9[1]), xi[eJ].width = gA < zN[eJ] ? zN[eJ] : gA;
}, this.iE = function() {
0 !== ic && (4 === ic ? b4.dc > zQ && (ic = 0, 1 === b.sm) && o.tG(aq.ir.qA[aq.qB].name, 3, 1, 9) : (1 === ic ? (0 === zK && (zR(), zK = 1e-4), 1 <= (zK += .002 * (b4.dc - k5)) && (zL = 0, ic = 2, zK = 1), b4.d3 = !0) : 2 === ic ? ((zL +=
(b4.dc - k5) / 1e3) > xi[0].kA || 1 < zL && 1 < xi.length) && (ic = 3) : 3 === ic && ((zK -= .002 * (b4.dc - k5)) <= 0 && (zK = 0, xi.shift(), ic = 0 < xi.length ? 1 : 0), b4.d3 = !0), k5 = b4.dc))
}, this.measureText = function(g3, g9) {
return gM.font = g9, Math.floor(gM.measureText(g3).width)
}, this.hW = function(zU, eJ) {
this.tG(a6.jt[zU], eJ, 1, 0 === eJ ? 3 : 7)
}, this.tG = function(g3, zV, zW, kA) {
var gA = (gA = this.measureText(g3 + "00", g9[1])) < zN[zV] ? zN[zV] : gA;
g3: g3,
width: gA,
zV: zV,
zW: zW,
kA: kA
}), 0 === ic && (zK = 0, ic = 1, k5 = b4.dc)
}, this.gL = function() {
0 !== ic && 0 !== zK && (zK < 1 ? (gM.globalAlpha = zK, zX(), gM.globalAlpha = 1) : zX())
function cA() {
var gF, gV, qw, zb, zc, zd, ze, yv, zf, zg, zh, zi, yS = !1,
vK = (this.rI = !1, this.gA = 0, new Array(2));
function g7() {
var gA = aJ.gA,
pb = (yv = !1, qv(qw, gA, gF), Math.floor(gA / 2));
1 === zb ? (qw.fillStyle = aa.l0, qw.fillRect(pb, 0, pb, gF)) : -1 === zb && (qw.fillStyle = aa.lE, qw.fillRect(0, 0, pb, gF)), qx(qw, gA, gF, 2);
var pb = (pb = Math.floor(.25 * gF)) < 2 ? 2 : pb,
yb = (qw.fillStyle = aa.kp, Math.floor((gF - 4) * zc[1] / zd[1]));
0 < yb && qw.fillRect(2, gF - 2 - yb, pb, yb), 0 < (yb = Math.floor((gF - 4) * zc[0] / zd[0])) && qw.fillRect(gA - 2 - pb, gF - 2 - yb, pb, yb);
pb = (pb = Math.floor(gF / 8)) < 2 ? 2 : pb, qz(qw, Math.floor(.4 * gF), 0, gF, pb, .5, !1), qz(qw, Math.floor(gA - 1.4 * gF), 0, gF, pb, .5, !0), yb = 1.1 * gF / vK[0].width;
qw.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0, qw.setTransform(yb, 0, 0, yb, (gA - yb * vK[0].width) / 2, -.05 * gF), qw.drawImage(vK[+yS], 0, 0), qw.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
function zj() {
yv = !0, zf = 140, zb = 0, ze = [], aJ.rI = !1, l.ss(247, 0), zc[0] = zc[1] = 0
function gK() {
return p.y8(l.y4()) ? p.fP - gF - b1.gap : ab.y8(l.y7()) ? ab.gK() - gF - b1.gap : aL.gF - gF - bB.ws() * b1.gap
this.cu = function() {
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < 2; eJ++) vK[eJ] = aZ.gV.rY(a0.get(3), 8 - eJ, aa.lc), vK[eJ] = aZ.gV.vM(vK[eJ])
}, this.ct = function() {
zh = zi = 0, this.rI = !1, yv = yS = !1, zf = 140, zc = [zb = 0, 0], zd = [1, 1], ze = [], zg = new Uint32Array(10), this.resize()
}, this.resize = function() {
gF = p.gF, this.gA = 4 * gF, (gV = document.createElement("canvas")).width = this.gA, gV.height = gF, qw = gV.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
}), g7()
}, this.jC = function() {
yv && g7()
}, this.fX = function(fO, fP) {
var jk;
return !!this.rI && !(fO < aL.gA - this.gA - b1.gap || fP < (jk = gK()) || jk + gF < fP || (b.fS || aX.fk.m3(fO > aL.gA - b1.gap - this.gA / 2 ? 1 : 0), 0))
}, this.iE = function() {
if (0 < zi) 0 === --zi && zj();
else if (this.rI) 270 == --zf && 2 <= zh && function() {
var eJ;
for (eJ = iV - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (a1.sW(iW[eJ])) return;
return 1
}() && (yv = !0, zc[0] += zd[0]), 180 === zf && 3 * zc[0] < zd[0] ? zj() : zc[0] >= zd[0] ? yS ? ap.sM.sY() : ap.sM.se(-1) : zc[1] >= zd[1] ? zi = 4 : zf <= 0 && zj();
else if (function() {
var eJ;
for (eJ = 9; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) 12 < Math.abs(zg[eJ] - a6.f5[jM[eJ]]) && (zf = 140), zg[eJ] = a6.f5[jM[eJ]];
if (--zf <= 0) return 1;
}()) {
yS = a7.zm(), l.yR(yS), this.rI = !0, yv = !0, zf = 360;
let dd = 0;
for (let eJ = iV - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a1.sW(iW[eJ]) && (dd += a6.f5[iW[eJ]]);
var df;
yS ? zd[0] = Math.max(eX(3 * dd, 4), 1) : b.hT ? (df = aj.fK(100 * b6.t3(), b.wS), df += 2 * Math.max(df - 75, 0), df = aj.mx(df = 150 - df, 0, 100), df = aj.fK(df * dd, 100), zd[0] = Math.max(df, 1)) : zd[0] = Math.max(eX(3 *
dd, 5), 1)
zd[1] = Math.max(dd - zd[0], 1)
}, this.sn = function() {
this.rI && zc[0] < zd[0] && zj()
}, this.mz = function(player, zp) {
var eJ, dd;
if (this.rI) {
for (eJ = ze.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (ze[eJ] === player) return;
l.tB(200, a6.jt[player] + (zp ? " voted for" : " rejected") + " peace.", 257, player, zp ? aa.ky : aa.lB, aa.kh, -1, !0), ze.push(player), yv = !0, dd = b.iv ? zd[0] : a6.f5[player], zp ? zc[0] += dd : zc[1] += dd, player === b.ea &&
(zb = zp ? 1 : -1)
}, this.gL = function() {
var fP;
this.rI && (fP = gK(), gM.drawImage(gV, aL.gA - this.gA - b1.gap, fP))
function bc() {
var gA, fO, zq, gV, qw, rI, h9, wI, g9, yv, zr = 11 / 12;
function zt() {
var z2 = Math.floor(h9 * (gA - 2 * zq)),
zw = 1 + Math.floor(.0625 * p.gF),
zx = 1 + Math.floor(.3 * p.gF),
zy = Math.floor(.55 * p.gF);
qw.clearRect(0, 0, gA, p.gF), qw.fillStyle = aa.kg, qw.fillRect(0, 0, zq, p.gF), qw.fillRect(zq + z2, 0, gA - zq - z2, p.gF), qw.fillStyle = h9 < 1 / 3 ? "rgba(" + Math.floor(3 * h9 * 130) + ",130,0,0.85)" : h9 < 2 / 3 ? "rgba(130," + (130 -
Math.floor(3 * (h9 - 1 / 3) * 130)) + ",0,0.85)" : "rgba(130,0," + Math.floor(3 * (h9 - 2 / 3) * 130) + ",0.85)", qw.fillRect(zq, 0, z2, p.gF), qw.fillStyle = aa.gN, qw.fillRect(0, 0, gA, 1), qw.fillRect(0, p.gF - 1, gA, 1), qw
.fillRect(0, 0, 1, p.gF), qw.fillRect(zq, 0, 1, p.gF), qw.fillRect(zq + z2, 0, 1, p.gF), qw.fillRect(gA - zq, 0, 1, p.gF), qw.fillRect(gA - 1, 0, 1, p.gF), qw.fillRect(Math.floor(.25 * p.gF) + zx, Math.floor((p.gF - zw) / 2), p.gF - 2 *
zx, zw), qw.fillRect(Math.floor(gA - 1.25 * p.gF) + zx, Math.floor((p.gF - zw) / 2), p.gF - 2 * zx - zx % 2, zw), qw.fillRect(Math.floor(gA - 1.25 * p.gF) + Math.floor((p.gF - zw) / 2), zx, zw, p.gF - 2 * zx - zx % 2), wI = aZ.fU.h8(b
.ea, p.fr()), qw.fillText(aZ.jr.js(wI) + " (" + aZ.jr.w9(100 * h9, +(h9 < .1)) + ")", Math.floor(.5 * gA), zy)
this.setAbsolutePercentage = function(newPercentage) {
h9 = newPercentage;
keybindFunctions.setAbsolute = this.setAbsolutePercentage;
keybindFunctions.setRelative = (arg1) => p.um(arg1);
function a02(fy) {
return !(1 < fy && 1 === h9 || (1 < fy && fy * h9 - h9 < 1 / 1024 ? fy = (h9 + 1 / 1024) / h9 : fy < 1 && h9 - fy * h9 < 1 / 1024 && (fy = (h9 - 1 / 1024) / h9), h9 = aj.mx(h9 * fy, 1 / 1024, 1), zt(), 0))
function a03(gD) {
return h9 !== (h9 = aj.mx((gD - fO - zq) / (gA - 2 * zq), 1 / 1024, 1)) && (zt(), !0)
this.fP = 0, this.fY = !1, this.ct = function() {
rI = !b.fj && !b.fS, yv = !1, h9 = .5, wI = 0, this.fY = !1, this.resize()
}, this.resize = function() {
b8.cy.g0() && aL.gA < .8 * aL.gF ? (this.gF = Math.floor(.0536 * aL.g1), gA = aL.gA - 4 * b1.gap - this.gF) : (gA = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .65 : .389) * aL.g1), gA += 12 - gA % 12, this.gF = Math.floor(gA / 12)), zq = Math.floor(3 *
this.gF / 2), g9 = aZ.g5.g6(1, Math.floor(.5 * this.gF)), (gV = document.createElement("canvas")).width = gA, gV.height = this.gF, (qw = gV.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
})).font = g9, aZ.g5.textBaseline(qw, 1), aZ.g5.textAlign(qw, 1), this.zs(), zt()
}, this.zs = function() {
fO = b8.cy.g0() && aL.gA < .8 * aL.gF ? this.gF + 3 * b1.gap : Math.floor((aL.gA - gA) / 2), this.fP = aL.gF - this.gF - bB.ws() * b1.gap
}, this.jC = function() {
yv && (yv = !1, zt())
}, this.rI = function() {
return !(!rI || k.fT && fO < Math.floor(b1.gap + 5.5 * this.gF))
}, this.y8 = function(gB) {
return !!this.rI() && fO + gA > aL.gA - gB - b1.gap
}, this.wK = function() {
rI = !b.fS
}, this.zj = function() {
rI = !1
}, this.fr = function() {
return aj.mx(Math.floor(1024 * h9 + .5) - 1, 0, 1023)
}, this.uj = function(gD, gE) {
return this.rI() && fO < gD && gD < fO + gA && gE > this.fP
}, this.fX = function(gD, gE) {
return !!this.rI() && !!p.uj(gD, gE) && (q.kH = !1, function(xT, gD, gE) {
if (function(gD, gE) {
return fO < gD && gD < fO + zq && gE > p.fP
}(gD, gE)) return a02(zr);
if (function(gD, gE) {
return fO + gA - zq < gD && gD < fO + gA && gE > p.fP
}(gD, gE)) return a02(1 / zr);
return xT.fY = !0, a03(gD)
}(this, gD, gE) && (b4.d3 = !0), !0)
}, this.um = function(kO) {
0 !== b.sm && this.rI() && a02(kO) && (b4.d3 = !0)
}, this.uH = function(deltaY) {
var kO;
return !(0 === deltaY || !this.rI()) && a02(kO = 0 < deltaY ? (kO = 400 / (400 + deltaY)) < zr ? zr : kO : 1 / zr < (kO = (400 - deltaY) / 400) ? 1 / zr : kO)
}, this.uE = function(gD) {
return !!this.fY && a03(gD)
}, this.uf = function() {
this.fY = !1
}, this.iE = function() {
this.rI() && wI !== aZ.fU.h8(b.ea, this.fr()) && (yv = !0)
}, this.gL = function() {
this.rI() && gM.drawImage(gV, fO, this.fP)
function cL() {
var gV, qw, a04, font, a05 = 0,
a06 = !1,
a07 = [10, 5, 3, 2, 1.5, 1, .75, .5, .25],
a08 = 5;
function a0E() {
if (a06) {
var eJ, ef = a07.length,
zy = Math.floor(.5 * a04.gF),
gF = ef * zy,
fO = Math.floor(Math.floor(a04.fO) + .3 * a04.gA - .5),
fP = Math.floor(Math.floor(a04.fP) - gF),
gA = Math.floor(.4 * a04.gA + 2.5);
for (gM.fillStyle = aa.kg, gM.fillRect(fO, fP, gA, gF), gM.fillStyle = aa.l5, gM.fillRect(fO, fP + a08 * zy, gA, zy), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.fillRect(fO, fP, 2, gF), gM.fillRect(fO, fP, gA, 2), gM.fillRect(fO + gA - 2, fP, 2, gF), eJ =
1; eJ < ef; eJ++) gM.fillRect(fO, fP + eJ * zy, gA, 2);
for (gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 1), aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1), gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(0, .6 * zy), fO += .5 * gA, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) gM.fillText(a0M(eJ), fO, fP + (eJ + .6) * zy)
gM.drawImage(gV, Math.floor(a04.fO), Math.floor(a04.fP))
function g7(xT) {
var fO, jj, jk, zy;
qw.clearRect(0, 0, Math.floor(a04.gA), Math.floor(a04.gF)), qw.fillStyle = aa.kg, qw.fillRect(0, 0, Math.floor(a04.gA), Math.floor(a04.gF)), b.kG && (qw.fillStyle = aa.l5, qw.fillRect(0, 0, Math.floor(.3 * a04.gA), Math.floor(a04.gF))), qw
.fillStyle = aa.gN, qw.fillText("Hide UI", .15 * a04.gA, .5 * a04.gF), qw.fillRect(Math.floor(.3 * a04.gA - .5), 0, 2, Math.floor(a04.gF)), fO = .5 * a04.gA, qw.fillText("Replay Speed", fO, .31 * a04.gF), qw.fillText(a0M(a08), fO, .69 *
a04.gF), qw.fillRect(Math.floor(.7 * a04.gA - .5), 0, 2, Math.floor(a04.gF)), xT.wq ? (fO = Math.floor(.02 * a04.gA), xT = Math.floor(.025 * a04.gA), jj = Math.floor(.85 * a04.gA - fO - .5 * xT), jk = Math.floor(.25 * a04.gF), zy =
Math.floor(a04.gF) - 2 * jk, qw.fillRect(jj, jk, fO, zy), qw.fillRect(jj + fO + xT, jk, fO, zy)) : function() {
var gA = Math.floor(.46 * a04.gF),
gF = Math.floor(.23 * a04.gF),
fO = Math.floor(.85 * a04.gA - .5 * gA + gA / 12),
fP = Math.floor(.5 * a04.gF - gF);
qw.beginPath(), qw.moveTo(fO, fP), qw.lineTo(fO + gA, fP + gF), qw.lineTo(fO, fP + (gF << 1)), qw.fill()
}(), qw.fillRect(0, 0, Math.floor(a04.gA), 2), qw.fillRect(0, 0, 2, Math.floor(a04.gF)), qw.fillRect(0, Math.floor(a04.gF) - 2, Math.floor(a04.gA), 2), qw.fillRect(Math.floor(a04.gA - 2), 0, 2, Math.floor(a04.gF))
function a0M(eJ) {
return 5 === eJ ? "Normal" : "" + a07[eJ]
this.wq = !1, this.ct = function() {
b.fS && (a08 = 5, this.wq = !1, a06 = !1, a04 = new ni([.3, .3 / 6], [.5, 1]), this.resize())
}, this.a09 = function() {
return a07[a08]
}, this.gK = function() {
return a04.fP
}, this.y8 = function(gB) {
return !!b.fS && a04.fO + a04.gA > aL.gA - gB - b1.gap
}, this.resize = function() {
b.fS && (a04.resize(), a04.fP -= (bB.ws() - 1) * b1.gap, font = aZ.g5.g6(0, .3 * a04.gF), (gV = document.createElement("canvas")).width = Math.floor(a04.gA), gV.height = Math.floor(a04.gF), (qw = gV.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
})).font = font, aZ.g5.textAlign(qw, 1), aZ.g5.textBaseline(qw, 1), g7(this))
}, this.uq = function(a0A) {
a0A !== b.kG && (b.kG = a0A, b6.resize(), b4.d3 = !0, b.fS) && (a05 = b4.dc + 2e3, g7(this))
}, this.fX = function(fO, fP) {
if (!b.fS) return !1;
if (fO < a04.fO || fP < a04.fP || fO > a04.fO + a04.gA) return a06 && function(xT, fO, fP) {
var ef = a07.length,
zy = Math.floor(.5 * a04.gF),
gF = ef * zy,
jj = Math.floor(Math.floor(a04.fO) + .3 * a04.gA - .5),
gF = Math.floor(Math.floor(a04.fP) - gF),
gA = Math.floor(.4 * a04.gA + 2.5);
return a06 = !1, b4.d3 = !0, fO < jj || jj + gA < fO || fP < gF || (a08 = a0D(0, Math.floor((fP - gF) / zy), ef - 1), g7(xT)), !0
}(this, fO, fP);
if ((fO -= a04.fO) < .3 * a04.gA) a06 = !1, this.uq(!b.kG);
else {
if (fO < .7 * a04.gA) return a06 = !a06, b4.d3 = !0;
return !0
}, this.us = function(a0C) {
2 === b.sm ? (this.uq(!1), at.d5(3)) : (a06 = !1, this.wq = !this.wq, this.wq ? k.fT ? k.ur() : b8.cy.setState(1) : a0C || k.xa(), b4.d3 = !0, g7(this))
}, this.ut = function() {
this.wq = !1, k.xa(), b4.d3 = !0, g7(this)
}, this.uX = function(fO, fP) {
return !!b.kG && (k.fX(fO, fP) || (b.fS ? ((b4.dc > a05 || !this.fX(fO, fP)) && q.fX(fO, fP), b4.d3 = !0, a05 = b4.dc + 2e3) : q.fX(fO, fP)), !0)
}, this.iE = function() {
b.fS && b.kG && b4.dc > a05 - 1e3 && b4.dc < a05 && (b4.d3 = !0)
}, this.st = function() {
b.fS && (this.wq = !1, b4.d3 = !0, g7(this))
}, this.gL = function() {
if (b.fS) {
if (b.kG) {
if (b4.dc > a05) return;
if (b4.dc > a05 - 1e3) return gM.globalAlpha = a0D(0, (1e3 - (b4.dc - (a05 - 1e3))) / 1e3, 1), a0E(), void(gM.globalAlpha = 1)
function bd() {
var a0N, a0O, gA, fO, fP, a0P, a0Q;
this.ct = function() {
a0N = new Array(2), a0O = new Array(2), this.kH = !1, a0Q = a0P = hC = hA = 0, hB = 1, this.resize()
}, this.resize = function() {
gA = (gA = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .072 : .0502) * aL.g1)) < 8 ? 8 : gA;
for (var eJ = 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a0N[eJ] = document.createElement("canvas"), a0N[eJ].width = gA, a0N[eJ].height = gA, a0O[eJ] = a0N[eJ].getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
function() {
for (var a0f = Math.floor(1 + gA / 20), eJ = 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a0O[eJ].clearRect(0, 0, gA, gA), a0O[eJ].fillStyle = aa.kd, a0O[eJ].beginPath(), a0O[eJ].arc(gA / 2, gA / 2, gA / 2 - a0f, 0, 2 * Math.PI), a0O[eJ].fill(), a0O[eJ]
.lineWidth = a0f, a0O[eJ].fillStyle = aa.gN, a0O[eJ].strokeStyle = aa.gN, a0O[eJ].beginPath(), a0O[eJ].arc(gA / 2, gA / 2, gA / 2 - a0f, 0, 2 * Math.PI), a0O[eJ].stroke(), qz(a0O[eJ], 0, 0, gA, a0f, .3, 0 === eJ)
}, this.jn = function() {
return -hA / hB
}, this.gK = function() {
return -hC / hB
}, this.kQ = function(a0U, gy) {
hA = hB * a0U - gy
}, this.kR = function(a0V, gz) {
hC = hB * a0V - gz
}, this.fX = function(a0T, y9) {
return b.kG || ! function(a0T, y9) {
return Math.pow(a0T - (fO + gA / 2), 2) + Math.pow(y9 - (fP + gA / 2), 2) < gA * gA / 4 || Math.pow(a0T - (fO + gA / 2), 2) + Math.pow(y9 - (fP + 2 * gA), 2) < gA * gA / 4
}(a0T, y9) || bA.dK.data[8].value ? (g.kT() && (this.kH = !0, a0P = a0T, a0Q = y9), !1) : y9 < fP + 1.25 * gA ? this.uH(Math.floor(aL.gA / 2), Math.floor(aL.gF / 2), -200) : this.uH(Math.floor(aL.gA / 2), Math.floor(aL.gF / 2), 200)
}, this.uE = function(a0T, y9) {
var a0W, a0X, h1, h4;
return !g.kT() || (a0W = hA, a0X = hC, hA += h1 = a0P - a0T, hC += h4 = a0Q - y9, a5.uE(h1, h4), this.a0Y(), a0P = a0T, a0Q = y9, a0W !== hA) || a0X !== hC
}, this.uH = function(gD, gE, deltaY) {
var kO;
if (g.kT()) {
if (0 < deltaY) kO = (kO = 500 / (500 + deltaY)) < .5 ? .5 : kO;
else {
if (!(deltaY < 0)) return !1;
kO = 2 < (kO = (500 - deltaY) / 500) ? 2 : kO
this.a0Z(gD, gE, kO), b4.d3 = !0
return !0
}, this.a0Z = function(fO, fP, fg) {
var fy;
fg = fy = (fy = 1024 < (fy = fg) * hB ? 1024 / hB : fy) * hB < .125 ? .125 / hB : fy, a5.zoom(fg, fO, fP),
function(fy, gD, gE) {
hB *= fy, hA = (hA + gD) * fy - gD, hC = (hC + gE) * fy - gE, q.a0Y()
}(fg, fO, fP)
}, this.a0Y = function() {
var a0c = aL.gA / 16,
ge = 0,
a0d = aL.gF / 16,
gg = 0;
hA < -aL.gA + a0c && (ge = -aL.gA + a0c - hA), hA > hB * aq.eE - a0c && (ge = hB * aq.eE - a0c - hA), hC < -aL.gF + a0d && (gg = -aL.gF + a0d - hC), hC > hB * aq.eF - a0d && (gg = hB * aq.eF - a0d - hC), hA += ge, hC += gg, az.kS(), a5
.a0e(ge, gg)
}, this.zs = function() {
fO = aL.gA - gA - b1.gap, fP = Math.floor(aL.gF / 2 - 1.25 * gA)
}, this.gL = function() {
bA.dK.data[8].value || (gM.drawImage(a0N[0], fO, fP), gM.drawImage(a0N[1], fO, Math.floor(fP + 3 * gA / 2)))
function be() {
var ds, qE, a0g, a0h, gap, a0i, a0j, a0k, a0l, a0m, g9, a0n, fL, a0o, z2, a0p, a0q, a0r;
function a0v() {
a0h = Math.floor(.2 * (b8.cy.g0() ? .07 : .035) * aL.g1), a0h = y6(b8.cy.g0() ? 3 : 1, a0h);
var a0y = aL.gA / (ds.length + gap);
a0h = a0h < a0y ? a0y : a0h, z2 = Math.floor((1 - gap) * a0h), qE = 0, a0z()
function a0z() {
qE = (qE = qE < -20 ? -20 : qE) > (ds.length - 15) * a0h ? (ds.length - 15) * a0h : qE, a0j = Math.floor(qE / a0h), a0k = (a0k = a0j + Math.floor(aL.gA / a0h)) > ds.length - 1 ? ds.length - 1 : a0k, a0j = (a0j = a0k < a0j ? a0k : a0j) < 0 ?
0 : a0j;
var pb = a0k;
a0i = a0g / ds[pb];
for (var eJ = a0k - 1; a0j <= eJ; eJ--) ds[eJ] > ds[pb] && (pb = eJ, a0i = a0g / Math.pow(ds[eJ], a0o))
function a12(fO) {
fO = Math.floor((qE + aL.gA - fO - gap * a0h) / a0h);
return (fO = fO < -1 ? -1 : -1 === fO ? 0 : fO > ds.length - 1 ? -1 : fO) !== a0l && (a0l = fO, -1 === a0p && 0 === a0l && r.a0s && (a0p = setInterval(a13, 100)), 1)
function a14(eJ) {
var ys = Math.floor(a0i * Math.pow(ds[eJ], a0o));
gM.fillRect(qE + aL.gA - (eJ + 1) * a0h, aL.gF - ys, z2, ys)
function a13() {
var em;
0 !== (a0l = 8 === y.tp() ? -1 : a0l) ? (a0q = (new Date).getTime(), clearInterval(a0p), a0p = -1) : (em = ds[1] / 864e3, -1 !== a0q && (em += ((new Date).getTime() - a0q) * ds[1] / 864e5, a0q = -1), 0 < em && (ds[0] += Math.floor(em), b4
.d3 = !0))
this.a0s = !1, this.ct = function() {
a0q = a0p = -1, a0l = -(a0o = 1), this.a0t = !1, fL = 0, a0n = new Date, qE = 0, gap = .3, (a0r = []).push({
rk: "Plateau A",
ef: 0,
dI: 57
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Max A",
ef: 1,
dI: 1
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Black Friday",
ef: 15,
dI: 15
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Max B",
ef: 19,
dI: 19
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Max C",
ef: 44,
dI: 44
}), a0r.push({
rk: "First Android Version",
ef: 58,
dI: 58
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Max D",
ef: 67,
dI: 67
}), a0r.push({
rk: "The iFrame Explosion",
ef: 98,
dI: 99
}), a0r.push({
rk: "The 155-Day Uptrend",
ef: 58,
dI: 213
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Max E",
ef: 213,
dI: 213
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Plateau B",
ef: 214,
dI: 259
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Turbulent Times",
ef: 260,
dI: 344
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Max F",
ef: 262,
dI: 262
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Max G",
ef: 282,
dI: 282
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Max H",
ef: 333,
dI: 333
}), a0r.push({
rk: "The 19-Day Downtrend",
ef: 283,
dI: 301
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Plateau C",
ef: 345,
dI: 385
}), a0r.push({
rk: "The Alliance Ascent",
ef: 386,
dI: 395
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Max I",
ef: 395,
dI: 395
}), a0r.push({
rk: "First iOS Version",
ef: 411,
dI: 411
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Plateau D",
ef: 396,
dI: 453
}), a0r.push({
rk: "The TikTok Revolution",
ef: 454,
dI: 470
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Max J",
ef: 456,
dI: 456
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Max K",
ef: 472,
dI: 472
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Max L",
ef: 478,
dI: 478
}), a0r.push({
rk: "YT Drew",
ef: 471,
dI: 485
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Plateau E",
ef: 485,
dI: 600
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Uptrend A",
ef: 600,
dI: 613
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Max M",
ef: 613,
dI: 613
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Downtrend A",
ef: 614,
dI: 635
}), a0r.push({
rk: "Plateau F",
ef: 636,
dI: 737
}), a0r.push({
rk: "End of Record",
ef: 738,
dI: 738
}), ds = [208644377, 208644377, 208644377, 206964709, 205156594, 250680803, 249089835, 234476552, 252346209, 263196406, 270821533, 291436400, 294907103, 288866179, 297960890, 310165928, 323215738, 326005712, 312078872, 282668674,
268883231, 261100885, 247870209, 240175828, 231697235, 240614202, 237647174, 230525212, 228239099, 226070733, 215992739, 216961676, 231079584, 235793502, 234032821, 228402462, 216942832, 211862670, 209792418, 220626495, 221020535,
228198633, 226910806, 227687295, 210969547, 197393506, 205629061, 215820135, 213694935, 209455870, 215822584, 215130299, 214034219, 229190414, 230055290, 225313791, 223398523, 231870169, 226224938, 218242706, 235891029, 210498444,
195329116, 187676007, 183432634, 175752106, 170096205, 173369342, 171454357, 185810310, 189616577, 190788861, 179291487, 179513980, 189122353, 188375572, 202060722, 203256609, 197948652, 191950448, 194693217, 196335490, 195911919,
202264283, 199251620, 193699336, 188441210, 183419345, 195919988, 198126823, 199780788, 197440550, 190144884, 179139362, 166469099, 178827877, 183801980, 197952484, 188875861, 185919783, 186237411, 182504952, 183532013, 174109004,
178159701, 161031347, 194622838, 205645645, 200496457, 194773327, 194546481, 207893217, 210920126, 213376144, 173859897, 154326886, 158943729, 166772975, 175066046, 177406405, 179018562, 185986119, 186747583, 200787939, 208959937,
161987576, 185512400, 185788899, 185957487, 194591063, 215634157, 230579314, 237637383, 240518707, 221398239, 225230795, 224891285, 211292916, 216944626, 219436299, 226523918, 232405568, 232166426, 216921782, 244767964, 257278946,
243548100, 237386943, 242802627, 229717622, 168149709, 259971896, 267057767, 257606635, 209857364, 126035568, 129833237, 151312703, 197006695, 73120657, 37551024, 39229432, 29517736, 29382631, 31512045, 42652097, 47363019,
49624906, 46687310, 33767120, 31230439, 34211643, 43094531, 53747053, 55380682, 49779117, 47748833, 21038802, 20406484, 24523793, 26566139, 25284142, 26825553, 23497443, 20291865, 17765022, 21291320, 21106123, 19050128, 18324426,
19044067, 19594721, 19347845, 23365124, 24186529, 19824881, 17952812, 17093838, 17328579, 17607296, 21284737, 22551012, 20471281, 19350848, 19654931, 18725460, 18641926, 23301269, 25178902, 21617041, 21433781, 21078957, 19526047,
18665064, 21394401, 21575049, 19286677, 18018450, 17550775, 17282428, 17055509, 19348704, 20177845, 19766211, 19088037, 18118802, 18269428, 18500614, 19130220, 19351798, 19205188, 19489961, 20233286, 20726811, 23245145, 26158741,
26096642, 24424181, 23690661, 22967492, 21098008, 20325973, 19431907, 17008295, 15583096, 14209752, 14307184, 13541498, 12822679, 13154311, 12161194, 12956543, 11435697, 13428928, 12262514, 12858519, 12405344, 12884309, 14410011,
15556681, 15260178, 14863807, 13861458, 15176144, 14089849, 13063987, 12378716, 13061867, 13118900, 13112653, 13137263, 13062253, 13126875, 14136833, 14711852, 14341250, 11888270, 13137006, 12830841, 12516937, 12783789, 13139393,
12931e3, 12857582, 13677329, 13892963, 13171528, 14135236, 14640750, 15677970, 16758399, 19125177, 17723446, 16469484, 17032884, 19792603, 21426397, 22032534, 20271251, 16190176, 16772813, 17675977, 18764026, 18346209, 19576834,
20989792, 21350839, 14696885, 14653075, 14677999, 14958759, 14210260, 15488352, 15623604, 14473144, 12823062, 14869909, 15142264, 15567014, 17896725, 20081347, 17765006, 12763925, 13523610, 13979983, 15080856, 17116394, 18483238,
18084320, 12100282, 12221529, 12441579, 12058220, 12441689, 12821546, 13401583, 13009895, 12271066, 12210094, 12355642, 13737115, 14257807, 14904897, 14072161, 15640387, 15721803, 16397970, 19254839, 21608906, 20527471, 16596206,
15550563, 14385591, 15547262, 13174302, 12462319, 13000669, 12832541, 12186376, 13150940, 14654379, 14299386, 14158528, 15185971, 12444117, 14253445, 15049053, 14123310, 16892853, 15963931, 11858727, 10012703, 9478191, 9193460,
8851082, 9298848, 9638204, 9442496, 8653593, 9093527, 8530977, 8809114, 9609612, 9906912, 9615756, 9477879, 9713075, 9126583, 8949378, 9577595, 10180186, 9858705, 9534213, 9184660, 8889455, 8311313, 9738346, 9772164, 9157791,
8445413, 8467279, 8756002, 9257951, 10213536, 10620530, 10352296, 9350531, 9118709, 9614237, 9692491, 10801215, 10984804, 9542309, 9609538, 9391430, 9515517, 10064494, 11061684, 10408005, 9794768, 9297643, 9275992, 9394076,
9716084, 10045958, 9715229, 9091248, 10010584, 9845528, 9532588, 8986320, 9037708, 9820996, 8953464, 9074064, 8644692, 8025308, 8832112, 10785788, 10539708, 8908744, 8331216, 8858100, 8626840, 7666284, 8503372, 8855308, 6762540,
6414076, 6786692, 6445532, 6262192, 5918176, 5864376, 5464928, 5384996, 5942760, 5261972, 5404612, 6184860, 6312948, 5815660, 5208552, 4734392, 4538784, 4661404, 5145524, 4819368, 4369224, 4458584, 4289956, 3538288, 3517544,
3871876, 3388048, 3344796, 3089228, 2863676, 2268964, 2160500, 2580004, 2244356, 2018408, 1688912, 1945368, 1796332, 1619260, 2060292, 1597656, 1472788, 1306208, 1171408, 1021096, 1109312, 1241276, 1305092, 1142748, 1157700,
991984, 786992, 786396, 1043956, 1029320, 860500, 834824, 841912, 736464, 690328, 878376, 907232, 794932, 646388, 752600, 672836, 636212, 794108, 746856, 642928, 671328, 493568, 458168, 428776, 464736, 371412, 314568, 225472,
252072, 227604, 251048, 269184, 174136, 825576, 536060, 165952, 153252, 180036, 149616, 138472, 157832, 188152, 180108, 134076, 70960, 89236, 111428, 60520, 74620, 73424, 74720, 71584, 94432, 62572, 66420, 32532, 34452, 41048,
51372, 61916, 43236, 55172, 26776, 47e3, 57424, 93100, 64980, 37288, 44296, 34588, 40700, 29200, 24604, 18184, 42660, 31404, 38096, 18556, 17388, 19568, 17604, 22328, 40300, 39392, 33440, 17960, 7984, 11612, 67700, 14108, 22444,
19756, 9436, 16864, 14400, 17216, 14436, 8612, 15952, 29764, 18748, 16348, 23976, 22080, 20268, 20984, 9480, 30736, 15996, 9484, 9392, 9716, 21540, 57428, 24788, 18728, 8528, 5972, 20560, 18268, 28088, 15364, 15300, 29348, 30992,
20564, 34420, 16716, 14424, 12360, 15124, 51172, 13176
], this.resize()
}, this.resize = function() {
a0g = Math.floor(.15 * aL.gF), a0m = (a0m = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .018 : .0137) * aL.g1)) < 2 ? 2 : a0m, g9 = aZ.g5.g6(1, a0m), a0v()
}, this.a0w = function(a0x) {
var eJ;
for (this.a0s = !0, eJ = 0; eJ < a0x.length; eJ++) ds.unshift(a0x[eJ]);
a0v(), b4.d3 = !0
}, this.a10 = function() {
}, this.uE = function(fO, fP) {
fP > aL.gF - .6 * a0g ? this.a0t ? fO !== fL && (qE += fO - fL, fL = fO, a0z(), a12(fO), this.a0t = -1 !== a0l, b4.d3 = !0) : a12(fO) && (b4.d3 = !0) : this.ud()
}, this.ud = function() {
-1 !== a0l && (this.a0t = !1, a0l = -1, b4.d3 = !0)
}, this.uH = function(fO, deltaY) {
-1 !== a0l && (qE += Math.floor(deltaY), a0z(), a12(fO), b4.d3 = !0)
}, this.fX = function(fO, fP) {
this.uE(fO, fP), -1 !== a0l && (fL = fO, this.a0t = !0)
}, this.ue = function() {
-1 !== a0l && (this.a0t = !1)
}, this.gL = function() {
gM.fillStyle = aa.km;
for (var a16, month, dd, r2, a19, a1A, jk, a1B, a1C, eJ = a0k; a0j <= eJ; eJ--) a14(eJ);
this.a0s && 0 === a0j && (gM.fillStyle = aa.lE, a14(0)), -1 !== a0l && (gM.fillStyle = aa.kl, a14(a0l)), -1 !== a0l && (gM.font = g9, aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 2), (dd = new Date).setTime(a0n.getTime() - 1e3 * a0l * 60 * 60 * 24), month =
"month", a16 = "day", "undefined" != typeof Intl && (month = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", {
month: "long"
}).format(dd), a16 = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", {
weekday: "long"
}).format(dd)), a16 = a16 + ", " + dd.getUTCDate() + " " + month + " " + dd.getFullYear(), month = 1 === ds[a0l] ? " second played" : " seconds played", month = aZ.jr.js(ds[a0l]) + month, dd = Math.floor(gM.measureText(a16)
.width), r2 = Math.floor(gM.measureText(month).width), a19 = Math.floor(.5 * (dd + a0m)), a1A = (a1A = qE + aL.gA - (a0l + 1) * a0h) < a19 ? a19 : a1A > aL.gA - a19 ? aL.gA - a19 : a1A, jk = aL.gF - Math.floor(a0i * Math.pow(ds[
a0l], a0o)), a1B = Math.floor(1.1 * a0m), a1C = jk > aL.gF - a1B ? aL.gF - a1B : jk, gM.fillStyle = aa.kh, gM.fillRect(aL.gA - r2 - a0m, a1C - a1B, r2 + a0m, a1B), gM.fillRect(a1A - a19, aL.gF - a1B, dd + a0m, a1B), gM
.fillStyle = aa.gN, aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 2), gM.fillText(month, Math.floor(aL.gA - .5 * a0m), a1C),
function(jk, a1B) {
for (var r1, x2 = -1, g4 = ds.length - a0l - 1, eJ = a0r.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) g4 >= a0r[eJ].ef && g4 <= a0r[eJ].dI && (-1 === x2 || a0r[eJ].dI - a0r[eJ].ef < a0r[x2].dI - a0r[x2].ef) && (x2 = eJ); - 1 !== x2 && (r1 =
Math.floor(gM.measureText(a0r[x2].rk).width), gM.fillStyle = aa.kh, gM.fillRect(aL.gA - r1 - a0m, jk, r1 + a0m, a1B), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.fillText(a0r[x2].rk, Math.floor(aL.gA - .5 * a0m), jk + a1B))
}(a1C - 2 * a1B, a1B), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 1), gM.fillText(a16, a1A, aL.gF), gM.strokeStyle = aa.kn, gM.lineWidth = 1, gM.beginPath(), gM.moveTo(0, jk), gM.lineTo(aL.gA, jk), gM.closePath(), gM.stroke())
function bf() {
var g9, gA, fP, a1E, a1F, gV, qw, yv, vk, a1G, a1H, a1I, a1J;
this.fO = 0, this.gF = 0, this.ct = function() {
a1F = b.qd, a1H = "rgba(0,100,0,0.8)", a1I = "rgba(150,0,0,0.8)", yv = !(a1G = !0), vk = a6.eb[b.ea], this.resize()
}, this.resize = function() {
gA = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .305 : .24) * aL.g1), this.gF = Math.floor(.5 + .13 * gA), gA = Math.floor(6 * this.gF), g9 = aZ.g5.g6(1, Math.floor(.8 * this.gF)), a1J = Math.floor(.5 * this.gF), aq.pj.font = g9, fP = b1.gap, a1E = Math
.floor(1 + .13 * this.gF), (gV = document.createElement("canvas")).width = gA, gV.height = this.gF, (qw = gV.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
})).font = g9, aZ.g5.textBaseline(qw, 1), aZ.g5.textAlign(qw, 1), this.a1K()
}, this.zJ = function() {
return b8.cy.g0() && aL.gA < 1.2 * aL.gF
}, this.zs = function() {
this.zJ() ? this.fO = aL.gA - gA - b1.gap : this.fO = Math.floor(t.a1L() + (aL.gA - t.a1L() - u.gA - gA) / 2 - .5 * b1.gap)
}, this.jC = function() {
yv && (yv = !1, this.a1K())
}, this.a1K = function() {
qw.clearRect(0, 0, gA, this.gF), qw.fillStyle = a1G ? a1H : a1I, qw.fillRect(0, 0, gA, this.gF), qw.fillStyle = aa.kl, this.a1M(), this.a1N(), qw.fillStyle = a6.eb[b.ea] >= a4.iH(b.ea) ? aa.lB : aa.gN, qw.fillText(aZ.jr.js(vk), Math
.floor(gA / 2), a1J), qw.fillStyle = aa.gN, qw.fillRect(0, 0, gA, 1), qw.fillRect(0, 0, 1, this.gF), qw.fillRect(0, this.gF - 1, gA, 1), qw.fillRect(gA - 1, 0, 1, this.gF)
}, this.a1M = function() {
var qM = a1P(Math.floor((a4.a1O() - 1) * this.gF / 9), this.gF - a1E);
qw.fillRect(0, qM, a1E, this.gF - qM), qw.fillRect(gA - a1E, qM, a1E, this.gF - qM)
}, this.a1N = function() {
qw.fillRect(a1E, this.gF - a1E, Math.floor((gA - 2 * a1E) * a6.eb[b.ea] / a1F), a1E)
}, this.iE = function() {
0 !== a6.jS[b.ea] && 2 !== a6.vg[b.ea] && vk !== a6.eb[b.ea] && (a1F = y6(a6.eb[b.ea], a1F), a1G = a6.eb[b.ea] > vk && 10 <= a6.eb[b.ea], vk = a6.eb[b.ea], yv = !0)
}, this.gL = function() {
0 === a6.jS[b.ea] || b.fj || 2 === a6.vg[b.ea] || gM.drawImage(gV, this.fO, fP)
function bg() {
var a1R, a1S, a1T, a1U, a1V, a1W, a1X, a1Y, a1Z, a1a, a1b, a1c, a1d, a1e, a1f, a1g, a1h, a1i, a1j, a1k, a1l, a1m, position, a1n, a1o, a1p, a1q, a1r = 1,
a1s = 1;
var leaderboardHasChanged = true;
this.playerPos = b.ea;
leaderboardFilter.setUpdateFlag = () => leaderboardHasChanged = true;
function updateFilteredLb() {
if (!leaderboardHasChanged) return;
leaderboardFilter.filteredLeaderboard = leaderboardFilter.playersToInclude
.map(id => a1Q[id]).sort((a, b) => a - b);
leaderboardHasChanged = false;
this.playerPos = leaderboardFilter.filteredLeaderboard.indexOf(a1Q[b.ea]);
function a1u() {
a1X.clearRect(0, 0, a1R, zZ),
a1X.fillStyle = aa.lP,
a1X.fillRect(0, 0, a1R, a1c),
a1X.fillStyle = aa.kg,
a1X.fillRect(0, a1c, a1R, zZ - a1c);
if (leaderboardFilter.enabled) updateFilteredLb();
var playerPos = (leaderboardFilter.enabled ?
this.playerPos :
if (leaderboardFilter.hoveringOverTabs) a1m = -1;
if (leaderboardFilter.enabled && a1m >= leaderboardFilter.filteredLeaderboard.length) a1m = -1;
playerPos >= position && a1v(playerPos - position, aa.l5),
0 !== a1Q[b.ea] && 0 === position && a1v(0, aa.lU),
-1 !== a1m && a1v(a1m, aa.kk),
a1X.fillStyle = aa.kg,
//console.log("drawing", a1m),
a1X.clearRect(0, zZ - leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset, a1R, leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset);
a1X.fillRect(0, zZ - leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset, a1R, leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset);
a1X.fillStyle = aa.gN,
a1X.fillRect(0, a1c, a1R, 1),
a1X.fillRect(0, zZ - leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset, a1R, 1),
leaderboardFilter.drawTabs(a1X, a1R, zZ - leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset, aa.l5),
a1X.fillRect(0, 0, a1R, b1.rn),
a1X.fillRect(0, 0, b1.rn, zZ),
a1X.fillRect(a1R - b1.rn, 0, b1.rn, zZ),
a1X.fillRect(0, zZ - b1.rn, a1R, b1.rn), a1X.font = a1S, aZ.g5.textBaseline(a1X, 1), aZ.g5.textAlign(a1X, 1), a1X.fillText(aW.np[65], Math.floor((a1R + a1c - 22) / 2), Math.floor(a1a + a1T / 2));
playerList.drawButton(a1X, 12, 12, a1c - 22);
var hg, en = playerPos < position + a1V - 1 ? 1 : 2;
if (leaderboardFilter.enabled) {
let result = leaderboardFilter.filteredLeaderboard;
if (position !== 0 && position >= result.length - a1V)
position = (result.length > a1V ? result.length : a1V) - a1V;
//if (position >= result.length) position = result.length - 1;
for (a1X.font = a1U, aZ.g5.textAlign(a1X, 0), hg = a1V - en; 0 <= hg; hg--) {
const pos = result[hg + position];
if (pos !== undefined)
a1w(jM[pos]), a1x(hg, pos, jM[pos]);
for (aZ.g5.textAlign(a1X, 2), hg = a1V - en; 0 <= hg; hg--) {
const pos = result[hg + position];
if (pos !== undefined)
a1w(jM[pos]), a1y(hg, jM[pos]);
} else {
for (a1X.font = a1U, aZ.g5.textAlign(a1X, 0), hg = a1V - en; 0 <= hg; hg--)
a1w(jM[hg + position]), a1x(hg, hg + position, jM[hg + position]);
for (aZ.g5.textAlign(a1X, 2), hg = a1V - en; 0 <= hg; hg--)
a1w(jM[hg + position]), a1y(hg, jM[hg + position]);
2 == en && (a1w(b.ea), aZ.g5.textAlign(a1X, 0), a1x(a1V - 1, a1Q[b.ea], b.ea), aZ.g5.textAlign(a1X, 2), a1y(a1V - 1, b.ea)), 0 === position && (en = .7 * a1d / a0.get(4).height, a1X.setTransform(en, 0, 0, en, Math.floor(a1e + .58 * a1d + .5 *
en * a0.get(4).width), Math.floor(a1a + a1T + .4 * a1d)), a1X.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0, a1X.drawImage(a0.get(4), -Math.floor(a0.get(4).width / 2), -Math.floor(a0.get(4).height / 2)), a1X.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0))
function a1w(player) {
b.hT && (a1X.fillStyle = b5.a20[b5.tD[b5.iU[player]]])
function a1v(eJ, a21) {
a1X.fillStyle = a21, eJ = a1V - 1 < eJ ? a1V - 1 : eJ;
a21 = Math.floor((eJ === a1V - 1 ? 2 : 0 === eJ ? 1.15 : 1) * a1d), a21 = eJ === a1V - 2 ? Math.floor(a1c + 9.15 * a1d) - Math.floor(a1c + 8.15 * a1d) : a21;
a1X.fillRect(0, Math.floor(a1c + (eJ + (0 === eJ ? 0 : .15)) * a1d), a1R, a21)
function a1x(a23, t8, eJ) {
a1X.fillText(a1i[t8], a1e, Math.floor(a1a + a1T + (a23 + .5) * a1d)), 1 === a6.vg[eJ] && (a1X.font = "italic " + a1U);
t8 = Math.floor(a1a + a1T + (a23 + .5) * a1d);
a1X.fillText(a6.jt[eJ], a1f, t8), 0 !== a6.vg[eJ] && (a1X.font = a1U), eJ < b.ht && 2 !== a6.vg[eJ] || a1X.fillRect(a1f, t8 + .35 * a1r, a1h[eJ], Math.max(1, .1 * a1r))
function a1y(a23, eJ) {
a1X.fillText(a6.f5[eJ], a1g, Math.floor(a1a + a1T + (a23 + .5) * a1d))
function a2C(fP) {
return (fP -= b1.gap + a1c) < 0 ? Math.floor(fP / a1d) - 1 : fP < (a1V - 1) * a1d ? Math.floor(fP / a1d) : fP < zZ - a1c ? a1V - 1 : (fP -= zZ - a1c, a1V + Math.floor(fP / a1d))
function rm(fO, fP) {
return fO >= b1.gap && fO < b1.gap + a1R && fP >= b1.gap && fP < b1.gap + zZ
this.ct = function() {
var eJ;
for (a1o = !1, a1q = a1p = a1n = 0, a1m = -1, a1V = b8.cy.g0() ? 6 : 10, a1s = (position = 0) === (a1s = bA.dK.data[11].value) ? 10 : 1 === a1s ? 5 : 1, a1l = !1, a1j = new Uint16Array(a1V + 1), a1k = new Uint32Array(a1V + 1), a1Z = b.ej,
jM = new Uint16Array(a1Z), a1Q = new Uint16Array(a1Z), eJ = a1Z - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) jM[eJ] = eJ, a1Q[eJ] = eJ;
this.resize(!0), a1h = new Uint16Array(b.ej);
var a1t = Math.floor(a1R - a1f - a1e - a1Y);
for (a1i = new Array(b.ej), a1X.font = a1U, eJ = b.ej - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a1i[eJ] = eJ + 1 + ".", a6.jt[eJ] = aZ.qw.vT(a6.tQ[eJ], a1U, a1t), a1h[eJ] = Math.floor(a1X.measureText(a6.jt[eJ]).width);
}, this.resize = function(ct) {
if (zZ = b8.cy.g0() ? (a1R = Math.floor(.335 * aL.g1), Math.floor(a1V * a1R / 8)) : (a1R = Math.floor(.27 * aL.g1), Math.floor(a1V * a1R / 10)), a1R = Math.floor(.97 * a1R), (a1W = document.createElement("canvas")).width = a1R, a1W
.height = zZ, a1X = a1W.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
}), a1a = .025 * a1R, a1T = .16 * a1R, a1b = 0 * a1R, a1c = Math.floor(.45 * a1a + a1T), a1d = (zZ - a1T - 2 * a1a - a1b) / a1V,
a1W.height = zZ += a1d, leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset = Math.floor(a1d * 1.3), leaderboardFilter.verticalClickThreshold = zZ - leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset, leaderboardFilter.windowWidth = a1R,
a1S = aZ.g5.g6(1, Math.floor(.55 * a1T)), a1r = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .67 : .72) * a1d), a1U = aZ.g5.g6(0, a1r), a1X.font = a1U, a1e = Math.floor(.04 * a1R), a1f = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .195 : .18) * a1R), a1Y = Math.floor(a1X
.measureText("00920600").width), a1X.font = a1S, a1g = a1R - a1e, !ct) {
a1X.font = a1U;
for (var eJ = b.ej - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a1h[eJ] = Math.floor(a1X.measureText(a6.jt[eJ]).width);
}, this.a1L = function() {
return a1R
}, this.jC = function(yg) {
a1l && (yg || b4.iS() % a1s == 0) && (a1l = !1, a1u())
}, this.iE = function() {
! function() {
for (var hg = a1Z - 1; 0 <= hg; hg--) 0 === a6.jS[jM[hg]] && ! function(hg) {
var a2A = jM[hg];
for (var eJ = hg; eJ < a1Z; eJ++) jM[eJ] = jM[eJ + 1], a1Q[jM[eJ]] = eJ;
jM[a1Z] = a2A, a1Q[jM[a1Z]] = a1Z
for (var a28, kT = a1Z - 1, hg = 0; hg < kT; hg++) a6.f5[jM[hg]] < a6.f5[jM[hg + 1]] && (a28 = jM[hg], jM[hg] = jM[hg + 1], jM[hg + 1] = a28, a1Q[jM[hg]] = hg, a1Q[jM[hg + 1]] = hg + 1);
! function() {
for (var dd = a1l, en = (a1l = !0, a1Q[b.ea] >= a1V - 1 ? a1V - 2 : a1V - 1), eJ = en; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (a1j[eJ] !== jM[eJ] || a1k[eJ] !== a6.f5[jM[eJ]]) return;
(en != a1V - 2 || a1j[a1V] === a1Q[b.ea] && a1k[a1V] === a6.f5[b.ea]) && (a1l = dd)
for (var eJ = a1V - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a1j[eJ] = jM[eJ], a1k[eJ] = a6.f5[jM[eJ]];
a1j[a1V] = a1Q[b.ea], a1k[a1V] = a6.f5[b.ea];
leaderboardHasChanged = true;
}, leaderboardFilter.scrollToTop = function() {
position = 0;
}, this.fX = function(fO, fP) {
return !!rm(fO, fP) && ((utils.isPointInRectangle(fO, fP, b1.gap + 12, b1.gap + 12, a1c - 22, a1c - 22) && playerList.display(a6.tQ), true) &&
!(fP - b1.gap > leaderboardFilter.verticalClickThreshold && leaderboardFilter.handleMouseDown(fO - b1.gap)) && (a1n = b4.dc, a1o = !0, a1p = a1q = a2C(fP), ah.uu() && (fO = a0D(-1, a1q, a1V), a1m !== (fO = fO === a1V ? -1 :
fO)) && (a1m = fO, a1u(), b4.d3 = !0)), !0)
}, leaderboardFilter.repaintLeaderboard = function() {
a1u(), b4.d3 = !0;
this.uE = function(fO, fP) {
if (utils.isPointInRectangle(fO, fP, b1.gap + 12, b1.gap + 12, a1c - 22, a1c - 22)) {
playerList.hoveringOverButton === false && (playerList.hoveringOverButton = true, a1u(), b4.d3 = !0);
} else {
playerList.hoveringOverButton === true && (playerList.hoveringOverButton = false, a1u(), b4.d3 = !0);
if (leaderboardFilter.setHovering(
utils.isPointInRectangle(fO, fP, b1.gap, b1.gap + leaderboardFilter.verticalClickThreshold, leaderboardFilter.windowWidth, leaderboardFilter.tabBarOffset), fO - b1.gap
)) return;
var dd, a2B = a2C(fP);
return a1o ? (dd = position, (position = a0D(0, position += a1p - a2B, b.ej - a1V)) !== dd && (a2B = (a2B = a0D(-1, a1p = a2B, a1V)) !== a1V && rm(fO, fP) ? a2B : -1, a1m = a2B, a1u(), b4.d3 = !0), !0) : (a2B = (a2B = a0D(-1, a2B,
a1V)) === a1V || !rm(fO, fP) || ah.uu() ? -1 : a2B, a1m !== a2B && (a1m = a2B, a1u(), b4.d3 = !0))
}, this.ue = function(fO, fP) {
if (!a1o) return !1;
a1o = !1;
var a2B = a2C(fP);
var isEmptySpace = false;
return ah.uu() && -1 !== a1m && (a1m = -1, a1u(), b4.d3 = !0), b4.dc - a1n < 350 && a1q === a2B && -1 !== (a2B = (a2B = a0D(-1, a2B, a1V)) !== a1V && rm(fO, fP) ? a2B : -1) && (fO = (leaderboardFilter.enabled ? (updateFilteredLb(), jM[
leaderboardFilter.filteredLeaderboard[a2B + position] ?? (isEmptySpace = true, a1Q[b.ea])]) : jM[a2B + position]), a2B === a1V - 1 && (leaderboardFilter.enabled ? this.playerPos : a1Q[b.ea]) >=
position + a1V - 1 && (fO = b.ea), !isEmptySpace && b.hT && donationsTracker.displayHistory(fO, a6.tQ, b.iv), 0 !== a6.jS[fO] && !isEmptySpace) && g.kE(fO, 800, !1, 0), !0
}, this.uH = function(fO, fP, deltaY) {
var a2D;
return !(a1o || b.kG || (a2D = Math.max(Math.floor(Math.abs(deltaY) / 40), 1), !rm(fO, fP)) || (fO = (fO = a0D(-1, a2C(fP), a1V)) === a1V || ah.uu() ? -1 : fO, 0 < deltaY ? position < b.ej - a1V && (position += Math.min(b.ej - a1V -
position, a2D), a1m = fO, a1u(), b4.d3 = !0) : 0 < position && (position -= Math.min(position, a2D), a1m = fO, a1u(), b4.d3 = !0), 0))
}, this.gL = function() {
gM.drawImage(a1W, b1.gap, b1.gap)
function bh() {
var gV, qw, fO, fP, ys, a2E, gap, a2F, fontSize, a2G, a2H, ed, a2I, a2J, a2K, a2L, a2M, a2N;
function a2Q() {
qw.clearRect(0, 0, u.gA, u.gF), qw.fillStyle = aa.kh, qw.fillRect(0, 0, u.gA, u.gF), qw.fillStyle = aa.l0, fg = 0 < a2K ? a2K : Math.sqrt(ed[4] / 1e4), qw.fillRect(0, u.gF - ys - 1, Math.floor(fg * u.gA), ys), qw.fillStyle = aa.gN, qw
.fillRect(0, 0, u.gA, 1), qw.fillRect(0, 0, 1, u.gF), qw.fillRect(u.gA - 1, 0, 1, u.gF), qw.fillRect(0, u.gF - 1, u.gA, 1), qw.fillRect(0, u.gF - ys - 1, u.gA, 1);
for (var fg, a2S, dd = 0, eJ = 0; eJ < a2H.length; eJ++) a2I[eJ] ? (aZ.g5.textAlign(qw, 0), a2S = Math.floor((a2E - ys + 2 * a2F) * (eJ - dd + 1) / (a2H.length + 1) - .7 * a2F), qw.fillText(a2H[eJ], gap, a2S), aZ.g5.textAlign(qw, 2), 5 ===
eJ && 0 !== a6.jS[b.ea] && a6.eb[b.ea] >= a4.iH(b.ea) ? (qw.fillStyle = aa.lS, qw.fillText(a2P(eJ), u.gA - gap, a2S), qw.fillStyle = aa.gN) : qw.fillText(a2P(eJ), u.gA - gap, a2S)) : dd++
function a2P(eJ) {
return eJ < 3 ? ed[eJ].toString() : 3 === eJ || 4 === eJ || 5 === eJ ? aZ.jr.w9(ed[eJ] / 100, 2) : eJ < 7 ? aZ.jr.js(ed[eJ]) : eJ === 7 ? u.a1O(ed[7]) : eJ === 8 ? utils.getMaxTroops(a6.f5, b.ea) : utils.getDensity(b.ea)
function a2O() {
a6.f5[b.ea] !== ed[6] && (ed[6] = a6.f5[b.ea], a2G++)
this.ct = function() {
a2K = a2L = 0, (a2H = new Array(8))[0] = aW.np[70], a2H[1] = b.iv ? aW.np[71] : aW.np[72], a2H[2] = aW.np[73], a2H[3] = aW.np[74], a2H[4] = aW.np[75], a2H[5] = aW.np[76], a2H[6] = aW.np[77], a2H[7] = aW.np[78],
a2H.push("Max Troops", "Density"), // add a2H
a2N = b.wS - eX(b.wS, 100), (ed = new Array(a2H.length))[0] = b.iv ? 0 : b.ht, ed[1] = b.iv ? iV : b.ip, ed[2] = b.so, ed[3] = 0, ed[4] = eX(1e4 * a6.f5[0], b.wS), ed[5] = 700, ed[6] = 0, a2O(), ed[7] = 0, a2J = a2P(6), a2I =
new Array(a2H.length);
for (var eJ = a2H.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a2I[eJ] = !0;
a2M = 0, a2M = b.iv ? (a2I[0] = !1, a2I[2] = !1, a2I[3] = !1, 3) : (a2I[3] = !1, 1), a2G = 0, this.resize()
}, this.resize = function() {
this.gA = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .1646 : .126) * 1.25 * aL.g1), this.gF = Math.floor(1.18 * this.gA), ys = Math.floor(.04 * this.gA), gap = Math.floor(.035 * this.gA), a2F = .04 * this.gA, a2E = this.gF, this.gF -= Math.floor(a2M * (
this.gF - 2 * ys) / a2H.length), fontSize = Math.floor(.7 * (a2E - ys) / a2H.length), fontSize = aZ.g5.g6(1, fontSize), (gV = document.createElement("canvas")).width = this.gA, gV.height = this.gF, (qw = gV.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
})).font = fontSize, aZ.g5.textBaseline(qw, 1), qw.lineWidth = 1, this.wL(), this.zs(), s.zs(), a2Q()
}, this.zs = function() {
fO = aL.gA - this.gA - b1.gap
}, this.a2R = function() {
fP = b1.gap
}, this.wL = function() {
fP = b1.gap + (s.zJ() && 0 !== a6.jS[b.ea] && !b.fj ? s.gF + b1.gap : 0)
}, this.jC = function(yg) {
(yg || 100 <= a2G) && (a2G = 0, a2Q())
}, this.xA = function() {
return ed[7]
}, this.a1O = function(value) {
var pb = Math.floor(value / 1e3 / 60),
value = Math.floor((value - 6e4 * pb) / 1e3);
return value < 10 ? pb + ":0" + value : pb + ":" + value
}, this.iE = function() {
var a2c, per;
a2I[0] && b.sp - b.so !== ed[0] && (ed[0] = b.sp - b.so, a2G++), iV - ed[0] !== ed[1] && (ed[1] = iV - ed[0], a2G++), this.j3(), (a2c = a4.a2d(b.ea)) !== ed[5] && (ed[5] = a2c, a2G++), a2O(), ed[7] += b4.a2e, a2c = a2P(7), a2J !== a2c &&
(a2J = a2c, a2G += 100), a2c = b.hT ? b6.t3() : a6.f5[jM[0]], per = eX(1e4 * a2c, b.wS), ed[3] = a2c, ed[4] !== per && (a2G++, ed[4] = per), 8 === b.it && function() {
if (0 === a6.jS[0]) ap.sM.se(1);
else {
if (0 !== a6.jS[1]) return;
return 1
}() || ed[3] < a2N || ed[3] !== b.wS && ! function() {
for (var eJ = iV - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (0 < a6.eg[iW[eJ]].length) return;
return 1
}() || ap.sM.se(-1)
}, this.j3 = function() {
a2I[2] && b.so !== ed[2] && (ed[2] = b.so, a2G++)
}, this.a2f = function(eJ) {
var vR, a2g, dd;
return 2 !== b.sm && (eJ === b.wV ? (a2K = 0, a2Q(), !1) : (-1 !== eJ || 0 !== a2L) && (a2g = a2K, a2K = b.fS ? eJ / b.wV : (dd = performance.now(), 0 <= eJ && (vR = dd - 392 * eJ, a2L = 0 === eJ || vR < a2L ? vR : a2L), 1 < (a2K = (dd -
a2L) / (392 * b.wV)) ? 1 : a2K), a2Q(), a2K !== a2g))
}, this.gL = function() {
gM.drawImage(gV, fO, fP)
function bi() {
var rI, a2h, gA, gF, zy, a2i, a2j, zK, gV, k5, a2k;
function gK() {
return Math.floor((aL.gA - gA) / 2) < p.gF + 2 * b1.gap ? aL.gF - gF - 4 * b1.gap - p.gF : aL.gF - gF - 2 * b1.gap
this.a2l = -1, this.ct = function() {
a2k = rI = !1, zy = .61, a2i = .07, a2j = .09, k5 = zK = gF = 0, this.a2l = -1
}, this.resize = function() {
var qw, jj, iT, a2p, a2q, xZ;
rI && (gA = a1P(gA = b8.cy.g0() ? Math.floor(.69 * aL.g1) : Math.floor(.5 * aL.g1), y6(aL.gA - 2 * b1.gap, 10)), gA = a1P(gA, Math.floor(3.57 * y6(aL.gF - 2 * b1.gap, 3))), gF = Math.floor(.28 * gA), (gV = document.createElement(
"canvas")).width = gA, gV.height = gF, qw = gV.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
}), jj = Math.floor(1 + gF / 40), qw.clearRect(0, 0, gA, gF), qw.fillStyle = aa.kh, qw.fillRect(jj, jj, gA - 2 * jj, gF - 2 * jj), qw.lineJoin = "bevel", qw.lineWidth = 2 * jj, qw.strokeStyle = aa.gN, qw.strokeRect(jj, jj, gA -
2 * jj, gF - 2 * jj), qw.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1, iT = a0.get(a2h), a2p = iT.width, a2q = iT.height, xZ = (1 === a2h ? .85 : 21 === a2h ? .666 : .9) * zy * gF / a2q, qw.setTransform(xZ, 0, 0, xZ, Math.floor((gA - xZ *
a2p) / 2), Math.floor((gF - xZ * a2q) / 2)), qw.drawImage(iT, 0, 0), qw.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, Math.floor(gA - a2j * gF - a2i * gF - jj), Math.floor(jj + a2i * gF)), function(qw, ef) {
qw.lineWidth = Math.floor(1 + gF / 80), qw.strokeStyle = aa.gN, qw.beginPath(), qw.moveTo(0, 0), qw.lineTo(ef, ef), qw.moveTo(0, ef), qw.lineTo(ef, 0), qw.stroke()
}(qw, Math.floor(a2j * gF)), qw.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0))
}, this.show = function(df, a2n, zm, a2o) {
rI || a2o && a2k || (a2h = zm ? 21 : df ? 1 : 2, rI = a2k = !0, this.resize(), j.oP(), p.zj(), k5 = b4.dc, -1 === this.a2l && (this.a2l = b4.iS()), zK = a2n ? 1 : 0)
}, this.iE = function() {
!rI || 1 <= zK || (zK = 1 < (zK += 5e-4 * (b4.dc - k5)) ? 1 : zK, k5 = b4.dc, b4.d3 = !0)
}, this.fX = function(fO, fP) {
return !(!rI || zK <= 0 || (fO -= Math.floor((aL.gA - gA) / 2), fP -= gK(), fO < 0) || fP < 0 || gA < fO || gF < fP || (gA - gF / 3 < fO && fP < gF / 3 && (rI = !1, b4.d3 = !0), 0))
}, this.gL = function() {
!rI || zK <= 0 || (gM.globalAlpha = zK, gM.drawImage(gV, Math.floor((aL.gA - gA) / 2), gK()), gM.globalAlpha = 1)
function ck() {
let a2s = [0, 0],
a2t = [0, 0];
function a2u(g4) {
return 3 !== a2s[g4] && 1 !== a2t[g4] && (a2t[g4] = 1, a2s[g4]++, bA.nq.nr(119, (a2s[0] << 2) + a2s[1]), 1)
this.ct = function() {
var df = bA.dK.data[119].value;
a2s[0] = df >> 2, a2s[1] = 3 & df
}, this.xB = function() {
a2u(0) && l.yB(aW.tn(130))
}, this.xC = function() {
a2u(1) && l.yB(aW.tn(131))
function cj() {
this.a2v = !1, this.kb = !1, this.wP = !1, this.a2w = [0, 0, 0, 0], this.a2x = function() {
var jj, jk, jl, jm;
this.wP = this.wP || this.kb, (this.kb || this.a2v && this.wP) && (jj = az.a2y[0], jk = az.a2y[1], jl = az.a2y[2], jm = az.a2y[3], jj = jj < this.a2w[0] ? this.a2w[0] : jj, jk = jk < this.a2w[1] ? this.a2w[1] : jk, jl = jl > this.a2w[2] ?
this.a2w[2] : jl, jm = jm > this.a2w[3] ? this.a2w[3] : jm, this.kb = !1, this.a2v = !1, jj === this.a2w[0] && jk === this.a2w[1] && jl === this.a2w[2] && jm === this.a2w[3] ? this.wQ() : jj <= jl && jk <= jm && wi.putImageData(
wj, 0, 0, jj, jk, jl - jj + 1, jm - jk + 1))
}, this.wQ = function() {
this.wP && this.a2w[2] >= this.a2w[0] && this.a2w[3] >= this.a2w[1] && wi.putImageData(wj, 0, 0, this.a2w[0], this.a2w[1], this.a2w[2] - this.a2w[0] + 1, this.a2w[3] - this.a2w[1] + 1), this.wP = !1
}, this.sw = function() {
this.a2w[2] >= this.a2w[0] && this.a2w[3] >= this.a2w[1] && wi.putImageData(wj, 0, 0, this.a2w[0], this.a2w[1], this.a2w[2] - this.a2w[0] + 1, this.a2w[3] - this.a2w[1] + 1), this.wP = !1
}, this.ct = function() {
var fO, fP;
this.a2v = !1, this.kb = !1, this.wP = !1, this.a2w[0] = aq.eE, this.a2w[1] = aq.eF, this.a2w[2] = this.a2w[3] = 0;
loop: for (fO = 1; fO < aq.eE - 1; fO++)
for (fP = aq.eF - 2; 1 < fP; fP--)
if (1 === a2z[a1.qU(fO, fP) + 2]) {
this.a2w[0] = fO;
break loop
} loop: for (fP = 1; fP < aq.eF - 1; fP++)
for (fO = aq.eE - 2; 1 < fO; fO--)
if (1 === a2z[a1.qU(fO, fP) + 2]) {
this.a2w[1] = fP;
break loop
} loop: for (fO = aq.eE - 2; 0 < fO; fO--)
for (fP = aq.eF - 2; 1 < fP; fP--)
if (1 === a2z[a1.qU(fO, fP) + 2]) {
this.a2w[2] = fO;
break loop
} loop: for (fP = aq.eF - 2; 0 < fP; fP--)
for (fO = aq.eE - 2; 1 < fO; fO--)
if (1 === a2z[a1.qU(fO, fP) + 2]) {
this.a2w[3] = fP;
break loop
function ca() {
this.np = null;
var a30, a31 = new a32;
this.ct = function() {
a30 = 1 === bA.dK.data[0].value ? new a33 : 2 === bA.dK.data[0].value ? new a34 : 3 === bA.dK.data[0].value ? new a35 : 4 === bA.dK.data[0].value ? new a36 : 5 === bA.dK.data[0].value ? new a37 : a31;
var eJ, ef = a31.np.length,
pb = a30.np.length;
for (eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) pb === eJ ? (a30.np.push(a31.np[eJ]), pb++) : 0 === a30.np[eJ].length && (a30.np[eJ] = a31.np[eJ]);
this.np = a30.np, bA.dK.translate()
}, this.p2 = function() {
return navigator.language.startsWith("en") ? 0 : navigator.language.startsWith("ru") ? 1 : navigator.language.startsWith("tr") ? 2 : navigator.language.startsWith("es") ? 3 : navigator.language.startsWith("de") ? 4 : navigator.language
.startsWith("pl") ? 5 : 0
}, this.to = function(iT) {
for (var en, ef = this.np.length, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++)
if (this.np[eJ].startsWith("{") && (en = this.np[eJ].replace("{" + iT + "}", "")).length < this.np[eJ].length) return en;
return iT
}, this.tn = function(g4, a39, oE) {
var eJ, hp, ef, g3;
if (!a39) return this.np[g4];
for (ef = a39.length, g3 = this.np[g4], eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++)
if (Number.isInteger(a39[eJ]))
for (hp = a30.a3A.length - 1; 0 <= hp; hp--) g3 = g3.replace("{" + (20 * (hp + 1) + eJ) + "}", (2 === hp ? 1 !== a39[eJ] : 1 === a39[eJ]) ? "" : a30.a3A[hp]);
if (oE) {
if (oE.yM)
for (eJ = 0; eJ < oE.yM.length; eJ++) a39[oE.yM[eJ]] = aZ.jr.js(a39[oE.yM[eJ]]);
if (oE.yd)
for (eJ = 0; eJ < oE.yd.length; eJ++) a39[oE.yd[eJ]] = aZ.jr.w9(100 * a39[oE.yd[eJ]], 1)
for (eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) g3 = g3.replace("{" + eJ + "}", a39[eJ]);
return g3
function a32() {
this.a3A = ["s"], this.np = ["Accept", "You erased {0}.", "You were erased by {0}.", "Congratulations! You won the game.", "{0} won the game.", "{0} broke the non-aggression pact.", "{0} is attacking you!", "Choose your start position!",
"You surrendered!", "The game ended in a stalemate!", "Error: {0}", "", "{0} was immortalized!", "Unclaimed Land {0}", "Player: {0} Balance: {1} Territory: {2} Coordinates: {3}", "Mountains {0}", "Water {0}",
"Ship Owner: {0} Strength: {1}", " Message to {0}: ", "{0}: ", "Humanity triumphs! The undead have been beaten back.", "The Resistance", "Mankind's era ends, overrun by the relentless tide of the undead.", "The Virus",
"If peace is agreed upon, the game ends in a stalemate.", "You signed a non-aggression pact with {0}.", "You asked {0} to sign a non-aggression pact.", "{0} accepted the non-aggression pact.", "{0} requested a non-aggression pact.",
"You asked {0} players to attack {1}.", "You asked {0} to attack {1}.", "{0} suggested you attack {1}.", "Your balance is too low!", "You exported {0} resource{20} to {1}.", "A tax of {0} unit{20} was deducted.",
"{0} supported you with {1} resource{21}.", "A bot ({0}) supported you with {1} resource{21}.", "Map: {0}", "Dimension: {0}x{1}", "Overall Pixels: {0}", "Land: {0} ({1})", "Water: {0} ({1})", "Mountains: {0} ({1})",
"Full sending against human players is disabled.", "{0} and {1} other player{21} were erased.", "{0} and {1} other player{21} left the game.", "{0} and {1} other player{21} surrendered.", "{0} was erased by {1}.", "{0} left the game.",
"{0} surrendered.", "{0} joined the game.", "{1006}No Server Response", "{3231}Account successfully saved!", "{3232}Account", "{3249}No Servers Found", "{3252}Thanks for the vote.", "{3265}Please accept Cookies",
"{3266}Invalid Password Format", "{3605}Invalid Replay Format", "{4207}Lobby Timeout", "{4214}Invalid Username", "{4224}Lobby Error", "{4229}No Client Response", "Undefined", "Error", "LEADERBOARD", "YOU ERASED", "YOU WERE ERASED BY",
"THE GAME WAS WON BY", "MAP:", "Humans", "Players", "Bots", "Spectators", "Threshold", "Occupation", "Interest", "Income", "Time", "Quit Game", "More", "Settings", "Replay", "Links", "Game Version", "Delete Data", "Privacy Settings",
"Close", "Game Statistics", "Surrender", "Force Restart Game", "Menu", "Back", "Select All", "Copy", "Clear", "Launch", "Save & Close", "Reset", "Information",
"Increasing resolution, shrinking minimum font size, and speeding up text rendering can strain your system and hinder gameplay responsiveness.", "Language", "Resolution", "Large UI", "Font", "Hide Usernames", "Place Balance Above",
"Hide Zoom Buttons", "Minimum Font Size", "Lobby", "Text Rendering Speed", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High", "Small", "Very Small", "Proxied Lobby", "Slow", "Normal", "Fast", "Enabled", "New Game Update",
"The game has been updated! Please reload the game.", "Reload", "My Account", "Delete Account", "", "", "If peace is agreed upon, the largest territory holder wins the game.", "Hint: Click on a boat to send it to a new location.",
"Hint: The top 9 emojis are ordered by usage.", "{4480}Not enough gold! 💸"
function a36() {
this.a3A = ["n", "en", "r"], this.np = ["Akzeptieren", "Du hast {0} ausgelöscht.", "Du wurdest von {0} ausgelöscht.", "Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Du hast das Spiel gewonnen.", "{0} hat das Spiel gewonnen.",
"{0} hat den Nichtangriffspakt gebrochen.", "{0} greift dich an!", "Wähle deine Startposition!", "Du hast aufgegeben!", "Das Spiel endete in einem Patt!", "Fehler: {0}", "New Game Update", "{0} wurde verewigt!", "Neutrales Land {0}",
"Spieler: {0} Bilanz: {1} Territorium: {2} Koordinaten: {3}", "Gebirge {0}", "Wasser {0}", "Schiffseigner: {0} Stärke: {1}", " Nachricht an {0}: ", "{0}: ", "Die Menschheit triumphiert. Die Untoten wurden zurückgedrängt.",
"Der Widerstand", "Die Ära der Menschheit endet, überrannt von den Untoten.", "Das Virus", "Die Zustimmung zum Frieden beendet das Spiel in einem Patt!", "Du hast einen Nichtangriffspakt mit {0} geschlossen.",
"Du hast {0} gebeten, einen Nichtangriffspakt zu unterzeichnen.", "{0} hat den Nichtangriffspakt akzeptiert.", "{0} hat einen Nichtangriffspakt angefordert.", "Du bittest {0} Spieler, {1} anzugreifen.", "Du bittest {0}, {1} anzugreifen.",
"{0} bittet dich, {1} anzugreifen.", "Deine Bilanz ist zu niedrig!", "Du hast {0} Ressource{20} an {1} exportiert.", "Eine Steuer von {0} Einheit{40} wurde abgezogen.", "{0} unterstützt dich mit {1} Ressource{21}.",
"Ein Bot ({0}) unterstützt dich mit {1} Ressource{21}.", "Karte: {0}", "Dimension: {0}x{1}", "Gesamtpixel: {0}", "Land: {0} ({1})", "Wasser: {0} ({1})", "Gebirge: {0} ({1})", "Angriffe gegen menschliche Spieler sind limitiert.",
"{0} und {1} weitere{61} Spieler wurden ausgelöscht.", "{0} und {1} weitere{61} Spieler haben das Spiel verlassen.", "{0} und {1} weitere{61} Spieler haben aufgegeben.", "{0} wurde von {1} ausgelöscht.", "{0} hat das Spiel verlassen.",
"{0} hat aufgegeben.", "{0} ist dem Spiel beigetreten.", "{1006}Keine Serverantwort", "{3231}Konto erfolgreich gespeichert!", "{3232}Konto", "{3249}Keine Server gefunden", "{3252}Danke für die Abstimmung.",
"{3265}Bitte akzeptiere Cookies", "{3266}Ungültiges Passwortformat", "{3605}Ungültiges Replayformat", "{4207}Lobby-Timeout", "{4214}Ungültiger Benutzername", "{4224}Lobby Error", "{4229}Keine Client-Antwort", "Undefiniert", "Fehler",
"BESTENLISTE", "DU BESIEGTEST", "DU WURDEST AUSGELÖSCHT VON", "DAS SPIEL WURDE GEWONNEN VON", "KARTE:", "Menschen", "Spieler", "Bots", "Zuschauer", "Schwelle", "Besetzung", "Zinsen", "Einkommen", "Zeit", "Beenden", "Mehr",
"Einstellungen", "Replay", "Links", "Spielversion", "Daten löschen", "Datenschutzeinstellungen", "Schließen", "Spielstatistiken", "Kapitulieren", "Spiel neustarten", "Menü", "Zurück", "Alles auswählen", "Kopieren", "Löschen", "Starten",
"Speichern & Schließen", "Zurücksetzen", "Information",
"Eine erhöhte Auflösung, die Verkleinerung der minimalen Schriftgröße und die Beschleunigung der Textdarstellung können Ihr System belasten und die Spielreaktionsfähigkeit beeinträchtigen.", "Sprache", "Auflösung", "Mobilfreundlich",
"Schriftart", "Benutzernamen ausblenden", "Bilanz oben anzeigen", "Zoom-Tasten ausblenden", "Minimale Schriftgröße", "Lobby", "Textdarstellungsgeschwindigkeit", "Niedrig", "Mittel", "Hoch", "Sehr hoch", "Klein", "Sehr klein",
"Proxy-Lobby", "Langsam", "Normal", "Schnell", "Aktiviert", "Neues Spiel-Update", "Das Spiel wurde aktualisiert! Bitte lade das Spiel neu.", "Neu laden", "Mein Konto", "Konto löschen", "", "",
"Wenn Frieden geschlossen wird, gewinnt die Partei mit dem größten Territorium."
function a37() {
this.a3A = [], this.np = ["Zaakceptuj", "Usunąłeś {0}.", "Zostałeś usunięty przez {0}.", "Gratulacje! Wygrałeś grę.", "{0} wygrał grę.", "{0} złamał pakt o nieagresji.", "{0} atakuje Cię!", "Wybierz swoją pozycję startową!", "Poddałeś się!",
"Gra zakończyła się remisem!", "Błąd: {0}", "", "{0} został uwieczniony!", "Niezajęta ziemia {0}", "Gracz: {0} Saldo: {1} Terytorium: {2} Współrzędne: {3}", "Góry {0}", "Woda {0}", "Właściciel statku: {0} Siła: {1}",
"Wiadomość do {0}: ", "{0}: ", "Ludzkość triumfuje! Nieumarli zostali odparci.", "Opor", "Era ludzkości dobiegła końca, przeważona przez nieustające fale nieumarłych.", "Wirus",
"Jeśli zostanie uzgodniony pokój, gra zakończy się remisem.", "Podpisałeś pakt o nieagresji z {0}.", "Poprosiłeś {0} o podpisanie paktu o nieagresji.", "{0} zaakceptował pakt o nieagresji.", "{0} zaproponował pakt o nieagresji.",
"Poprosiłeś {0} graczy o atak na {1}.", "Poprosiłeś {0} o atak na {1}.", "{0} zasugerował atak na {1}.", "Twoje saldo jest zbyt niskie!", "Wyeksportowałeś {0} zasobów do {1}.", "Pobrano podatek od {0} jednostek.",
"{0} wsparł Cię {1} zasobami.", "Bot ({0}) wsparł Cię {1} zasobami.", "Mapa: {0}", "Wymiary: {0}x{1}", "Całkowita liczba pikseli: {0}", "Teren: {0} ({1})", "Woda: {0} ({1})", "Góry: {0} ({1})",
"Pełne atakowanie graczy ludzkich jest wyłączone.", "{0} oraz {1} innych graczy zostało usuniętych.", "{0} oraz {1} innych graczy opuściło grę.", "{0} oraz {1} innych graczy poddało się.", "{0} został usunięty przez {1}.",
"{0} opuścił grę.", "{0} poddał się.", "{0} dołączył do gry.", "{1006}Brak odpowiedzi serwera", "{3231}Konto zostało pomyślnie zapisane!", "{3232}Konto", "{3249}Nie znaleziono serwerów", "{3252}Dziękujemy za głos.",
"{3265}Proszę zaakceptuj ciasteczka", "{3266}Nieprawidłowy format hasła", "{3605}Nieprawidłowy format powtórki", "{4207}Przekroczenie czasu oczekiwania w lobby", "{4214}Nieprawidłowa nazwa użytkownika", "{4224}Błąd lobby",
"{4229}Brak odpowiedzi klienta", "Nieokreślony", "Błąd", "TABLICA WYNIKÓW", "WYELIMINOWAŁEŚ", "ZOSTAŁEŚ WYELIMINOWANY PRZEZ", "GRA WYGRANA PRZEZ", "MAPA:", "Ludzie", "Gracze", "Boty", "Widzowie", "Próg", "Zajęcie", "Odsetki", "Dochód",
"Czas", "Opuść grę", "Więcej", "Ustawienia", "Powtórka", "Linki", "Wersja gry", "Usuń dane", "Ustawienia prywatności", "Zamknij", "Statystyki gry", "Poddaj się", "Wymuś restart gry", "Menu", "Powrót", "Zaznacz wszystko", "Kopiuj",
"Wyczyść", "Uruchom", "Zapisz i zamknij", "Resetuj", "Informacje", "Zwiększanie rozdzielczości, zmniejszanie minimalnego rozmiaru czcionki i przyspieszanie renderowania tekstu mogą obciążać system i wpływać na responsywność gry.",
"Język", "Rozdzielczość", "Przyjazny dla urządzeń mobilnych", "Czcionka", "Ukryj nazwy użytkowników", "Umieść saldo na górze", "Ukryj przyciski powiększania", "Minimalny rozmiar czcionki", "Lobby", "Szybkość renderowania tekstu", "Niska",
"Średnia", "Wysoka", "Bardzo wysoka", "Mała", "Bardzo mała", "Lobby pośredniczone", "Wolne", "Normalne", "Szybkie", "Włączone", "Nowa aktualizacja gry", "Gra została zaktualizowana! Proszę przeładować grę.", "Przeładuj", "Moje konto",
"Usuń konto", "", "", "Jeśli zostanie uzgodniony pokój, gracz z największym terytorium wygrywa grę."
function a33() {
this.a3A = [], this.np = ["Принять", "Вы стерли {0}.", "Вас уничтожил {0}.", "Поздравляем! Вы выиграли игру.", "{0} выиграл игру.", "{0} нарушил пакт о ненападении.", "{0} атакует вас!", "Выберите вашу начальную позицию!", "Вы сдались!",
"Игра закончилась вничью!", "Ошибка: {0}", "New Game Update", "{0} был увековечен!", "Невостребованная Земля {0}", "Игрок: {0} Баланс: {1} Территория: {2} Координаты: {3}", "Горы {0}", "Вода {0}",
"Владелец корабля: {0} Сила: {1}", " Сообщение для {0}: ", "{0}: ", "Человечество торжествует! Нежить отброшена назад.", "Сопротивление", "Эра человечества заканчивается, нежить непрерывно наступает.", "Вирус",
"Согласие на мир заканчивает игру вничью!", "Вы подписали пакт о ненападении с {0}.", "Вы предложили {0} подписать пакт о ненападении.", "{0} принял пакт о ненападении.", "{0} предложил заключить пакт о ненападении.",
"Вы призвали {0} игроков атаковать {1}.", "Вы попросили {0} атаковать {1}.", "{0} предложил вам атаковать {1}.", "Ваш баланс слишком низкий!", "Вы экспортировали {0} ресурс(ов) к {1}.", "Был удержан налог в размере {0} единиц(ы).",
"{0} поддержал вас {1} ресурс(ов).", "Бот ({0}) поддержал вас {1} ресурс(ов).", "Карта: {0}", "Размер: {0}x{1}", "Общее количество пикселей: {0}", "Земля: {0} ({1})", "Вода: {0} ({1})", "Горы: {0} ({1})",
"Полная отправка против игроков-людей отключена.", "{0} и еще {1} игрок(а) были уничтожены.", "{0} и еще {1} игрок(а) покинули игру.", "{0} и еще {1} игрок(а) сдались.", "{0} был уничтожен {1}.", "{0} покинул игру.", "{0} сдался.",
"{0} присоединился к игре.", "{1006}Ответ от сервера не получен", "{3231}Аккаунт успешно сохранен!", "{3232}Аккаунт", "{3249}Серверы не найдены", "{3252}Спасибо за ваш голос.", "{3265}Пожалуйста, примите Cookies",
"{3266}Неверный формат пароля", "{3605}Неверный формат повтора", "{4207}Тайм-аут лобби", "{4214}Неверное имя пользователя", "{4224}Lobby Error", "{4229}Нет ответа от клиента", "Неопределено", "Ошибка", "ТАБЛИЦА ЛИДЕРОВ", "ВЫ СТЕРЛИ",
"ВАС УНИЧТОЖИЛ", "ИГРУ ВЫИГРАЛ", "КАРТА:", "Люди", "Игроки", "Боты", "Зрители", "Порог", "Занятие", "Интерес", "Доход", "Время", "Выйти из игры", "Ещё", "Настройки", "Повтор", "Ссылки", "Версия игры", "Удалить данные",
"Настройки конфиденциальности", "Закрыть", "Статистика игры", "Сдаться", "Принудительный перезапуск игры", "Меню", "Назад", "Выбрать все", "Копировать", "Очистить", "Запустить", "Сохранить и закрыть", "Сброс", "Информация",
"Увеличение разрешения, уменьшение минимального размера шрифта и ускорение рендеринга текста могут нагружать вашу систему и снижать отзывчивость игрового процесса.", "Язык", "Разрешение", "Подходит для мобильных", "Шрифт",
"Скрыть имена пользователей", "Разместить баланс сверху", "Скрыть кнопки масштабирования", "Минимальный размер шрифта", "Лобби", "Скорость рендеринга текста", "Низкое", "Средний", "Высокое", "Очень высокое", "Маленький",
"Очень маленький", "Проксированное Лобби", "Медленно", "Нормально", "Быстро", "Включено", "Новое обновление игры", "Игра была обновлена! Пожалуйста, перезагрузите игру.", "Перезагрузить", "Мой аккаунт", "Удалить аккаунт", "", "",
"Если будет достигнуто соглашение о мире, побеждает игрок с наибольшей территорией."
function a35() {
this.a3A = ["", ""], this.np = ["Aceptar", "Borraste a {0}.", "Fuiste borrado por {0}.", "Felicidades! Ganaste el juego.", "{0} ganó el juego.", "{0} rompió el pacto de no agresión.", "¡{0} te está atacando!", "Elige tu posición de inicio!",
"Te rendiste!", "¡El juego terminó en un empate!", "Error: {0}", "New Game Update", "{0} fue inmortalizado!", "Tierra sin reclamar {0}", "Jugador: {0} Saldo: {1} Territorio: {2} Coordenadas: {3}", "Montañas {0}", "Agua {0}",
"Propietario del barco: {0} Fuerza: {1}", " Mensaje a {0}: ", "{0}: ", "¡La humanidad triunfa! Los no muertos han sido rechazados.", "La Resistencia",
"La era de la humanidad termina, invadida por la implacable marea de los no muertos.", "El Virus", "¡Acordar la paz concluye el juego en un empate!", "Firmaste un pacto de no agresión con {0}.",
"Le pediste a {0} que firmara un pacto de no agresión.", "{0} aceptó el pacto de no agresión.", "{0} solicitó un pacto de no agresión.", "Pediste a {0} jugadores atacar a {1}.", "Pediste a {0} que atacara a {1}.",
"{0} te sugirió que atacaras a {1}.", "¡Tu saldo es demasiado bajo!", "Exportaste {0} recurso(s) a {1}.", "Se dedujo un impuesto de {0} unidad(es).", "{0} te apoyó con {1} recurso(s).", "Un bot ({0}) te apoyó con {1} recurso(s).",
"Mapa: {0}", "Dimensión: {0}x{1}", "Píxeles totales: {0}", "Tierra: {0} ({1})", "Agua: {0} ({1})", "Montañas: {0} ({1})", "El envío completo contra jugadores humanos está deshabilitado.",
"{0} y {1} otro(s) jugador(es) fueron eliminados.", "{0} y {1} otro(s) jugador(es) abandonaron el juego.", "{0} y {1} otro(s) jugador(es) se rindieron.", "{0} fue eliminado por {1}.", "{0} abandonó el juego.", "{0} se rindió.",
"{0} se unió al juego.", "{1006}Sin respuesta del servidor", "{3231}¡Cuenta guardada con éxito!", "{3232}Cuenta", "{3249}No se encontraron servidores", "{3252}Gracias por el voto.", "{3265}Por favor, acepta las cookies",
"{3266}Formato de contraseña inválido", "{3605}Formato de repetición inválido", "{4207}Tiempo de espera en el lobby", "{4214}Nombre de usuario inválido", "{4224}Lobby Error", "{4229}Sin respuesta del cliente", "Indefinido", "Error",
"TABLA DE LIDERAZGO", "ELIMINASTE A", "FUERON ELIMINADOS POR", "EL JUEGO FUE GANADO POR", "MAPA:", "Humanos", "Jugadores", "Bots", "Espectadores", "Umbral", "Ocupación", "Interés", "Ingresos", "Tiempo", "Abandonar juego", "Más",
"Ajustes", "Repetición", "Enlaces", "Versión del juego", "Eliminar datos", "Configuración de privacidad", "Cerrar", "Estadísticas del juego", "Rendirse", "Reiniciar juego forzosamente", "Menú", "Atrás", "Seleccionar todo", "Copiar",
"Limpiar", "Lanzar", "Guardar y cerrar", "Restablecer", "Información",
"Aumentar la resolución, reducir el tamaño mínimo de la fuente y acelerar la velocidad de renderizado del texto puede sobrecargar tu sistema y afectar la capacidad de respuesta del juego.", "Idioma", "Resolución", "Amigable para móviles",
"Fuente", "Ocultar nombres de usuario", "Colocar saldo arriba", "Ocultar botones de zoom", "Tamaño mínimo de fuente", "Lobby", "Velocidad de renderizado de texto", "Bajo", "Medio", "Alto", "Muy alto", "Pequeño", "Muy pequeño",
"Lobby proxy", "Lento", "Normal", "Rápido", "Habilitado", "Nueva actualización del juego", "¡El juego ha sido actualizado! Por favor, recarga el juego.", "Recargar", "Mi cuenta", "Eliminar cuenta", "", "",
"Si se acuerda la paz, el jugador con el mayor territorio gana el juego."
function a34() {
this.a3A = ["", ""], this.np = ["Kabul Et", "{0} silindi.", "{0} tarafından silindiniz.", "Tebrikler! Oyunu kazandınız.", "{0} oyunu kazandı.", "{0} saldırmazlık paktını bozdu.", "{0} sana saldırıyor!", "Başlangıç pozisyonunuzu seçin!",
"Teslim oldunuz!", "Oyun berabere bitti!", "Hata: {0}", "New Game Update", "{0} ölümsüzleştirildi!", "Sahipsiz Arazi {0}", "Oyuncu: {0} Bakiye: {1} Bölge: {2} Koordinatlar: {3}", "Dağlar {0}", "Su {0}",
"Gemi Sahibi: {0} Güç: {1}", " {0} için Mesaj: ", "{0}: ", "İnsanlık zafer kazandı! Ölüler geri püskürtüldü.", "Direniş", "İnsanlığın çağı sona erdi, durdurulamayan ölülerin akını tarafından istila edildi.", "Virüs",
"Barışa razı olmak oyunu beraberlikle sonuçlandırır!", "{0} ile saldırmazlık anlaşması imzaladınız.", "{0} ile saldırmazlık anlaşması imzalamasını istediniz.", "{0} saldırmazlık anlaşmasını kabul etti.",
"{0} saldırmazlık anlaşması talep etti.", "{0} oyuncuya {1}'e saldırması için istekte bulundunuz.", "{0}, {1}'e saldırması için istekte bulundunuz.", "{0}, {1}'e saldırmanızı istedi.", "Bakiyeniz çok düşük!",
"{0} kaynak {1}'e ihraç ettiniz.", "{0} birim vergi kesintisi yapıldı.", "{0}, {1} kaynak ile sizi destekledi.", "Bir bot ({0}), {1} kaynak ile sizi destekledi.", "Harita: {0}", "Boyut: {0}x{1}", "Toplam Pikseller: {0}",
"Arazi: {0} ({1})", "Su: {0} ({1})", "Dağlar: {0} ({1})", "İnsan oyunculara karşı tam gönderim engellendi.", "{0} ve diğer {1} oyuncu silindi.", "{0} ve diğer {1} oyuncu oyunu terk etti.", "{0} ve diğer {1} oyuncu teslim oldu.",
"{0}, {1} tarafından silindi.", "{0} oyunu terk etti.", "{0} teslim oldu.", "{0} oyunu katıldı.", "Sunucudan Yanıt Yok", "Hesap başarıyla kaydedildi!", "Hesap", "Sunucu Bulunamadı", "Oyun için teşekkürler.", "Lütfen çerezleri kabul edin",
"Geçersiz Şifre Formatı", "Geçersiz Yeniden Oynatma Formatı", "Lobi Zaman Aşımı", "Geçersiz Kullanıcı Adı", "{4224}Lobby Error", "İstemci Yanıtı Yok", "Tanımsız", "Hata", "LİDER TABLOSU", "YENILDINIZ", "SİZİ İHALE ETTİRENLER",
"OYUNU KAZANAN", "HARİTA:", "İnsanlar", "Oyuncular", "Botlar", "İzleyiciler", "Eşik", "Meslek", "Faiz Oranı", "Gelir", "Zaman", "Oyundan Çık", "Daha Fazla", "Ayarlar", "Yeniden Oyna", "Bağlantılar", "Oyun Versiyonu", "Verileri Sil",
"Gizlilik Ayarları", "Kapat", "Oyun İstatistikleri", "Teslim Ol", "Oyunu Yeniden Başlat", "Menü", "Geri", "Tümünü Seç", "Kopyala", "Temizle", "Başlat", "Kaydet & Kapat", "Sıfırla", "Bilgi",
"Çözünürlüğü artırmanın, minimum yazı tipi boyutunu küçültmenin ve metin işleme hızını artırmanın sistem üzerinde yük oluşturabileceği ve oyun tepkiselliğini azaltabileceği konusunda uyarı.", "Dil", "Çözünürlük", "Mobil Dostu",
"Yazı Tipi", "Kullanıcı Adlarını Gizle", "Bakiyeyi Yukarıda Göster", "Yakınlaştırma Düğmelerini Gizle", "Minimum Yazı Tipi Boyutu", "Lobi", "Metin İşleme Hızı", "Düşük", "Orta", "Yüksek", "Çok Yüksek", "Küçük", "Çok Küçük", "Proxy Lobi",
"Yavaş", "Normal", "Hızlı", "Etkin", "Yeni Oyun Güncellemesi", "Oyun güncellendi! Lütfen oyunu yeniden yükle.", "Yeniden Yükle", "Hesabım", "Hesabı Sil", "", "", "Barış üzerinde anlaşılırsa, en büyük toprak sahibi oyunu kazanır."
function d0() {
this.rI = !1, this.xi = null, this.a3B = 0, this.gA = null, this.gF = null, this.a3C = .013, this.a3D = .022, this.a3E = .025;
this.a3G = 3, this.a3H = 1.2, this.a3I = .2, this.a3J = .235, this.a3K = .9, this.a3L = .08;
var a3M, va = ["Best Players", "Best Clans", "LEGENDS NEVER DIE", "THE NEVER ENDING WAR"],
a3N = [-1e6, -1e6];
this.position = [0, 0], this.a3P = [0, 0], this.ct = function() {
this.xi = [null, null], this.rI = !1, this.a3B = 0
}, this.wK = function(id) {
this.a3B = id, aO.lk.a3Q(0, this.a3B)
}, this.iE = function() {
this.rI && this.g7()
}, this.g7 = function() {
b4.dc - 12e4 >= a3N[this.a3B] && (a3N[this.a3B] = b4.dc, this.a3P = [0, 0], aO.lk.a3Q(0, this.a3B))
}, this.resize = function() {
if (this.rI) {
var eJ;
for (this.gA = this.a3R(b8.cy.g0() ? .85 : .66, .75, aL.gA, aL.gF), this.gF = Math.floor(this.gA / .75), eJ = 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) this.xi[eJ] && (this.xi[eJ][4] = aZ.g5.g6(1, this.xi[eJ][5] * this.gF / 10));
a3M = aZ.g5.g6(1, .1 * this.gF)
}, this.a3R = function(fy, gU, gA, gF) {
return gA < gU * gF ? Math.floor(fy * gA) : Math.floor(gU * fy * gF)
}, this.a3S = function(g4, a3T, a3U, w5, a3V, a3W, a23) {
this.position[g4] = a23;
var zH, size = a3T.length,
g9 = aZ.g5.g6(1, a3V * this.gF / 10),
ds = (this.a3X(a3T, g9, a3W * this.gA), [
[], size, -1, w5, g9, a3V, 10 * a23
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < size; eJ++) zH = {
name: a3T[eJ].name,
value: a3T[eJ].r9 / a3U,
colorIndex: a3T[eJ].colorIndex
}, ds[0].push(zH);
this.xi[g4] = ds, this.a3Y(g4);
let name = this.xi[g4][0][0].name;
1 === g4 && (name = "[" + name + "]"), 0 === a23 && ay.g2(g4, name);
var data = [];
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ds[0].length; eJ++) data.push([eJ + 1 + ".", ds[0][eJ].name, ds[0][eJ].value.toFixed(1)]);
at.d5(10, at.tm, new a3Z(g4 ? "Clan Ranking" : "1v1 Player Ranking", data))
}, this.a3Y = function(eJ) {
this.xi[eJ][0].sort(function(hg, hp) {
return hp.value - hg.value
}, this.nr = function(g4, name, a3a, a3b) {
if (this.xi && this.xi[g4]) {
var eJ, yV = !1;
if (0 === g4) {
for (eJ = 0; eJ < this.xi[g4][0].length; eJ++)
if (name === this.xi[g4][0][eJ].name && a3a > .99 * this.xi[g4][0][eJ].value && a3a < 1.01 * this.xi[g4][0][eJ].value) {
this.xi[g4][0][eJ].value = a3b, yV = !0;
} yV || this.xi[g4][0].push({
name: name,
value: a3b
} else {
for (eJ = 0; eJ < this.xi[g4][0].length; eJ++)
if (name === this.xi[g4][0][eJ].name) {
this.xi[g4][0][eJ].value += 32 < this.xi[g4][0][eJ].value ? (64 - this.xi[g4][0][eJ].value) / 256 : .25, this.xi[g4][0][eJ].value *= 1 / (383 / 384), yV = !0;
} for (eJ = 0; eJ < this.xi[g4][0].length; eJ++) this.xi[g4][0][eJ].value *= 383 / 384;
yV || this.xi[g4][0].push({
name: name,
value: .25
}, this.a3X = function(a3T, g9, gB) {
for (var eJ = a3T.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
for (; 3 < a3T[eJ].name.length && o.measureText(a3T[eJ].name, g9) > gB;) a3T[eJ].name = a3T[eJ].name.substring(0, a3T[eJ].name.length - 4) + "..."
}, this.fX = function(gy, gz) {
return !!this.rI && (gy -= (aL.gA - this.gA) / 2, gz -= (aL.gF - this.gF) / 2, gy < 0 || gy > this.gA || gz < 0 || gz > this.gF ? (this.rI = !1, b4.d3 = !0) : (gz = gz < .3 * this.gF ? 1 : gz < .85 * this.gF ? (gz = (0 === this.a3B ?
14.1 : 3) * (gz - .3 * this.gF) / (.55 * this.gF), Math.floor(1 + gz * gz)) : 0 === this.a3B ? 200 : 10, gy < this.gA / 2 ? this.a3P[this.a3B] = -gz : this.a3P[this.a3B] = gz, a3N[this.a3B] + 50 > b4.dc || (a3N[this.a3B] =
b4.dc, aO.lk.a3Q(0, this.a3B)), !0))
}, this.gL = function() {
var jj, jk, r1, r2, a3c, a3d, a3e, xj;
this.rI && (jj = (aL.gA - this.gA) / 2, jk = (aL.gF - this.gF) / 2, r1 = this.a3C * this.gA, r2 = this.a3G * r1, a3c = this.a3D * this.gA, a3d = this.a3H * a3c, a3e = this.a3E * this.gA, xj = Math.floor(.25 * this.gF), gM.setTransform(1,
0, 0, 1, jj, jk), gM.fillStyle = 0 === this.a3B ? aa.lL : aa.lH, gM.fillRect(0, 0, this.gA, xj), gM.fillStyle = aa.kg, gM.fillRect(0, xj, this.gA, this.gF - xj), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.font = a3M, aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1),
aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 1), gM.fillText(va[this.a3B], Math.floor(this.gA / 2), Math.floor(.135 * this.gF)), gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, .025 * this.gF), gM.fillText(va[this.a3B + 2], Math.floor(this.gA / 2), Math.floor(.2125 * this.gF)), gM
.beginPath(), gM.moveTo(this.gA / 4, 0), gM.lineTo(this.gA / 2 - r1, 0), gM.lineTo(this.gA / 2, -r2), gM.lineTo(this.gA / 2 + r1, 0), gM.lineTo(this.gA - a3c, 0), gM.lineTo(this.gA + a3d, -a3d), gM.lineTo(this.gA, a3c), gM.lineTo(
this.gA, this.gF / 2 - r1), gM.lineTo(this.gA + r2, this.gF / 2), gM.lineTo(this.gA, this.gF / 2 + r1), gM.lineTo(this.gA, this.gF - a3c), gM.lineTo(this.gA + a3d, this.gF + a3d), gM.lineTo(this.gA - a3c, this.gF), gM.lineTo(
this.gA / 2 + r1, this.gF), gM.lineTo(this.gA / 2, this.gF + r2), gM.lineTo(this.gA / 2 - r1, this.gF), gM.lineTo(a3c, this.gF), gM.lineTo(-a3d, this.gF + a3d), gM.lineTo(0, this.gF - a3c), gM.lineTo(0, this.gF / 2 + r1), gM
.lineTo(-r2, this.gF / 2), gM.lineTo(0, this.gF / 2 - r1), gM.lineTo(0, a3c), gM.lineTo(-a3d, -a3d), gM.lineTo(a3c, 0), gM.lineTo(this.gA / 4, 0), gM.lineTo(this.gA / 4, a3e), gM.lineTo(a3e, a3e), gM.lineTo(a3e, this.gF - a3e), gM
.lineTo(this.gA - a3e, this.gF - a3e), gM.lineTo(this.gA - a3e, a3e), gM.lineTo(this.gA / 4, a3e), gM.fill(), this.xi[this.a3B] && this.a3f(xj), this.a3g(xj), gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0))
}, this.a3g = function(xj) {
var r1 = y6(2, Math.floor(.06 * this.gA)),
zy = (r1 -= r1 % 2, y6(2, Math.floor(.01 * this.gA))),
xj = (zy -= zy % 2, Math.floor(.82 * xj));
gM.fillRect(r1, xj, r1, zy), gM.fillRect(this.gA - r1 - r1, xj, r1, zy), gM.fillRect(Math.floor(this.gA - r1 - r1 + (r1 - zy) / 2), Math.floor(xj - (r1 - zy) / 2), zy, r1)
}, this.a3f = function(xj) {
var fP;
gM.font = this.xi[this.a3B][4];
for (var eJ = this.xi[this.a3B][1] - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 2), fP = Math.floor(this.a3L * this.gF + xj + eJ * ((1 - 2 * this.a3L) * this.gF - xj) / 9), gM.fillText(this.xi[this.a3B][0][eJ].value.toFixed(this.xi[this.a3B][
3]), Math.floor(this.a3K * this.gA), fP), gM.fillText(eJ + 1 + this.xi[this.a3B][6] + ".", Math.floor(this.a3I * this.gA), fP), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 0), gM.fillText(this.xi[this.a3B][0][eJ].name, Math.floor(this.a3J * this.gA), fP)
function d1() {
var fO, fP, gF, a3h, a3i, a3j, a3k, a3l, a3m, gA, vd, a3n;
this.rI = !1, this.ct = function(g3, a3o) {
if (1 === b8.id && 13 <= b8.dg && b8.dg < 18) return a3o ? void(vd = g3) : vd !== g3 ? void 0 : void b8.ox.saveString(200, g3);
a3o && (vd = g3, (a3n = document.createElement("a")).appendChild(document.createTextNode(vd)), this.rI = !0, a3n.title = vd, a3n.target = "_blank", a3n.href = vd, a3n.style.textAlign = "center", a3n.style.color = aa.gN, a3n.style
.position = "absolute", a3n.style.padding = "0px", a3n.style.margin = "0px", this.resize(), document.body.appendChild(a3n), b4.d3 = !0)
}, this.oP = function() {
return !(!this.rI || (document.body.removeChild(a3n), this.rI = !1))
}, this.fX = function(gy, gz) {
return !!this.rI && ((gy < fO || gz < fP || fO + gA < gy || fP + gF < gz || fO + gA - a3h < gy && gz < fP + a3h) && (b4.d3 = !0, this.rI = !1, document.body.removeChild(a3n)), !0)
}, this.resize = function() {
var g9, a3p;
this.rI && (a3l = Math.floor(.8 * (b8.cy.g0() ? aL.gA > aL.gF ? .6 : .55 : .4) * aL.g1), a3h = Math.floor(.15 * a3l), a3i = Math.floor(.35 * a3h), a3j = Math.floor(.5 * a3h), a3k = Math.floor(2.5 * a3j), gF = a3h + a3i + 3 * a3j, g9 = aZ
.g5.g6(1, a3i / aL.nN), a3m = Math.floor(aL.nN * o.measureText(vd, g9)), a3p = gA = (a3l < a3m ? a3m : a3l) + 2 * a3k, gA = Math.min(gA, aL.gA - 2 * (b8.cy.g0() ? 2 : 1) * b1.gap), g9 = aZ.g5.g6(1, gA / a3p * a3i / aL.nN), a3m =
Math.floor(aL.nN * o.measureText(vd, g9)), fO = Math.floor((aL.gA - gA) / 2), fP = Math.floor((aL.gF - gF) / 2), a3n.style.font = g9, a3n.style.top = Math.floor((fP + 1.4 * a3j + a3h) / aL.nN) + "px", a3n.style.left = Math.floor((
fO + (gA - a3m) / 2) / aL.nN) + "px")
}, this.gL = function() {
this.rI && (gM.fillStyle = aa.kh, gM.fillRect(fO, fP + a3h, gA, gF - a3h), gM.fillStyle = aa.lb, gM.fillRect(fO, fP, gA, a3h), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.lineWidth = b1.rn, gM.strokeStyle = aa.gN, gM.strokeRect(fO, fP, gA, gF), gM.fillRect(
fO, fP + a3h, gA, b1.rn), gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, .48 * a3h), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 1), aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1), gM.fillText("You are leaving Territorial.io!", Math.floor(fO + (gA - .5 * a3h) / 2), Math.floor(fP + .55 * a3h)), k
.xg(Math.floor(fO + gA - .8 * a3h), Math.floor(fP + .25 * a3h), Math.floor(.5 * a3h)), gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0))
function cx() {
var gap, a2H, fO = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
fP = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
kO = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
df = [!0, !0, !1, !1, !1],
iT = (this.dx = [!0, !0, !1, !1, !1], null);
this.a3q = function(vK, a3r) {
iT = vK, df = a3r, a2H = [ai.a3s, ai.tj, ai.a3t, ai.a3u, ai.a3v], this.ct()
}, this.ct = function() {
if (a0.g8()) {
var eJ, r1 = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .261 : .195) * aL.g1),
r2 = Math.floor(.9 * r1),
zy = Math.floor(.17 * r2);
if (gap = b8.cy.g0() ? 2 * b1.gap : b1.gap, kO[0] = r1 / iT[0].width, kO[1] = r2 / iT[1].width, kO[2] = zy / iT[2].height, kO[3] = zy / iT[3].height, kO[4] = zy / iT[4].height, kO[3] *= 1.07, fO[0] = gap, fO[1] = gap, fO[2] = gap, fO[
3] = gap, fO[4] = Math.floor(2 * gap + kO[3] * iT[3].width), fP[0] = gap, fP[1] = fP[0] + gap + kO[0] * iT[0].height, fP[2] = fP[1] + gap + kO[1] * iT[1].height, fP[3] = fP[2] + gap + kO[2] * iT[2].height, fP[4] = fP[3], !df[
for (eJ = 0; eJ < 5; eJ++) fP[eJ] -= kO[0] * iT[0].height + gap;
if (!df[1])
for (eJ = 2; eJ < 5; eJ++) fP[eJ] -= kO[1] * iT[1].height + gap
}, this.rI = function() {
return !(7 === y.tp() && b8.cy.g0())
}, this.fX = function(gy, gz, a3o) {
if (iT && this.rI())
for (var eJ = df.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (df[eJ] && this.dx[eJ] && fO[eJ] < gy && fP[eJ] < gz && gy < fO[eJ] + kO[eJ] * iT[eJ].width && gz < fP[eJ] + kO[eJ] * iT[eJ].height) return at.d5(9, at.tm, new a3w("You are leaving Territorial.io.", aZ.g5.vc(a2H[eJ]))), !0;
return !1
}, this.gL = function() {
if (iT && this.rI()) {
var eJ;
for (gM.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0, eJ = 0; eJ < 5; eJ++) df[eJ] && this.dx[eJ] && (gM.setTransform(kO[eJ], 0, 0, kO[eJ], fO[eJ], fP[eJ]), gM.drawImage(iT[eJ], 0, 0));
gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
function bj() {
var a3B, a3x, a3y;
function a43(eJ) {
var button = w.ng[eJ],
fO = button.fO,
fP = button.fP,
gA = button.gA,
gF = button.gF;
gM.fillStyle = button.a41, gM.fillRect(fO, fP, gA, gF), eJ === a3B && (gM.fillStyle = a3y, gM.fillRect(fO, fP, gA, gF)), gM.lineWidth = b1.rn, gM.strokeStyle = a3x, gM.strokeRect(fO, fP, gA, gF),
function(button) {
var fO = button.fO,
fP = button.fP,
gA = button.gA,
gF = button.gF;
aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 1), aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1), gM.font = button.font, gM.fillStyle = a3x, gM.fillText(button.np, Math.floor(fO + gA / 2), Math.floor(fP + gF / 2 + .1 * button.fontSize))
this.gA = 0, this.gF = 0, this.fP = 0, this.gap = 0, this.ct = function() {
a3B = -1, a3x = aa.gN, a3y = "rgba(255,255,255,0.16)", this.ng = new Array(7), this.gF = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .123 : .093) * aL.g1), this.gA = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? 3.96 : 4.2) * this.gF), this.gap = Math.floor(.025 * this.gA);
var a3z = Math.floor(.26 * this.gF),
a40 = aZ.g5.g6(1, a3z);
this.ng[0] = {
fO: 0,
fP: 0,
gA: Math.floor(.6 * this.gA - this.gap / 2),
gF: this.gF,
np: "Multiplayer",
font: a40,
a41: "rgba(22,88,22,0.8)",
fontSize: a3z
}, a3z = Math.floor(.18 * this.gF), a40 = aZ.g5.g6(1, a3z), this.ng[1] = {
fO: 0,
fP: 0,
gA: this.gA - this.ng[0].gA - this.gap,
gF: this.gF,
np: "Single Player",
font: a40,
a41: "rgba(22,88,88,0.8)",
fontSize: a3z
}, this.ng[2] = {
fO: 0,
fP: 0,
gA: this.gA,
gF: Math.floor(.3 * this.gF),
np: "",
font: this.ng[1].font,
a41: "rgba(100,0,0,0.8)",
fontSize: this.ng[1].fontSize
}, this.ng[3] = {
fO: 0,
fP: 0,
gA: this.gA,
gF: this.gF,
np: "Back",
font: this.ng[0].font,
a41: "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)",
fontSize: this.ng[0].fontSize
}, this.ng[4] = {
fO: 0,
fP: 0,
gA: this.gA,
gF: Math.floor(.3 * this.gF),
np: "The game was updated!",
font: this.ng[1].font,
a41: "rgba(100,0,0,0.8)",
fontSize: this.ng[1].fontSize
}, this.ng[5] = {
fO: 0,
fP: 0,
gA: this.ng[0].gA,
gF: Math.floor(.8 * this.gF),
np: "Reload",
font: this.ng[0].font,
a41: "rgba(0,100,0,0.8)",
fontSize: this.ng[0].fontSize
}, this.ng[6] = {
fO: 0,
fP: 0,
gA: this.ng[1].gA,
gF: this.ng[5].gF,
np: "Back",
font: this.ng[0].font,
a41: "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)",
fontSize: this.ng[0].fontSize
}, this.a10()
}, this.a10 = function() {
this.fP = Math.floor(.54 * aL.gF), this.ng[0].fO = Math.floor(.5 * aL.gA - .5 * this.gA), this.ng[1].fO = this.ng[0].fO + this.ng[0].gA + this.gap, this.ng[2].fO = this.ng[3].fO = this.ng[0].fO, this.ng[4].fO = this.ng[5].fO = this.ng[0]
.fO, this.ng[6].fO = this.ng[1].fO, this.ng[0].fP = Math.floor(.54 * aL.gF), this.ng[1].fP = this.ng[0].fP, this.ng[2].fP = Math.floor((aL.gF - this.ng[2].gF - this.ng[3].gF - this.gap) / 2), this.ng[3].fP = this.ng[2].fP + this.ng[2]
.gF + this.gap, this.ng[4].fP = Math.floor((aL.gF - this.ng[4].gF - this.ng[5].gF - this.gap) / 2), this.ng[5].fP = this.ng[6].fP = this.ng[4].fP + this.ng[4].gF + this.gap
}, this.a42 = function() {
a43(0), a43(1)
}, this.a44 = function() {
a43(2), a43(3)
}, this.a45 = function() {
a43(4), a43(5), a43(6)
}, this.uE = function(fO, fP, jC) {
var eJ = -1;
return 0 === y.tp() ? eJ = this.uj(fO, fP, 0, 2) : 3 === y.tp() ? eJ = this.uj(fO, fP, 3, 1) : 5 === y.tp() && (eJ = this.uj(fO, fP, 5, 2)), a3B !== eJ && (a3B = eJ, jC) && (b4.d3 = !0), -1 !== eJ && (r.ud(), !0)
}, this.uj = function(fO, fP, a46, size) {
for (var eJ = a46; eJ < a46 + size; eJ++)
if (fO >= this.ng[eJ].fO && fP >= this.ng[eJ].fP && fO <= this.ng[eJ].fO + this.ng[eJ].gA && fP <= this.ng[eJ].fP + this.ng[eJ].gF) return eJ;
return -1
function a48() {
function a4F(a21) {
return a21 < 0 ? 0 : 255 < a21 ? 255 : Math.floor(a21)
this.gA = 0, this.gF = 0, this.rI = !1, this.a49 = 0, this.gap = 0, this.a4A = 0, this.a3h = 0, this.a4B = 0, this.a4C = 0, this.a4D = 0, this.colors = null, this.ct = function() {
this.rI = !0, this.a49 = 0, this.resize()
}, this.resize = function() {
this.rI && (aL.gA < 1.4 * aL.gF ? this.gA = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .94 : .43) * aL.gA) : (this.gF = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .88 : .43) * aL.gF), this.gA = Math.floor(1.4 * this.gF)), this.gF = this.gA / 1.4, this.gap = this.gA / 32,
this.a3h = Math.floor(.25 * this.gF), this.a4B = (this.gF - this.a3h - 3 * this.gap) / 2, this.a4C = this.gA - 3 * this.gap - this.a4B, this.a4D = (this.gF - this.a3h - 4 * this.gap) / 3)
}, this.a4E = function() {
this.colors = [
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0]
var g3 = bA.dK.data[103].value.split("");
if (g3.length < 6)
for (var hp = 2; 0 <= hp; hp--) this.colors[0][hp] = a4F(256 * Math.random());
for (var eJ = 2; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) this.colors[0][eJ] = a4F(4 * (10 * parseInt(g3[2 * eJ]) + parseInt(g3[2 * eJ + 1])));
}, this.a4H = function() {
return [eX(this.colors[0][0], 4), eX(this.colors[0][1], 4), eX(this.colors[0][2], 4)]
}, this.uH = function(gD, gE, deltaY) {
var jj = (aL.gA - this.gA) / 2;
gE -= (aL.gF - this.gF) / 2 + this.a3h, (gD -= jj) < 0 || gE < 0 || gD >= this.gA || gE >= this.gF - this.a3h || (jj = Math.floor(3 * gE / (this.gF - this.a3h)), this.colors[this.a4A][jj] = a4F(this.colors[this.a4A][jj] + (deltaY < 0 ?
1 : -1) * Math.max(Math.abs(.05 * deltaY), 1)), b4.d3 = !0)
}, this.fX = function(gD, gE) {
this.a49 = 0;
var jj = (aL.gA - this.gA) / 2;
return gE -= (aL.gF - this.gF) / 2, (gD -= jj) < 0 || gE < 0 || gD >= this.gA - 1 || gE >= this.gF - 1 || gD > this.gA - (.4 * this.a3h + 3 * this.gap) && gE < this.a3h ? (this.rI = !1, !(b4.d3 = !0)) : gD < this.gap || gE < this.gap +
this.a3h || gD >= this.gA || gE >= this.gF - this.gap || (gD < this.gap + this.a4B ? (gE < this.gap + this.a3h + this.a4B && 0 !== this.a4A && (this.a4A = 0, b4.d3 = !0), !0) : gD < this.gap + this.a4B || (gD -= 2 * this.gap + this
.a4B, gE < this.gap + this.a3h + this.a4D ? (this.a49 = 1, this.colors[this.a4A][0] = a4F(256 * gD / this.a4C), b4.d3 = !0) : gE < 2 * this.gap + this.a3h + this.a4D || (gE < 2 * this.gap + this.a3h + 2 * this.a4D ? (this
.a49 = 2, this.colors[this.a4A][1] = a4F(256 * gD / this.a4C), b4.d3 = !0) : !(gE >= 3 * this.gap + this.a3h + 2 * this.a4D) || (this.a49 = 3, this.colors[this.a4A][2] = a4F(256 * gD / this.a4C), b4.d3 = !0))))
}, this.a4G = function() {
for (var hp = 2; 0 <= hp; hp--) this.colors[0][hp] = a4F(this.colors[0][hp])
}, this.a4I = function() {
for (var df, g3 = "", eJ = 0; eJ < 3; eJ++)(df = eX(this.colors[0][eJ], 4)) < 10 && (g3 += "0"), g3 += df.toString();
return g3
}, this.uE = function(gD) {
0 !== this.a49 && (gD -= 2 * this.gap + this.a4B + (aL.gA - this.gA) / 2, this.colors[this.a4A][this.a49 - 1] = a4F(256 * gD / this.a4C), b4.d3 = !0)
}, this.uc = function() {
0 < this.a49 && (this.a49 = 0, this.a4G(), bA.nq.nr(103, this.a4I()), b4.d3 = !0)
}, this.gL = function() {
var jj = (aL.gA - this.gA) / 2,
jk = (aL.gF - this.gF) / 2;
gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, jj, jk), gM.fillStyle = aa.kh, gM.fillRect(0, this.a3h, this.gA, this.gF - this.a3h), gM.fillStyle = aa.ks, gM.fillRect(0, 0, this.gA, this.a3h), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.lineWidth = b1.rn, gM.strokeStyle = aa
.gN, gM.strokeRect(-1, -1, this.gA + 2, this.gF + 2), gM.fillRect(0, this.a3h, this.gA, b1.rn), gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, .31 * this.a3h), aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 1), gM.fillText("Choose Your Nation's Color!", Math
.floor((this.gA - this.gap - .4 * this.a3h) / 2), Math.floor(.55 * this.a3h)), this.a4J(0), gM.lineWidth = b1.rn, this.a4K(0), this.a4K(1), this.a4K(2), k.xg(Math.floor(jj + this.gA - .4 * this.a3h - this.gap), Math.floor(jk +
.3 * this.a3h), Math.floor(.4 * this.a3h)), gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
}, this.a4J = function(eJ) {
var gY = this.colors[eJ][0],
vR = this.colors[eJ][1],
eJ = this.colors[eJ][2];
gM.fillStyle = "rgb(" + gY + "," + vR + "," + eJ + ")", gM.fillRect(this.gap, this.a3h + this.gap, this.a4B, 2 * this.a4B + this.gap), gM.lineWidth = b1.rn, gM.strokeStyle = aa.gN, gM.strokeRect(this.gap, this.a3h + this.gap, this.a4B,
2 * this.a4B + this.gap), gM.fillStyle = gY + vR + eJ < 306 && vR < 150 ? aa.gN : aa.jp, gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, .32 * this.a4D), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 1), aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1), gM.rotate(-Math.PI / 2), gM.fillText(
"National Color", Math.floor(-1.5 * this.gap - this.a3h - this.a4B), Math.floor(this.gap + .5 * this.a4B)), gM.rotate(Math.PI / 2)
}, this.a4K = function(eJ) {
gM.fillStyle = "rgb(" + (0 === eJ ? 150 : 2 === eJ ? 30 : 0) + "," + (1 === eJ ? 130 : 2 === eJ ? 30 : 0) + "," + (2 === eJ ? 220 : 0) + ")", gM.fillRect(2 * this.gap + this.a4B, this.a3h + this.gap + eJ * (this.gap + this.a4D), Math
.floor(this.colors[this.a4A][eJ] * this.a4C / 255), this.a4D), gM.strokeStyle = aa.gN, gM.strokeRect(2 * this.gap + this.a4B, this.a3h + this.gap + eJ * (this.gap + this.a4D), this.a4C, this.a4D), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.font =
aZ.g5.g6(1, .32 * this.a4D), aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 0), gM.fillText((0 === eJ ? "Red: " : 1 === eJ ? "Green: " : "Blue: ") + this.colors[0][eJ].toString(), 3 * this.gap + this.a4B, Math.floor(this.a3h + this
.gap + eJ * (this.gap + this.a4D) + .53 * this.a4D))
function bk() {
var a4L, a4M, ys, z2, zq, a4N, a4O, a4P, a4Q, g9, fontSize, k5, a4R, a4T, a4S = 0;
function a4W() {
return aO.j4.a4X[(a4R + a4S) % aO.j4.a4Y]
function a4U() {
a4R++, k5 = b4.dc, aO.j4.a4Z(a4W(), 4) && (a4T = !0, aO.a4a.a4b(a4W()))
function a4c() {
0 === a4R ? bC.tx(3249) : (a4R === aO.j4.a4Y - 1 && (a4R = -1), a4U())
function a4k(fP, a0h, a4j) {
var jj = Math.floor((aL.gA - z2) / 2) + a4O,
jl = jj + Math.floor(a4j * (z2 - 2 * a4O));
gM.lineWidth = a0h, gM.beginPath(), gM.moveTo(jj, fP), gM.lineTo(jl, fP), gM.lineTo(Math.floor(jj - a4O + a4j * z2), fP + ys), gM.lineTo(jj - a4O, fP + ys), gM.closePath()
this.ct = function() {
y.setState(6), a4L = 0, a4M = 1, a4P = "rgba(0,220,120,0.4)", a4Q = "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)", this.resize(), b4.d3 = !0, a4R = 0, a4T = !1, a4U()
}, this.resize = function() {
z2 = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .5 : .25) * aL.g1), zq = z2 + 12, ys = Math.floor(.125 * z2), a4O = 3 * ys, a4N = Math.floor(.225 * z2), fontSize = Math.floor(.3 * ys), g9 = aZ.g5.g6(0, fontSize)
}, this.a4V = function(hg) {
a4S = hg
}, this.ts = function(tl) {
tl === a4W() && (a4T = !1, a4c())
}, this.a4d = function(tl) {
6 !== y.tp() || a4T || (k5 = b4.dc, a4T = !0)
}, this.fX = function(fO, fP) {
var jj = Math.floor((aL.gA - zq) / 2),
jk = Math.floor(.5 * (aL.gF - b1.gap - ys - a4N)) + ys + b1.gap;
return jj < fO && fO < jj + zq && jk < fP && fP < jk + a4N && (this.a4f(), w.uE(fO, fP, !1), !0)
}, this.a4f = function() {
aO.j4.u0(3260), at.j4.tz()
}, this.iE = function() {
6 === y.tp() && (a4T ? b4.dc > k5 + 12e3 && bC.tx(3250) : b4.dc > k5 + 12e3 && a4c(), 100 < (a4L += .07 * a4M * (a4L < 16 ? 5 + a4L : 84 < a4L ? 105 - a4L : 17)) ? (a4L = 100, a4M = -1) : a4L < 0 && (a4L = 0, a4M = 1), a4P = "rgba(0," +
Math.floor(190 - 1.9 * a4L) + "," + Math.floor(120 - 1.2 * a4L) + "," + (.4 + .004 * a4L) + ")", a4Q = "rgba(0," + Math.floor(1.9 * a4L) + "," + Math.floor(1.2 * a4L) + "," + (.8 - .004 * a4L) + ")", b4.d3 = !0)
}, this.gL = function() {
var fO = Math.floor((aL.gA - zq) / 2),
fP = Math.floor(.5 * (aL.gF - b1.gap - ys - a4N));
! function(title, fP, a0h, a4j) {
gM.fillStyle = a4Q, a4k(fP, a0h, 1), gM.fill(), gM.fillStyle = a4P, a4k(fP, a0h, a4j), gM.fill(), gM.strokeStyle = aa.gN, a4k(fP, a0h, 1), gM.stroke(),
function(a4m, fP) {
aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 1), aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1), gM.font = g9, gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.fillText(a4m, Math.floor(.5 * aL.gA), Math.floor(fP + .58 * ys))
}(title, fP)
}("Loading", fP, 3, a4L / 100),
function(fO, fP, gA, gF, np) {
gM.fillStyle = aa.kf, gM.fillRect(fO, fP, gA, gF), gM.lineWidth = 3, gM.strokeStyle = aa.gN, gM.strokeRect(fO, fP, gA, gF);
var ef = Math.floor(.3 * gF);
aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 1), aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1), gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(0, ef), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.fillText(np, Math.floor(fO + gA / 2), Math.floor(fP + gF / 2 + .1 * ef))
}(fO, fP + ys + b1.gap, zq, a4N, "Back")
function bl() {
var db = 0;
this.ct = function() {
w.ct(), db = 0
}, this.setState = function(a4n) {
db = a4n
}, this.tp = function() {
return db
}, this.a4o = function() {
this.setState(8), aH.u1(), at.pB()
}, this.uo = function(dI) {
if (!aq.pl) return !1;
if (!(b4.dc < 400)) {
if ("Enter" === dI.key || "Escape" === dI.key) {
if (this.a4p()) return !0;
if ("Enter" === dI.key) {
if (0 === db) return !0;
if (7 === db) return !0
return !1
}, this.a4q = function() {
}, this.a4p = function() {
return !!ax.oP()
}, this.dh = function() {
b4.d3 = !0, 8 === db ? b.kG ? ab.uq(!1) : (b3.rI ? b3 : k).ur() : 7 === db ? aH.a4r() : 6 === db ? x.a4f() : 2 === db && z.a4s()
}, this.fX = function(fO, fP) {
!aq.pl || ax.fX(fO, fP) || 6 === db && x.fX(fO, fP) || 2 === db && z.fX(fO, fP) || (r.fX(fO, fP), 0 !== db && 7 === db && aH.fX(fO, fP)) || ay.fX(fO, fP)
}, this.uE = function(fO, fP) {
if (!r.a0t) {
if (2 === db && z.uE(fO, fP)) return void r.ud();
if (w.uE(fO, fP, !0)) return
r.uE(fO, fP)
}, this.click = function(fO, fP) {
r.ue(), aw.fX(fO, fP, !1)
}, this.uH = function(fO, fP, deltaY) {}, this.a4t = function() {
w.a10(), 0 !== db && 7 === db && aH.resize(), b4.d3 = !0
}, this.gL = function() {
8 !== db && 10 !== db && (gM.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0, this.qs(), 0 !== db && (r.gL(), m.gL(), this.a4u(), aw.gL(), ay.gL()), 0 !== db && (2 === db ? z.gL() : 6 === db ? x.gL() : 7 === db && aH.gL()), ax.gL())
}, this.qs = function() {
var a4w, a4v;
if (makeMainMenuTransparent) gM.clearRect(0, 0, aL.gA, aL.gF);
else aq.pl ? (a4v = aL.gA / aq.eE, a4w = aL.gF / aq.eF, gM.setTransform(a4v = a4w < a4v ? a4v : a4w, 0, 0, a4v, Math.floor((aL.gA - a4v * aq.eE) / 2), Math.floor((aL.gF - a4v * aq.eF) / 2)), gM.drawImage(aq.pn, 0, 0), gM.setTransform(1,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0), gM.fillStyle = aa.kf) : gM.fillStyle = aa.jp, gM.fillRect(0, 0, aL.gA, aL.gF)
}, this.a4u = function() {
var fP = Math.floor(.3 * aL.gF),
gV = a0.a4x("territorial.io"),
gU = (gU = 1.75 * aL.gF / gV.width) * gV.width < .98 * aL.gA ? .98 * aL.gA / gV.width : gU,
fO = (gM.globalAlpha = .15, gM.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1, Math.floor(.5 * (aL.gA - gU * gV.width))),
fO = Math.floor(fO / gU),
fP = Math.floor(fP - .5 * gV.height * gU),
fP = Math.floor(fP / gU);
gM.setTransform(gU, 0, 0, gU, fO, fP), gM.drawImage(gV, fO, fP), gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), gM.globalAlpha = 1, gM.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0
function cB() {
var mP, a50, a51, a52;
this.a4y = 0, this.a4z = 0, this.ct = function() {
var gV, kO;
7 === y.tp() && (mP = af.mP, a50 = 0, a51 = b4.dc + 4500, a52 = aO.yN.a53() ? 2 : 0, y.setState(10), gM.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0, y.qs(), gV = a0.a4x("loading"), kO = (b8.cy.g0() ? .396 : .25) * aL.g1 / gV.width, gM.setTransform(kO, 0,
0, kO, Math.floor((aL.gA - kO * gV.width) / 2), Math.floor((aL.gF - kO * gV.height) / 2)), gM.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1, gM.drawImage(gV, 0, 0), gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0))
}, this.jA = function() {
0 < a52 && b4.dc > a51 && (a52--, a51 += 4500, 0 === b4.a54) && 0 === b4.iS() && (0 === a52 && aO.j4.tu < aO.j4.a55 && (aO.j4.tu += aO.j4.a56), aO.j4.a4Z(aO.j4.tu, 5))
}, this.a57 = function() {
var em, eJ;
return 10 === y.tp() && (em = af.mP, eJ = af.g4, aO.yN.a58(mP), mP = null, af.ct(em), af.g4 = eJ, !0)
}, this.a59 = function() {
10 === y.tp() && 2 <= ++a50 && (aO.yN.a58(mP), mP = null)
function c8() {
var a5B, a5C, a5D, a5E, a5F, a5G, a5H, nF, a5J, a5L, a5M, a5N, a5Q, a5R, a5S, a5T, a5U, a5I = 48,
a5O = ["Joined", "Skipped", "Multiplayer", "Singleplayer"],
a5P = [0, 0, 0, 0];
function a5Y(eJ, m0) {
eJ = a5H[eJ].getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
eJ.clearRect(0, 0, a5I, a5I), a9.pr.ro(m0, eJ, 0, 0, a5I)
function a5X(eJ, vK) {
var eJ = a5H[eJ].getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
zoom = (eJ.clearRect(0, 0, a5I, a5I), a5I / vK.width),
dd = a5I / vK.height,
zoom = dd < zoom ? dd : zoom;
eJ.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0, eJ.setTransform(zoom, 0, 0, zoom, Math.floor((a5I - zoom * vK.width) / 2), Math.floor((a5I - zoom * vK.height) / 2)), eJ.drawImage(vK, 0, 0), eJ.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
function a5c(iT, gY, a5f, gW) {
gW.beginPath(), gW.moveTo(iT, iT), gW.lineTo(iT + Math.cos(a5f) * gY, iT + Math.cos(a5f + 1.5 * Math.PI) * gY), gW.stroke()
function a5v() {
if (7 === y.tp()) {
for (var gi, vK, gW, zoom, dd, hg = -1, eJ = nF.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (null === nF[eJ].gV) {
hg = eJ;
} - 1 !== hg && (null !== (gi = a5j(nF[hg].a5n, nF[hg].a5o)) ? nF[hg].gV = gi : (gi = {
eE: aq.eE,
eF: aq.eF,
pn: aq.pn,
pj: aq.pj,
pk: aq.pk,
po: aq.po,
qB: aq.qB,
a5k: aq.a5k
}, aq.d4(nF[hg].a5n, nF[hg].a5o), aq.pm.a5w(), (vK = document.createElement("canvas")).width = 128, vK.height = 128, gW = vK.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !1
}), (zoom = 128 / aq.eE) < (dd = 128 / aq.eF) && (zoom = dd), gW.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0, gW.setTransform(zoom, 0, 0, zoom, (128 - zoom * aq.eE) / 2, (128 - zoom * aq.eF) / 2), gW.drawImage(aq.pn, 0, 0), aq.eE = gi.eE, aq
.eF = gi.eF, aq.pn = gi.pn, aq.pj = gi.pj, aq.pk = gi.pk, aq.po = gi.po, aq.qB = gi.qB, aq.a5k = gi.a5k, nF[hg].gV = vK), b4.d3 = !0)
function a5j(a5n, a5o) {
for (var eJ = nF.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (null !== nF[eJ].gV && nF[eJ].a5n === a5n && nF[eJ].a5o === a5o) return nF[eJ].gV;
return null
this.ct = function() {
var eJ;
for (a5U = 0, a5L = -1, y.setState(7), nF = [], this.resize(), a5H = new Array(13), eJ = a5H.length; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a5H[eJ] = document.createElement("canvas"), a5H[eJ].width = a5I, a5H[eJ].height = a5I;
for (eJ = 0; eJ < 7; eJ++) ! function(rk) {
var a5a, gW = a5H[rk - 2].getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
a5Z = 1.5 * Math.PI,
iT = Math.floor(.5 * a5I),
gY = Math.floor(.48 * a5I);
gW.lineWidth = 2, gW.strokeStyle = aa.gN, gW.clearRect(0, 0, a5I, a5I);
for (var eJ = 0; eJ < rk; eJ++) a5a = a5Z + 2 * Math.PI / rk,
function(eJ, iT, gY, a5Z, a5a, gW) {
gW.fillStyle = b5.a5e[eJ], gW.beginPath(), gW.arc(iT, iT, gY, a5Z, a5a), gW.lineTo(iT, iT), gW.fill()
}(eJ + 1, iT, gY, a5Z, a5a, gW), 0 !== eJ && a5c(iT, gY, a5Z, gW), a5Z = a5a;
a5c(iT, gY, 1.5 * Math.PI, gW),
function(iT, gY, gW) {
gW.beginPath(), gW.arc(iT, iT, gY, 0, 2 * Math.PI), gW.stroke()
}(iT, gY, gW)
}(eJ + 2);
a5X(7, a0.get(4)), a5Y(8, a9.rF.rc + a9.rF.rt), a5Y(9, a9.rF.rc + a9.rF.rr), a5Y(10, 1024 - a9.rF.rZ), a5X(11, a0.get(19)), a5X(12, a0.get(20)), b4.d3 = !0
}, this.a4r = function() {
this.u1(), aO.j4.u0(3240), y.setState(0), at.d5(5, 5)
}, this.u1 = function() {
nF = [], a5H = []
}, this.yq = function() {
return a5N
}, this.resize = function() {
var a5g, pa, a05, a5h;
for (a5D = [0, 0], a5J = [0, 0, 0, 0], a5T = b8.cy.g0() ? (a5M = Math.floor(.8 * .4 * aL.g1), a5N = Math.floor(.56 * a5M), a5J[0] = b1.gap, aL.gA < aL.gF ? (a5J[1] = a5N + 2 * b1.gap, a5J[2] = aL.gA - 3 * a5J[0], a5J[3] = ay.gK() - 3 * b1
.gap - a5N, a5R = Math.floor(.95 * a5N), a5S = Math.floor((aL.gA - a5M - b1.gap) / 2), Math.floor(b1.gap + a5N / 2)) : (a5J[1] = b1.gap, a5J[2] = aL.gA - 3 * b1.gap - a5M, a5J[3] = ay.gK() - 2 * b1.gap, a5R = Math.floor(.8 *
a5M), a5J[3] - a5N < a5M && (a5R = Math.floor(.8 * (a5J[3] - a5N)), a5R = y6(a5N, a5R)), a5S = Math.floor(aL.gA - a5M / 2 - b1.gap), y6(a5T = Math.floor(b1.gap + a5N + (a5J[3] - a5N) / 2), Math.floor(a5N + 2 * b1.gap +
a5R / 2)))) : (a5M = Math.floor(.2016 * aL.g1), a5N = Math.floor(.56 * a5M), a5J[2] = Math.floor(.5 * aL.gA), a5J[3] = Math.floor(.5 * aL.gF), a5J[1] = Math.floor(.45 * (aL.gF - a5J[3])), a5J[0] = Math.floor((aL.gA - a5J[2]) / 2),
a5R = Math.floor(.75 * a5N), a5S = Math.floor(aL.gA / 2), Math.floor(a5J[1] + a5J[3] + (aL.gF - a5J[3] - a5J[1]) / 2)), a5Q = aZ.g5.g6(1, .65 * a5N / 4), a5g = pa = 1; a5g * pa < nF.length;) a5J[3] / (pa + 1) < a5J[2] / (a5g +
1) ? a5g++ : pa++;
a05 = (a5J[2] - (a5g - 1) * b1.gap) / a5g, a5h = (a5J[3] - (pa - 1) * b1.gap) / pa, a5B = a05 < a5h ? a05 : a5h, a5C = Math.floor(a5B), a5G = aZ.g5.g6(1, .5 * a5B / 5), a5D[0] = a5g, a5D[1] = pa, a5E = a5J[0] + Math.floor((a5J[2] - a5D[
0] * a5B - (a5D[0] - 1) * b1.gap) / 2), a5F = a5J[1] + Math.floor((a5J[3] - a5D[1] * a5B - (a5D[1] - 1) * b1.gap) / 2)
}, this.nr = function(a5i, em) {
var eJ, dd, gV, ef = nF.length;
for (a5P = a5i, eJ = 0; eJ < em.length; eJ++) gV = a5j(em[eJ].qB, em[eJ].a5k), nF.push({
a5l: em[eJ].id,
wZ: em[eJ].wZ,
wa: em[eJ].a5m,
a5n: em[eJ].qB,
a5o: em[eJ].a5k,
joined: em[eJ].a5p,
yn: em[eJ].a4j,
a5q: em[eJ].a5q,
gV: gV,
a5r: em[eJ].a5r,
a5s: em[eJ].a5s,
a5t: em[eJ].a5t
for (eJ = ef - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) nF.shift();
if (-1 !== a5L)
for (dd = a5L, a5L = -1, eJ = nF.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (nF[eJ].a5l === dd) {
a5L = dd;
}(nF.length > a5U || nF.length < a5U) && (a5U = nF.length, this.resize()), this.a5u(), b4.d3 = !0
}, this.a5u = function() {
for (var eJ = nF.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) null === nF[eJ].gV && setTimeout(a5v, 0)
}, this.fX = function(fO, fP) {
return 4 * ((fO - a5S) * (fO - a5S) + (fP - a5T) * (fP - a5T)) <= a5R * a5R ? (this.a4r(), w.uE(fO, fP, !1), !0) : function(fO, fP) {
var hg, hp, jj, jk;
if (0 !== nF.length) {
var eJ = 0;
for (jk = a5F, hp = 0; hp < a5D[1]; hp++) {
for (jj = a5E, hg = 0; hg < a5D[0]; hg++) {
if (jj < fO && fO < jj + a5B && jk < fP && fP < jk + a5B) return aO.a4a.a5y(nF[eJ].a5l), a5L = nF[eJ].a5l !== a5L ? nF[eJ].a5l : -1, b4.d3 = !0;
if (++eJ >= nF.length) return !1;
jj += a5B + b1.gap
jk += a5B + b1.gap
return !1
}(fO, fP)
}, this.gL = function() {
var hg, hp, fO, gY, zoom, eJ = 0,
fP = a5F;
if (gM.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0, gM.lineWidth = 3, gY = Math.floor(.5 * a5R), gM.fillStyle = aa.kf, gM.beginPath(), gM.arc(a5S, a5T, gY, 0, 2 * Math.PI), gM.fill(), gM.strokeStyle = aa.gN, gM.beginPath(), gM.arc(a5S, a5T, gY, 0, 2 *
Math.PI), gM.stroke(), gY = a0.get(0).height, zoom = .6 * a5R / gY, gM.setTransform(zoom, 0, 0, zoom, Math.floor(a5S - .56 * zoom * a0.get(0).width), Math.floor(a5T - .5 * zoom * gY)), gM.drawImage(a0.get(0), 0, 0), gM
.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0),
function() {
gM.fillStyle = aa.kf, gM.fillRect(aL.gA - a5M - b1.gap, b1.gap, a5M, a5N), 0 <= a5L ? (gM.fillStyle = aa.l1, gM.fillRect(aL.gA - a5M - b1.gap, b1.gap, a5M, Math.floor(.25 * a5N))) : (gM.fillStyle = aa.lT, gM.fillRect(aL.gA - a5M -
b1.gap, b1.gap + Math.floor(.25 * a5N), a5M, Math.floor(.25 * a5N)));
gM.strokeStyle = aa.gN, gM.strokeRect(aL.gA - a5M - b1.gap, b1.gap, a5M, a5N), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.font = a5Q, aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1);
for (var fP, a3e = Math.floor(.04 * a5M), xj = Math.floor(.08 * a5N), eJ = 3; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) fP = Math.floor(b1.gap + (eJ + 1) * (a5N + 2 * xj) / 5 - xj), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 0), gM.fillText(a5O[eJ], aL.gA - a5M - b1.gap + a3e,
fP), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 2), gM.fillText(aZ.jr.js(a5P[eJ]), aL.gA - b1.gap - a3e, fP)
}(), 0 !== nF.length)
for (hp = 0; hp < a5D[1]; hp++) {
for (fO = a5E, hg = 0; hg < a5D[0]; hg++) {
if (! function(eJ, fO, fP) {
var zoom, hp, a62, a64, a65;
null === nF[eJ].gV ? (gM.fillStyle = aa.kf, gM.fillRect(fO, fP, a5C, a5C)) : (zoom = a5C / 128, gM.setTransform(zoom, 0, 0, zoom, fO, fP), gM.drawImage(nF[eJ].gV, 0, 0), gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0));
a5L === nF[eJ].a5l ? (function(fO, fP) {
var r1 = Math.floor(.2 * a5C),
r2 = Math.floor(.3 * r1);
gM.fillStyle = aa.l4, gM.fillRect(fO + a5C - r1, fP, r1, r1), gM.fillStyle = aa.jp, gM.fillRect(fO + a5C - r1, fP, 2, r1), gM.fillRect(fO + a5C - r1, fP + r1 - 2, r1, 2), k.xg(fO + a5C - r1 + r2, fP + r2,
r1 - 2 * r2), gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
}(fO, fP), gM.lineWidth = 3, gM.fillStyle = aa.l4) : gM.fillStyle = aa.kd;
a64 = Math.floor(a5B / 4), gM.fillRect(fO, fP, a64, a64), a65 = Math.floor(fP + .8 * a5B), gM.fillRect(fO, a65, a5C, Math.floor(a5B / 5)),
function(eJ, fO, fP) {
var zoom;
nF[eJ].wa && (eJ = a0.get(4), zoom = .5 * a5B / eJ.width, gM.setTransform(zoom, 0, 0, zoom, Math.floor(fO + (a5B - zoom * eJ.width) / 2), Math.floor(fP + (a5B - zoom * eJ.height) / 2)), gM.globalAlpha = .6, gM
.drawImage(eJ, 0, 0), gM.globalAlpha = 1, gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0))
}(eJ, fO, fP);
var a67 = new Array(nF[eJ].a5r);
if (nF[eJ].a5r) {
for (hp = a62 = 0; hp < nF[eJ].a5r; hp++) nF[eJ].a5s[hp] = aZ.qw.vT(nF[eJ].a5s[hp], a5G, .4 * a5B), a67[hp] = ("" === nF[eJ].a5s[hp] ? "other: " : "[" + nF[eJ].a5s[hp] + "]: ") + nF[eJ].a5t[hp];
for (hp = 0; hp < nF[eJ].a5r; hp++) a62 = Math.max(a62, o.measureText(a67[hp], a5G));
a62 += .05 * a5B, hp = 5 === nF[eJ].a5r, a64 = hp ? fP + a64 : Math.max(fP + .8 * a5B - .11 * nF[eJ].a5r * a5B, fP + a64), a65 = hp ? a65 : Math.min(a64 + .11 * nF[eJ].a5r * a5B + .05 * a5B, a65), gM.fillRect(fO,
a64, a62, a65 - a64)
for (gM.font = a5G, aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 0), gM.fillStyle = aa.lO, gM.fillText(nF[eJ].joined.toString(), Math.floor(fO + .22 * a5B), Math.floor(fP + .9 * a5B)), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, hp =
0; hp < nF[eJ].a5r; hp++) gM.fillText(a67[nF[eJ].a5r - hp - 1], Math.floor(fO + .03 * a5B), Math.floor(fP + .77 * a5B - .11 * hp * a5B));
aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 2), gM.fillStyle = aa.lA, gM.fillText(nF[eJ].yn.toString(), Math.floor(fO + .81 * a5B), Math.floor(fP + .9 * a5B)), gM.strokeStyle = a5L === nF[eJ].a5l ? aa.l2 : aa.kl, gM.strokeRect(fO, fP, a5C,
a5C), a65 = Math.floor(.16 * a5B), zoom = a65 / a5I, gM.setTransform(zoom, 0, 0, zoom, Math.floor(fO + .33 * a65), Math.floor(fP + .33 * a65)), a5H.length > nF[eJ].wZ && gM.drawImage(a5H[nF[eJ].wZ], 0, 0);
gM.setTransform(zoom, 0, 0, zoom, Math.floor(fO + .15 * a65), Math.floor(fP + a5B - 1.08 * a65)), gM.drawImage(a5H[11], 0, 0), gM.setTransform(zoom, 0, 0, zoom, Math.floor(fO + a5B - 1.05 * a65), Math.floor(fP + a5B -
1.15 * a65)), gM.drawImage(a5H[12], 0, 0), gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
}(eJ, Math.floor(fO), Math.floor(fP)), ++eJ >= nF.length) return;
fO += a5B + b1.gap
fP += a5B + b1.gap
function bm() {
var a69 = [0, 0, 0, 0];
function a3g(fO, fP, gP, a6P) {
gM.fillStyle = aa.gN;
var r1 = y6(2, Math.floor((a6P ? .5 : .35) * gP)),
zy = (r1 -= r1 % 2, y6(2, Math.floor(.1 * gP))),
gP = (zy -= zy % 2, Math.floor((gP - r1) / 2)),
jl = Math.floor(gP + (r1 - zy) / 2);
gM.fillRect(fO + gP, fP + jl, r1, zy), a6P && gM.fillRect(fO + jl, fP + gP, zy, r1)
function a4i(fO, fP, gA, gF, a21, fy, np, ha, rk) {
gM.fillStyle = a21, gM.fillRect(fO, fP, gA, gF), 0 <= ha && function(fO, fP, gA, gF, ha) {
gM.fillStyle = "rgba(" + 22 * ha + "," + (110 - 22 * ha) + ",0,0.75)", gM.fillRect(fO, fP, (1 + ha) * gA / 6, gF)
}(fO, fP, gA, gF, ha), 0 < rk && function(fO, fP, gA, gF, rk) {
gM.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.3)", gM.fillRect(fO, fP, rk * gA / b.ej, gF)
}(fO, fP, gA, gF, rk), gM.strokeStyle = aa.gN, gM.strokeRect(fO, fP, gA, gF), 0 !== fy && (gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, fy * gF), gM.fillText(np, Math.floor(fO + gA / 2), Math.floor(fP + .52 * gF)))
this.iw = [{
eo: 0,
rk: 512
}], this.ct = function() {
aI.rI = !1, y.setState(2), this.resize(), b4.d3 = !0
}, this.u1 = function() {}, this.resize = function() {
a69[2] = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .49 : .4) * aL.g1), a69[1] = Math.floor((aL.gF - a69[2] / 6 - this.iw.length * (b1.gap + a69[2] / 10)) / 2), a69[0] = Math.floor((aL.gA - a69[2]) / 2), aI.rI && aI.resize()
}, this.a6A = function(wZ) {
var eJ;
if (6 < wZ) this.iw = [{
eo: 0,
rk: 512
else {
for (this.iw = [], eJ = 0; eJ < wZ + 2; eJ++) this.iw.push({
eo: 0,
rk: 0
aO.j4.tu = 0
}, this.a6C = function(a6D, a6E) {
for (var ef = a6D.length, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) this.iw[eJ].eo = a6D[eJ], this.iw[eJ].rk = a6E[eJ]
}, this.a6F = function(vR) {
var eJ, ef;
if (1 === vR.r5.length)
for (ef = this.iw.length, vR.a6D = new Array(ef), vR.a6E = new Array(ef), eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) vR.a6D[eJ] = this.iw[eJ].eo, vR.a6E[eJ] = this.iw[eJ].rk
}, this.a4s = function() {
b4.d3 = !0, aI.rI ? aI.rI = !1 : (this.u1(), y.setState(0), at.d5(5, 5))
}, this.wd = function() {
var eJ, rk;
if (aV.iq) return aV.ir.a6G;
for (rk = 0, eJ = this.iw.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) rk += this.iw[eJ].rk;
return rk
}, this.uE = function(fO, fP) {
return !(!aI.rI || !aI.uE(fO, fP)) || -1 !== this.uj(fO, fP)
}, this.a6H = function() {
var hg;
aO.j4.tu = 0, y.a4o(), aV.iq ? aV.a6I() : (hg = (hg = this.iw.length - 2) < 0 ? 7 : hg, b.wW(Math.floor(16384 * Math.random()), 0, [{
name: bA.dK.data[122].value,
a6J: aZ.color.vP(bA.j4.o2()),
a6K: 0
}], hg, !1, !1))
}, this.fX = function(fO, fP) {
if (aI.rI && !aV.iq) return aI.fX(fO, fP);
var eJ, hg, max, r1, fP = this.uj(fO, fP);
if (-1 === fP) return !1;
if (0 === fP) this.a4s();
else if (1 === fP) aV.iq ? (aV.ud(), b4.d3 = !0) : aI.show();
else if (100 === fP) aU.a6L();
else if (2 === fP) this.u1(), this.a6H();
else {
if (aV.iq) return !1;
if (27 === fP) this.iw.length < 8 && (this.iw.push({
eo: 0,
rk: b.ej
}), this.a6B(), this.resize(), b4.d3 = !0);
else if (eJ = Math.floor((fP - 3) / 3), fP % 3 == 0) 1 < this.iw.length && (this.iw.splice(eJ, 1), this.resize(), b4.d3 = !0);
else if (r1 = (a69[2] - a69[2] / 10 - 2 * b1.gap) / 2, fP % 3 == 1) 0 === eJ && 1 === this.iw[eJ].rk || (fO < a69[0] + a69[2] - 1.5 * r1 - b1.gap ? this.iw[eJ].eo-- : this.iw[eJ].eo++, this.iw[eJ].eo < 0 ? this.iw[eJ].eo = 5 : 5 <
this.iw[eJ].eo && (this.iw[eJ].eo = 0), b4.d3 = !0);
else {
for (b4.d3 = !0, fP = (fO - (a69[0] + a69[2] - r1)) / r1 - .5, fP *= fP < 0 ? -fP : fP, fP = 0 === (fP = Math.floor(fP * b.ej)) ? 1 : fP, max = b.ej, hg = this.iw.length - 1; 0 <= hg; hg--) eJ !== hg && (max -= this.iw[hg].rk);
if (fP < 0) {
if (1 === this.iw[eJ].rk) return this.iw[eJ].rk = max, !0
} else if (this.iw[eJ].rk === max) return this.iw[eJ].rk = 1, !0;
this.iw[eJ].rk += fP, this.iw[eJ].rk < 1 ? this.iw[eJ].rk = 1 : this.iw[eJ].rk > max && (this.iw[eJ].rk = max)
return !0
}, this.a6B = function() {
for (var rk = Math.floor(b.ej / this.iw.length), a6M = b.ej % this.iw.length, eJ = this.iw.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) this.iw[eJ].rk = rk;
this.iw[0].rk += a6M
}, this.uj = function(fO, fP) {
var r1 = (a69[2] - 3 * b1.gap) / 4,
zy = a69[2] / 6;
if (fO < a69[0] || fP < a69[1] || a69[0] + a69[2] <= fO) return -1;
if (fP < a69[1] + zy) return fO < a69[0] + r1 ? 0 : fO < a69[0] + r1 + b1.gap ? -1 : fO < a69[0] + 2 * r1 + b1.gap ? 100 : fO < a69[0] + 2 * (r1 + b1.gap) ? -1 : fO < a69[0] + 3 * r1 + 2 * b1.gap ? 1 : fO < a69[0] + 3 * (r1 + b1.gap) ? -
1 : 2;
for (var jk, a6N = a69[2] / 10, r1 = (a69[2] - a6N - 2 * b1.gap) / 2, eJ = 0; eJ < this.iw.length; eJ++) {
if (fP < (jk = a69[1] + zy + b1.gap + eJ * (a6N + b1.gap))) return -1;
if (!(jk + a6N < fP)) return fO < a69[0] + a6N ? 3 + 3 * eJ : fO < a69[0] + a6N + b1.gap ? -1 : fO < a69[0] + a69[2] - r1 - b1.gap ? 4 + 3 * eJ : fO < a69[0] + a69[2] - r1 ? -1 : 5 + 3 * eJ
return !(this.iw.length < 8) || fP < (jk = a69[1] + zy + b1.gap + this.iw.length * (a6N + b1.gap)) || jk + a6N < fP || a69[0] + a6N < fO ? -1 : 27
}, this.gL = function() {
gM.lineWidth = b1.rn, aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 1), aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1);
var r1 = (a69[2] - 3 * b1.gap) / 4,
zy = a69[2] / 6;
if (a4i(a69[0], a69[1], r1, zy, "rgba(128,0,0,0.75)", .34, "Back", -1, -1), a4i(a69[0] + r1 + b1.gap, a69[1], r1, zy, "rgba(128,0,128,0.75)", .31, "Custom", -1, -1), a4i(a69[0] + 2 * (r1 + b1.gap), a69[1], r1, zy, "rgba(" + (aV.iq ? 128 :
0) + ",128,128,0.75)", .34, aV.iq ? "Reset" : "Maps", -1, -1), a4i(a69[0] + a69[2] - r1, a69[1], r1, zy, "rgba(0,128,0,0.75)", .34, "Start", -1, -1), !aV.iq) {
for (var jk, a6N = a69[2] / 10, r1 = (a69[2] - a6N - 2 * b1.gap) / 2, eJ = 0; eJ < this.iw.length; eJ++) jk = a69[1] + zy + b1.gap + eJ * (a6N + b1.gap), a4i(a69[0], jk, a6N, a6N, 1 < this.iw.length ? "rgba(128,0,0,0.75)" :
"rgba(90,90,90,0.75)", 0, null, -1), 1 < this.iw.length && a3g(a69[0], jk, a6N, !1), a4i(a69[0] + a6N + b1.gap, jk, r1, a6N, aa.kh, .4, this.a6O(eJ), this.iw[eJ].eo, -1), a4i(a69[0] + a69[2] - r1, jk, r1, a6N, aa.kh, .4, this
.yM(eJ), -1, this.iw[eJ].rk);
this.iw.length < 8 && (jk = a69[1] + zy + b1.gap + this.iw.length * (a6N + b1.gap), a4i(a69[0], jk, a6N, a6N, "rgba(0,128,20,0.75)", 0, null, -1, -1), a3g(a69[0], jk, a6N, !0)), aI.rI && aI.gL()
}, this.a6O = function(eJ) {
return 0 === eJ && 1 === this.iw[eJ].rk ? "You" : c.ik[this.iw[eJ].eo]
}, this.yM = function(eJ) {
return 1 === this.iw[eJ].rk ? "1 Player" : this.iw[eJ].rk + " Players"
function a6S() {
this.ef = 0, this.gA = 0, this.xi = null, this.ct = function() {
this.xi = [], this.xi.push({
fO: 0,
fP: 0,
x2: b8.cy.g0(),
a6T: null
}), this.xi.push({
fO: 0,
fP: 0,
x2: !1,
a6T: new a48
}), this.xi[1].a6T.a4E(), this.ef = this.xi.length, this.gA = 0
}, this.a10 = function() {
this.gA = Math.floor((b8.cy.g0() ? .063 : .04) * aL.g1), this.gA += 4 - this.gA % 4, this.xi[0].fO = b1.gap, this.xi[0].fP = aL.gF - this.gA - b1.gap;
for (var eJ = 1; eJ < this.ef; eJ++) this.xi[eJ].fO = this.xi[eJ - 1].fO + Math.floor(b8.cy.g0() ? 1.5 * b1.gap : 3.7 * b1.gap) + this.gA, this.xi[eJ].fP = this.xi[0].fP
}, this.uj = function(gD, gE) {
if (a0.g8())
for (var eJ = this.ef - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (gD >= this.xi[eJ].fO && gE >= this.xi[eJ].fP && gD < this.xi[eJ].fO + this.gA && gE < this.xi[eJ].fP + this.gA) return eJ;
return -1
}, this.a6U = function() {
for (var eJ = 1; 1 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (this.xi[eJ].a6T.rI) return !0;
return !1
}, this.resize = function() {
for (var eJ = 1; 1 <= eJ; eJ--) this.xi[eJ].a6T.resize()
}, this.uo = function() {
return !!this.xi[1].a6T.rI && (this.xi[1].a6T.fX(-5e3, -5e3), !0)
}, this.fX = function(gD, gE, a3o) {
if (a3o && this.xi[1].a6T.rI) return this.xi[1].a6T.fX(gD, gE), !0;
gD = this.uj(gD, gE);
if (a3o) {
if (0 === gD) return this.xi[gD].x2 = !this.xi[gD].x2, bA.dK.dL(2, this.xi[gD].x2 ? 1 : 0), aL.d8(0), !0;
if (1 <= gD && gD < 2) return this.xi[gD].a6T.ct(), b4.d3 = !0
return !1
}, this.uE = function(gD, gE) {
return !!this.xi[1].a6T.rI && (this.xi[1].a6T.uE(gD), !0)
}, this.uc = function() {
for (var eJ = 1; 1 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (this.xi[eJ].a6T.rI) return this.xi[eJ].a6T.uc(), !0;
return !1
}, this.gL = function() {
if (a0.g8()) {
gM.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0;
for (var eJ = this.ef - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) gM.fillStyle = this.xi[eJ].x2 ? aa.l3 : aa.kh, gM.fillRect(this.xi[eJ].fO, this.xi[eJ].fP, this.gA, this.gA), 0 === eJ ? this.a6V(eJ, a0.get(15)) : 1 === eJ && this.a6W(), gM.setTransform(1,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0), gM.lineWidth = b1.rn, gM.strokeStyle = aa.gN, gM.strokeRect(this.xi[eJ].fO, this.xi[eJ].fP, this.gA, this.gA);
gM.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1
}, this.a6V = function(eJ, vK) {
var gap = .08 * this.gA,
zoom = (this.gA - 2 * gap) / vK.width;
gM.setTransform(zoom, 0, 0, zoom, this.xi[eJ].fO + gap, this.xi[eJ].fP + (this.gA - zoom * vK.height) / 2), gM.drawImage(vK, 0, 0)
}, this.a6W = function() {
gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, this.xi[1].fO, this.xi[1].fP);
for (var eo = this.gA / 4, fO = 3; 0 <= fO; fO--)
for (var fP = 3; 0 <= fP; fP--) {
var gY = Math.floor(367 * (fO + 1) * (fP + 1) % 256),
vR = Math.floor(687 * (fO + 1) * (fP + 1) % 256),
hp = Math.floor(651 * (fO + 1) * (fP + 1) % 256);
gM.fillStyle = "rgb(" + gY + "," + vR + "," + hp + ")", gM.fillRect(fO * eo, fP * eo, eo, eo)
}, this.a6X = function() {
for (var eJ = 1; 1 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (this.xi[eJ].a6T.rI) return void this.xi[eJ].a6T.gL()
function bn() {
var a6Y, gV, fz, a6Z;
function a6e(g4, name, a6f, g3) {
fz[g4] = name, gV[g4] = new Image, gV[g4].onload = function() {
! function(g4, a6f) {
let vx = null,
7 === a6f ? vw = aZ.v2.vz : 8 === a6f ? (vw = aZ.v2.w2, vx = .1) : 3 === a6f ? (vw = aZ.v2.w0, vx = .06) : 5 === a6f ? vw = aZ.v2.w3 : 6 === a6f ? vw = aZ.v2.vy : 4 === a6f && (vw = aZ.v2.w4);
gV[g4] = aZ.v2.vv(gV[g4], vw, vx)
}(g4, a6f), a6h()
}, gV[g4].onerror = function(dI) {
console.error("Error loading image at index", g4, "Error:", dI), a6h()
}, gV[g4].src = "data:image/png;base64," + g3
function a6h() {
a6Y--, a6c()
function a6c() {
0 === a6Y && (a6Y = -1, ay.g7(), j.wy(), aw.a3q([gV[8], gV[16], gV[7], gV[9], gV[10]], [2 !== b8.id, 1 !== b8.id, !0, !0, !0]), a9.pr.ct(), aJ.cu(), b4.d3 = !0, gV[7] = a6Z, gV[8] = a6Z, gV[9] = a6Z, gV[10] = a6Z)
this.ct = function() {
if (void 0 === gV) {
a6Y = 23, gV = new Array(a6Y), fz = new Array(a6Y), (a6Z = document.createElement("canvas")).width = 1, a6Z.height = 1;
for (var eJ = a6Y - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) gV[eJ] = a6Z;
a6e(0, "exit", 6,
), a6e(1, "victory", 6,
), a6e(4, "crown", 4,
a6e(6, "territorial.io", 6,
), a6e(7, "youtube", 7, "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAKAQMAAADILU8PAAAABlBMVEUAAAD///+l2Z/dAAAAOklEQVQI12P48efPH5v/DEDyT81/hjMHDhxIkWA4AqV+/PgBpf5JgOWA1B0gdUyC4cefA3+A1AcwBQAlGyu1reW1ZgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="), a6e(8,
"googleplay", 3,
), a6e(9, "discord", 7, "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAKAQMAAADILU8PAAAABlBMVEUAAAD///+l2Z/dAAAAOklEQVQI12P48efPH5v/DEDyT81/hjMHDhxIkWA4AqV+/PgBpf5JgOWA1B0gdUyC4cefA3+A1AcwBQAlGyu1reW1ZgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="), a6e(10, "insta",
3, "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAKAQMAAADILU8PAAAABlBMVEUAAAD///+l2Z/dAAAAOklEQVQI12P48efPH5v/DEDyT81/hjMHDhxIkWA4AqV+/PgBpf5JgOWA1B0gdUyC4cefA3+A1AcwBQAlGyu1reW1ZgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="), a6e(11, "emojis", 4,
), a6e(14, "bestPlayer", 5,
), a6e(15, "zoom", 6,
), a6e(16, "apple", 3,
), a6e(17, "loading", 6,
), a6e(19, "members", 7,
), a6e(20, "hourglass", 7,
), a6e(21, "stalemate", 6,
), a6e(22, "logo", 8,
}, this.get = function(g4) {
return gV[g4]
}, this.a4x = function(name) {
for (var eJ = fz.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (fz[eJ] === name) return gV[eJ];
return a6Z
}, this.g8 = function() {
return a6Y <= 0
}, this.a6b = function() {
a6Y = 0, a6c()
function bo() {
var a6m, a6n, a6o, a6p, a6q, a6r, a6s, a6t, a6u, a6v, a6w, a6j = [224, 224, 224],
a6k = [
[172, 172, 172],
[144, 0, 0],
[0, 128, 0],
[0, 0, 144],
[128, 128, 0],
[128, 0, 128],
[0, 128, 128],
[196, 196, 196],
[0, 0, 0]
a6l = [
[4, 4, 4, 20],
[4, 0, 0, 27],
[0, 4, 0, 31],
[0, 0, 4, 27],
[4, 4, 0, 31],
[4, 0, 4, 31],
[0, 4, 4, 31],
[4, 4, 4, 14],
[4, 4, 4, 13]
function a7I(em, a7K) {
a2z[em] = 0, a2z[em + 1] = 0, a2z[em + 2] = a7K, a2z[em + 3] = 0, a7L(em)
function a7L(em) {
var fO;
b0.kb || (fO = a1.jn(em), em = a1.gK(em), b0.kb = fO >= az.a2y[0] && fO <= az.a2y[2] && em >= az.a2y[1] && em <= az.a2y[3])
this.ct = function(r5) {
if (a6m = new Uint8Array(b.ej), a6n = new Uint8Array(b.ej), a6o = new Uint8Array(b.ej), a6p = new Uint8Array(b.ej), a6q = new Uint8Array(b.ej), a6r = new Uint8Array(b.ej), a6s = new Uint8Array(b.ej), a6t = new Uint8Array(b.ej), a6u =
new Uint8Array(b.ej), a6v = new Uint8Array(b.ej), this.zv = new Uint8Array(b.ej), (a6w = new Int32Array(4))[0] = -4 * aq.eE, a6w[1] = 4, a6w[2] = -a6w[0], a6w[3] = -a6w[1], b.hT)
for (var pb, iT, eJ = b.ej - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) iT = b5.tD[b5.iU[eJ]], pb = eX((a6l[iT][3] + 1) * aM.random(), aM.value(100)), a6m[eJ] = a6k[iT][0] + pb * a6l[iT][0], a6n[eJ] = a6k[iT][1] + pb * a6l[iT][1], a6o[eJ] = a6k[iT][2] + pb *
else aV.iq && aV.ir.a73 ? function(ds) {
var eJ;
for (eJ = b.qN - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a6m[eJ] = 4 * ds[eJ][0], a6n[eJ] = 4 * ds[eJ][1], a6o[eJ] = 4 * ds[eJ][2]
}(aV.ir.a73) : (function() {
for (var eJ = b.ej - 1; eJ >= b.ht; eJ--) a6m[eJ] = 4 * eX(64 * aM.random(), aM.value(100)), a6n[eJ] = 4 * eX(64 * aM.random(), aM.value(100)), a6o[eJ] = 4 * eX(64 * aM.random(), aM.value(100))
}(), function(r5) {
for (var eJ = b.ht - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a6m[eJ] = 4 * r5[eJ].a6J[0], a6n[eJ] = 4 * r5[eJ].a6J[1], a6o[eJ] = 4 * r5[eJ].a6J[2]
! function() {
var eJ, eo;
for (eJ = b.ej - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) eo = eX(a6m[eJ] + a6n[eJ] + a6o[eJ], 3), a6m[eJ] += a7C(eo - a6m[eJ], 2), a6n[eJ] += a7C(eo - a6n[eJ], 2), a6o[eJ] += a7C(eo - a6o[eJ], 2), a6m[eJ] -= a6m[eJ] % 4, a6n[eJ] -= a6n[eJ] % 4, a6o[eJ] -=
a6o[eJ] % 4
function() {
for (var eJ = b.ej - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a6m[eJ] += eX(eJ, 128), a6n[eJ] += eX(eJ % 128, 32), a6o[eJ] += eX(eJ % 32, 8), a6p[eJ] = eJ % 8
}(), this.a79(),
function() {
for (var eJ = b.ej - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a6q[eJ] = a6m[eJ] < 32 ? a6m[eJ] + 32 : a6m[eJ] - 32, a6r[eJ] = a6n[eJ] < 32 ? a6n[eJ] + 32 : a6n[eJ] - 32, a6s[eJ] = a6o[eJ] < 32 ? a6o[eJ] + 32 : a6o[eJ] - 32
function() {
for (var eJ = b.ej - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a6t[eJ] = 235 < a6m[eJ] ? a6m[eJ] - 20 : a6m[eJ] + 20, a6u[eJ] = 235 < a6n[eJ] ? a6n[eJ] - 20 : a6n[eJ] + 20, a6v[eJ] = 235 < a6o[eJ] ? a6o[eJ] - 20 : a6o[eJ] + 20
}, this.yx = function(player) {
var ds = am.dl;
return ds[0] = a6m[player], ds[1] = a6n[player], ds[2] = a6o[player], ds
}, this.a79 = function() {
for (var eJ = b.ej - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) this.zv[eJ] = a6m[eJ] + a6n[eJ] + a6o[eJ] < 280 ? 0 : 1
}, this.jn = function(em) {
return eX(em, 4) % aq.eE
}, this.gK = function(em) {
return eX(em, 4 * aq.eE)
}, this.qU = function(fO, fP) {
return Math.floor(4 * (fP * aq.eE + fO))
}, this.qj = function(em) {
return this.q1(em + a6w[0]) || this.q1(em + a6w[1]) || this.q1(em + a6w[2]) || this.q1(em + a6w[3])
}, this.qh = function(em, player) {
return this.a7D(em + a6w[0], player) || this.a7D(em + a6w[1], player) || this.a7D(em + a6w[2], player) || this.a7D(em + a6w[3], player)
}, this.sW = function(player) {
return player < b.ht && 2 !== a6.vg[player]
}, this.ep = function(em) {
return 208 <= a2z[em + 3]
}, this.qo = function(player, em) {
return this.ep(em) && this.a7E(player, em)
}, this.a7E = function(player, em) {
return player === this.eq(em)
}, this.a7F = function(em) {
return 208 <= a2z[em + 3] && a2z[em + 3] < 224
}, this.hc = function(em) {
return 224 <= a2z[em + 3] && a2z[em + 3] < 248
}, this.qi = function(em) {
for (var eJ = 3; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (this.fn(em + a6w[eJ])) return !0;
return !1
}, this.a7G = function(em) {
return 192 <= a2z[em + 3] && a2z[em + 3] < 208
}, this.a7H = function(em, player) {
return this.a7G(em) && player === this.eq(em)
}, this.eh = function(em) {
return this.ep(em) || this.er(em)
}, this.fn = function(em) {
return 0 === a2z[em + 3] && 2 === a2z[em + 2]
}, this.er = function(em) {
return 0 === a2z[em + 3] && 1 === a2z[em + 2]
}, this.q1 = function(em) {
return 0 === a2z[em + 3] && 3 === a2z[em + 2]
}, this.fm = function(em) {
return this.q1(em)
}, this.a7D = function(em, player) {
return this.er(em) || this.ep(em) && player !== this.eq(em)
}, this.eq = function(em) {
return a2z[em] % 4 * 128 + a2z[em + 1] % 4 * 32 + a2z[em + 2] % 4 * 8 + a2z[em + 3] % 8
}, this.qp = function(em) {
a7I(em, 1)
}, this.a7J = function(em) {
a7I(em, 2)
}, this.qg = function(em, player) {
a2z[em] = a6m[player], a2z[em + 1] = a6n[player], a2z[em + 2] = a6o[player], a2z[em + 3] = 208 + a6p[player], a7L(em)
}, this.ei = function(em, player) {
a2z[em] = a6q[player], a2z[em + 1] = a6r[player], a2z[em + 2] = a6s[player], a2z[em + 3] = 224 + a6p[player], a7L(em)
}, this.hd = function(em, player) {
a2z[em] = a6t[player], a2z[em + 1] = a6u[player], a2z[em + 2] = a6v[player], a2z[em + 3] = 248 + a6p[player], a7L(em)
}, this.a7M = function(em, player) {
a2z[em] = a6j[0] + a6m[player] % 4, a2z[em + 1] = a6j[1] + a6n[player] % 4, a2z[em + 2] = a6j[2] + a6o[player] % 4, a2z[em + 3] = 192 + a6p[player], a7L(em)
function bp() {
var fz, ed, ef, a7N, a7O;
function a7T() {
for (var a7b = 0, eJ = 1; eJ < 5; eJ++) a7b += ed[eJ] % 1024;
return a7b
function a7S() {
for (var eJ = 1; eJ < ef - a7O; eJ++) ed[eJ] = parseInt(ed[eJ])
function a7U() {
ed[0] = "Player " + Math.floor(1e3 * Math.random()), ed[1] = aL.gA < aL.gF ? Math.floor(1 + Math.random() * (Math.pow(2, 30) - 1)) : 0, ed[2] = 1, ed[3] = 1, ed[4] = aL.gA < aL.gF ? 0 : 1, ed[5] = 0, ed[6] = "000", ed[7] = "0", ed[8] = "0",
ed[9] = "0", a2.a7V()
function a7R() {
for (var eJ = ef - a7O - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) ed[eJ] = i.sI(ed[eJ]);
ed[0] = i.sG(ed[0])
function a7e(name, value, a7f) {
var a7g = new Date,
a7f = (a7g.setTime(a7g.getTime() + Math.floor(31536e6 * a7f)), name + "=" + value + ";expires=" + a7g.toUTCString() + ";SameSite=Strict;Secure;path=/");
document.cookie = a7f
this.ct = function() {
if (0 === b8.id) {
a7O = 4, fz = [], ef = 10;
for (var eJ = a7N = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) fz.push("u" + eJ);
ed = new Array(ef), ! function(a7c) {
for (var hg, em, a7d = a7c.split(";"), eJ = a7d.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) {
for (a7d[eJ] = a7d[eJ].trim(), hg = 2; 0 <= hg; hg--) a7d[eJ] = a7d[eJ].replace(" ", "");
3 < a7d[eJ].length && (hg = fz.indexOf(a7d[eJ].substring(0, 2)), em = a7d[eJ].indexOf("="), 0 <= hg && 2 === em ? ed[hg] = a7d[eJ].substring(em + 1, a7d[eJ].length) : 0 < em && a7e(a7d[eJ].substring(0, em), "0", 0))
}(document.cookie), ed[9] || (ed[9] = "0"), (! function() {
for (var eJ = ef - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (void 0 === ed[eJ]) return;
return 1
}() || (a7N = 2, a7R(), a7S(), a7T() !== ed[5])) && a7U()
}, this.a7V = function() {
if (2 === a7N) {
ed[1] = 0 === ed[1] ? Math.floor(1 + Math.random() * (Math.pow(2, 30) - 1)) : ed[1], ed[5] = a7T(), ! function() {
for (var eJ = 1; eJ < ef - a7O; eJ++) ed[eJ] = ed[eJ].toString()
}(), ! function() {
ed[0] = i.sF(ed[0]);
for (var eJ = ef - a7O - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) ed[eJ] = i.sH(ed[eJ])
for (var eJ = ef - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a7e(fz[eJ], ed[eJ], 1);
a7R(), a7S()
}, this.a7N = function() {
return a7N
}, this.a7Z = function(hg) {
a7N = hg, this.a7V()
}, this.a7a = function(eJ, value) {
0 === b8.id && (ed[eJ] = value)
}, this.te = function(eJ) {
return 0 !== b8.id ? 0 : ed[eJ]
function cC() {
var g4 = 0,
a7h = new Uint16Array(32);
function remove(x3) {
var eJ;
for (g4 -= 2, eJ = x3; eJ < g4; eJ += 2) a7h[eJ] = a7h[eJ + 2], a7h[eJ + 1] = a7h[eJ + 3]
this.ct = function() {
g4 = 0
}, this.iE = function() {
var eJ, hZ, h9;
if (0 !== g4)
if (0 === a6.jS[b.ea] || a3.a7i(b.ea) === a3.eK(b.ea)) g4 = 0;
for (eJ = g4 - 2; 0 <= eJ; eJ -= 2)(hZ = a7h[eJ]) < b.ej && 0 === a6.jS[hZ] ? remove(eJ) : (h9 = a7h[eJ + 1], (hZ >= b.ej && fs(b.ea) || hZ < b.ej && fx(b.ea, hZ)) && (aX.fk.ft(h9, hZ), remove(eJ)))
}, this.fv = function(hZ, h9) {
! function(hZ, h9) {
var eJ;
for (eJ = 0; eJ < g4; eJ += 2)
if (a7h[eJ] === hZ) return a7h[eJ + 1] = Math.min(a7h[eJ + 1] + h9, 1023), 1;
}(hZ, h9) && 32 !== g4 && (a7h[g4] = hZ, a7h[g4 + 1] = h9, g4 += 2)
function a7k(player) {
a7l(player), a7m(player), a7n(player), d.eZ(player), f.jb(player), a3.clear(player), al.a7o.a7p(player)
function a7l(player) {
a1.sW(player) && (a6.t7[player] = b9.t1.a7q(), b.so++);
var a7r = a3.a7s(player);
0 === a7r.length ? player === b.ea && a7t() : (a7u(player, a7r), a7v(player, a7r))
function a7t() {
b2.ed[17] += a6.eb[b.ea] + a3.a7w(b.ea), v.show(!1, !1, !1, !0), u.a2R()
function a7u(player, a7r) {
for (var eJ = a7r.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a3.a7x(a7r[eJ], player)
function a7y(a7r) {
for (var g4 = 0, eJ = a7r.length - 1; 1 <= eJ; eJ--) a6.f5[a7r[eJ]] > a6.f5[a7r[g4]] && (g4 = eJ);
return g4
function a7v(player, a7r) {
var eJ, yV, a7z = a7r[a7y(a7r)];
if (9 === b.it && 1 === b5.iU[player] && aM.iN(8) && aN.a80(a7z), player === b.ea) 2 !== a6.vg[player] && l.sc(a7z, 1), a7t();
else {
for (yV = !1, eJ = a7r.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (a7r[eJ] === b.ea) return yV = !0, void l.sc(player, 0);
!yV && player < b.ht && 2 !== a6.vg[player] && l.yF(0, player, a7z)
function a7n(player) {
a6.jS[player] = a6.eb[player] = 0, a6.eg[player] = null, a6.ex[player] = null, a6.ey[player] = null, a6.f1[player] = null, aR.a81(player)
function a7m(player) {
for (var em, fP, fO = a6.i1[player]; fO >= a6.i2[player]; fO--)
for (fP = a6.i4[player]; fP >= a6.i5[player]; fP--) em = 4 * (fP * aq.eE + fO), a1.qo(player, em) && (a1.qp(em), a6.f5[player]--)
function cH() {
var input;
function a82(dI) {
function a84(files) {
files && 0 < files.length && aU.a85(files[0])
function a8A(dI) {
var iT = new Image;
iT.onload = a8B, iT.src = dI.target.result
function a8B(dI) {
var a8C, dI = dI.target,
gA = dI.width,
gF = dI.height;
4096 < gA || 4096 < gF || gA < 10 || gF < 10 ? (a8C = "Image w & h must be between 10 and 4096.", b8.ox ? b8.ox.showToast(a8C) : alert(a8C)) : (aV.ud(), aq.qB = aq.a89(), aq.a5k = 0, aq.eE = gA, aq.eF = gF, aq.pn.width = aq.eE, aq.pn.height =
aq.eF, aq.pj.drawImage(dI, 0, 0), a8C = aq.pj.getImageData(0, 0, aq.eE, aq.eF), aq.po = a8C.data)
function a8D(dI) {
dI.stopPropagation(), dI.preventDefault()
function a8E() {
return 0 === y.tp() || 2 === y.tp()
this.ct = function() {
(input = document.createElement("input")).type = "file", input.setAttribute("accept", ".json, .png, .jpg, .gif, .jpeg"), input.onchange = a82
}, this.a6L = function() {
}, this.a83 = function(dI) {
}, this.a85 = function(a86) {
var ds = a86.name.split("."),
a87 = ds[ds.length - 1].toLowerCase();
"json" === a87 ? aV.ov(a86) : "gif" !== a87 && "jpg" !== a87 && "jpeg" !== a87 && "png" !== a87 || (aq.ir.qA[aq.a89()].name = ds[0], (a87 = new FileReader).onload = a8A, a87.readAsDataURL(a86))
}, this.uM = function(dI) {
a8E() && (a8D(dI), dI.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy")
}, this.uN = function(dI) {
a8E() && (a8D(dI), a84(dI.dataTransfer.files))
function cF() {
this.a8F = null, this.ct = function() {
10 !== b.it ? this.a8F = null : this.a8F = new Uint32Array(b.ej)
}, this.iE = function() {
10 === b.it && this.tq()
}, this.tq = function() {
for (var em, target, a2c, a8F = this.a8F, r5 = iW, vk = a6.eb, eJ = iV - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)(em = r5[eJ]) >= b.ht || (target = Math.max(eX(vk[em], 4), 2048), a2c = Math.max(a4.a2d(em), 100), a8F[em] += eX(a2c * target, 1e4), a8F[em] >
target && (a8F[em] = target))
}, this.vq = function(player, ha) {
return ha > this.a8F[player] ? (ha = this.a8F[player], this.a8F[player] = 0) : this.a8F[player] -= ha, ha
function cI() {
function a8A(dI) {
aV.iq = !0, aV.a8L(JSON.parse(dI.target.result)), aV.sT()
function a8R(g3, min, max, a8a) {
return "string" != typeof g3 || g3.length < min ? a8a : g3.length > max ? g3.substring(0, max) : g3
function a8M(df, min, max) {
return df = "number" == typeof df ? Math.floor(df) : min, Math.min(Math.max(df, min), max)
function a8P(df, ot) {
return "boolean" == typeof df ? df : ot
function a8T(df, ef, max, a8c) {
var eJ, ds, pb;
if (!Array.isArray(df) || df.length < 1) return null;
for (ds = new(8 === a8c ? Uint8Array : Uint16Array)(ef), pb = df.length, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) ds[eJ] = a8M(df[eJ % pb], 0, max);
return ds
this.iq = !1, this.ir = null, this.ud = function() {
this.iq = !1, this.ir = null
}, this.a6I = function() {
this.ir.a73 && this.ir.a8G && (this.ir.a73[0] = aZ.color.vP(bA.j4.o2())), b.wW(this.ir.a8H, 0, this.a8I(), this.ir.wZ, !1, !1)
}, this.a8I = function() {
return [{
name: this.ir.a8J ? bA.dK.data[122].value : this.ir.a8K[0],
a6J: [0, 0, 0],
a6K: 0
}, this.ov = function(a86) {
var a88 = new FileReader;
a88.onload = a8A, a88.readAsText(a86)
}, this.a8L = function(nC) {
this.ir = {}, this.ir.a6G = a8M(nC.numberPlayers, 1, 512), this.ir.a8N = a8M(nC.modeID, 0, 1), this.ir.qB = a8M(nC["gMap.mapID"], 0, aq.a8O - 1), this.ir.a5o = a8M(nC.seedMap, 0, 16383), this.ir.a8H = a8M(nC.seedSpawn, 0, 16383), this.ir
.wc = a8P(nC.selectableSpawn, !1), this.ir.a8J = a8P(nC.selectableName, !1), this.ir.a8G = a8P(nC.selectableColor, !1), aq.ir.qA[aq.a89()].name = this.ir.a8Q = a8R(nC.mapName, 1, 25, "Custom Map"), this.ir.xw = function(df) {
var eJ, ef;
if (!Array.isArray(df) || df.length < 1) return [];
for (ef = df.length, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) df[eJ] = a8R(df[eJ], 0, 100, "");
return df
}(nC.description), this.ir.qI = a8T(nC.playerX, this.ir.a6G, 4096, 16), this.ir.qT = a8T(nC.playerY, this.ir.a6G, 4096, 16), this.ir.a8U = a8T(nC.playerTeam, this.ir.a6G, 8, 8), this.ir.is = a8T(nC.playerStrength, this.ir.a6G, 5, 8),
this.ir.a73 = function(df, ef) {
var eJ, ds, pb;
if (!Array.isArray(df) || df.length < 1) return null;
for (ds = new Array(ef), pb = df.length, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) ds[eJ] = a8T(df[eJ % pb], 3, 63, 8);
return ds
}(nC.playerColor, this.ir.a6G), this.ir.a8K = function(df, ef) {
var eJ, ds, pb;
if (!Array.isArray(df) || df.length < 1) return null;
for (ds = new Array(ef), pb = df.length, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) ds[eJ] = a8R(df[eJ % pb], 3, 26, "Bot");
return ds
}(nC.playerName, this.ir.a6G), this.ir.a8X = "string" == typeof nC.mapBase64 ? nC.mapBase64 : "", this.ir.a8J = this.ir.a8J || !this.ir.a8K, this.ir.wZ = 0 === this.ir.a8N ? 7 : 2 === this.ir.a8N ? 9 : 6, this.ir.qI = this.ir.qT ?
this.ir.qI : null
}, this.sT = function() {
! function(g3) {
var gV, gS, a8Z = "data:image/png;base64,";
if (g3.length <= a8Z.length) return;
aV.ir.qB = 0, aV.ir.a5o = 0, aq.d4(0, 0), g3.substring(0, a8Z.length) !== a8Z && (g3 = a8Z + g3);
return (gV = new Image).onload = function() {
aq.eE = gV.width, aq.eF = gV.height, 4096 < aq.eE || 4096 < aq.eF || aq.eE < 10 || aq.eF < 10 ? (aq.d4(0, 0), alert("Image w & h must be between 10 and 4096.")) : (aq.qB = aq.a89(), aq.a5k = 0, aq.pn.width = aq.eE, aq.pn
.height = aq.eF, aq.pj.drawImage(gV, 0, 0), gS = aq.pj.getImageData(0, 0, aq.eE, aq.eF), aq.po = gS.data)
}, gV.src = g3, aV.ir.a8X = "", 1
}(this.ir.a8X) && aq.d4(this.ir.qB, this.ir.a5o)
}, this.a8d = function() {
for (var max = 0, ef = this.ir.a6G, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) this.ir.a8U[eJ] > max && (max = this.ir.a8U[eJ]);
return Math.max(0, max - 1)
function bq() {
var a8e, a8f, size, hZ, ha, id;
function a8g(player) {
return player < b.ht ? a8e * player : a8e * b.ht + a8f * (player - b.ht)
this.ct = function() {
a8e = b.ht < 16 ? 12 : 8, a8f = 4;
var ef = a8g(b.ej);
size = new Uint8Array(b.ej), hZ = new Uint16Array(ef), ha = new Uint32Array(ef), id = new Uint16Array(ef)
}, this.mw = function(zU, a8h) {
var a8i = this.fJ(zU, a8h);
this.fI(zU, a8h, 0), a8i = aZ.fU.mB(zU, a8i), zU === b.ea && (b2.ed[13] -= a8i)
}, this.clear = function(player) {
size[player] = 0
}, this.a7x = function(player, a8h) {
var ia, a8h = function(player, a8h) {
var eJ, pb = a8g(player);
for (eJ = size[player] - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (0 === id[pb + eJ] && hZ[pb + eJ] === a8h) return eJ;
return size[player]
}(player, a8h);
a8h !== size[player] && (ia = ha[a8g(player) + a8h], this.ee(player, a8h), this.hW(player, ia, b.ej))
}, this.hr = function(player, a8h) {
for (var pb = a8g(player), eJ = size[player] - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (0 === id[pb + eJ] && hZ[pb + eJ] === a8h) return !0;
return !1
}, this.iC = function(player) {
return player < b.ht ? size[player] < a8e : size[player] < a8f
}, this.eK = function(player) {
return size[player]
}, this.eQ = function(player, eJ) {
return hZ[a8g(player) + eJ]
}, this.eL = function(player, eJ) {
return id[a8g(player) + eJ]
}, this.jq = function(player, a8k) {
for (var pb = a8g(player), eJ = size[player] - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (id[pb + eJ] === a8k) return eJ;
return -1
}, this.eR = function(player, eJ) {
return ha[a8g(player) + eJ]
}, this.fJ = function(player, a8h) {
for (var pb = a8g(player), eJ = size[player] - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (0 === id[pb + eJ] && hZ[pb + eJ] === a8h) return ha[pb + eJ];
return 0
}, this.a7w = function(player) {
for (var pb = a8g(player), df = 0, eJ = size[player] - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) df += ha[pb + eJ];
return df
}, this.a8l = function(player) {
for (var pb = a8g(player), df = 0, eJ = size[player] - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) 0 === id[pb + eJ] && (df += ha[pb + eJ]);
return df
}, this.a7i = function(player) {
for (var pb = a8g(player), rk = 0, eJ = size[player] - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) 0 < id[pb + eJ] && rk++;
return rk
}, this.fI = function(player, a8h, ia) {
for (var pb = a8g(player), eJ = size[player] - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) 0 === id[pb + eJ] && hZ[pb + eJ] === a8h && (ha[pb + eJ] = ia)
}, this.f4 = function(player, eJ, ia) {
ha[a8g(player) + eJ] = ia
}, this.hW = function(player, ia, a8h) {
var eJ, pb = a8g(player);
for (a8h === b.ea && b2.ed[player < b.ht ? 6 : 5]++, eJ = size[player] - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (0 === id[pb + eJ] && hZ[pb + eJ] === a8h) return ha[pb + eJ] += ia, void(ha[pb + eJ] = ha[pb + eJ] > b.vm ? b.vm : ha[pb + eJ]);
hZ[pb + size[player]] = a8h, ha[pb + size[player]] = ia, id[pb + size[player]] = 0, size[player]++, player < b.ht && (a8h === b.ea ? l.sc(player, 5) : player === b.ea && a5.yH(a8h))
}, this.a8m = function(player, ia, a8k) {
var pb = a8g(player);
a6.jS[player] = 2, hZ[pb + size[player]] = 0, ha[pb + size[player]] = ia, id[pb + size[player]] = a8k, size[player]++
}, this.ee = function(player, g4) {
var hg, pb;
if (0 !== size[player])
for (pb = a8g(player), size[player]--, hg = g4; hg < size[player]; hg++) hZ[pb + hg] = hZ[pb + hg + 1], ha[pb + hg] = ha[pb + hg + 1], id[pb + hg] = id[pb + hg + 1]
}, this.a7s = function(player) {
for (var hg, pb, a7r = [], eJ = iV - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
for (pb = a8g(iW[eJ]), hg = size[iW[eJ]] - 1; 0 <= hg; hg--)
if (0 === id[pb + hg] && hZ[pb + hg] === player) {
} return a7r
function br() {
var a8n, a8o, a8p, a8q, a8r, a8s;
this.ct = function() {
a8p = a8n = 10, a8q = a8o = 10
}, this.d2 = function() {
a8s = 512, a8r = new Uint16Array(a8s);
for (var eJ = 0; eJ < a8s; eJ++) a8r[eJ] = 100 + a8t(eX(25600 * eJ, a8s - 4), 9)
}, this.a1O = function() {
return a8q
}, this.iE = function() {
if (--a8p <= 0 && (a8p = a8n, function() {
var eJ, a8y, dd = a6.eb[b.ea];
for (b.iv && !b.hT && 0 !== a6.jS[0] && 0 === z.iw[0].eo && (a6.eb[0] += eX(a6.f5[0], 6)), eJ = iV - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a8y = eX(a4.a2d(iW[eJ]) * a6.eb[iW[eJ]], 1e4), a6.eb[iW[eJ]] += a8y < 1 ? 1 : a8y, a4.ec(iW[eJ]);
b2.ed[9] += a6.eb[b.ea] - dd
}(), --a8q <= 0)) {
a8q = a8o;
for (var dd = a6.eb[b.ea], eJ = iV - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a6.eb[iW[eJ]] += a6.f5[iW[eJ]], a4.ec(iW[eJ]);
b2.ed[8] += a6.eb[b.ea] - dd
}, this.a2d = function(player) {
var gY = a8r[eX((a8s - 1) * a6.f5[player], b.wS)],
a8x = (b4.iS() < 1920 && (gY = gY < (a8x = eX(100 * (13440 - 6 * b4.iS()), 1920)) ? a8x : gY), this.iH(player));
return a6.eb[player] > a8x && (gY -= eX(2 * gY * (a6.eb[player] - a8x), a8x)), gY < 0 ? 0 : 700 < gY ? 700 : gY
}, this.iH = function(player) {
player = 100 * a6.f5[player];
return player > b.wR ? b.wR : player
}, this.ec = function(player) {
var df = a6.f5[player] * b.vl;
a6.eb[player] = Math.min(Math.min(a6.eb[player], b.vm), df)
}, this.lo = function(player, lp) {
aZ.fU.mB(lp, am.dj[0]), b2.mC(player, lp), a5.a90(player, am.dj[0] + am.dj[1]), a5.mD(lp, am.dj[0]), aZ.fU.ml(player)
}, this.a91 = function() {
var ef = iV,
r5 = iW;
let pb = 0;
var vk = a6.eb;
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) pb += vk[r5[eJ]];
return pb
}, this.a92 = function(tT) {
var ef = iV,
r5 = iW;
let pb = 0;
var em, vk = a6.eb,
iU = b5.iU;
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) iU[em = r5[eJ]] === tT && (pb += vk[em]);
return pb
function bt() {
var a93, a94, a95, a96, a97, a98, a99, a9A, a9B, a9C, a9D, a9E, a9F, a9G, a9H, a9I, a9J, a9K, a9M, a9N, a9O, a9P, a9Q, a9W, a9X, a9L = null,
a9S = 0,
a9T = !1,
a9U = new Float32Array(4),
a9V = 0,
a1s = 400;
function nL() {
a9B = Math.floor(+aL.g1), a9C = Math.floor(.5 * a9B), a9L.width = aL.gA, a9L.height = aL.gF, a9M = a9L.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
}), aZ.g5.textAlign(a9M, 1), aZ.g5.textBaseline(a9M, 1), a9M.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0
function a9Y() {
var eJ, a9d;
for (gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, 100 * a9D), a9d = 80 / Math.floor(gM.measureText(aZ.jr.js(b.vm)).width), gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, 100), eJ = b.ej - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a9A[eJ] = 100 / Math.floor(gM.measureText(a6.jt[eJ]).width), a99[eJ] = Math.min(a9d,
function a9e(eJ) {
return !bA.dK.data[7].value || a6.eb[eJ] < 1e6 ? 1 : a6.eb[eJ] < 1e7 ? a9U[0] : a9U[Math.min(Math.floor(Math.log10(a6.eb[eJ])) - 6, 3)]
function a9c(gW) {
a9K = !1, a9J = 1, a9H = a9I = 0, gW.clearRect(0, 0, aL.gA, aL.gF);
for (var jg, jh, eJ, a9j, fontSize, ji, jj = hA / hB, jk = hC / hB, jl = (aL.gA + hA) / hB, jm = (aL.gF + hC) / hB, a9k = 0 !== a6.jS[b.ea] && a1.sW(b.ea), hg = iV - 1; 0 <= hg; hg--) eJ = iW[hg], (fontSize = Math.floor(a9G * hB * a9e(eJ) *
a99[eJ] * a97[eJ])) < a9F || a9B <= fontSize || a95[eJ] + a97[eJ] > jj && a95[eJ] < jl && a96[eJ] + a98[eJ] > jk && a96[eJ] < jm && (jg = Math.floor(aL.gA * (a95[eJ] + a97[eJ] / 2 - jj) / (jl - jj)), jh = Math.floor(aL.gF * (a96[eJ] +
a98[eJ] / 2 - jk) / (jm - jk) - .1 * fontSize), a9j = a1.zv[eJ], gW.font = aZ.g5.g6(1 === a6.vg[eJ] ? 4 : 1, fontSize), gW.fillStyle = a9l(fontSize, a9j % 2), bA.dK.data[7].value ? a9m(gW, eJ, fontSize, jg, jh, a9j) : a9n(eJ,
fontSize, jg, jh, gW), a9K = !0, 0 < a9O[eJ] ? function(jg, jh, fontSize, eJ, gW) {
0 === a1Q[eJ] ? a9.rF.rv(a9N[eJ]) ? (function(jg, jh, fontSize, player, m0, gW) {
for (var qM = jh, gU = (gW.globalAlpha = a9v(fontSize), a9e(player) * (bA.dK.data[7].value ? a9V : a9A[player])), qL = jg - .5 * fontSize / gU - .9 * fontSize, hp = 0; hp < 2; hp++) gW.fillText(a9.rF.rp(m0), qL, qM),
qL = jg + .5 * fontSize / gU + .9 * fontSize;
gW.globalAlpha = 1
}(jg, jh, fontSize, eJ, a9N[eJ], gW), a9p(jg, jh, fontSize, 0, 0, gW)) : a9.rF.rx(a9N[eJ]) ? (a9y(jg, jh, fontSize, a9N[eJ], 0, gW), a9p(jg, jh, fontSize, 0, 1, gW)) : (a9y(jg, jh, fontSize, a9N[eJ], 1, gW), a9p(jg, jh,
fontSize, 1, 0, gW)) : a9y(jg, jh, fontSize, a9N[eJ], 0, gW)
}(jg, jh, fontSize, eJ, gW) : 0 === a1Q[eJ] && a9p(jg, jh, fontSize, 0, 0, gW), a9k && (0 < a9O[eJ + b.ej] || 0 < a9O[eJ + 2 * b.ej] || 0 < a9O[eJ + 3 * b.ej] || 0 < a9O[eJ + 4 * b.ej]) && function(jg, jh, fontSize, eJ, gW) {
var iT, rk = -1;
for (iT = 4; 1 <= iT; iT--) 0 < a9O[eJ + iT * b.ej] && rk++;
for (iT = 1; iT < 5; iT++) 0 < a9O[eJ + iT * b.ej] && (! function(jg, jh, fontSize, iT, eJ, a9t, dd, gW) {
let vK;
if (1 === iT) {
eJ = a9N[eJ + b.ej];
if (!a9.rF.rw(eJ)) return function(jg, jh, fontSize, m0, a9t, gW) {
gW.globalAlpha = a9v(fontSize);
jg -= .534 * a9t * fontSize, a9t = jh + 1.59 * fontSize;
gW.font = aZ.g5.g6(0, .785 * fontSize), gW.fillText(a9.rF.rp(m0), jg, a9t), gW.globalAlpha = 1
}(jg, jh, fontSize, eJ, a9t, gW);
vK = a9.pr.rM[eJ - 1024 + a9.rF.rZ]
} else vK = 2 === iT ? j.x0()[4].gV[+(dd < 255)] : (3 === iT ? j.x0()[5] : j.x0()[6]).gV[0];
eJ = a9.pr.rN, dd = .8 * fontSize / eJ, iT = jg - .5 * dd * eJ - .534 * a9t * fontSize, jg = jh + 1.4 * dd * eJ;
gW.setTransform(dd, 0, 0, dd, iT, jg), gW.globalAlpha = a9v(fontSize), gW.drawImage(vK, 0, 0), gW.globalAlpha = 1, gW.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
}(jg, jh, fontSize, iT, eJ, rk, a9O[eJ + iT * b.ej], gW), rk -= 2)
}(jg, jh, fontSize, eJ, gW), (ji = a9D * fontSize) < a9F || (gW.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, ji), jh += Math.floor(.78 * fontSize), bA.dK.data[7].value ? a9n(eJ, ji, jg, jh, gW) : a9m(gW, eJ, ji, jg, jh, a9j)))
function a9n(eJ, fontSize, fO, fP, gW) {
var ___id = eJ;
gW.fillText(a6.jt[eJ], fO, fP), eJ < b.ht && 2 !== a6.vg[eJ] || (eJ = fontSize / a9A[eJ], gW.fillRect(fO - .5 * eJ, fP + aZ.g5.rq * fontSize, eJ, Math.max(1, .1 * fontSize)));
bA.dK.data[7].value && settings.showPlayerDensity && (settings.coloredDensity && (gW.fillStyle = utils.textStyleBasedOnDensity(___id)), gW.fillText(utils.getDensity(___id), fO, fP + fontSize));
function a9m(gW, eJ, fontSize, jg, jh, a9j) {
var ___id = eJ;
eJ = aZ.jr.js(a6.eb[eJ]);
a9j >> 1 & 1 ? (gW.lineWidth = .05 * fontSize, gW.strokeStyle = a9l(fontSize, a9j % 2), gW.strokeText(eJ, jg, jh)) : (1 < a9j && (gW.lineWidth = .12 * fontSize, gW.strokeStyle = a9l(fontSize, a9j), gW.strokeText(eJ, jg, jh)), gW.fillText(eJ,
jg, jh));
bA.dK.data[7].value || settings.showPlayerDensity && (settings.coloredDensity && (gW.fillStyle = utils.textStyleBasedOnDensity(___id)), gW.fillText(utils.getDensity(___id), jg, jh + fontSize))
function a9p(jg, jh, fontSize, a9t, a9u, gW) {
var xZ = .95 * fontSize / a9Q,
jg = jg - .5 * xZ * a9P + .8 * a9t * fontSize,
a9t = jh - 1.76 * xZ * a9Q - (.35 - aZ.g5.rq + .7) * a9u * fontSize;
gW.setTransform(xZ, 0, 0, xZ, jg, a9t), gW.globalAlpha = a9v(fontSize), gW.drawImage(a0.get(4), 0, 0), gW.globalAlpha = 1, gW.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
function a9y(jg, jh, fontSize, m0, a9t, gW) {
if (gW.globalAlpha = a9v(fontSize), a9.rF.rw(m0)) {
var gP = a9.pr.rN,
xZ = 1.1 * fontSize / gP;
gW.setTransform(xZ, 0, 0, xZ, jg - .5 * xZ * gP - .8 * a9t * fontSize, jh - 1.55 * xZ * gP), gW.drawImage(a9.pr.rM[m0 - 1024 + a9.rF.rZ], 0, 0), gW.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
} else {
let qL = jg - .8 * a9t * fontSize,
qM = jh - (.35 - aZ.g5.rq + 1) * fontSize;
gW.fillText(a9.rF.rp(m0), qL, qM)
gW.globalAlpha = 1
function a9l(fontSize, a9j) {
return a9C <= fontSize && fontSize < a9B ? b5.aA0[a9j] + a9v(fontSize).toFixed(3) + ")" : b5.aA1[a9j]
function a9v(fontSize) {
return a9C <= fontSize && fontSize < a9B ? 1 - (fontSize - a9C) / (a9B - a9C) : 1
function aAA(gU, gA) {
return 1 + Math.floor(a9E * gU * gA)
function aA7(eJ) {
for (var left = a95[eJ], hg = a95[eJ] - a6.i2[eJ] - 1; 0 <= hg; hg--)
if (!aAC(eJ, --left, a96[eJ], a98[eJ])) {
} var right = a95[eJ];
for (hg = a6.i1[eJ] - a95[eJ] - a97[eJ]; 0 <= hg; hg--)
if (!aAC(eJ, ++right + a97[eJ] - 1, a96[eJ], a98[eJ])) {
} var fO = Math.floor((left + right) / 2),
top = a96[eJ];
for (hg = a96[eJ] - a6.i5[eJ] - 1; 0 <= hg; hg--)
if (!aAD(eJ, fO, --top, a97[eJ])) {
} var bottom = a96[eJ];
for (hg = a6.i4[eJ] - a96[eJ] - a98[eJ]; 0 <= hg; hg--)
if (!aAD(eJ, fO, ++bottom + a98[eJ] - 1, a97[eJ])) {
} var fP = Math.floor((top + bottom) / 2);
aA4(eJ, fO, fP, a97[eJ], a98[eJ]) && (a95[eJ] = fO, a96[eJ] = fP)
function aA4(player, fO, fP, gA, gF) {
eo = Math.floor(.2 * gA);
for (var eo, iT = fO + gA - 1; fO <= iT; iT--)
if (!aAC(player, iT, fP, gF)) return;
for (iT = fP + gF - 1 - (eo = (eo = Math.floor(.25 * gF)) < 1 ? 1 : eo); fP + eo <= iT; iT--)
if (!aAD(player, fO, iT, gA)) return;
return 1
function aAC(player, fO, fP, gF) {
return a1.qo(player, 4 * (fP * aq.eE + fO)) && a1.qo(player, 4 * ((fP + gF - 1) * aq.eE + fO))
function aAD(player, fO, fP, gA) {
return a1.qo(player, 4 * (fP * aq.eE + fO)) && a1.qo(player, 4 * (fP * aq.eE + fO + gA - 1))
this.ct = function() {
if (a1s = 0 === (a1s = bA.dK.data[11].value) ? 280 : 1 === a1s ? 187 : 112, a9K = !1, a9G = .88, a9D = .5, a9E = 1.8, a9F = 12 - 3 * bA.dK.data[9].value, a94 = a93 = 0, a95 = new Uint16Array(b.ej), a96 = new Uint16Array(b.ej), a97 =
new Uint16Array(b.ej), a98 = new Uint16Array(b.ej), a99 = new Float32Array(b.ej), a9A = new Float32Array(b.ej), a9N = new Uint16Array(2 * b.ej), a9O = new Uint8Array(5 * b.ej), a9W = new Uint8Array(b.ej), a9X = new Uint8Array(b.ej),
a9L = a9L || document.createElement("canvas"), nL(), a9I = a9H = 0, a9J = 1, bA.dK.data[7].value) {
var eJ, a9d;
for (a9Y(), gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, 100), a9d = 100 / Math.floor(gM.measureText("900 000").width), eJ = b.ej - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a99[eJ] = Math.min(a9d, 2 * a9A[eJ]);
a9V = a9d, a9U[0] = 100 / (a9d * Math.floor(gM.measureText("5 000 000").width)), a9U[1] = 100 / (a9d * Math.floor(gM.measureText("50 000 000").width)), a9U[2] = 100 / (a9d * Math.floor(gM.measureText("500 000 000").width)), a9U[3] =
100 / (a9d * Math.floor(gM.measureText("1 000 000 000").width))
} else a9Y();
! function() {
var eJ;
for (eJ = b.ej - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a6.f5[eJ] < 12 ? (a95[eJ] = a6.i2[eJ] + 1, a96[eJ] = a6.i5[eJ] + 1, a97[eJ] = 1, a98[eJ] = 1) : (a95[eJ] = a6.i2[eJ], a96[eJ] = a6.i5[eJ] + 1, a97[eJ] = 4, a98[eJ] = 2);
if (b.fj)
for (eJ = 0; eJ < b.ht; eJ++) a97[eJ] = 0;
a9P = a0.get(4).width, a9Q = a0.get(4).height
}, this.a90 = function(em, yX) {
yX > 18 * a6.f5[em] ? (a9X[em] = 6, a1.zv[em] = 2 + a1.zv[em] % 2) : (a9W[em] = 4, (a1.zv[em] < 2 || 3 < a1.zv[em]) && (a1.zv[em] = 6 + a1.zv[em] % 2))
}, this.mD = function(em, yX) {
yX > 6 * a6.f5[em] ? (a9X[em] = 6, a1.zv[em] = 4 + a1.zv[em] % 2) : (a9W[em] = 4, (a1.zv[em] < 4 || 5 < a1.zv[em]) && (a1.zv[em] = 8 + a1.zv[em] % 2))
}, this.resize = function() {
nL(), a9c(a9M)
}, this.wN = function() {
for (var eJ = 0; eJ < b.ht; eJ++) a6.i1[eJ] - a6.i2[eJ] != 3 || a6.i4[eJ] - a6.i5[eJ] != 3 ? (a95[eJ] = a6.i2[eJ] + (a6.i1[eJ] !== a6.i2[eJ] ? 1 : 0), a96[eJ] = a6.i5[eJ], a97[eJ] = 1, a98[eJ] = 1) : (a95[eJ] = a6.i2[eJ], a96[eJ] = a6.i5[
eJ] + 1, a97[eJ] = 4, a98[eJ] = 2)
}, this.my = function(player, g4, a9f) {
! function(player, g4, a9f) {
player += g4 * b.ej;
0 === g4 ? a9N[player] === a9f && 0 < a9O[player] ? a9O[player] = 0 : (a9N[player] = a9f, a9O[player] = a9.rF.rv(a9f) ? 255 : 64) : 1 === g4 ? (a9O[player] = 64, a9N[player] = a9f) : a9O[player] = a9f
}(player, g4, a9f), 2 === b.sm && this.jC(!0)
}, this.gL = function() {
a9K && (1 !== a9J ? (gM.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0, gM.setTransform(a9J, 0, 0, a9J, 0, 0), gM.drawImage(a9L, -a9H / a9J, -a9I / a9J), gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), gM.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1) : gM.drawImage(a9L, -a9H, -a9I))
}, this.a0e = function(h1, h4) {
a9H += h1, a9I += h4
}, this.uE = function(h1, h4) {
a5.a0e(h1, h4)
}, this.zoom = function(fy, gD, gE) {
a9J *= fy, a9H = (a9H + gD) * fy - gD, a9I = (a9I + gE) * fy - gE
}, this.jC = function(yg) {
return !(!a9T && !yg && b4.dc < a9S + (1 === a9J && 0 === a9H && 0 === a9I && (b.wp() || b.fj || 2 === b.sm) ? 1e3 : a1s) || (a9T = !1, a9S = b4.dc, a9c(a9M), 0))
}, this.jo = function(eJ) {
return a9e(eJ) * a99[eJ]
}, this.a9i = function(player) {
return a99[player]
}, this.iE = function() {
b4.iS() % 10 == 9 && (a9T = b.wr() && !b.wp()), !b.wp() && 4 <= ++a94 && function() {
var eJ, hg, hp;
for (a94 = 0, hp = 4; 1 <= hp; hp--)
for (hg = iV - 1; 0 <= hg; hg--) eJ = iW[hg] + hp * b.ej, 0 < a9O[eJ] && a9O[eJ] < 255 && a9O[eJ]--;
if (2 !== b.sm)
for (hg = iV - 1; 0 <= hg; hg--) eJ = iW[hg], 0 < a9O[eJ] && a9O[eJ] < 255 && a9O[eJ]--
for (var ef = Math.floor(.1 * iV), eJ = a93 + (ef = iV < (ef = ef < 8 ? 8 : ef) ? iV : ef) - 1; a93 <= eJ; eJ--) ! function(eJ) {
var gU = a9e(eJ) * a99[eJ];
0 < a97[eJ] && aA4(eJ, a95[eJ], a96[eJ], a97[eJ], a98[eJ]) ? ! function(eJ) {
for (var fO, fP, gA, gF, fg = !1, hp = 0; hp < 8; hp++) {
if (gA = a97[eJ] + 2, gF = a98[eJ] + 2, gA > a6.i1[eJ] - a6.i2[eJ] + 1 || gF > a6.i4[eJ] - a6.i5[eJ] + 1) return fg;
if (fO = a95[eJ] - 1, fP = a96[eJ] - 1, !aA4(eJ, fO, fP, gA, gF)) return fg;
a95[eJ] = fO, a96[eJ] = fP, a97[eJ] = gA, a98[eJ] = gF, fg = !0
return fg
}(eJ) && function(eJ, gU) {
for (var fO, fP, gA, gF, fg = !1, a3p = a97[eJ], kO = 1 + Math.floor(.02 * a3p), hp = 1; hp < 5; hp++) {
if ((gA = a3p + hp * kO) > a6.i1[eJ] - a6.i2[eJ] + 1) return fg;
if ((gF = aAA(gU, gA)) > a6.i4[eJ] - a6.i5[eJ] + 1) return fg;
fO = a6.i2[eJ] + Math.floor(Math.random() * (a6.i1[eJ] - a6.i2[eJ] + 2 - gA)), fP = a6.i5[eJ] + Math.floor(Math.random() * (a6.i4[eJ] - a6.i5[eJ] + 2 - gF)), aA4(eJ, fO, fP, gA, gF) && (a95[eJ] = fO, a96[eJ] = fP, a97[
eJ] = gA, a98[eJ] = gF, fg = !0)
return fg
}(eJ, gU) && aA7(eJ) : ! function(eJ, gU) {
var gF, fO = a95[eJ] + 1,
fP = a96[eJ] + 1,
gA = a97[eJ] - 2;
for (;;) {
if (gA < 1) {
a97[eJ] = 0;
if (gF = aAA(gU, gA), aA4(eJ, fO, fP, gA, gF)) return a95[eJ] = fO, a96[eJ] = fP, a97[eJ] = gA, a98[eJ] = gF, 1;
fO++, fP++, gA -= 2
}(eJ, gU) ? function(eJ, gU) {
var fO, fP, gA, gF, hp, kT, hi = a6.i1[eJ] - a6.i2[eJ] + 1,
aAB = Math.floor(.02 * hi);
for (kT = -6 * (aAB = aAB < 1 ? 1 : aAB), hp = hi; kT <= hp; hp -= aAB)
if (gF = aAA(gU, gA = 0 < hp ? hp : 1), fO = a6.i2[eJ] + Math.floor(Math.random() * (a6.i1[eJ] - a6.i2[eJ] + 2 - gA)), fP = a6.i5[eJ] + Math.floor(Math.random() * (a6.i4[eJ] - a6.i5[eJ] + 2 - gF)), aA4(eJ, fO, fP, gA,
gF)) return a95[eJ] = fO, a96[eJ] = fP, a97[eJ] = gA, a98[eJ] = gF
}(eJ, gU) : aA7(eJ)
}(iW[eJ % iV]);
a93 = (a93 + ef) % iV
}, this.j7 = function() {
var eJ, em, gi, gj;
if (b4.iS() % 4 == 1)
for (eJ = iV - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) em = iW[eJ], a1.zv[em] < 2 || ((gi = Math.max(a9W[em] - 1, 0)) === (gj = Math.max(a9X[em] - 1, 0)) ? 0 === gi && (a1.zv[em] %= 2) : 0 === gj && a1.zv[em] < 6 && (a1.zv[em] += 4), a9W[em] = gi, a9X[
em] = gj)
}, this.yH = function(player) {
var eJ = player + 2 * b.ej,
dd = a9O[eJ];
return 0 < dd && (l.ss(50, player), a9O[eJ] = 0, 255 === dd)
}, this.xK = function(player) {
return 255 === a9O[player + 2 * b.ej]
function bv() {
var fz, aAE;
this.ct = function() {
fz = "Abbasid Caliphate;Aceh s;Achaemenid Z;Afsharid z;Aghlabid Emirate;Ahom z;Akkadian Z;Aksumite Z;Akwamu;Alaouite z;Almohad Caliphate;Almoravid z;Angevin Z;Aq Qoyunlu;Armenian Z;Assyria;Ashanti Z;Austrian Z;Austria-Hungary;Ayyubid z;Aztec Z;Aulikara Z;Babylonian Z;Balhae;Banten s;S Banjar;Bamana Z;Bengal s;Benin Z;Kadamba z;Bornu Z;E Brazil;Britannic Z;British Z;British Raj;Bruneian Z;Bukhara Z;Burgundian State;Buyid z;Byzantine Z;Caliphate of Córdoba;Cao Wei;Carthaginian Z;Cebu Rajahnate;Chagatai Khanate;Chalukya z;Chauhan z;Chavín Z;Chenla;Chera z;Chola z;Comanche Z;Congo Free State;Crimean Khanate;Dacian Z;Delhi s;Demak s;Durrani Z;Dutch Z;Egyptian Z;Elamite Z;Exarchate of Africa;Abyssinia;Fatimid Caliphate;First French Z;Frankish Z;Funan;Gallic Z;Gaza Z;Republic of Genoa;German Z;Ghana Z;Ghaznavid z;Ghurid z;Goguryeo;Goryeo;Gorkha Z;Göktürk Khaganate;Golden Horde;S Gowa;Seljuq Z;Gupta Z;Hafsid Y;Han z;Hanseatic League;E Harsha;Hephthalite Z;Hittite Z;Holy Roman Z;Hotak z;Hoysala Z;Hunnic Z;Husainid z;Idrisid z;Ilkhanate;K Israel;K Judah;Inca Z;Italian Z;E Japan;Jin z;Johor Z;Jolof Z;Joseon;Kaabu Z;Kachari Y;Kalmar Union;Kanem Z;Kanva z;Kara-Khanid Khanate;Kazakh Khanate;Khazar Khaganate;Khmer Z;Khilji z;Khwarazmian z;Kievan Rus';Konbaung z;Kong Z;Korean Z;Kushan Z;K Kush;Lakota;Latin Z;Later Lê z;Liao z;Lodi s;Khmer Z;Macedonian Z;Majapahit Z;Mali Z;Malacca Z;Mamluk s;Manchukuo;Maratha Z;Marinid z;Massina Z;Mataram s;Mauretania;Mauryan Z;Median Z;Mlechchha z;Ming z;Mitanni Z;Mongol Z;Mughal Z;Nanda Z;Nguyễn z;North Sea Z;E Nicaea;Numidia;Omani Z;Ottoman Z;Oyo Z;Pagan Z;Pahlavi z;Pala Z;Palmyrene Z;Parthian Z;Pontic Z;Portuguese Z;K Prussia;Ptolemaic Z;Qajar z;Qara Qoyunlu;Qin z;Qing z;Ramnad Sethupathis;Rashidun Caliphate;Rashtrakuta z;Roman Z;Rouran Khaganate;Rozwi Z;Rustamid z;Russian Z;Tsardom of Russia;Saadi z;Safavid z;Saffarid z;Sassanid z;Satavahana z;Samanid Z;Soviet Union;Saudeleur z;Duchy of Savoy;Seleucid Z;Serbian Z;Shu Han;Shang z;Siam Z;Sikh Z;Singhasari;Sokoto Caliphate;Song z;Songhai Z;Spanish Z;Srivijaya Z;Sui z;K Mysore;Shunga Z;S Sulu;Sumer;Sur Z;Swedish Z;Tahirid z;Tang z;Tây Sơn z;S Ternate;E Thessalonica;German Reich;Tibetan Z;Tondo z;S Tidore;Timurid Z;K Tlemcen;E Trebizond;Toltec Z;Toungoo z;Toucouleur Z;Tu'i Tonga Z;Turgesh Khaganate;Umayyad Caliphate;Uyunid Emirate;Uyghur Khaganate;Uzbek Khanate;Vandal Y;Vijayanagara Z;Republic of Venice;Wari Z;Wassoulou Z;Wattasids;Western Roman Z;Eastern Wu;Western Xia z;Xin z;Yuan z;Zand z;Zhou z;Zulu Z;Yugoslavia;Kosovo;Sikkim;KanemBornu Z;Wadai Z;Ethiopian Z;Rozvi Z;Sasanian Z;E Vietnam;Shilluk Y;K Aksum;Gwiriko Y;Toro Y;Malindi Y;K Loango;K Mapungubwe;Ryukyu Y;K Cyprus;K Jerusalem;Garhwal Y;K Nepal;K Cambodia;Champa Y;Hanthawaddy Y;Phayao Y;K Sardinia;K Sicily;K Gwynedd;K Scotland;K Desmond;K Poland;K Hungary;K Croatia;K Bohemia;Albanian Y;K Georgia;K Portugal;Khanate of Sibir;K Romania;Cossack Hetmanate;Duchy of Bouillon;K Ireland;Lordship of Ireland;K Italy;Republic of Pisa;Idrisid z;Almoravid z;Almohad Caliphate;Marinid z;Wattasid z;Saadian z;Republic of Salé;Rif Republic;K Kush;Makuria;Alodia;Ayyubid z;Mamluk s;Egypt Eyalet;K Fazughli;S Sennar;S Darfur;Mahdist State;S Egypt;K Egypt;Emirate of Cyrenaica;K Libya;Republic of Egypt;Republic of the Sudan;United Arab Republic;Libyan Arab Republic;Zirid z;Hafsid z;K Kuku;Regency of Algiers;Gurunsi;Liptako;Tenkodogo;Wogodogo;Yatenga;Bilanga;Bilayanga;Bongandini;Con;Macakoali;Piela;Nungu;K Sine;K Saloum;K Baol;K Cayor;K Waalo;Bundu;Bonoman;Gyaaman;Denkyira;Mankessim Y;K Dahomey;Oyo Z;K Nri;Aro Confederacy;Kwararafa;Biafra;Buganda;Bunyoro;Ankole;Busoga;Tanganyika;Kuba Y;K Luba;K Lunda;Yeke Y;K Ndongo;Kasanje Y;K Matamba;Mbunda Y;Chokwe Y;Kazembe Y;K Butua;Ndebele Y;Mthethwa Z;Bophuthatswana;Ciskei;Transkei;Venda;Rhodesia;Kart z;Nogai Horde;Khanate of Bukhara;Khanate of Khiva;Khamag Mongol;Northern Fujiwara;Kamakura Shogunate;Ashikaga Shogunate;Jaxa;Republic of Ezo;Jiangxi Soviet;Hunan Soviet;Guangzhou Commune;Gojoseon;Alaiye;Beylik of Bafra;Kara Koyunlu;Kars Republic;K Iraq;Arab Federation
var eJ, hg, aAF = ["K ", " Y", "E ", " Z", " z", " s", "S "],
aAG = ["Kingdom of ", " Kingdom", "Empire of ", " Empire", " Dynasty", " Sultanate", "Sultanate of "];
for (aAE =
"Pestilent Dominion;Wretched Realm;Damned Province;Corrupt Zone;Cursed Territory;Blight Nation;Haunted Expanse;Malevolent State;Ruined Empire;Contaminated Land;Epidemic Domain;Forsaken District;Abandoned Wasteland;Necrotic Enclave;Tainted Domain;Decayed Principality;Infested Region;Malignant Territory;Toxic Dominion;Ravaged Sector;Ghostly Realm;Plagued Commonwealth;Afflicted State;Desolate Nation;Apocalyptic Zone;Radiated Province;Deathly District;Pestilence Haven;Doom Territory;Malefic Expanse;Abandoned State;Cursed Haven;Corroded Zone;Hauntland;Noxious Nation;Infected Enclave;Ruinous Domain;Wasteland Woe;Rotten Principality;Voided Land;Vile Dominion;Catastrophic Region;Eerie Expanse;Desolation State;Forsaken Outpost;Contagion District;Damaged Province;Abhorrent Sector;Accursed Nation;Doomstruck Land;Radiant Ruin;Deathly Enclave;Malefic Dominion;Plague District;Infected Haven;Corrupt State;Pestilent Territory;Razed Realm;Haunted Wasteland;Toxic Sector;Cursed Dominion;Decaying Province;Forsaken Enclave;Ruinous Region;Malignant Haven;Infested State;Ghostly Nation;Tainted Territory;Damned District;Radiated Dominion;Desolate Expanse;Apocalyptic Land;Death Zone;Wretched State;Malevolent Haven;Plagued Nation;Noxious Domain;Voided Territory;Eerie Sector;Accursed Province;Necrotic District;Doom Haven;Haunt Realm;Rotten Nation;Forsaken Territory;Infected State;Abhorrent Expanse;Malignant Land;Toxic Dominion;Ruined District;Ghostland;Cursed Sector;Radiant Nation"
.split(";"), eJ = fz.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
for (hg = aAF.length - 1; 0 <= hg; hg--) fz[eJ] = fz[eJ].replace(aAF[hg], aAG[hg]);
if (settings.realisticNames) fz = realisticNames;
}, this.d4 = function() {
var eJ;
if (aV.iq && aV.ir.a8K)
for (eJ = b.ht; eJ < b.ej; eJ++) a6.jt[eJ] = a6.tQ[eJ] = aV.ir.a8K[eJ % b.qN];
else(9 === b.it ? function() {
var eJ, gY = aM.random(),
ef = fz.length,
pb = b.ht + aN.aAL;
for (eJ = pb - 1; eJ >= b.ht; eJ--) a6.jt[eJ] = a6.tQ[eJ] = fz[(eJ + gY) % ef];
for (ef = aAE.length, eJ = pb; eJ < b.ej; eJ++) a6.jt[eJ] = a6.tQ[eJ] = aAE[eJ % ef]
} : b.iv ? function() {
var eJ, gY = aM.random();
for (eJ = b.ht; eJ < b.ej; eJ++) a6.jt[eJ] = a6.tQ[eJ] = fz[(eJ + gY) % b.ej]
} : function() {
var eJ, ef = fz.length,
gY = aM.random();
for (eJ = b.ht; eJ < b.ej; eJ++) a6.jt[eJ] = a6.tQ[eJ] = fz[(eJ + gY) % ef]
function cG() {
this.aAM = [], this.aAN = [], this.ct = function() {
this.aAM = [], this.aAN = []
}, this.iE = function() {
0 <= this.aAM.length && this.aAO(this.aAM), 0 <= this.aAN.length && this.aAO(this.aAN)
}, this.aAO = function(ds) {
for (var hp = -1, eJ = ds.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (ds[eJ].dc--, ds[eJ].dc <= 0) {
hp = eJ;
} for (eJ = hp; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) ds.shift()
}, this.x9 = function(id, r5, aAP) {
return this.aAQ(this.aAM, id, r5, aAP)
}, this.aAR = function(id, r5, aAP) {
return this.aAQ(this.aAN, id, r5, aAP)
}, this.aAQ = function(ds, id, r5, aAP) {
return ! function(ds, id, r5) {
var eJ, q4;
for (eJ = r5.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
for (q4 = ds.length - 1; 0 <= q4; q4--)
if (ds[q4].player === r5[eJ] && id === ds[q4].id) return 1;
}(ds, id, r5) && (aAP && function(ds, id, r5) {
var eJ;
for (eJ = r5.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) ds.push({
player: r5[eJ],
id: id,
dc: 384
}(ds, id, r5), !0)
function bu() {
this.tQ = new Array(b.ej), this.jt = new Array(b.ej), this.vg = new Uint8Array(b.ej), this.jS = new Uint8Array(b.ej), this.i2 = new Uint16Array(b.ej), this.i5 = new Uint16Array(b.ej), this.i1 = new Uint16Array(b.ej), this.i4 = new Uint16Array(b
.ej), this.f5 = new Uint32Array(b.ej), this.qc = new Uint32Array(b.ej), this.eb = new Uint32Array(b.ej), this.eg = null, this.ex = null, this.ey = null, this.f1 = null, this.mh = new Uint16Array(b.ej), this.hQ = new Uint16Array(b.ej),
this.hR = new Uint16Array(b.ej), this.t7 = new Uint16Array(b.ej), this.aAU = new Uint8Array(b.ej), this.ct = function(r5) {
for (let eJ = r5.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) this.jt[eJ] = this.tQ[eJ] = r5[eJ].name, this.vg[eJ] = r5[eJ].a6K;
this.jS.fill(0), this.i2.fill(0), this.i5.fill(0), this.i1.fill(0), this.i4.fill(0), this.f5.fill(0), this.qc.fill(0), this.eb.fill(0), donationsTracker.reset(), leaderboardFilter.reset(), this.eg = new Array(b.ej), this.ex = new Array(b
.ej), this.ey = new Array(b.ej), this.f1 = new Array(b.ej), this.mh.fill(0), this.hQ.fill(0), this.hR.fill(0), this.t7.fill(0), this.aAU.fill(0)
function cE() {
this.yj = 0, this.r5 = null, this.ct = function() {
this.yj = 0, this.r5 = []
}, this.aAV = function(player) {
this.r5.push(player), b.so++, a6.vg[player] = 2, a6.t7[player] = b9.t1.a7q(), player === b.ea && (v.show(!1, !1), u.a2R()), a5.yH(player)
}, this.a81 = function(player) {
var eJ, r5;
if (2 !== a6.vg[player])
for (eJ = (r5 = this.r5).length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (r5[eJ] === player) return void r5.splice(eJ, 1)
}, this.iE = function() {
b.iv || (30 === this.yj && 2140 <= b4.iS() && this.aAW(), this.yj = (this.yj + 1) % 60)
}, this.aAW = function() {
for (var r5 = this.r5, eJ = r5.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) ! function(player, h9) {
!a3.iC(player) || (h9 = Math.max(Math.min(100, a6.eb[player]), eX(h9 * a6.eb[player], 100))) < 100 || (0 === a6.ex[player].length ? !al.iD.iE(player) && b.hT && iG(player, h9, 0, 0) : (b.hT ? iR : iZ)(player, h9))
}(r5[eJ], 12)
function wh() {
for (iV = 0, eJ = b.ej - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) 0 !== a6.jS[eJ] && iV++;
iW = new Uint16Array(iV);
for (var ef = 0, eJ = 0; eJ < b.ej; eJ++) 0 !== a6.jS[eJ] && (iW[ef++] = eJ)
function j6() {
aAY(), aAZ()
function aAZ() {
for (var eJ = iV - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) 0 === a6.jS[iW[eJ]] && aAa(eJ)
function aAa(eJ) {
for (var hg = eJ; hg < iV; hg++) iW[hg] = iW[hg + 1]
function aAY() {
for (let eJ = iV - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) {
var dd, em = iW[eJ];
a6.f5[em] <= eX(a6.qc[em], 4) ? a6.f5[em] <= 1e3 && (2 !== a6.jS[em] || 0 === a6.f5[em]) && a7k(em) : a6.f5[em] >= a6.qc[em] ? (dd = a6.f5[em], 250 <= (a6.qc[em] = dd) && (a6.aAU[em] = 1)) : a6.qc[em] -= Math.max(1, eX(a6.qc[em] - a6.f5[em],
function aAb() {
for (var a7b = 0, eJ = iV - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a7b += a6.eb[iW[eJ]];
return a7b % 4096
function bw() {
var aAc;
this.iy = null, this.ct = function() {
aAc = [], 9 === b.it && this.aAd()
}, this.aAd = function() {
var eJ, aAe = [50, 74, 95, 150, 190, 333];
if (this.aAL = 0, this.iy = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], b.ht <= aAe[0]) this.iy[0] = Math.max(aj.fK(b.ht * (512 - b.ht), aAe[0]), 13), b.ip = this.iy[0];
for (b.ip = b.ej - b.ht, eJ = 1; eJ < 6; eJ++)
if (b.ht <= aAe[eJ]) {
this.iy[eJ - 1] = 512 - aAe[eJ - 1] - eX((512 - aAe[eJ - 1]) * (b.ht - aAe[eJ - 1]), aAe[eJ] - aAe[eJ - 1]), this.iy[eJ] = 512 - b.ht - this.iy[eJ - 1];
} b.qN = b.ht + b.ip
}, this.a80 = function(player) {
player: player,
rk: 14 + aM.hj(20)
}, this.iE = function() {
var eJ;
if (9 === b.it)
for (eJ = aAc.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) --aAc[eJ].rk <= 0 && (a5.my(aAc[eJ].player, 0, a9.rF.rc + a9.rF.rr), aAc.splice(eJ))
function cW() {
function aAk(eJ) {
return void 0 !== aq.ir.qA[eJ].aAs
function aAi(eJ) {
return 1 !== eJ && !aAk(eJ) && eJ !== aq.a89()
this.a8O = 21, this.eE = 0, this.eF = 0, this.pn = null, this.pj = null, this.pk = null, this.po = null, this.qB = 0, this.a5k = 0, this.pl = !1, this.pm = new aAg, this.ir = new aAh, this.ct = function() {
}, this.d4 = function(map, a5o) {
((map %= this.a8O) !== this.qB || aAi(this.qB) && a5o !== this.a5k) && (this.pl = !1, this.pm.a5w(), aM.we(map), this.qB = map, this.a5k = a5o, aAi(map) && (aq.ir.qA[map].aAj = a5o), aAk(this.qB) ? aAl() : (map = aq.ir.qA[this.qB], this
.eE = map.gA, this.eF = map.gF, aM.we(map.aAj), aB.d4([this.eE, this.eF, map.jx, map.ju]), aAm(), aA.aAn(), aB.aAo()))
}, this.aAp = function(eJ) {
return 3 === eJ || 7 === eJ || 9 === eJ || eJ === this.a89()
}, this.aAq = function(eJ) {
return 2 === eJ || 7 === eJ || 9 === eJ
}, this.aAr = function(eJ) {
return 1 === eJ
}, this.a89 = function() {
return this.a8O
function aAg() {
function aB1() {
function aB7(em, aB6) {
0 < aB6 && (aq.po[em] += aB6, aq.po[em + 1] += aB6, aq.po[em + 2] += aB6)
function fn(em) {
return aq.po[em + 2] > aq.po[em] && aq.po[em + 2] > aq.po[em + 1]
this.a0p = -1, this.db = 0, this.aAt = 0, this.aAu = 8, this.aAv = 32, this.aAw = 8, this.aAx = 32, this.aAy = [0, 0], this.zv = [0, 0, 0, 0], this.hI = null, this.aAz = !0, this.aB0 = !1, this.a5w = function() {
-1 !== this.a0p && clearTimeout(this.a0p), this.a0p = -1, this.hI = null, aB.aAo()
}, this.ct = function() {
7 === y.tp() || this.aB0 || (this.aAz = !0, this.db = 0, this.aAt = 1, this.aAy = [aq.ir.qA[aq.qB].q9[0], aq.ir.qA[aq.qB].qC[0]], this.zv = [aq.ir.qA[aq.qB].aAs[3], aq.ir.qA[aq.qB].aAs[4], aq.ir.qA[aq.qB].aAs[5], aq.ir.qA[aq.qB].aAs[6]],
this.aAu = aq.ir.qA[aq.qB].aAs[7], this.aAv = aq.ir.qA[aq.qB].aAs[8], this.aAw = aq.ir.qA[aq.qB].aAs[9], this.aAx = aq.ir.qA[aq.qB].aAs[10], this.aAz ? this.a0p = setTimeout(aB1, 16) : this.iE())
}, this.iE = function() {
if (8 === y.tp() && g.kB()) this.a0p = setTimeout(aB1, 16);
else {
if (0 === this.db) {
var aAj = aM.aB2();
if (aM.we(aq.ir.qA[aq.qB].aAs[2]), aB.d4([aq.eE, aq.eF, aq.ir.qA[aq.qB].aAs[0], aq.ir.qA[aq.qB].aAs[1]]), aM.we(aAj), this.hI = aB.aB3(), this.db++, this.aAz) return void(this.a0p = setTimeout(aB1, 16))
for (var em, fe, aAj = this.aAz ? 10 : 1e6, aAj = aq.eF - this.aAt - 1 < aAj ? aq.eF - this.aAt - 1 : aAj, qZ = this.aAt + aAj, fP = this.aAt; fP < qZ; fP++)
for (var fO = 1; fO < aq.eE - 1; fO++) fn(em = 4 * (fe = fO + fP * aq.eE)) ? this.aB4(em, fe, 1) : (this.aB4(em, fe, 0), function(fO, fP, em) {
return 1 < fO && fn(em - 4) || fO < aq.eE - 2 && fn(em + 4) || 1 < fP && fn(em - 4 * aq.eE) || fP < aq.eF - 2 && fn(em + 4 * aq.eE)
}(fO, fP, em) && this.aB5(fO, fP));
this.aAt = qZ, this.aAt >= aq.eF - 1 ? (aq.pj.putImageData(aq.pk, 0, 0, 1, 1, aq.eE - 2, aq.eF - 2), b4.d3 = !0, this.a5w()) : this.aAz && (this.a0p = setTimeout(aB1, 16))
}, this.aB4 = function(em, fe, g4) {
aB7(em, Math.floor(this.aAy[g4] + this.zv[g4] * this.hI[fe] / 1e4) - aq.po[em])
}, this.aB8 = function(em, gY, aB9, g4, zv) {
aB7(em, Math.floor(this.aAy[g4] + (1 - gY / aB9) * zv) - aq.po[em])
}, this.aB5 = function(gD, gE) {
for (var em, gY, aB9, qE = gD - this.aAv, qF = gE - this.aAv, qa = gD + this.aAv, qZ = gE + this.aAv, qE = qE < 1 ? 1 : qE, qa = qa > aq.eE - 2 ? aq.eE - 2 : qa, qZ = qZ > aq.eF - 2 ? aq.eF - 2 : qZ, fP = qF < 1 ? 1 : qF; fP <= qZ; fP++)
for (var fO = qE; fO <= qa; fO++) fn(em = 4 * (fO + fP * aq.eE)) ? (aB9 = this.aAu + (this.aAv - this.aAu) * this.hI[fO + aq.eE * fP] / 1e4, Math.abs(gD - fO) > aB9 || Math.abs(gE - fP) > aB9 || aB9 <= (gY = Math.sqrt((gD - fO) * (
gD - fO) + (gE - fP) * (gE - fP))) || this.aB8(em, gY, aB9, 1, this.zv[3])) : (aB9 = this.aAw + (this.aAx - this.aAw) * this.hI[fO + aq.eE * fP] / 1e4, Math.abs(gD - fO) > aB9 || Math.abs(gE - fP) > aB9 || aB9 <= (gY = Math
.sqrt((gD - fO) * (gD - fO) + (gE - fP) * (gE - fP))) || this.aB8(em, gY, aB9, 0, this.zv[2]))
function aAm() {
2 === aq.qB ? aBA([256], [256], [0, 205, 256], [500, 500, 0], [0, 0, 0]) : 7 === aq.qB ? aBA([512], [512], [0, 380, 512], [500, 500, 0], [0, 0, 0]) : 8 === aq.qB ? aBA([410], [410], [0, 120, 210], [0, 80, 640], [0, 0, 0]) : 9 === aq.qB && aBA([
], [512], [0, 70, 180, 200, 290, 420, 512], [500, 500, 0, 0, 500, 500, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
function aBA(aBB, aBC, aBD, aBE, aBF) {
for (var fO, fP, aBH, aBI, fy, aBJ, h0 = aBB.length - 1, aBG = aq.eE + aq.eF, ef = (aBG *= aBG, aBD.length), eJ = ef - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) aBD[eJ] *= aBD[eJ];
var aBK = new Array(ef),
aBL = new Array(ef),
aBM = new Array(ef),
df = aB.aB3();
if (void 0 === aBF)
for (aBF = new Array(ef), eJ = ef - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) aBF[eJ] = 0;
for (eJ = 1; eJ < ef; eJ++) aBK[eJ] = aBD[eJ] - aBD[eJ - 1], aBL[eJ] = aBE[eJ] - aBE[eJ - 1], aBM[eJ] = aBF[eJ] - aBF[eJ - 1];
for (fO = aq.eE - 1; 0 <= fO; fO--)
for (fP = aq.eF - 1; 0 <= fP; fP--) {
for (aBH = aBG, eJ = h0; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) aBH = (aBI = (fO - aBB[eJ]) * (fO - aBB[eJ]) + (fP - aBC[eJ]) * (fP - aBC[eJ])) < aBH ? aBI : aBH;
for (fy = aBE[ef - 1], aBJ = aBF[ef - 1], eJ = 1; eJ < ef; eJ++)
if (aBH < aBD[eJ]) {
fy = aBE[eJ - 1] + a7C((aBH - aBD[eJ - 1]) * aBL[eJ], aBK[eJ]), aBJ = aBF[eJ - 1] + a7C((aBH - aBD[eJ - 1]) * aBM[eJ], aBK[eJ]);
} aBN(aq.eE * fP + fO, fy, aBJ, df)
function aBN(g4, fy, aBJ, df) {
fy < 500 ? df[g4] = eX(df[g4] * fy * 2, 1e3) : 500 < fy && (df[g4] += eX(2 * (1e4 - df[g4]) * (fy - 500), 1e3)), df[g4] += eX(aBJ * (10 * fy - df[g4]), 1e3)
function by() {
var aBO;
function aBY(vK, gU, fO, fP, globalAlpha) {
aq.pj.save(), aq.pj.globalAlpha = globalAlpha, aq.pj.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1, aq.pj.scale(gU, gU), aq.pj.drawImage(vK, Math.floor(fO * (aq.eE / gU - vK.width)), Math.floor(fP * (aq.eF / gU - vK.height))), aq.pj.restore()
this.yb = 0, this.yc = 0, this.ye = 0, this.yf = 0, this.ct = function() {
(aBO = new Array(aq.a8O))[0] = {
gA: [0, 5e3, 8e3, 1e4],
gY: [220, 250, 255, 220],
vR: [190, 220, 0, 0],
hp: [170, 200, 0, 0]
}, aBO[1] = {
gA: [0, 4e3, 5e3, 6e3, 1e4],
gY: [25, 0, 100, 0, 25],
vR: [25, 0, 0, 0, 25],
hp: [25, 0, 0, 0, 25]
}, aBO[2] = {
gA: [0, 500, 2500, 2999, 3e3, 3200, 4200, 5200, 5700, 8800, 1e4],
gY: [15, 15, 70, 40, 48, 48, 252, 40, 40, 20, 30],
vR: [80, 80, 190, 90, 46, 46, 248, 180, 180, 90, 140],
hp: [120, 120, 220, 110, 37, 37, 217, 10, 10, 10, 10]
}, aBO[3] = {
gA: [0, 400, 1800, 2e3, 3200, 4500, 6e3, 7700, 8500, 9500, 1e4],
gY: [10, 10, 20, 10, 30, 10, 16, 40, 55, 230, 230],
vR: [10, 10, 40, 50, 100, 40, 80, 120, 55, 230, 230],
hp: [80, 80, 200, 10, 60, 10, 16, 40, 55, 230, 230]
}, aBO[4] = {
gA: [0, 300, 1400, 1700, 3e3, 4e3, 1e4],
gY: [10, 10, 20, 10, 10, 170, 212],
vR: [20, 20, 60, 100, 100, 110, 170],
hp: [70, 70, 160, 30, 30, 60, 120]
}, aBO[5] = {
gA: [0, 1e3, 3e3, 3500, 4e3, 4500, 7e3, 7500, 8e3, 1e4],
gY: [10, 10, 20, 10, 5, 10, 20, 5, 20, 25],
vR: [30, 30, 50, 100, 30, 100, 140, 60, 140, 200],
hp: [80, 80, 200, 10, 5, 10, 20, 5, 20, 25]
}, aBO[6] = {
gA: [0, 700, 2650, 3200, 5e3, 8e3, 1e4],
gY: [10, 10, 60, 255, 255, 200, 200],
vR: [10, 10, 60, 255, 255, 200, 200],
hp: [80, 80, 255, 255, 255, 200, 200]
}, aBO[7] = {
gA: [0, 400, 1999, 2e3, 3200, 4e3, 4700, 5500, 6500, 9500, 1e4],
gY: [10, 10, 80, 255, 255, 55, 6, 70, 20, 155, 255],
vR: [10, 10, 90, 245, 245, 170, 80, 190, 20, 155, 255],
hp: [80, 80, 255, 235, 235, 55, 26, 10, 20, 155, 255]
}, aBO[8] = {
gA: [0, 700, 1300, 1900, 1901, 2500, 3400, 6e3, 1e4],
gY: [25, 30, 30, 30, 255, 255, 30, 40, 20],
vR: [25, 30, 150, 150, 245, 245, 80, 150, 70],
hp: [60, 170, 170, 170, 235, 235, 30, 40, 40]
}, aBO[9] = {
gA: [0, 400, 2009, 2010, 3300, 4e3, 5200, 6500, 8e3, 9500, 1e4],
gY: [10, 10, 80, 255, 255, 55, 23, 36, 20, 155, 255],
vR: [10, 10, 90, 245, 245, 170, 60, 160, 20, 155, 255],
hp: [80, 80, 255, 235, 235, 55, 9, 72, 20, 155, 255]
}, aBO[20] = {
gA: [0, 5500, 6700, 6999, 7e3, 7300, 7600, 8200, 1e4],
gY: [5, 5, 70, 70, 255, 255, 252, 10, 8],
vR: [20, 28, 190, 190, 255, 255, 248, 90, 60],
hp: [60, 80, 220, 220, 220, 220, 217, 10, 8]
}, this.aAn = function() {
var aBX, eJ, hg, dt, gS = function() {
var gS;
return aq.pn = document.createElement("canvas"), aq.pn.width = aq.eE, aq.pn.height = aq.eF, aq.pj = aq.pn.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !1
}), gS = aq.pj.getImageData(0, 0, aq.eE, aq.eF), aq.po = gS.data, gS
gA = aBO[aq.qB].gA,
gY = aBO[aq.qB].gY,
vR = aBO[aq.qB].vR,
hp = aBO[aq.qB].hp,
df = aB.aB3(),
ef = gA.length - 2,
aBS = new Array(1 + ef),
aBT = new Array(1 + ef),
aBU = new Array(1 + ef),
aBV = new Array(1 + ef);
for (hg = ef; 0 <= hg; hg--) aBS[hg] = gA[hg + 1] - gA[hg], aBT[hg] = gY[hg + 1] - gY[hg], aBU[hg] = vR[hg + 1] - vR[hg], aBV[hg] = hp[hg + 1] - hp[hg];
for (eJ = aq.eE * aq.eF - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
for (hg = ef; 0 <= hg; hg--)
if (df[eJ] >= gA[hg]) {
dt = df[eJ] - gA[hg], aq.po[4 * eJ] = gY[hg] + a7C(aBT[hg] * dt, aBS[hg]), aq.po[4 * eJ + 1] = vR[hg] + a7C(aBU[hg] * dt, aBS[hg]), aq.po[4 * eJ + 2] = hp[hg] + a7C(aBV[hg] * dt, aBS[hg]), aq.po[4 * eJ + 3] = 255;
} aq.pj.putImageData(gS, 0, 0), aq.aAr(aq.qB) && a0.g8() && aq.aAr(aq.qB) && (gS = a0.a4x("arena"), aBX = a0.a4x("territorial.io"), aBY(gS, 5, .5, .5, .1), aBY(aBX, 2, .5, .45, .1)), aq.pl = !0, b4.d3 = !0
}, this.wg = function() {
for (var em, fO, fP, aBZ, aBa, dv, yc = 0, gA = aq.eE, gF = aq.eF, dt = gA * gF * 4, aBb = a2z, aBc = aq.po, eJ = gA - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) aBb[(em = eJ << 2) + 2] = aBb[dt - em - 2] = 3;
for (dt = 4 * gA, eJ = gF - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) aBb[(em = eJ * dt) + 2] = aBb[em + dt - 2] = 3;
for (aBZ = gA - 1, aBa = gF - 1, fP = 1; fP < aBa; fP++)
for (dt = fP * gA, fO = 1; fO < aBZ; fO++) dv = 1 - (aBc[(em = dt + fO << 2) + 2] > aBc[em + 1] && aBc[em + 2] > aBc[em]), aBb[em + 2] = 2 - dv, yc += dv;
this.yb = (gA - 2) * (gF - 2), this.yf = 0, aq.aAp(aq.qB) && function() {
var em, fO, fP, dt, aBb = a2z,
aBc = aq.po,
gA = aq.eE,
aBZ = gA - 1,
aBa = aq.eF - 1,
rk = 0;
for (fP = 1; fP < aBa; fP++)
for (dt = fP * gA, fO = 1; fO < aBZ; fO++) aBc[em = dt + fO << 2] === aBc[1 + em] && aBc[em] === aBc[2 + em] && (rk++, aBb[2 + em] = 3);
aA.yf = rk
}(), this.yc = b.wS = yc - this.yf, this.ye = this.yb - this.yc - this.yf
function aAl() {
var g3;
10 === aq.qB ? g3 =
11 === aq.qB ? g3 =
12 === aq.qB ? g3 =
13 === aq.qB ? g3 =
"C0DX0NP1V--QqeadnzzjynEEzzjjivdivfezjj2BBwzwnEzzzzzEjnnvYBBBBEBnzz-UV-hflzUUSrrUzSxSxzk0a1-V50K-0pMiudevf-zvfeBnyviVF-F33-yzgp3bVV02IKUrHnUzzpHz5UzUzSKrUrzbyNN-OzzxzUUUSrSrrrtzttzWaOaTUzSxxaOaOxrKBnCSKCIMSKKKKIBpIJoonIJopCJpJpCCCBnBggeXn9eccc9X7geXXn9efHfBnABemcXX9eece7XHXeXecegeeVV1ee9eX9ecc70eXcXe9enA9fAABnBnJpMKpKJnBnHmmeeXX7X7cceXXce9eeccXVVVV-VeXe97Xcee9f9eXeXXXXceWVWBc29cX7V-6aOaTOWWV-1XX17-NOtWaNVnBn97X-7cf9mmnBemXgece9I9eXXomgeh9eX99eeeemf9BmmeHgeeegfBggmnHoeABeggnIBggeeeecVI9eeemeXe7cX1-ZmfIKCCIJooonIIBnAAAA9mmgnIIBnBpKCBnCCCKKKMSKJoonIBohBmnABnCABfA9gd9mhBopCIJonABgmnJopCCKJpBnBnBnCJnCCCJnKBoggpIKCKJ-UMSGxrMMKKIIISrKpSKKKKJopCIIKKKCCCBnIBjSrSSpKppqUI9cpKIKrrrKSzyUpKpMxS5UKxMSrSxxxpSrSKpIrHxrSMSzHfrxxzUUUSxrSrSxxxrSrrSrSrrrrrrUUxryOtttzbttyUzzbtzzUzzxzzUxzrTTTTUbyTTTTTUbbxy0byUtzyUzyUzzzzxzrrSrSSSppSSMrRN-OxpSMztzbzzzVUrLUSpprUtxKbxBfrSKJpKKJonICppKHnKKJoopKISppSrMKrSrrUSSpxxMSxprUSMMSSpKMSttzzI9f9hMMMSrKSMKpprKKHnCSSKpMMSSrKKKKKCIIC9gnJonBpKAKJpJpBpKBnCpMKKCKCKpKSSSrSrMMMMKrMSSMKSSSprMMMpUKppSJpKKKKMKSSppIMIpKKMSKSpKMSSSprMrSrMMSSrKppMMKSSMSSSSSprSMKKSKBmgprSSppSIMzxCUzprMUyTObbyUzzzaOaUzzzUtzzzUUqOaUxy0bzzzbbtaTOaTOaOaObaOa5OWbaOtWaOWa555555NNOWaOaObaOa57-6WV0WWV--O97VWWWaObbbtyTUttyTOaNNNHV0V-N---9-V-777579775-0taTOaOaObyNOa5OaOWbbaTTTTTUztWbbbaOVOWaOa5-5N-7X--V-517T7---7-Wa0V-X7ccX7-7-77VV-5-7-5N17X7XV-0VN5-N5TNNNNN50aN-5Oza5OaOtsOWWaOWaOWaOaOaOaOaObaOaObaTTTOtbaTOtaOaOWaOaOaNOaOWWWaNOa5NNNN5-Oa5NN0WaT550WaNNN--N0aN7--0WcefIBf9en9geecmmf9eAAABgee9egfBgmeee7cX7X777cce5TTT-VVX1cX1c7197X977X7Xe79eX15hHX11717-7-V-V71177VXX7X7ce-V-1-1-----117--cXX77ce1-VVV-0u7X777117771177V771-717VV-977X77VVV-7X-OWxpSSMSrMKMSSrSrSy5150WV0V5OzJpKCKCCUzSrSSSrKrSprMKprpMUMMMpKKSpzSxxrUMSSMKpppSCKKSMISMSrMMUUrrSrUKSSpppMpSSSpxrrSKrSpSMKKJhSMKppKKppSKKSSprxtzaUTObbaObzzzbyUby5OtzrtzWsObbbtzttbtztzaTTUs-o-9SuvkpF---4GN0--Akuevkk-0Z-5DzUUzzUMMSrUUrrxzzV0k24nbEF-72uPs-31lfR-X0zvBgpOsN---Fjh-1VahUR-033plvivC44-bVp12CUzzrxpztzzzy2A979eeXd9eXXVGkPch_OLJKKa_OLujjznwwkzo-Eno-q32WRrMKpkV7-V--7jXk2-IvW9e-7xySpV2kZ-vaazk0-HWAOjKHprsWxta7ccV2FavYivl3F2cIsAppKMwN117X-81g-ifoF-L4N9UrkcVDFfPz___bjvjjEB3ByvEGJKK--WQlvV0kn8QjoF0NPnGrScX-E2V6yPuEF3-D6-ISGX-42b3rh-0NYH_ooy-3P8eEOJFGGIB-B-0-2043LaPdaeeiZ30003G002j-03-JGFGJ-4K-03G-3303330NBzB-UzzB3DvzuzByyfiivieivifevefjzyw-D9vlxqX-A58vaOYw-07nF-rFPV4lbM4aaabBn3B-mC6fBmmjSOa5N-25o35o--CiYN-gQSZPTw0--2QiX--66YJ-9FT6CN-BHQ8jadHQyddcyvG2232-F-8Hr8k--dcfk6dIezn9YpIBhC5Oa6y5UrWZmX70C2JVtUzzp4J-mXEjworrq557e-6IQmyv4--dmmEV-JuCMk-9SVlk3KDxRuPiueObi_JGTyycnBk--4-BF-eicPos02KqRDLPefeTiuiviuk-K33F-----6f9qfBnUWV-jMD3iO_aOaPOiwBnBnn--0evOEn5U5c1_T5ktLKKGTvjzzYp-w0Rg9s6ABmeWBmghJonKxCIKIKKSKWa6zzro5Uxltbe9e5OtVOWaN-N6w6y2ABcX17cXV-SWU2PBo-alHDReopsOa-OOYdiPPPgnE00--BsPu--Oo5J-5oKjx-AxeUxtaeeTeeffeuePauuvivijfieiivePgyvvC000000-3-3G35JG-2BF0-30-2FFFF--3hlWISD1-ER5o5evV0-0eu7_RjSSprzrSrcX7X7X7X--6KDt-HirDjBnBnKMba5551-3rQbzaaEBnpFJAmhxnKSSSSKKKKonIKKpKpMKrSKIr5UrNV79V1----V55N-1V1-7-7-X79-IUBriLagwC2-3jm7YKkV7jUvJLaLMeudeP_LPK3PfeaLeaa_F8aaLLOaO__KHdOK8__KeePOdaaieeeiiefifeeddddaaPadOPePPeeiiveueaeeivfeiuyzjvvizEBwwwzzEE2-kkBB2-2-kB-2-B222-B-k22-BB2-B-BB222-k-kF-B22Bk0-F32nyevg220-FF-0--0-F003G-G0-Cl0ab9eefxzzba-AX5ODuklF2RKFUonyUUaPXeV9sgwrddaLaPNn2BnEE0F3RULpn9opxbbbtXVe-Y_1riO_LKfvEink--0BfCIpy1V" :
14 === aq.qB ? g3 =
"EcA20EP9t--46idaPadePOddiaeuuuebieeiiivuO_aRnufezijzzvzjvfuuPKJFJGG3GPKGPOaTiiiedaduus2EYuiedn2nyffdv32--0202EzeRwoG--Ezzjevck20202zeufik43BFBFK0G4-0_J--nyioC03-0002-n22wyddyjfzven3Eyv3JJ20-zynnEyjnnvjizjjejzyy_wznnBn2zvnzyvzBl3GG3G--23FFo0-wzBB8m--ZISrMUUSpzrxxrKrrSKpppKKIACBnAA9mmgfBcee9cXef9geeeXVf9999199ge17V7Hgce7c15ABee99eeXegegegfBgfA9mgomeecXcXgeXceXnBrxSxxzHecefAUUJceccgce0AxBeXXXeceY9nTUJgoepCJnzzzxIBfrMpIJmnpHmc58EJmnrSbrMrUKJnIKxrHgrUzrxKCbtzprzxKISpxzU5Ulzq0a-NOzzxxzSxrprSSpxxrzrtztyUtaOaTObzxpxrUyObaOxMKBn9pMKICCKSKIKKCMKCACBpCACBonIJnKIHhKBpKBpBonCBmnHmgeme1ggeeeX17Xc7VY9e7emdBe97gfBfBfBfBf9e7X7cXeXc19eX-ecXceX9Vf9cee7V-P1e9cecX7e9X7X-0XcX7c97e9V0--O6glDk-BjnBnJpKKMSKrrMSSpSSrxMrSSrMKMprSKzUzzSI9cmgonCKIJppI9YKCKCKKSKKSMMrrUzzzUSMSrUUUSzrzUzryUaUyUyUbxlzzs7-V15X----V---NNccX-ccc0y10WeeeeV--70V6xUztWxMSzbbc6xta11cX9X7V7-X-eHeggnCISpKHX1V1X-7-Oa-N5Xe98HeVVVeeV0X9711-3--XjabvBG-0s7nSrxGc9-BFOunededziszBzG0-G-KF2NDz6rSzzu9d99-0FVIObk153LiReenAUbbxzxzrpxq--e9e9e-A1JTaukCF07J23pq7---cVM--WN3QV1khy_awxF-H4kIRjyV-oCGnvjx3J-16-Ny-U2iSDjyffv33G4F-CWtG2GxSUlV79e--2nbB--6j1s0REhiviizkJG4-4X-vYML77-ZHJ3Pv3-1cZeNponGtV-V4lDIreOiuBl-3-DAESjT9-r4cgTLLKKOaQjzyvgn3FBEB--1pnH-E4zQyafnG--5BKbgN-3Oxws0iCDazIKxKMMIr5OVX1V7759-05hoa-4YPwIzTXc0oS4-OaOaanwnB0-qYoDA9pIrzxzpzpKzzzzUzrWVf9cP1ceceVemcc7cV0H9uMvF-eGU9USSbuX975JYvsOLKOKKK4OaLJKPueTzjEzjzBn2zj3-Bnwn-B_HnzBpIzyNX7V1mi7bfz3J09L-pSKKCSrs5P7VX7-YBjWieueuusF-F03-0dhx_nILN-03vANuaQYl---6b56-jf6VcBknBBn-Bk2BnEBkBkn-BnBkBw-----n2Bk------kn04GKKKaOaO__KKKPLOKLKGKKLKaKKKKKLLKaOOLGKKK3KaKLKOaKaOKKKG3G43G3J33F3G4G4JGznnE2--G-G3334L33G43J-33JG3KG303F433GK3K3GKG3G3k3GKOffaF--GG-FG3---F-3I-3F0-0303F40GGG-G03GG4FF0--FF2-----0---k-G-F3--04343G-G3KG030-0-Gk-2DwkG43F3G0-30-F3F30-00-G30-0-F-3--G33I--03FG3303F3-I0--3F-nDtfefeuvfideeviivfiuviuzwn--B2BBB22--wn9PeLeeLeaPOfjzyvuiveuifhfifiivevefffjiafjiuifeypeeeiivejEivjiivijfiuieiiueuieeeeeafieeeujvifffiuzziviuzivieifiififPivfeifivPvyvijviefivevevafieeaOeueevfeeveeeuiufiaeefifivizizzwmznEzzBnEzBnBnznEzzzzwzwEzwnBnEnAyzzBzzBn-nEnBznEwzzwnBnzzEEzBznnnBznEk--22B2zkzwnnwnzznBnnEzzzmvwEEBkBk-B2znEzEznBn--kBnBEnzBzzw---4--2-n-RB2Dvfzn0n-kB2BnB2nBknBBB2-n-3-KK3JG0304-G43GLJJK_K4JJJKJG3F43G03F3-Fk3-3-k--FLOadeOaOaOOaPOada__aOe_LPaPOK_KOGGKKKKOaOKKJG-K3Gk--nB-FF-3Rk-JGGKaPPeaPPeuieW00-FF3G3FFF--2-J0-GJ43G3JG-0KK2-3G3G-3F0-3G00-F4N2znB-3jEzzBk-ivzzfjEBAzievivivieevivueiuiuufivzzzvivzuivivjvyvzejvjwzzvyvzwnnBzn_ejEBzzEB2-LOKOaMBBzzBnzwzizieveefifieizzzvyzzznyyvzznvjEzzwzBijzjyzznDzzwnnEyznzznEnEEw2yajzDjwBvnznEnzkzEznivvheejwzjefievveyzByvnmeziuvfiyvyzjnzjBwnkzaeO_PO_dLLG4PPvjivjivjiuviyviyzjwzwnE2zBnBnB2-k--4222BzEOOaeiejxPeeuuuuqeuaeeuuefifefefeeffeuuifeveffeueiieuvfiiveufiivvfeuuiuffieeuufuffieyvjiyfeveiuiffifefieevuiivfjivvjwwnBn2BB--BBnnBwn--2-k2BBwzE---0--0B3F-k2-kBB--k---JF-3B---3F03-k2--wkzEn2-B2wEEE2Bn0BB0-kknBkwE-kk22--eUSCSJrLT7V71K0YLtevvyl3KFzwGJ-DWcRRqP-hG7KyLafizivwwG03G0F-acjpSSKy-VX-IJltLePvV---PeSVrBgmoxprMRTTOa77X77-0N3vk7eoElnII93nzSKBooUSX0aNX0a5V-1pfNUugBJ-9iOdUNV-4v1z-Sfs-zBgmX8MKAxy5NOzKbse7V-0U-Fk-1y-lV-4x-6--g6bj-3L4kbaTYn2J-apmECIJlaN--MR8FTPQYEwpGF-2W9GV-62Hz-7i5cMKKGV---y2dwQvz4K-NgIMwmnUzJopKCCKKIJnKKpKSKKSKMKrMMbrWbWtaT6a550VN---X157cV-VX77VVX7ce7V-nZT45OKJLLPzjzzBz2wLJF0I80TwpCpzpOWa5P7eeV-9fnj-3pOZ6JOX-2f5dcs" :
15 === aq.qB ? g3 =
16 === aq.qB ? g3 =
17 === aq.qB ? g3 =
"9mDS-FP-F--0TedPPOXo0HCGSpxrMptUSrUztztbbsUtaTTOzzzzStzSzSrSrSrppT-0btaOaNNUttVOa---56y6aOSrUaN5OzztztaOtTObtaNNUzaOSrSvHogmgfKpKSrCJgnIICMKrSryUWs--17XD--OaUzaOzyObzzztzrrUxUKprrzyUzzzzzzrSrrbzUSzyOaOsOzzzztbzzrAMSKzrUzzUSrUrrMKKSzzxrrxrxrrSrSrUSpMJnCKUV6aSxxUSxrSSMzzzWzz_zzzzzzxrUzxUzzrSzpxpxUSUxrxxSrrMSrSKKMKMSKKxrSKxzxpJmegnKzWzzoeepBpABgohBnBpMSKyOsT5T---OWWt_onKzzS9ehSrUzzzzrzzKKAILmfHnBpUztWsT0WaOaUzzzUrUrSzpxzzrSMSrzzzSKKKKpyTUaOzxzxrxxrxrUzzxzzzzzzzSrxrUrSrSzMSrSSrSrUprMKzUUUrbrbrbrrSMKxKKKpIKKKMKKKIBpKBnJnBhBgnCAIBnBnBnBgonIJoonIJnBnKBen17AKICIKKJgpKKCSSKKCKJpBpKIKBnKKKCACBpKMIKponBgfBnCHoonBnAKCKKCI9nBenBnBgmepCBn9cecegX-9eenHmognBmegefBnBenBnBenBgmonAKICCKKCKKKIKKJnCJnBmfBnBmpBnICIBpIBmpBmnBnABn8aObbaOa0bVOV1n9fCBonIHmonCMpQ9hCAJnJgnCBnBmpBpBgfA9nBmX9eeeXeXcXX9eee77gpKrSrzSrSrJnKKrrrrKJnCBnCBhCIBgemggeggef9eemmeecceAKKrKICJproomgmgeee9X9eXfKMSMAKMzrMyOtxrKCBe7VcfBprrBAIHnKhSKIBp9emgfBnCBpSMSUSxrrzzrKKLmnBmmnABpIKIBmgmnKSpSKUSrPkf9en9nAIKpIBgmXEV9gpB7Ve9VX9XbrUV1cc9V7Ws11chBeaN7tV7AIC7XN1N1777c2V-a5USy117aNN-ceef97Oa-Wzy1N-17WbyMMKSCKrs10WV-Ws978V-5-D5-s-7VcgmfMopCSppIA7XV--1-2bs717V15--a52aN-X1-cVN-X-V-ts-0V0VOV1OaOa1-2WV-sOV--7OV-V--VX-7--7-0yN7--7-X1OWa--1-0WVT--9N7OV--1-NN---V-17V-15Us--V--15NN7----VX1N7---X71--17eX7X7XX1VcX9XXcX9999A77eVeX9A17X9cX7X7X9cX7V7VV---717cV1717X717X-X7X71177X-X71N19--97X-X7-X7c-91X-X-7X7g7XVeX7Ws-177-17-5Oa5NOsOa5OaOV1XmX7eVcOV-95--5-sUWVNT5N--0WWtztaTT6WaOV7-0aOaOzza0aN0a--7VOV7s-s--6V-X---17X1Vc118V5OV7eX7XcXemnCCBfBnBoprSp9gn9cV17ee-9eee7eV4kDJ_aeiwn-FJ-u28mgpMSzsN-XeV5Fop6aeecBBk-F1t5Zdn9xxrs-9-O9QZyeevz-G3G-YcmK6CIIrUrrSrrrqOa9-X9X7X9cV1_beTuOPOPfznwwC3-4-Jh78rBeejprrSrNN--7-T5ITPw30U8E3BgonBzrtWzzaNVeeV8t9XtaOdOyzBwnEBKK-AmPDvCxrr-7X7ByJT4OdKaTizEydLQi_G48_OUdOvEvyuv-zyevvnzyBFzjvyBnzzznE0KKJJJK43JJG3JF0GKK-2BiSRpxxpWX7Xc" :
18 === aq.qB ? g3 =
19 === aq.qB && (g3 =
), (new pX).pZ(g3)
function aAh() {
this.qA = null, this.ct = function() {
var aBe = [120, 105, 92],
cos = [12, 12, 60],
aBf = [300, 300, 9827, 26, 18, 36, 36, 8, 32, 3, 9],
aBg = [140, 130, 120],
aBh = [12, 12, 76],
aBi = [240, 120, 1024, 30, 19, 30, 70, 8, 20, 3, 9],
aBj = [130, 117, 106],
aBk = [12, 12, 68],
aBl = [270, 210, 1024, 28, 19, 33, 50, 8, 26, 3, 9];
this.qA = new Array(aq.a8O + 1), this.qA[0] = {
name: "White Arena",
gA: 230,
gF: 230,
jx: 1e3,
ju: 2e3,
aAj: 173
}, this.qA[1] = {
name: "Black Arena",
gA: 800,
gF: 800,
jx: 100,
ju: 50,
aAj: 43
}, this.qA[2] = {
name: "Island",
gA: 512,
gF: 512,
jx: 128,
ju: 32,
aAj: 0
}, this.qA[3] = {
name: "Mountains",
gA: 960,
gF: 960,
jx: 60,
ju: 8,
aAj: 0
}, this.qA[4] = {
name: "Desert",
gA: 900,
gF: 900,
jx: 100,
ju: 5,
aAj: 0
}, this.qA[5] = {
name: "Swamp",
gA: 1e3,
gF: 1e3,
jx: 100,
ju: 40,
aAj: 0
}, this.qA[6] = {
name: "Snow",
gA: 1e3,
gF: 1e3,
jx: 100,
ju: 20,
aAj: 0
}, this.qA[7] = {
name: "Cliffs",
gA: 1024,
gF: 1024,
jx: 128,
ju: 32,
aAj: 0
}, this.qA[8] = {
name: "Pond",
gA: 820,
gF: 820,
jx: 200,
ju: 100,
aAj: 0
}, this.qA[9] = {
name: "Halo",
gA: 1024,
gF: 1024,
jx: 128,
ju: 32,
aAj: 0
}, this.qA[10] = {
name: "Europe",
q9: aBg,
qC: aBh,
aAs: aBi
}, this.qA[11] = {
name: "World",
q9: aBj,
qC: aBk,
aAs: aBl
}, this.qA[12] = {
name: "Caucasia",
q9: aBj,
qC: aBk,
aAs: aBl
}, this.qA[13] = {
name: "Africa",
q9: aBe,
qC: cos,
aAs: aBf
}, this.qA[14] = {
name: "Middle East",
q9: aBe,
qC: cos,
aAs: aBf
}, this.qA[15] = {
name: "Scandinavia",
q9: aBg,
qC: aBh,
aAs: aBi
}, this.qA[16] = {
name: "North America",
q9: aBg,
qC: aBh,
aAs: aBi
}, this.qA[17] = {
name: "South America",
q9: aBe,
qC: cos,
aAs: aBf
}, this.qA[18] = {
name: "Asia",
q9: aBj,
qC: aBk,
aAs: aBl
}, this.qA[19] = {
name: "Australia",
q9: aBe,
qC: cos,
aAs: aBf
}, this.qA[20] = {
name: "Island Kingdom",
gA: 1024,
gF: 1024,
jx: 128,
ju: 32,
aAj: 0
}, this.qA[aq.a8O] = {}
function wf() {
(qu = void 0 === qu ? document.createElement("canvas") : qu).width = aq.eE, qu.height = aq.eF, wi = qu.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
}), wj = wi.getImageData(0, 0, aq.eE, aq.eF), a2z = wj.data, aZ.pp.pq(a2z)
function bz() {
var df, gA, gF, max, aBm, ju, aBo, aBp, aBq, aBr, aBs, aBt, aBu, aBv, aBn = 1e4;
function aC2(aC1, jx, ef) {
var eJ;
for (aBo[0] = aC1, eJ = 1; eJ < ef; eJ++) aBo[eJ] = aBo[eJ - 1] + jx, jx = aBo[eJ] >= aBn ? (aBo[eJ] = aBn - 1, -jx) : aBo[eJ] < 0 ? (aBo[eJ] = 0, -jx) : (jx += 16384 <= aM.random() ? ju : -ju) < -aBm ? -aBm : aBm < jx ? aBm : jx
function aC4(fO, fP, aC5, ef) {
(aC5 ? function(fO, fP, ef) {
var eJ;
for (eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) df[fP * gA + fO + eJ] = aBo[eJ]
} : function(fO, fP, ef) {
var eJ;
for (eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) df[fP * gA + fO + eJ * gA] = aBo[eJ]
})(fO, fP, ef)
function aC8(value, ef) {
var eJ, aAB, fg, gn = value - aBo[ef - 1];
if (0 != gn) {
for (aAB = 1 + eX(Math.abs(gn), ef - 1), aAB = gn < 0 ? -aAB : aAB, aBo[ef - 1] = value, fg = (fg = ef - 1 - eX(Math.abs(gn), Math.abs(aAB))) < 1 ? 1 : ef - 2 < fg ? ef - 2 : fg, eJ = ef - 2; fg <= eJ; eJ--) aBo[eJ] += gn - (ef - 1 -
eJ) * aAB;
(gn < 0 ? function(ef) {
var eJ;
for (eJ = ef - 2; 1 <= eJ; eJ--) aBo[eJ] < 0 && (aBo[eJ] = -aBo[eJ] - 1)
} : function(ef) {
var eJ;
for (eJ = ef - 2; 1 <= eJ; eJ--) aBo[eJ] >= aBn && (aBo[eJ] = 2 * aBn - aBo[eJ] - 1)
function aCB(aCC, aCD, ef) {
for (var eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) aCC[eJ] = aCD[eJ]
function aCE(ds) {
for (var eJ = 0; eJ < ds.length - 1; eJ++) ds[eJ] = ds[eJ + 1] - ds[eJ];
ds[ds.length - 1] = ds[ds.length - 3]
function aCF(x3, gap, gm) {
aBp.push(x3), aBq.push(gap), aBr.push(gm)
this.d4 = function(vx) {
! function(vx) {
var eJ;
for (gA = vx[0], gF = vx[1], aBm = vx[2], ju = vx[3], df = new Int16Array(gA * gF), max = gF < gA ? gA : gF, aBo = new Int16Array(max), aBp = [], aBq = [], aBr = [], aBs = new Array(gA), aBt = new Array(gF), eJ = gA - 1; 0 <=
eJ; eJ--) aBs[eJ] = !1;
for (eJ = gF - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) aBt[eJ] = !1;
aBu = new Int16Array(gA), aBv = new Int16Array(gF)
function(ef) {
var aC1 = aM.random() % aBn,
jx = aM.random() % (2 * aBm + 1) - aBm;
aC2(aC1, jx, ef)
}(max), aCB(aBv, aBo, gF), aC4(0, 0, !0, gA);
var fO, fP, vx = df[0],
ef = max,
jx = aM.random() % (2 * aBm + 1) - aBm;
for (aC2(vx, jx, ef), aCB(aBu, aBo, gA), aC4(0, 0, !1, gF), aCE(aBu), aCE(aBv), aC2(df[gA - 1], aBu[gA - 1], gF), aC4(gA - 1, 0, !1, gF), aC2(df[gA * (gF - 1)], aBv[gF - 1], gA), aC8(df[gA * gF - 1], gA), aC4(0, gF - 1, !0, gA), aBs[gA -
1] = aBs[0] = !0, aBt[gF - 1] = aBt[0] = !0, aCF(0, gA, !0), aCF(0, gF, !1), ! function() {
var aCH, x3;
for (;;) {
if (aCH = function() {
var eJ, aCH = aBp.length - 1;
for (eJ = aCH - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) aBq[eJ] > aBq[aCH] && (aCH = eJ);
return aCH
}(), aBq[aCH] < 5) return;
x3 = aBp[aCH] + eX(aBq[aCH], 2), (aBr[aCH] ? function(fO) {
var ef, aCK, eJ, a46 = 0,
aCL = 0;
for (; aCL < gF - 1;) {
for (eJ = a46 + 1; eJ < gF; eJ++)
if (aBt[eJ]) {
aCL = eJ;
} ef = aCL - a46 + 1, aC2(df[fO + gA * a46], 0 === a46 ? aBu[fO] : aBo[aCK - 1] - aBo[aCK - 2], ef), aC8(df[aCL * gA + fO], ef), aC4(fO, a46, !1, ef), aCK = ef, a46 = aCL
aBs[fO] = !0
} : function(fP) {
var ef, aCK, eJ, a46 = 0,
aCL = 0;
for (; aCL < gA - 1;) {
for (eJ = a46 + 1; eJ < gA; eJ++)
if (aBs[eJ]) {
aCL = eJ;
} ef = aCL - a46 + 1, aC2(df[fP * gA + a46], 0 === a46 ? aBv[fP] : aBo[aCK - 1] - aBo[aCK - 2], ef), aC8(df[fP * gA + aCL], ef), aC4(a46, fP, !0, ef), aCK = ef, a46 = aCL
aBt[fP] = !0
})(x3), aCF(x3, aBp[aCH] + aBq[aCH] - x3, aBr[aCH]), aBq[aCH] = x3 - aBp[aCH] + 1
}(), fO = 0; fO < gA; fO++)
if (!aBs[fO])
for (fP = 0; fP < gF; fP++) aBt[fP] || ! function(fO, fP) {
var value = df[fP * gA + fO - 1] + df[(fP - 1) * gA + fO],
yp = 2;
aBs[fO + 1] && (yp++, value += df[fP * gA + fO + 1]);
aBt[fP + 1] && (yp++, value += df[(fP + 1) * gA + fO]);
df[fP * gA + fO] = eX(value, yp)
}(fO, fP)
}, this.aB3 = function() {
return df
}, this.aAo = function() {
df = null
function eX(hg, hp) {
return Math.floor(hg / hp + 1 / (2 * hp))
function a7C(hg, hp) {
return 0 <= hg ? eX(hg, hp) : -eX(-hg, hp)
function i7(df) {
return df * df
function y6(hg, hp) {
return hp < hg ? hg : hp
function a1P(hg, hp) {
return hg < hp ? hg : hp
function a0D(hg, df, hp) {
return df < hg ? hg : hp < df ? hp : df
function aCN(df, ef) {
for (var iT = eX(df + 1, 2), eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) iT = eX(iT + eX(df, iT), 2);
return iT
function a8t(df, ef) {
return df < 1 ? 0 : aCN(df, ef)
function aCO(jj, jk, r1, zy, jl, jm, r2, a6N) {
return !(jj + r1 <= jl || jk + zy <= jm || jl + r2 <= jj || jm + a6N <= jk)
function aCP(jj, jk, r1, zy, jl, jm, r2, a6N) {
return jj <= jl && jk <= jm && jl + r2 <= jj + r1 && jm + a6N <= jk + zy
function pg(df) {
return Math.floor(!!df * (1 + Math.log2(df + .5)))
function bI() {
this.fK = function(hg, hp) {
return Math.floor((hg + .5) / hp)
}, this.aCQ = function(hg, hp) {
return Math.floor(hg * (hp + .5))
}, this.sqrt = function(df) {
return ~~Math.sqrt(df + .5)
}, this.pow = function(dI) {
return Math.floor(Math.pow(2, dI) + .5)
}, this.mx = function(value, min, max) {
return Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max)
}, this.aCR = function(dt, dv, dx) {
return Math.max(Math.min(dt, dv), dx)
}, this.aCS = function(aCT, aCU, fO, fP) {
fO -= aCT, aCT = fP - aCU, fP = 0;
return 0 == fO ? fP = 0 <= aCT ? Math.PI : 0 : (fP = Math.atan(aCT / fO), fP += 0 < fO ? .5 * Math.PI : 1.5 * Math.PI), fP
}, this.log2 = function(df) {
return Math.floor(!!df * (1 + Math.log2(df + .5)))
function cY() {
this.j4 = new aCW, this.tm = 0;
let map = new Map;
this.d5 = function(g4, aCX = this.tm, vx = void 0) {
b4.d3 = !0, 0 === g4 && 0 === y.tp() && (g4 = 5), this.oP(), this.tm = g4;
let pb = map.get(g4);
if (!pb || 4 === g4 || 7 === g4 || 8 === g4 || 9 === g4 || 10 === g4 || 11 === g4) {
if (0 === g4) return void map.clear();
1 === g4 ? pb = new aCY : 2 === g4 ? pb = new aCZ : 3 === g4 ? pb = new aCa : 4 === g4 || 9 === g4 || 10 === g4 || 11 === g4 ? pb = vx : 5 === g4 ? pb = new aCb : 6 === g4 ? pb = new aCc : 7 === g4 ? pb = new aCd : 8 === g4 ? pb =
vx : 12 === g4 && (pb = new aCe), pb.aCX = aCX, map.set(g4, pb)
}, this.tr = function() {
this.rI() && this.d5(map.get(this.tm).aCX)
}, this.aCf = function(g4) {
this.rI() && (this.oP(), b4.d3 = !0, this.tm = g4, map.get(g4).show())
}, this.oP = function() {
this.rI() && map.get(this.tm).oP()
}, this.pB = function() {
this.rI() && (map.get(this.tm).oP(), map.clear(), this.tm = 0)
}, this.gL = function() {
var pb;
this.rI() && (pb = map.get(this.tm)).gL && pb.gL()
}, this.resize = function() {
if (!this.rI()) return !1;
}, this.fX = function(fO, fP) {
var pb;
this.rI() && (pb = map.get(this.tm)).fX && pb.fX(fO, fP)
}, this.uE = function(fO, fP) {
var pb;
this.rI() && (pb = map.get(this.tm)).uE && pb.uE(fO, fP)
}, this.uc = function() {
var pb;
this.rI() && (pb = map.get(this.tm)).uc && pb.uc()
}, this.uH = function(gD, gE, deltaY) {
var pb;
this.rI() && (pb = map.get(this.tm)).uH && pb.uH(gD, gE, deltaY)
}, this.uo = function(dI) {
return !!this.rI() && ("Enter" === dI.key ? map.get(this.tm).uo(1) : "Escape" === dI.key && map.get(this.tm).uo(2), !0)
}, this.iE = function() {
var pb;
this.rI() && (pb = map.get(this.tm)) && pb.iE && pb.iE()
}, this.rI = function() {
return 0 < this.tm
}, this.aCg = function() {
return map.get(this.tm)
}, this.aCh = function(g4) {
return map.get(g4)
function aCd() {
var aCi, aCj, nF;
this.show = function() {
aCi.show(), this.resize()
}, this.oP = function() {
}, this.resize = function() {
aCi.resize(), aCj.resize()
}, this.uo = function(iT) {
1 !== iT && at.d5(this.aCX)
}, aCi = new oF("🔑 " + aW.np[125], [new nT("💾 " + aW.np[97], function() {
}, aa.l3)]), aCj = new nD(aCi.oL, ((nF = []).push(function() {
var aCr = new n0;
return aCr.n3("🧈 Gold"), aCr.n6("Balance: " + aZ.jr.wB(bA.dK.data[113].value, .01, 2)), aCr.n4(
"Play more multiplayer games to earn gold. Accounts without gold will be deleted. Each day, you will lose 🧈 0.50 or 0.01% of your balance, whichever amount is higher."), aCr
}()), nF.push(function() {
var aCr = new n0;
return aCr.n3("1v1 Rating"), aCr.n6("Elo: " + aZ.jr.wB(bA.dK.data[107].value, .1, 1) + "<br>Rank: " + (bA.dK.data[108].value + 1) + " / " + bA.dK.data[111].value + "<br>Played Games: " + bA.dK.data[112].value), aCr
}()), nF.push(function() {
let aCr = new n0,
aCs = (aCr.n3("Account Name"), new ny(bA.dK.data[105]));
return aCs.dI.readOnly = !0, aCr.nB(aCs), aCr.nB(new nv([new nT("Copy", function() {
aZ.g5.ve(aCs.dI), aZ.g5.vf(this)
}).button])), aCr
}()), nF.push(function() {
let aCr = new n0,
aCt = (aCr.n3("Password"), new ny(bA.dK.data[106]));
return aCt.dI.readOnly = !0, aCt.dI.type = "password", aCr.nB(aCt), aCr.nB(new nv([new nT("Show", function() {
"Show" === this.innerText ? (this.innerText = "Hide", aCt.dI.type = "text") : (this.innerText = "Show", aCt.dI.type = "password")
}).button, new nT("Copy", function() {
aZ.g5.ve(aCt.dI), aZ.g5.vf(this)
}).button])), aCr.nB(new nv([new nT("Request New Password", function() {
at.d5(8, at.aCg().aCX, new gG("⏳ Connecting...", 15))
}).button])), aCr
}()), nF.push(function() {
var aCr = new n0;
return aCr.n3("Account Options"), aCr.nB(new nv([new nT("Log in to a Different Account", function() {
at.d5(6, at.aCg().aCX)
}).button])), aCr.nB(new nv([new nT("Create New Account", function() {
bA.nq.nr(105, ""), at.d5(8, at.aCg().aCX, new gG("⏳ Connecting...", 18))
}).button])), aCr.nB(new nv([new nT("Delete Account: " + bA.dK.data[105].value, function() {
at.d5(4, 0, new ti("🗑️ Account Deletion", "Your account will start the deletion process but may be restored if you log in within 3 weeks.", !0, [new nT("❌ " + aW.np[92], function() {
at.d5(7, at.aCh(7).aCX)
}), new nT("🗑️ Delete Account", function() {
at.d5(8, at.aCh(7).aCX, new gG("⏳ Connecting...", 17))
}, aa.lJ)]))
}, aa.lJ).button])), aCr
}()), nF.push(function() {
var aCr = new n0;
aCr.n3("Saved Accounts"), bA.j4.p4();
function aCv(g4) {
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < 2; eJ++) aCu[eJ].nZ(0 === g4 ? aa.ku : 0 === eJ ? aa.lJ : aa.l3)
let n9, aCu;
return aCu = [new nT("🗑️ Remove From List", function() {
var g4 = Math.min(bA.dK.data[117].value, n9.nA.length - 1);
if (!(g4 < 1)) {
n9.nA[g4].remove(), n9.nA.splice(g4, 1);
for (let eJ = g4; eJ < n9.nA.length; eJ++) n9.nA[eJ].name = "" + eJ;
bA.j4.p7(g4), g4 = bA.dK.data[117].value, n9.nA[g4].textContent = n9.nA[g4].textContent.replace("⚪", "🟢"), aCv(g4)
}, aa.ku), new nT("➡️ Login", function() {
var g4 = Math.min(bA.dK.data[117].value, n9.nA.length - 1);
g4 < 1 || (g4 = bA.j4.p8(g4), bA.nq.nr(105, g4.p9), bA.nq.nr(106, g4.password), at.d5(8, at.aCg().aCX, new gG("⏳ Connecting...", 18)))
}, aa.ku)], n9 = new oA(bA.dK.data[117], aCv), aCr.n8(n9), aCr.nB(new nv([aCu[0].button])), aCr.nB(new nv([aCu[1].button])), aCr
}()), nF))
function aCe() {
let aCi, aCz, a4B, aD0, a4C, a4D, colors = [0, 0, 0],
aD1 = -1;
function a4K(eJ) {
var gY = 0 === eJ ? 150 : 2 === eJ ? 30 : 0,
vR = 1 === eJ ? 130 : 2 === eJ ? 30 : 0,
hp = 2 === eJ ? 220 : 0,
aD5 = aCz.fP + eJ * (b1.gap + a4D);
gM.fillStyle = "rgb(" + gY + "," + vR + "," + hp + ")", gM.fillRect(aD0, aD5, colors[eJ] * a4C, a4D), gM.strokeStyle = aa.gN, gM.strokeRect(aD0, aD5, a4C, a4D), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(0, .32 * a4D), aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM,
1), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 0), gM.fillText((0 === eJ ? "Red: " : 1 === eJ ? "Green: " : "Blue: ") + aD3(eJ), aD0 + b1.gap, aD5 + .53 * a4D)
function aD3(eJ, aD6 = 256) {
return aj.mx(Math.floor(aD6 * colors[eJ]), 0, aD6 - 1)
function uj(gD, gE) {
return !(gD < aD0 || gE < aCz.fP || gD > aCz.fO + aCz.gA || gE > aCz.fP + aCz.gF)
this.show = function() {
var df = bA.dK.data[121].value;
colors[0] = (df >> 12) / 63, colors[1] = (df >> 6 & 63) / 63, colors[2] = (63 & df) / 63, aCi.show(), this.resize()
}, this.oP = function() {
bA.nq.nr(121, (aD3(0, 64) << 12) + (aD3(1, 64) << 6) + aD3(2, 64)), aCi.oP()
}, this.resize = function() {
aCi.resize(), aCz.resize();
var iT = aL.nN,
oV = aCi.oQ(),
aD4 = (aCz.fP = Math.max(aCz.fP, iT * oV.oR + b1.gap), iT * oV.oU - 2 * b1.gap);
aCz.gF = Math.min(aCz.gF, aD4), aCz.gA = 2 * aCz.gF, aCz.fP = iT * oV.oR + .5 * (iT * oV.oU - aCz.gF), aCz.fO = .5 * (aL.gA - aCz.gA), a4B = .25 * aCz.gA, aD0 = aCz.fO + a4B + b1.gap, a4C = aCz.gA - a4B - b1.gap, a4D = (aCz.gF - 2 * b1
.gap) / 3
}, this.gL = function() {
var gY, vR, hp;
aCi.gL(), gM.lineWidth = b1.rn, gY = aD3(0), vR = aD3(1), hp = aD3(2), gM.fillStyle = "rgb(" + gY + "," + vR + "," + hp + ")", gM.fillRect(aCz.fO, aCz.fP, a4B, aCz.gF), gM.strokeStyle = aa.gN, gM.strokeRect(aCz.fO, aCz.fP, a4B, aCz.gF),
gM.fillStyle = gY + vR + hp < 306 && vR < 150 ? aa.gN : aa.jp, aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 1), gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(0, .1 * aCz.gF), gM.rotate(-Math.PI / 2), gM.fillText("National Color", -aCz.fP - .5 * aCz.gF, aCz
.fO + .5 * a4B), gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), a4K(0), a4K(1), a4K(2)
}, this.fX = function(gD, gE) {
uj(gD, gE) && (aD1 = aj.mx(Math.floor((gE - aCz.fP) / (a4D + .75 * b1.gap)), 0, 2), colors[aD1] = aj.mx((gD - aD0) / a4C, 0, 1), b4.d3 = !0)
}, this.uE = function(gD) {
-1 !== aD1 && (colors[aD1] = aj.mx((gD - aD0) / a4C, 0, 1), b4.d3 = !0)
}, this.uH = function(gD, gE, deltaY) {
uj(gD, gE) && (gD = aj.mx(Math.floor((gE - aCz.fP) / (a4D + .75 * b1.gap)), 0, 2), colors[gD] = aj.mx(colors[gD] + (1 - 2 * (0 < deltaY)) / 256, 0, 1), b4.d3 = !0)
}, this.uc = function() {
0 <= aD1 && (aD1 = -1, b4.d3 = !0)
}, this.uo = function(iT) {
1 !== iT && at.j4.aD2()
}, aCi = new oF("Choose Your Nation's Color!", [new nT("❌ " + aW.np[92], function() {
})], !1), aCz = new ni([.5, .25], [.5, .5], 1)
function gG(title, id, vx) {
let aCi, aD7;
function aDA() {
aD7.nt.innerHTML += "<br>New Connection..."
this.aD8 = !0, this.show = function() {
aCi.show(), this.resize(), 15 === id ? aO.j4.a4Z(0, id) ? this.aD9() : aDA() : 16 === id ? aO.j4.a4Z(0, id) ? aO.aDB.aDC(2) : aDA() : 17 === id ? aO.j4.a4Z(0, id) ? aO.aDB.aDC(3) : aDA() : 18 === id ? (aO.j4.close(0, 3253), aO.j4.a4Z(0,
id), aDA()) : 20 === id ? aO.j4.a4Z(0, id) ? aO.aDD.aDE(vx) : aDA() : 21 === id ? aO.j4.a4Z(0, id) ? aO.aDB.aDF(vx.gH, vx.gI, vx.gJ) : aDA() : 22 === id && (aO.j4.a4Z(0, id) ? aO.aDB.aDG(vx.gH, vx.aDH, vx.aDI) : aDA())
}, this.aDJ = function() {
15 === id ? this.aD9() : 16 === id ? aO.aDB.aDC(2) : 17 === id ? aO.aDB.aDC(3) : 18 === id ? at.d5(8, this.aCX, new gG("⏳ Connecting...", 16)) : 20 === id ? aO.aDD.aDE(vx) : 21 === id ? aO.aDB.aDF(vx.gH, vx.gI, vx.gJ) : 22 === id && aO
.aDB.aDG(vx.gH, vx.aDH, vx.aDI)
}, this.aDK = function(code, yg = !1, data) {
if (yg || code === id)
if (15 === code) at.d5(7, this.aCX);
else if (16 === code) at.d5(7, this.aCX);
else if (17 === code)
if (aO.j4.close(0, 3252), bA.j4.p7(0), 0 < bA.dK.data[117].oE.length) {
let data = bA.j4.p8(0);
bA.nq.nr(105, data.p9), bA.nq.nr(106, data.password), at.d5(8, this.aCX, new gG("⏳ Connecting...", 16))
} else bA.nq.nr(105, ""), at.j4.aD2();
else 20 === code ? at.d5(7, this.aCX) : 21 !== code && 22 !== code || at.d5(10, 0, new a3Z(data))
}, this.aD9 = function() {
ac.d4(48), ac.pU(24, Math.floor(aj.pow(24) * Math.random())), ac.pU(24, Math.floor(aj.pow(24) * Math.random())), af.ct(ac.mP), bA.nq.nr(110, ad.pF.s3(ad.pF.s1(8))), aO.aDD.aDL()
}, this.oP = function() {
}, this.resize = function() {
aCi.resize(), aD7.resize()
}, this.uo = function(iT) {
2 === iT && at.j4.aD2()
}, aCi = new oF(title, [new nT("❌ " + aW.np[92], function() {
})]), aD7 = new ns(aCi.oL, "Find Server...")
function aCb() {
let aDM, aDN, aCz, aCs, aDO;
aCz = new ni([.45, .27], [.5, .5], 2 / 3), aDN = [new nT("⚔️<br>Multiplayer", function() {
}, aa.l9), new nT("🗡️<br>Single Player", function() {
}, aa.lL), new nT("🔑<br>My Account", function() {
}, aa.la), new nT("⚙️<br>Menu", function() {
}, aa.kv), new nT("", function() {
}, aa.kg, !1),
new nT("FX Client settings", function() {
}, "rgba(0, 0, 20, 0.5")
], aCs = new ny(bA.dK.data[122]);
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < aDN.length; eJ++) aDN[eJ].button.style.position = "absolute";
function aDP(g4) {
b8.cy.setState(10), b8.cy.setState(13), aV.ud(), a0.g8() || a0.a6b(), 0 === g4 ? at.j4.aDQ() : 1 === g4 ? at.j4.aDR() : 2 === g4 ? at.d5(8, at.tm, new gG("⏳ Connecting...", 16)) : 3 === g4 && at.d5(1, at.tm)
aCs.dI.style.position = "absolute", aCs.dI.style.textAlign = "center", this.show = function() {
y.setState(0), b8.cy.setState(12), aDN[4].nZ(aZ.color.vQ(bA.dK.data[121].value)), this.resize(), document.body.appendChild(aCs.dI);
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < aDN.length; eJ++) document.body.appendChild(aDN[eJ].button);
1 !== b8.id || b8.dg < 5 || (aDO && b4.dc > aDO + 144e5 ? b8.ox.setState(14) : aDO = b4.dc)
}, this.oP = function() {
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < aDN.length; eJ++) document.body.removeChild(aDN[eJ].button)
}, this.resize = function() {
var gap = .5 * b1.gap,
a3h = 10 / 99 * .84 * aCz.gA,
aDT = 3 * gap,
aDU = .16 * aCz.gF,
a0c = .19 * aCz.gA,
fO = aCz.fO + a0c,
a3h = aCz.fP + a3h + aDT,
aDT = .5 * (aCz.gA - gap) - a0c,
a0c = aCz.gA - 2 * a0c - aDU - gap,
a0c = (aZ.g5.vW(aCs.dI, fO, a3h, a0c, aDU), aZ.g5.vW(aDN[4].button, fO + a0c + gap, a3h, aDU, aDU), a3h += aDU + gap, .5 * (aCz.fP + aCz.gF - a3h - gap));
aZ.g5.vW(aDN[0].button, fO, a3h, aDT, a0c), aZ.g5.vW(aDN[1].button, fO + aDT + gap, a3h, aDT, a0c), aZ.g5.vW(aDN[2].button, fO, a3h + a0c + gap, aDT, a0c), aZ.g5.vW(aDN[3].button, fO + aDT + gap, a3h + a0c + gap, aDT, a0c);
aZ.g5.vW(aDN[5].button, fO, a3h + a0c * 2 + gap * 2, aDT * 2 + gap, a0c / 3);
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < aDN.length; eJ++) aDN[eJ].button.style.font = aZ.g5.g6(0, aZ.g5.vY(.065 * aCz.gF)), aZ.g5.nS(aDN[eJ].button, 5);
aCs.dI.style.font = aZ.g5.g6(0, aZ.g5.vY(.08 * aCz.gF)), aZ.g5.nS(aCs.dI, 5)
}, this.gL = function() {
if (y.a4u(), r.gL(), m.gL(), aw.gL(), ay.gL(), a0.g8()) {
if (settings.displayWinCounter) {
const size = Math.floor(aCz.gA * 0.03);
gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, size);
gM.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
const text = "Win count: " + wins_counter;
const textLength = gM.measureText(text).width;
gM.textAlign = "left";
gM.textBaseline = "middle";
gM.fillText(text, gM.canvas.width - textLength - size / 2, size);
gM.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1;
var iT = a0.a4x("territorial.io"),
kO = .84 * aCz.gA / iT.width;
gM.setTransform(kO, 0, 0, kO, aCz.fO + .08 * aCz.gA, aCz.fP), aDM = aDM || aZ.v2.vv(iT, aZ.v2.w1, [0, 0, 0]);
for (let fO = -1; fO <= 1; fO += 2)
for (let fP = -1; fP <= 1; fP += 2) gM.drawImage(aDM, fO, fP);
gM.drawImage(iT, 0, 0), gM.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0;
var gj = a0.a4x("logo"),
aDX = .6666 * kO * iT.height / gj.height,
jl = .5 * aL.gA,
jm = aCz.fP + .5 * kO * iT.height - .5 * aDX * gj.height;
gM.setTransform(aDX, 0, 0, aDX, jl - .6 * kO * iT.width, jm), gM.drawImage(gj, 0, 0), gM.setTransform(aDX, 0, 0, aDX, jl + .6 * kO * iT.width - aDX * gj.width, jm), gM.drawImage(gj, 0, 0), gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), gM
.imageSmoothingEnabled = !0
}, this.fX = function(fO, fP) {}, this.uo = function(iT) {}
function a3w(title, n7, aDY = [new nT("❌ " + aW.np[92], function() {
}, aa.lJ)]) {
let aCi, aD7;
this.show = function() {
aCi.show(), this.resize()
}, this.oP = function() {
}, this.resize = function() {
aCi.resize(), aD7.resize()
}, this.uo = function(iT) {
2 === iT && aDY[0].nX()
}, aCi = new oF(title, aDY), aD7 = new ns(aCi.oL, n7), aZ.g5.textAlign(aCi.oL.style, 1)
function a3Z(data) {
let aCi, aDZ, aDY;
function aDa(gn) {
let gI;
gI = gn < 0 ? parseInt(data.data[0][0]) - 1 + gn : parseInt(data.data[data.data.length - 1][0]), at.d5(8, 0, new gG("⏳ Connecting...", 21, {
gH: data.gH,
gI: gI,
gJ: gI + Math.abs(gn) - 1
this.show = function() {
aCi.show(), this.resize()
}, this.oP = function() {
}, this.resize = function() {
aCi.resize(), aDZ.resize()
}, this.uo = function(iT) {
2 === iT && aDY[0].nX()
}, aDY = [new nT("❌ " + aW.np[92], function() {
}), new nT("⬆️ Prev 100 (🧈 1.01)", function() {
}), new nT("⬆️ Prev 10 (🧈 0.11)", function() {
}), new nT("⬇️ Next 10 (🧈 0.11)", function() {
}), new nT("⬇️ Next 100 (🧈 1.01)", function() {
}), new nT("🛠️ Custom", function() {
at.d5(11, 10, new aDb({
gH: data.gH
})], aCi = new oF(data.title, aDY), aDZ = new o5(aCi.oL, data.data)
function aDb(vx) {
let aCi, aCj;
var nF;
this.show = function() {
aCi.show(), this.resize()
}, this.oP = function() {
}, this.resize = function() {
aCi.resize(), aCj.resize()
}, this.uo = function(iT) {
1 !== iT && at.aCf(10)
}, aCi = new oF("🛠️ List Options", [new nT("❌ " + aW.np[92], function() {
})]), aCj = new nD(aCi.oL, ((nF = []).push(function() {
function aDg() {
var gI = Math.floor(aDe.dI.value),
gJ = Math.floor(aDf.dI.value);
return {
vG: Math.min(gI, gJ),
aCH: Math.max(gI, gJ)
function aDi() {
var nC = ((nC = aDg()).aCH - nC.vG + 2) / 100;
aDh.button.innerHTML = aZ.jr.wH(aDh.button.innerHTML, nC)
let aCr = new n0,
aDe = new ny({
title: "startIndex",
value: 0,
g4: -1
}, "number"),
aDf = new ny({
title: "endIndex",
value: 199,
g4: -1
}, "number"),
aDh = (aCr.n3("Start Index"), aCr.nB(aDe), aDe.dI.style.marginBottom = "0.5em", aCr.n3("End Index"), aCr.nB(aDf), new nT("Go (🧈 2.01)", function() {
var nC = aDg();
at.d5(8, at.aCg().aCX, new gG("⏳ Connecting...", 21, {
gH: vx.gH,
gI: nC.vG,
gJ: nC.aCH
return aDe.dI.addEventListener("input", aDi), aDf.dI.addEventListener("input", aDi), aCr.nB(new nv([aDh.button])), aCr
}()), nF.push(function() {
let aCr = new n0,
aDe = new ny({
title: "sValue",
value: "",
g4: -1
aDf = new ny({
title: "matches",
value: 5,
g4: -1
}, "number"),
aDh = (aCr.n3("Search"), aCr.nB(aDe), aDe.dI.style.marginBottom = "0.5em", aCr.n3("Matches"), aCr.nB(aDf), new nT("Go (🧈 0.10)", function() {
var aDH = aDe.dI.value.slice(0, 20),
aDI = Math.abs(Math.floor(aDf.dI.value));
at.d5(8, at.aCg().aCX, new gG("⏳ Connecting...", 22, {
gH: vx.gH,
aDH: aDH,
aDI: aDI
return aDf.dI.addEventListener("input", function() {
var wI = (5 + Math.max(Math.abs(Math.floor(aDf.dI.value)), 1)) / 100;
aDh.button.innerHTML = aZ.jr.wH(aDh.button.innerHTML, wI)
}), aCr.nB(new nv([aDh.button])), aCr
}()), nF))
function aCc() {
var aCi, aCj, nF;
this.show = function() {
aCi.show(), this.resize()
}, this.oP = function() {
}, this.resize = function() {
aCi.resize(), aCj.resize()
}, this.uo = function(iT) {
2 === iT && at.d5(7, at.aCh(7).aCX)
}, aCi = new oF("Login", [new nT("❌ " + aW.np[92], function() {
at.d5(7, at.aCh(7).aCX)
}, aa.lJ), new nT("➡️ Login", function() {
bA.nq.nr(105, ae.pF.pO(aCj.nG[0].n1[0].dI.value, 5)), bA.nq.nr(106, ae.pF.pO(aCj.nG[1].n1[0].dI.value, 8)), at.d5(8, at.aCh(7).aCX, new gG("⏳ Connecting...", 18))
}, aa.l3)]), aCj = new nD(aCi.oL, ((nF = []).push(function() {
var aCr = new n0;
return aCr.n3("Account Name"), aCr.nB(new ny({
title: "AccountName",
value: "",
g4: -1
})), aCr
}()), nF.push(function() {
let aCr = new n0,
aCt = (aCr.n3("Password"), new ny({
title: "Password",
value: "",
g4: -1
return aCt.dI.type = "password", aCr.nB(aCt), aCr.nB(new nv([new nT("Show", function() {
"Show" === this.innerText ? (this.innerText = "Hide", aCt.dI.type = "text") : (this.innerText = "Show", aCt.dI.type = "password")
}).button])), aCr
}()), nF))
function aCW() {
this.dK = {}, this.tz = function() {
at.d5(5, 5)
}, this.aDR = function() {
at.pB(), z.ct()
}, this.aDQ = function() {
at.pB(), x.a4V(bA.dK.data[10].value), x.ct()
}, this.aD2 = function() {
at.d5(0 === y.tp() ? 5 : 0)
function ti(title, n7, aDk = !1, aDY = [new nT("❌ " + aW.np[92], function() {
}, aa.lJ)]) {
var aCi, aD7;
this.show = function() {
aCi.show(), this.resize()
}, this.oP = function() {
}, this.resize = function() {
aCi.resize(), aD7.resize()
}, this.uo = function(iT) {
2 === iT && aDY[0].nX()
}, aCi = new oF(title, aDY), aD7 = new ns(aCi.oL, n7), aDk && aZ.g5.textAlign(aCi.oL.style, 1)
function aCa() {
let aCi, oY;
function aDl() {
au.dM.hideCMPButton(), at.d5(0);
var g3 = aY.aDr(oY.od());
(0 < g3.length && g3 === aY.me.aDo || aY.aDt.pZ(g3)) && aY.aDs()
this.show = function(aDm) {
this.aDn(aDm), aCi.show(), this.resize()
}, this.aDn = function(aDm) {
0 === b.sm ? (aDm = aDm || oY.od(), oY.ob(aDm)) : (b.fS || (aY.me.aDo = aY.aDp.sE()), oY.ob(aY.aDq(aY.me.aDo)))
}, this.oP = function() {
}, this.resize = function() {
aCi.resize(), oY.resize()
}, this.uo = function(iT) {
1 === iT ? aDl() : at.tr()
}, aCi = new oF("▶️ " + aW.np[82], [new nT("❌ " + aW.np[92], function() {
}, aa.lJ), new nT("🔲 " + aW.np[93], function() {
}), new nT("📋 " + aW.np[94], function() {
}), new nT("🗑️ " + aW.np[95], function() {
}), new nT("▶️ " + aW.np[96], function() {
}, aa.l7)]), oY = new oW("replayData", "Insert the replay link here!"), aCi.oL.appendChild(oY.oZ)
function aCZ() {
var aCi, aCj, nF, aDu, aCr;
this.show = function() {
aCi.show(), this.resize()
}, this.oP = function() {
}, this.resize = function() {
aCi.resize(), aCj.resize()
}, this.uo = function(iT) {
1 === iT ? aDu.dI.blur() : at.d5(1)
}, aCi = new oF("⚙️ " + aW.np[81], [new nT("💾 " + aW.np[97], function() {
}, aa.l3), new nT("🔄 " + aW.np[98], function() {
at.pB(), bA.nq.pD(), at.d5(2)
})]), nF = [], (aCr = new n0).n3(aW.np[99]), aCr.n4(aW.np[100]), nF.push(aCr), (aCr = new n0).n3(bA.dK.data[0].title), aCr.n8(new oA(bA.dK.data[0])), nF.push(aCr), (aCr = new n0).n3(bA.dK.data[10].title), aCr.n8(new oA(bA.dK.data[10])), nF
.push(aCr), (aCr = new n0).n3(bA.dK.data[1].title), aCr.n8(new oA(bA.dK.data[1])), nF.push(aCr), (aCr = new n0).n3(bA.dK.data[9].title), aCr.n8(new oA(bA.dK.data[9])), nF.push(aCr), (aCr = new n0).n3(bA.dK.data[11].title), aCr.n8(new oA(bA.dK
.data[11])), nF.push(aCr), (aCr = new n0).n3(bA.dK.data[2].title), aCr.nB(new nn(bA.dK.data[2])), nF.push(aCr), (aCr = new n0).n3(bA.dK.data[7].title), aCr.nB(new nn(bA.dK.data[7])), nF.push(aCr), (aCr = new n0).n3(bA.dK.data[8].title),
aCr.nB(new nn(bA.dK.data[8])), nF.push(aCr), (aCr = new n0).n3(bA.dK.data[5].title), aDu = new ny(bA.dK.data[5]), aCr.nB(aDu), nF.push(aCr), aCj = new nD(aCi.oL, nF)
function aCY() {
var aCi, aDv, aDx, oG, aDw = !1;
this.show = function() {
aCi.show(), this.resize(), this.iE()
}, this.oP = function() {
}, this.resize = function() {
aCi.resize(), aDv.resize()
}, this.uo = function(iT) {
2 === iT && at.j4.aD2()
}, this.iE = function() {
!aDw || k.xf(b.ea) || (at.pB(), at.d5(1))
}, aDx = [new nT("🔑 " + aW.np[125], function() {
at.d5(8, 1, new gG("⏳ Connecting...", 16))
}), new nT("⚙️ " + aW.np[81], function() {
}), new nT("▶️ " + aW.np[82], function() {
at.d5(3, 1, "")
}), new nT("🔗 " + aW.np[83], function() {
at.d5(4, 1, new ti("🔗 " + aW.np[83], aZ.g5.vZ(["Android App", "iOS App", "Discord", "Changelog", "Clans", "Clan Results", "Players", "Tutorial", "Terms", "Privacy"], [ai.a3s, ai.tj, ai.a3u, ai.aE2, ai.aE3, ai.aE4, ai.aE5, ai.aE6,
ai.aE7, ai.aE8
]), !1, [new nT("❌ " + aW.np[92], function() {
}, aa.lJ)]))
}), new nT(" " + aW.np[84], function() {
at.d5(4, 1, new ti(" " + aW.np[84], dB + "<br><a href='" + ai.aE2 + "' target='_blank'>" + ai.aE2 + "</a>" +
"<br><br><b>" + "FX Client v" + fx_version + " " + fx_update + "<br><a href='https://discord.gg/dyxcwdNKwK' target='_blank'>FX Client Discord server</a>" +
"<br><a href='https://github.com/fxclient/FXclient' target='_blank'>Github repository</a></b>", !0, [new nT("❌ " + aW.np[92], function() {
}, aa.lJ)]))
}), new nT("🗑️ " + aW.np[85], function() {
at.d5(4, 1, new ti("🗑️ " + aW.np[85],
"Do you want to delete all locally stored data, like usernames, account data and setting data? Your account will be deleted automatically after 3 months of inactivity. To prevent the storage of new data, it is recommended to close the game after deletion.",
!1, [new nT("❌ " + aW.np[92], function() {
}), new nT("🗑️ Delete", function() {
b8.cy.tY(), at.d5(1)
}), new nT(aW.np[86], function() {
b8.cy.tZ(), at.d5(4, 1, new ti("User Privacy", "If the privacy window doesn't open, please deactivate all your adblockers.<br>Additionally, check out our Privacy Policy: <a href='" + ai.aE8 + "' target='_blank'>" + ai.aE8 +
"</a>", !1, [new nT("❌ " + aW.np[92], function() {
}, aa.lJ)]))
})], oG = [new nT("❌ " + aW.np[87], function() {
})], 8 === y.tp() && aDx.unshift(new nT("📈 " + aW.np[88], function() {
at.pB(), 2 <= b2.aE1 && (b3.ur(), b4.d3 = !0)
})), 8 === y.tp() && !b.fS && k.xf(b.ea) && (aDw = !0, aDx.unshift(new nT("🏳️ " + aW.np[89], function() {
aX.fk.m6(), at.pB(), k.fT && k.ur()
}))), 1 === b8.id && 5 <= b8.dg && aDx.push(new nT(aW.np[90], function() {
})), aCi = new oF("📙 " + aW.np[91], oG), aDv = new nf(aDx, aCi.oL)
function bH() {
"function" != typeof Math.log2 && (Math.log2 = function(fO) {
return Math.log(fO) / Math.log(2)
}), "function" != typeof Math.log10 && (Math.log10 = function(fO) {
return Math.log(fO) / Math.log(10)
}), "function" != typeof Math.sign && (Math.sign = function(fO) {
return 0 < fO ? 1 : fO < 0 ? -1 : 0
function c0() {
var a0p, aEA, aEB, aEC, aE9 = !1;
function aED() {
aE9 = !0, a0p = -1, aEA = new Array(4);
for (var eJ = 3; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) aEA[eJ] = !1;
var aEE = Math.floor(1 + .02 * aL.min);
aEB = new Array(4), (aEC = new Array(4))[1] = aEC[3] = aEB[0] = aEB[2] = 0, aEC[0] = aEB[3] = -aEE, aEB[1] = aEC[2] = aEE
function aEF() {
if (-1 !== a0p)
if (0 !== b.sm && g.kT()) {
for (var aEG = !1, eJ = 3; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) aEA[eJ] && (aEG = !0, hA += aEB[eJ], hC += aEC[eJ], a5.uE(aEB[eJ], aEC[eJ]), q.a0Y());
aEG ? b4.d3 = !0 : aC.kK()
} else aC.kK()
this.ul = function(g4) {
0 !== b.sm && g.kT() && (aE9 || aED(), aEA[g4] = !0, -1 === a0p) && (a0p = setInterval(aEF, 20), aEF())
}, this.up = function(g4) {
if (0 !== b.sm && (aE9 || aED(), aEA[g4] = !1, -1 !== a0p)) {
for (var aEG = !1, eJ = 3; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) aEG = aEG || aEA[eJ];
aEG || this.kK()
}, this.kK = function() {
if (aE9 && -1 !== a0p) {
for (var eJ = 3; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) aEA[eJ] = !1;
clearInterval(a0p), a0p = -1
function c1() {
this.j4 = new aEH, this.j8 = new aEI, this.lk = new aEJ, this.a4a = new aEK, this.aDB = new aEL, this.aDD = new aEM, this.mO = new aEN, this.yN = new aEO, this.aEP = new aEQ, this.aER = new aES, this.aET = new aEU, this.ct = function() {
function aEH() {
var aEV, aEX;
this.a55 = 5, this.a56 = this.a55 - 1, this.a4Y = this.a55 + this.a56, this.a4X = [0, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4, 8], this.aEW = null;
function dT(eJ) {
return aEX[eJ].aE9 && aEV[eJ].dT()
function aEf(tl) {
aEX[tl].dc = b4.dc, aEX[tl].aEZ = !1
this.tu = 0, this.tt = 0, this.ct = function() {
this.aEW = new Array(this.a55);
this.aEW[0] = "territorial.io";
var eJ, aAj = aM.aB2(0);
for (aM.we(0), eJ = 1; eJ < this.a55; eJ++) this.aEW[eJ] = i.sK() + ".territorial.io";
for (aM.we(aAj), aEV = new Array(this.a4Y), aEX = new Array(this.a4Y), eJ = this.a4Y - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) aEX[eJ] = {
aE9: !1,
dc: 0,
aEZ: !1
this.a4Z(0, 0)
}, this.aEa = function(eJ) {
return aEV[eJ]
}, this.aEb = function() {
return this.tt < this.a55 ? this.tt : this.tt - this.a56
}, this.iE = function() {
for (let eJ = this.a4Y - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) this.a4T(eJ) && b4.dc > aEX[eJ].dc + 15e3 && aO.lk.aEc(eJ, aEX[eJ].aEZ);
!this.a4T(0) && b4.dc > aEX[0].dc + 8e3 && (aEX[0].dc = b4.dc, this.a4Z(0, 0))
}, this.a4Z = function(tl, aCX) {
if (aEX[tl].aE9) {
if (aEV[tl].dT()) return aEV[tl].aEe(aCX), aEV[tl].a4T();
return this.aEd(tl, aCX), !1
}, this.aEd = function(tl, aCX) {
aEX[tl].aE9 = !0, aEf(tl), aEV[tl] = new aEg, aEV[tl].ct(tl, aCX)
}, this.aEe = function(tl, aCX) {
dT(tl) && aEV[tl].aEe(aCX)
}, this.aEh = function(tl, aCX) {
}, this.a4T = function(eJ) {
return aEX[eJ].aE9 && aEV[eJ].a4T()
}, this.send = function(tl, mP) {
aEf(tl), aEV[tl].send(mP)
}, this.uV = function(tl) {
8 === y.tp() && (aEX[tl].aEZ = !0, aO.j8.iq = !0)
}, this.close = function(tl, aEj) {
dT(tl) && aEV[tl].close(aEj)
}, this.aEk = function(tl, aEj) {
bC.tx(aEj), dT(tl) && aEV[tl].close(aEj)
}, this.u0 = function(aEj) {
for (let eJ = this.a4Y - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) this.close(eJ, aEj)
}, this.aEl = function(tl, aEj) {
for (var eJ = this.a4Y - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) eJ !== tl && this.close(eJ, aEj)
}, this.wn = function() {
this.close(this.tu, 3246)
}, this.aEm = function(tl, dI) {
aEV[tl].oP(), bC.tk(tl, dI.code)
function aEI() {
this.iq = !1, this.iE = function() {
b4.iS() % 250 != 249 || b.fS || (aO.aDB.aEn(+(this.iq && 0 < a6.jS[b.ea]), iV + al.j4.mc), this.iq = !1)
function aEO() {
this.aEp = function(tl, mP) {
af.ct(mP), 0 === af.size ? aO.j4.aEk(tl, 3205) : ((0 === af.mQ(1) ? function(tl) {
var aEt = af.mQ(6);
0 === aEt ? function(tl) {
if (0 === tl && 8 !== y.tp()) {
ay.g2(0, ae.pH.pJ(af.mQ(5))), ay.g2(1, "[" + ae.pH.pJ(af.mQ(3)) + "]");
var aF2 = af.mQ(12),
aF3 = af.mQ(6),
ds = new Array(aF2);
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < aF2; eJ++) ds[eJ] = af.mQ(aF3);
}(tl) : 1 === aEt ? function() {
var eJ;
if (8 !== y.tp()) {
var r9, id = af.mQ(1),
position = af.mQ(16),
yp = af.mQ(4),
ds = [];
for (eJ = 0; eJ < yp; eJ++) r9 = af.mQ(14), ds.push({
name: ae.pH.pJ(af.mQ(5)),
r9: r9
0 === id ? b7.a3S(0, ds, 10, 1, .36, .55, position) : b7.a3S(1, ds, 100, 2, .47, .5, position)
}() : 2 === aEt ? aO.aEP.aEw(tl) : 3 === aEt || 4 === aEt ? aK.ct() : 5 !== aEt && 6 !== aEt && 7 !== aEt && 8 !== aEt && (9 === aEt ? aO.aER.aEx(tl) : 10 === aEt ? aO.aET.aEy() : 11 === aEt ? aO.aER.aEz() : 12 ===
aEt ? aO.aET.aF0() : 13 === aEt && aO.aER.aF1())
} : function(tl) {
if (8 !== y.tp() && !aK.a57()) return;
if (tl !== aO.j4.tu) aO.j4.aEk(tl, 3244);
else if (0 === af.mQ(1)) b4.su.aF9(af.mP);
else {
var eJ, m0, tl = af.mQ(2);
if (0 === tl) {
var lk = af.mQ(9);
0 !== a6.jS[lk] && 0 !== a6.jS[b.ea] && (m0 = af.mQ(10), l.lz(lk, b.ea, m0), a5.my(lk, 1, m0))
} else if (1 === tl) ! function() {
var lk = af.mQ(9);
0 !== a6.jS[lk] && 0 !== a6.jS[b.ea] && aT.aAR(0, [lk], !0) && l.mH(lk, 1)
else if (2 === tl) ! function() {
var lk = af.mQ(9),
target = af.mQ(9);
0 !== a6.jS[lk] && 0 !== a6.jS[target] && 0 !== a6.jS[b.ea] && aT.aAR(1, [lk], !0) && (a5.my(lk, 3, 96), a5.my(target, 4, 96), l.yU(lk, target))
else if (dD && !dF) {
var ef = 720;
for (ac.d4(14407), ac.pU(1, 0), ac.pU(6, 10), ef = Math.min(aX.lh.mS.length, 720), eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) ac.pU(20, aX.lh.mS[eJ]);
aO.j4.send(aO.j4.tu, ac.mP)
})(tl), b4.aEs())
}, this.a58 = function(mP) {
if (af.ct(mP), af.g4 = 1, 3 === af.mQ(6)) {
af.g4 += 20;
for (var a6K, a6J, name, mP = af.mQ(9), wX = af.mQ(14), wZ = af.mQ(4), a5m = 1 === af.mQ(1), a5n = af.mQ(6), a5o = af.mQ(14), aF8 = af.mQ(9) + 1, r5 = [], eJ = 0; eJ < aF8; eJ++) a6K = af.mQ(1), a6J = [af.mQ(6), af.mQ(6), af.mQ(6)],
name = ae.pH.pJ(af.mQ(5)), r5.push({
name: name,
a6J: a6J,
a6K: a6K
y.a4o(), aq.d4(a5n, a5o), 1 === r5.length && z.a6A(wZ), b.wW(wX, mP, r5, wZ, a5m, !1)
} else ! function() {
af.g4 += 20;
for (var a6K, a6J, r9, name, a4z = af.mQ(1), wX = af.mQ(14), wZ = af.mQ(4), a5m = 1 === af.mQ(1), a5n = af.mQ(6), a5o = af.mQ(14), r5 = [], eJ = 0; eJ < 2; eJ++) a6K = af.mQ(1), a6J = [af.mQ(6), af.mQ(6), af.mQ(6)], r9 = af.mQ(
14), name = ae.pH.pJ(af.mQ(5)), r5.push({
name: name,
a6J: a6J,
r9: r9,
a6K: a6K
y.a4o(), aq.d4(a5n, a5o), b.wW(wX, a4z, r5, wZ, a5m, !1)
}, this.a53 = function() {
af.g4 = 1;
var aEt = af.mQ(6),
aF6 = af.mQ(10);
return aO.j4.tt > aO.j4.a56 && (aF6 += aO.j4.a56), aO.j4.tt === aF6 ? (aO.j4.tu = aF6, !1) : (aO.j4.close(aO.j4.tt, 3247), aO.j4.tu = aF6, aK.a4y = af.mQ(10), aK.a4z = af.mQ(3 === aEt ? 9 : 1), aO.j4.a4Z(aF6, 5) && aO.lk.aF7(), !0)
function aEU() {
this.aEy = function() {
bA.j4.p3(), bA.nq.nr(105, ad.pF.s3(ad.pF.s1(5))), bA.nq.nr(106, ad.pF.s3(ad.pF.s1(8))), bA.nq.nr(109, af.mQ(30)), bA.nq.nr(108, bA.dK.data[109].value), bA.nq.nr(111, bA.dK.data[109].value + 1), bA.nq.nr(107, 0), bA.nq.nr(110, "")
}, this.aF0 = function() {
var aFG;
!(af.size < ac.aFF(180)) && (af.g4 = 175, aFG = af.mQ(5), af.aFH(180 + 16 * aFG)) ? (af.g4 = 7, bA.nq.nr(109, af.mQ(30)), bA.nq.nr(107, af.mQ(16)), bA.nq.nr(108, af.mQ(30)), bA.nq.nr(112, af.mQ(30)), bA.nq.nr(111, af.mQ(30)), bA.nq.nr(
113, af.aFI(32)), af.g4 += 5, bA.nq.nr(122, ae.pH.pJ(aFG)), bA.dK.data[123].value && bA.nq.nr(124, bA.dK.data[122].value), 8 === at.tm && at.aCg().aDK(16, !0)) : aO.j4.aEk(0, 3254)
function aEQ() {
this.aEw = function(tl) {
var eJ, a5P, aFK, aFL, aFM;
if (tl !== aO.j4.tt) aO.j4.close(tl, 3239);
else if (6 === y.tp() && aH.ct(), 7 !== y.tp()) aO.j4.close(tl, 3251);
else {
for (a5P = [0, 0, 0, 0], aFK = af.mQ(6), eJ = 0; eJ < 4; eJ++) a5P[eJ] = af.mQ(aFK);
for (aFL = af.mQ(4), aFM = [], eJ = 0; eJ < aFL; eJ++) {
id: af.mQ(5),
wZ: af.mQ(4),
a5m: 1 === af.mQ(1),
qB: af.mQ(6),
a5k: af.mQ(14),
a5p: af.mQ(aFK),
a5q: af.mQ(9) + 1,
a4j: af.mQ(10)
for (var a5r = af.mQ(3), a5s = new Array(a5r), a5t = new Array(a5r), hg = 0; hg < a5r; hg++) a5t[hg] = af.mQ(9) + 1, a5s[hg] = ae.pH.pJ(af.mQ(3));
aFM[eJ].a5r = a5r, aFM[eJ].a5s = a5s, aFM[eJ].a5t = a5t
aH.nr(a5P, aFM)
function aES() {
this.aEx = function(tl) {
var aFB = af.mQ(3),
aFN = b9.aFO.iE(af.mQ(16), af.mQ(20));
aO.aDB.aFP(tl, aFN, aFB), 0 < aFB || (0 === tl && 0 === bA.dK.data[105].value.length ? aO.aDB.aDC(0) : aO.aDD.aFQ(tl), 4 === aO.j4.aEa(tl).aFR() ? 6 === y.tp() && aO.a4a.a4b(tl) : 5 !== aO.j4.aEa(tl).aFR() || 8 !== y.tp() && 10 !== y
.tp() || aO.lk.aF7())
}, this.aEz = function() {
var id = af.mQ(6);
0 === id ? (r.a0s || aO.aDB.aDC(1), 8 === at.tm && at.aCg().aDJ()) : 21 === id ? 8 === at.tm && at.aCg().aDK(17) : 22 === id && (bA.nq.nr(106, bA.dK.data[110].value), bA.nq.nr(110, ""), 8 === at.tm) && at.aCg().aDK(15)
}, this.aF1 = function() {
if (af.size < ac.aFF(38)) aO.j4.aEk(0, 3259);
else {
var gH = af.mQ(6),
ef = af.mQ(10),
gQ = af.mQ(15);
if (af.aFH(38 + 51 * ef + 16 * gQ)) {
var data = [];
let kO, w5;
w5 = 0 === gH ? (kO = .1, 1) : (kO = .001, 3);
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) data.push(["" + (af.mQ(30) + 1), ae.pH.pJ(af.mQ(5)), (kO * af.mQ(16)).toFixed(w5)]);
8 === at.tm && at.aCg().aDK(21, !0, {
gH: gH,
title: gH ? "Clan Ranking" : "1v1 Player Ranking",
data: data
} else aO.j4.aEk(0, 3260)
function aEJ() {
this.a3Q = function(tl, id) {
ac.d4(24), ac.pU(1, 0), ac.pU(6, 6), ac.pU(1, id), ac.pU(16, Math.abs(4096 + b7.position[id] + b7.a3P[id]) % 65536), aO.j4.send(tl, ac.mP)
}, this.aEc = function(tl, aEZ) {
ac.d4(8), ac.pU(1, 0), ac.pU(6, 4), ac.pU(1, aEZ ? 1 : 0), aO.j4.send(tl, ac.mP)
}, this.aF7 = function() {
ac.d4(58), ac.pU(1, 0), ac.pU(6, 5), ac.pU(8, aO.j4.aEb()), ac.pU(10, aK.a4y), ac.pU(9, aK.a4z), ac.pU(10, dE), ac.pU(14, a.dG), aO.j4.send(aO.j4.tu, ac.mP)
}, this.ll = function(fe) {
ac.d4(27), ac.pU(1, 1), ac.pU(4, 0), ac.pU(22, fe), aO.j4.send(aO.j4.tu, ac.mP)
}, this.ln = function(h9, hZ) {
ac.d4(25), ac.pU(1, 1), ac.pU(4, 1), ac.pU(10, h9), ac.pU(10, hZ), aO.j4.send(aO.j4.tu, ac.mP)
}, this.lr = function(h9, lp) {
ac.d4(24), ac.pU(1, 1), ac.pU(4, 2), ac.pU(10, h9), ac.pU(9, lp), aO.j4.send(aO.j4.tu, ac.mP)
}, this.ls = function(h9, fe) {
ac.d4(37), ac.pU(1, 1), ac.pU(4, 3), ac.pU(10, h9), ac.pU(22, fe), aO.j4.send(aO.j4.tu, ac.mP)
}, this.lw = function(lu, fe) {
ac.d4(37), ac.pU(1, 1), ac.pU(4, 4), ac.pU(10, lu), ac.pU(22, fe), aO.j4.send(aO.j4.tu, ac.mP)
}, this.ly = function(hZ) {
ac.d4(15), ac.pU(1, 1), ac.pU(4, 5), ac.pU(10, hZ), aO.j4.send(aO.j4.tu, ac.mP)
}, this.m2 = function(g4) {
ac.d4(15), ac.pU(1, 1), ac.pU(4, 6), ac.pU(10, g4), aO.j4.send(aO.j4.tu, ac.mP)
}, this.m5 = function(m4) {
ac.d4(6), ac.pU(1, 1), ac.pU(4, 7), ac.pU(1, m4), aO.j4.send(aO.j4.tu, ac.mP)
}, this.m7 = function() {
ac.d4(5), ac.pU(1, 1), ac.pU(4, 8), aO.j4.send(aO.j4.tu, ac.mP)
}, this.mF = function(aFS, aFT) {
ac.d4(24), ac.pU(1, 1), ac.pU(4, 15), ac.pU(9, aFT), ac.pU(10, aFS), aO.j4.send(aO.j4.tu, ac.mP)
}, this.mI = function(yN) {
ac.d4(14), ac.pU(1, 1), ac.pU(4, 14), ac.pU(9, yN), aO.j4.send(aO.j4.tu, ac.mP)
}, this.mM = function(aFU, target) {
var eJ, ef = aFU.length;
for (ac.d4(14 + 9 * ef), ac.pU(1, 1), ac.pU(4, 13), ac.pU(9, target), eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) ac.pU(9, aFU[eJ]);
aO.j4.send(aO.j4.tu, ac.mP)
function aEM() {
this.aFW = function() {
ac.d4(39), ac.pU(1, 0), ac.pU(6, 16), aO.aDB.aFV(), aO.j4.send(0, ac.mP)
}, this.aFQ = function(tl) {
ac.d4(115), ac.pU(1, 0), ac.pU(6, 17), ae.pF.pW(bA.dK.data[105].value, 5), ae.pF.pW(bA.dK.data[106].value, 8), ac.pU(30, bA.dK.data[109].value), aO.j4.send(tl, ac.mP)
}, this.aDL = function() {
ac.d4(55), ac.pU(1, 0), ac.pU(6, 18), ae.pF.pV(bA.dK.data[110].value), aO.j4.send(0, ac.mP)
}, this.aDE = function(username) {
ac.d4(12 + 16 * username.length), ac.pU(1, 0), ac.pU(6, 20), aO.aDB.aFY(username), aO.j4.send(0, ac.mP)
function aEN() {
this.mN = function() {
var ef = b.ht,
sV = ap.result.sV,
aFZ = sV.length,
t7 = (ac.d4(40 + 16 * ef + aFZ * (33 + 3 * (b.it < 7))), ac.pU(1, 1), ac.pU(4, 10), ac.pU(10, aFZ), ac.pU(1, +(2 === b.sa)), ac.pU(24, ap.result.sy), a6.t7);
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) ac.pU(16, t7[eJ]);
var f5 = a6.f5;
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < aFZ; eJ++) {
var em = sV[eJ];
ac.pU(9, em), ac.pU(24, f5[em])
if (b.it < 7) {
var iU = b5.iU;
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < aFZ; eJ++) ac.pU(3, 7 & iU[sV[eJ]])
aO.j4.send(aO.j4.tu, ac.mP)
function aEK() {
this.a4b = function(tl) {
var username = bA.dK.data[122].value.slice(0, 20),
username = (ac.d4(22 + 16 * username.length + 18), ac.pU(1, 0), ac.pU(6, 1), ac.pU(10, dE), aO.aDB.aFY(username), aZ.color.vP(bA.j4.o2()));
ac.pU(6, username[0]), ac.pU(6, username[1]), ac.pU(6, username[2]), aO.j4.tt = tl, aO.j4.send(tl, ac.mP)
}, this.a5y = function(a5l) {
return ac.d4(11), ac.pU(1, 0), ac.pU(6, 2), ac.pU(4, a5l), aO.j4.send(aO.j4.tt, ac.mP), !0
function aEL() {
this.aEi = function(tl) {
ac.d4(39), ac.pU(1, 0), ac.pU(6, 13), ac.pU(14, a.dG), ac.pU(4, b8.id), ac.pU(7, b8.dg), ac.pU(1, +dD), ac.pU(1, +dF), ac.pU(5, (new Date).getHours() % 24), aO.j4.send(tl, ac.mP)
}, this.aFP = function(tl, aFN, aFB) {
ac.d4(26), ac.pU(1, 0), ac.pU(6, 14), ac.pU(3, aFB), ac.pU(16, aFN), aO.j4.send(tl, ac.mP)
}, this.aDC = function(id) {
ac.d4(13), ac.pU(1, 0), ac.pU(6, 15), ac.pU(6, id), aO.j4.send(0, ac.mP)
}, this.aDF = function(gH, gI, gJ) {
ac.d4(75), ac.pU(1, 0), ac.pU(6, 21), ac.pU(6, gH), ac.pU(1, +(gI < 0)), ac.pU(1, +(gJ < 0)), ac.pU(30, Math.abs(gI)), ac.pU(30, Math.abs(gJ)), aO.j4.send(0, ac.mP)
}, this.aDG = function(gH, aDH, aDI) {
ac.d4(18 + 16 * aDH.length + 30), ac.pU(1, 0), ac.pU(6, 22), ac.pU(6, gH), this.aFY(aDH), ac.pU(30, aDI), aO.j4.send(0, ac.mP)
}, this.aFa = function(aF6, nC) {
ac.d4(7 + 26 * nC.length), ac.pU(1, 0), ac.pU(6, 9);
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < nC.length; eJ++) ac.pU(16, nC[eJ][0]), ac.pU(10, nC[eJ][1]);
aO.j4.send(aF6, ac.mP)
}, this.aEn = function(aFb, a7b) {
ac.d4(20), ac.pU(1, 0), ac.pU(6, 19), ac.pU(1, aFb), ac.pU(12, a7b), aO.j4.send(aO.j4.tu, ac.mP)
}, this.aFY = function(username) {
ac.pU(5, username.length), ad.pH.pV(username)
function aEg() {
var tl, aCX, u3, aFc = ["wss://", "/s50/", "/s51/", "/s52/"];
function aEh() {
aO.j4.aEh(tl, aCX)
function aFh(dI) {
aO.yN.aEp(tl, new Uint8Array(dI.data))
function aFi() {}
function aEm(dI) {
aO.j4.aEm(tl, dI)
this.ct = function(g4, aFd) {
tl = g4, aCX = aFd;
g4 = aFc[0];
tl < aO.j4.a55 ? g4 += aO.j4.aEW[tl] + aFc[1 + dA] : g4 += aO.j4.aEW[0] + "/i" + (1 + dA) + (tl - aO.j4.a56) + "/", (u3 = new WebSocket(g4)).binaryType = "arraybuffer", u3.onopen = aEh, u3.onmessage = aFh, u3.onclose = aEm, u3.onerror =
}, this.aFf = function() {
return u3.readyState === u3.CONNECTING
}, this.a4T = function() {
return u3.readyState === u3.OPEN
}, this.dT = function() {
return this.aFf() || this.a4T()
}, this.aEe = function(aFd) {
aCX = aFd
}, this.aFR = function() {
return aCX
}, this.send = function(mP) {
this.a4T() && u3.send(mP)
}, this.close = function(aEj) {
this.dT() && (u3.close(aEj), this.oP())
}, this.oP = function() {
u3.onopen = null, u3.onmessage = null, u3.onclose = null, u3.onerror = null
function cg() {
var aFj = !1,
yj = 0,
gA = 0,
r1 = 0,
gap = 0,
gV = null,
qw = null,
vD = null;
function aFl() {
for (var a5a, aFo = 0, ef = 0, iT = Math.floor(gA / 2), gY = Math.floor(r1 / 2), a5Z = 1.5 * Math.PI, eJ = b.wU; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) ef += vD[eJ], 0 === vD[eJ] && aFo++;
if (aFj = !1, qw.clearRect(0, 0, gA, gA), qw.fillStyle = aa.kh, qw.fillRect(0, 0, gA, gA), qw.fillStyle = aa.gN, qw.fillRect(0, 0, gA, gap), qw.fillRect(0, 0, gap, gA), qw.fillRect(gA - gap, 0, gap, gA), qw.fillRect(0, gA - gap, gA, gap), 0 <
if (aFo === b.wU) {
for (eJ = b.wU; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (0 < vD[eJ]) {
! function(eJ, iT, gY) {
qw.fillStyle = b5.a5e[b5.tD[eJ]], qw.beginPath(), qw.arc(iT, iT, gY, 0, 2 * Math.PI), qw.fill()
}(eJ, iT, gY);
function(iT) {
var fontSize = iT / 3;
qw.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, fontSize), qw.fillStyle = aa.gN, qw.fillText("100%", iT, iT + .1 * fontSize)
} else {
for (eJ = 0; eJ <= b.wU; eJ++) 0 < vD[eJ] && (! function(eJ, iT, gY, a5Z, a5a) {
qw.fillStyle = b5.a5e[b5.tD[eJ]], qw.beginPath(), qw.arc(iT, iT, gY, a5Z, a5a), qw.lineTo(iT, iT), qw.fill()
}(eJ, iT, gY, a5Z, a5a = a5Z + 2 * Math.PI * vD[eJ] / ef), function(iT, gY, a5Z, a5a) {
var df = (a5a - a5Z) / (2 * Math.PI),
fontSize = +gY * Math.min(df, .37);
fontSize < 8 || (a5Z = (a5Z + a5a) / 2, a5a = Math.floor(100 * df + .5) + "%", gY *= .525 - Math.max(.6 * (df - .7), 0), qw.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, fontSize), qw.fillStyle = aa.gN, qw.fillText(a5a, iT + Math.cos(a5Z) * gY, iT +
Math.cos(a5Z + 1.5 * Math.PI) * gY))
}(iT, gY, a5Z, a5a), 0 !== eJ && a5c(iT, gY, a5Z), a5Z = a5a);
a5c(iT, gY, 1.5 * Math.PI)
function(iT, gY) {
qw.beginPath(), qw.arc(iT, iT, gY, 0, 2 * Math.PI), qw.stroke()
}(iT, gY)
function a5c(iT, gY, a5f) {
qw.beginPath(), qw.moveTo(iT, iT), qw.lineTo(iT + Math.cos(a5f) * gY, iT + Math.cos(a5f + 1.5 * Math.PI) * gY), qw.stroke()
this.ct = function() {
if (b.hT) {
var eJ;
for (yj = 0, vD = new Uint32Array(b.wU + 1), eJ = b.wU; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) vD[eJ] = 0;
for (eJ = iV - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) vD[b5.iU[iW[eJ]]] += 1;
} else vD = qw = gV = null
}, this.zY = function() {
return gA
}, this.resize = function() {
b.hT && (gA = Math.floor(b8.cy.g0() && !b.kG ? .18 * aL.min : .13 * aL.g1), gA = (gA *= 1 + (.5 + .2 * b8.cy.g0()) * b.kG) + gA % 2, r1 = Math.floor(7 * gA / 8), (gV = gV || document.createElement("canvas")).width = gA, gV.height = gA,
qw = gV.getContext("2d", {
alpha: !0
}), gap = Math.max(1, .015 * gA), qw.lineWidth = gap, qw.strokeStyle = aa.gN, aZ.g5.textAlign(qw, 1), aZ.g5.textBaseline(qw, 1), aFl())
}, this.t3 = function() {
return vD[this.tE()]
}, this.sj = function() {
return yj = 31, this.iE(), this.tE()
}, this.tE = function() {
let aFm = 0;
for (let eJ = b.wU; 0 < eJ; eJ--) vD[eJ] > vD[aFm] && (aFm = eJ);
return aFm
}, this.iE = function() {
if (b.hT && 32 <= ++yj) {
var eJ;
for (yj = 0, eJ = b.wU; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) vD[eJ] = 0;
for (eJ = iV - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) vD[b5.iU[iW[eJ]]] += a6.f5[iW[eJ]];
aFj = !0
}, this.g7 = function() {
b.hT && aFj && aFl()
}, this.gL = function() {
b.hT && (b.kG ? gM.drawImage(gV, b1.gap, b1.gap) : gM.drawImage(gV, b1.gap, zZ + 2 * b1.gap))
function cO() {
this.d6 = function() {
var value, th;
0 === b8.id && (value = function(key) {
if ("undefined" == typeof URLSearchParams) return null;
var aDm = window.location.search,
aDm = new URLSearchParams(aDm).get(key);
if ("string" != typeof aDm || aDm.length < 1) return null;
return aDm
}("replay"), (th = new URL(window.location.href)).search = "", history.replaceState(null, "", th.toString()), value) && at.d5(3, 0, value)
function c2() {
var aFt, ds;
this.ct = function() {
for (var eJ = (ds = new Uint16Array(101)).length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) ds[eJ] = eX(32768 * eJ, 100);
}, this.value = function(em) {
return ds[em]
}, this.aB2 = function() {
return eX(aFt - 1, 2)
}, this.we = function(aAj) {
aFt = 2 * aAj % 32768 + 1
}, this.random = function() {
return aFt = 167 * aFt % 32768
}, this.hj = function(jP) {
return eX(jP * this.random(), 32768)
}, this.iN = function(em) {
return 0 !== em && this.random() < this.value(em)
function cK() {
this.me = new aFu, this.aDp = new aFv, this.aDt = new aFw, this.ct = function(wX, r5, wZ, wa) {
var aFx;
b.fS || ((aFx = {}).wY = b.ea, aFx.wX = wX, aFx.r5 = r5, aFx.wZ = wZ, aFx.wa = wa, aFx.a5n = aq.qB, aFx.a5o = aq.a5k, z.a6F(aFx), this.me.ct(aFx))
}, this.iE = function() {
b.fS || (this.me.iE(), 3 !== at.tm) || b4.iS() % 15 != 5 && 2 !== b.sm || at.aCg().aDn()
}, this.aDs = function() {
var vR = this.me.aFx;
0 === b.sm && y.a4o(), aq.d4(vR.a5n, vR.a5o), 1 === vR.r5.length && (z.a6A(vR.wZ), z.a6C(vR.a6D, vR.a6E)), aO.j4.close(aO.j4.tu, 3257), aO.j4.tu = 0, b.wW(vR.wX, vR.wY, vR.r5, vR.wZ, vR.wa, !0)
}, this.aDr = function(g3) {
var eJ = g3.indexOf("=");
return 0 <= eJ ? g3.substring(eJ + 1) : g3
}, this.aDq = function(g3) {
return "https://territorial.io/?replay=" + g3
function aFu() {
this.aFz = null, this.aG0 = null, this.aG1 = null, this.aG2 = null, this.aG3 = null, this.aG4 = null;
var aG5 = 0;
this.aFx = null, this.aDo = "", this.ct = function(aFx) {
this.aFz = [], this.aG0 = [], this.aG1 = [], this.aG2 = [], this.aG3 = [0], this.aG4 = [0], aG5 = 0, this.aFx = aFx, this.aDo = ""
}, this.mf = function(id, dt, dv, dx) {
b.fS || 2 === b.sm || (0 === this.aG3[aG5] && (this.aG4[aG5] ? (this.aG3.push(1), this.aG4.push(0), aG5++) : this.aG3[aG5] = 1), this.aFz.push(id), this.aG0.push(dt), this.aG1.push(void 0 === dv ? 0 : dv), this.aG2.push(void 0 === dx ?
0 : dx), this.aG4[aG5]++)
}, this.iE = function() {
0 === this.aG3[aG5] ? this.aG4[aG5]++ : (this.aG3.push(0), this.aG4.push(0), aG5++)
function aFw() {
function aGB(g3, aGD = !1) {
aGD ? l.xq = "Replay Error: " + g3 : at.d5(4, 3, new ti("⚠️ Replay Error", g3, !0))
this.pZ = function(g3) {
if (ae.pF.pR(ae.pF.pP(ae.pF.pN(g3))), l.xq = "", ! function() {
if (af.size < 10) aGB("File Too Small");
else if (af.mQ(9) !== dC && aGB("Incompatible Version Error", !0), af.mQ(31) !== af.size) aGB("Size Error");
else {
if (function(gF) {
var eJ, em = af.mP,
ef = af.size,
a7b = 0;
for (eJ = 7; eJ < ef; eJ++) a7b = a7b + em[eJ] & 65535;
return a7b === gF
}(af.mQ(16))) return 1;
aGB("Hash Error")
}()) return !1;
var aFx;
(aFx = {}).wY = af.mQ(9), aFx.wX = af.mQ(14), aFx.wZ = af.mQ(4), aFx.wa = 1 === af.mQ(1), aFx.a5n = af.mQ(6), aFx.a5o = af.mQ(14), aFx.aGE = af.mQ(10), aY.me.aFx = aFx,
function() {
var eJ, a6K, a6J, name, ef = aY.me.aFx.aGE,
r5 = [];
for (eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) a6K = af.mQ(1), a6J = [af.mQ(6), af.mQ(6), af.mQ(6)], name = ae.pH.pJ(af.mQ(5)), r5.push({
name: name,
a6J: a6J,
a6K: a6K
if (aY.me.aFx.r5 = r5, 8 === aY.me.aFx.wZ)
for (eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) r5[eJ].r9 = af.mQ(14)
var eJ, ef, aGF = aY.me.aFx;
if (1 === aGF.r5.length)
for (ef = 6 < aGF.wZ ? 1 : aGF.wZ + 2, aGF.a6D = new Array(ef), aGF.a6E = new Array(ef), eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) aGF.a6D[eJ] = af.mQ(3), aGF.a6E[eJ] = af.mQ(9) + 1;
return !! function() {
var pa = af.mQ(5),
aGG = af.mQ(30),
aGH = af.mQ(30);
if (aGG + aGH > 8 * af.size) return void aGB("Corrupted File");
return function(ef) {
var eJ, id, aGK = new Uint8Array(ef),
aGL = new Uint16Array(ef),
aGM = new Uint32Array(ef),
aGN = new Uint32Array(ef);
for (aY.me.aFz = aGK, aY.me.aG0 = aGL, aY.me.aG1 = aGM, aY.me.aG2 = aGN, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) aGK[eJ] = id = af.mQ(4), aGL[eJ] = af.mQ(9), 0 === id ? aGM[eJ] = af.mQ(22) : 1 === id ? (aGM[eJ] = af.mQ(10), aGN[eJ] = af
.mQ(10)) : 2 === id ? (aGM[eJ] = af.mQ(10), aGN[eJ] = af.mQ(9)) : 3 === id || 4 === id ? (aGM[eJ] = af.mQ(10), aGN[eJ] = af.mQ(22)) : 5 === id || 6 === id ? aGM[eJ] = af.mQ(10) : 7 === id && (aGM[eJ] = af.mQ(1))
function(ef, pa) {
var eJ, aG3 = new Uint8Array(ef),
aG4 = new Array(ef);
for (aG4.fill(0), aY.me.aG3 = aG3, aY.me.aG4 = aG4, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) aG3[eJ] = af.mQ(1), aG4[eJ] = af.mQ(pa)
}(aGH, pa), 1
}() && (af.g4 < 8 * af.size - 13 || af.g4 > 8 * af.size ? (aGB("Out Of Bounds Error: " + af.g4 + " " + 8 * af.size), !1) : (aY.me.aDo = g3, !0))
function aFv() {
this.sE = function() {
var aGF, pa = function() {
var eJ, aG4 = aY.me.aG4,
ef = aG4.length,
max = 0;
for (eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) max = Math.max(max, aG4[eJ]);
return pg(Math.max(max, 1))
aGP = function(pa) {
return 179 + function() {
var eJ, r5 = aY.me.aFx.r5,
ef = r5.length,
aGP = 24 * ef;
for (eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) aGP += 16 * r5[eJ].name.length;
8 === aY.me.aFx.wZ && (aGP += 14 * ef);
return aGP
}() + (1 === aY.me.aFx.r5.length ? 12 * aY.me.aFx.a6D.length : 0) + function() {
var eJ, aFz = aY.me.aFz,
ef = aFz.length,
aGP = 13 * ef,
aGa = [22, 20, 19, 32, 32, 10, 10, 1, 0, 0];
for (eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) aGP += aGa[aFz[eJ]];
return aGP
}() + function(pa) {
return aY.me.aG4.length * (1 + pa)
ac.d4(aGP + (6 - aGP % 6) % 6), aGF = aY.me.aFx, ac.pU(9, dC), ac.pU(31, ac.size), ac.g4 += 16, ac.pU(9, aGF.wY), ac.pU(14, aGF.wX), ac.pU(4, aGF.wZ), ac.pU(1, aGF.wa), ac.pU(6, aGF.a5n), ac.pU(14, aGF.a5o), ac.pU(10, aGF.r5.length);
var eJ, r5 = aY.me.aFx.r5,
ef = r5.length;
for (eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) ac.pU(1, r5[eJ].a6K), ac.pU(18, (r5[eJ].a6J[0] << 12) + (r5[eJ].a6J[1] << 6) + r5[eJ].a6J[2]), ac.pU(5, r5[eJ].name.length), ad.pH.pV(r5[eJ].name);
if (8 === aY.me.aFx.wZ)
for (eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) ac.pU(14, r5[eJ].r9);
return function() {
var eJ, aGF = aY.me.aFx;
if (1 === aGF.r5.length)
for (eJ = 0; eJ < aGF.a6D.length; eJ++) ac.pU(3, aGF.a6D[eJ]), ac.pU(9, aGF.a6E[eJ] - 1)
function(pa) {
var eJ, aFz = aY.me.aFz,
dt = aY.me.aG0,
dv = aY.me.aG1,
dx = aY.me.aG2,
ef = aFz.length;
for (ac.pU(5, pa), ac.pU(30, ef), ac.pU(30, aY.me.aG4.length), eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) ac.pU(4, aFz[eJ]), ac.pU(9, dt[eJ]), 0 === aFz[eJ] ? ac.pU(22, dv[eJ]) : 1 === aFz[eJ] ? (ac.pU(10, dv[eJ]), ac.pU(10, dx[eJ])) : 2 === aFz[
eJ] ? (ac.pU(10, dv[eJ]), ac.pU(9, dx[eJ])) : 3 === aFz[eJ] || 4 === aFz[eJ] ? (ac.pU(10, dv[eJ]), ac.pU(22, dx[eJ])) : 5 === aFz[eJ] || 6 === aFz[eJ] ? ac.pU(10, dv[eJ]) : 7 === aFz[eJ] && ac.pU(1, dv[eJ])
function(pa) {
var eJ, aG3 = aY.me.aG3,
aG4 = aY.me.aG4,
ef = aG3.length;
for (eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) ac.pU(1, aG3[eJ]), ac.pU(pa, aG4[eJ])
}(pa), ac.g4 !== aGP && l.tv("Encoder Index Error: " + ac.g4 + " " + aGP), ac.g4 = 40, ac.pU(16, function() {
var eJ, em = ac.mP,
ef = ac.size,
a7b = 0;
for (eJ = 7; eJ < ef; eJ++) a7b = a7b + em[eJ] & 65535;
return a7b
}()), af.ct(ac.mP), ad.pF.s3(ad.pF.s1(eX(aGP - 1, 6) + 1))
function c7() {
var iT, yg = !1,
aGb = !1,
aGc = -1e4;
function resize(gn) {
iT = 0, a0.g8() && (aGe(gn) || yg) && (yg = !1, b1.resize(), ay.ct(), w.ct(), aw.ct(), x.resize(), r.resize(), m.resize(), b7.resize(), at.resize(), 1 <= b.sm ? (t.resize(!1), s.resize(), u.resize(), q.resize(), p.resize(), l.resize(), k
.resize(), ab.resize(), aJ.resize(), n.resize(), o.resize(), j.resize(), b3.resize(), a5.resize(), v.resize(), b6.resize(), q.a0Y()) : (2 === y.tp() && z.resize(), y.a4q(), y.a4t()), b4.d3 = !0)
function aGd(df) {
return df && 128 < df ? Math.floor(df) : 128
function aGe(gn) {
var gA, gF, aGg, r1 = aGd(document.documentElement.clientWidth),
zy = aGd(window.visualViewport && 2 !== b8.id ? window.visualViewport.height : document.documentElement.clientHeight);
return gA = r1, gF = zy, aGg = 0 !== b8.id || gA < gF ? 700 : 1200, aGg = Math.min(aGg / ((gA + gF) / 2), 1), aGg = 0 === bA.dK.data[1].value ? 2 * aGg / 3 : Math.min(aGg + (bA.dK.data[1].value - 1) * (1 - aGg) / 2, 1), aL.nN = (window
.devicePixelRatio || 1) * aGg, hoveringTooltip.canvasPixelScale = aL.nN, gn && !aGb ? (aGb = !0, document.body.removeChild(uD)) : aGb && (aGb = !1, document.body.appendChild(uD)), gA = Math.floor(.5 + r1 * aL.nN), gF = Math.floor(.5 +
zy * aL.nN), (gA !== aL.gA || gF !== aL.gF) && (aL.gA = gA, aL.gF = gF, aL.min = a1P(gA, gF), aL.max = y6(gA, gF), aL.g1 = eX(gA + gF, 2), aL.oT = gA / gF, uD.width = gA, uD.height = gF, uD.style.width = r1 + "px", uD.style.height =
zy + "px", 1)
this.gA = 0, this.gF = 0, this.min = 0, this.max = 0, this.g1 = 0, this.oT = 1, this.nN = 1, this.cu = function() {
this.gA = aGd(document.documentElement.clientWidth) + 2, this.gF = aGd(document.documentElement.clientHeight) + 2
}, this.ct = function() {
iT = 1, uD = document.getElementById("canvasA"), (gM = uD.getContext("2d", {
alpha: makeMainMenuTransparent
})).imageSmoothingEnabled = !1, aGe(0)
}, this.iE = function() {
aQ.iE(), 50 <= ++iT && resize(0)
}, this.d8 = function(gn) {
yg = !0, resize(gn)
}, this.uw = function() {
aGc + 1e3 > b4.dc || (aGc = b4.dc, resize(0))
function c3() {
var player, ha, pz, pt, jj, jk, jl, jm, g4, aGi, id;
function aGo() {
var hZ;
if (a1.er(pz)) hZ = b.ej;
else {
if ((hZ = a1.eq(pz)) === player) return void aGq(!0);
if (!fw(player, hZ)) return function(hZ) {
var max = a6.f5[hZ] * b.vl - a6.eb[hZ];
max <= 0 || (ha -= max = max < ha ? max : ha, player === b.ea && (l.mC(max, 0, hZ), b2.ed[16] += max), hZ === b.ea && (l.yZ(max, player), b2.ed[10] += max), a6.eb[hZ] += max, a5.mD(hZ, max))
}(hZ), void aGq(!0)
player === b.ea && (b2.ed[13] += ha), f.eZ(player, id), a3.ee(player, aGi), a6.eg[player].push(pt), a3.hW(player, ha, hZ), d.hX(player, !0)
function aGq(aGt) {
f.eZ(player, id), a3.ee(player, aGi), aGt && (a6.eb[player] += ha)
function aGk() {
a1.a7H(pz, player) && a1.a7J(pz)
function aGj(eJ, a8k, zU, hi, kT) {
if (g4 = eJ, id = a8k, player = zU, jj = a1.jn(hi), jk = a1.gK(hi), jl = a1.jn(kT), jm = a1.gK(kT), pt = pz = a1.qU(jj, jk), -1 !== (aGi = a3.jq(player, id))) return ha = a3.eR(player, aGi), 1;
aGk(), f.eZ(player, id)
this.iE = function(eJ, id, zU, hi, kT) {
aGj(eJ, id, zU, hi, kT) && (aGk(), function() {
var aGu = eX(ha, 128);
ha -= aGu = aGu < 1 ? 1 : aGu, player === b.ea && (b2.ed[15] += aGu);
if (ha <= b.eY) return player === b.ea && (b2.ed[15] += ha), void aGq(!1);
return a3.f4(player, aGi, ha), 1
}()) && (eJ = a1.qU(jj, jk), pz = Math.abs(jl - jj) >= Math.abs(jm - jk) ? eJ + eA[jj < jl ? 1 : 3] : eJ + eA[jk < jm ? 2 : 0], jj = a1.jn(pz), jk = a1.gK(pz), f.jZ(g4, pz), ! function() {
if (a1.eh(pz)) return;
return 1
}() ? aGo() : a1.fn(pz) && a1.a7M(pz, player))
}, this.jc = function(zU, hi) {
player = zU, pz = a1.qU(a1.jn(hi), a1.gK(hi)), aGk()
function cd() {
this.aFO = new aGv, this.t1 = new aGw
function aGw() {
this.t2 = function() {
let ef = iV;
var r5 = iW,
t7 = a6.t7,
a50 = this.a7q();
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) {
var em = r5[eJ];
a1.sW(em) && (t7[em] = a50)
var mh = a6.mh,
hQ = a6.hQ,
hR = a6.hR,
aAU = a6.aAU;
ef = b.ht;
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++)(0 === aAU[eJ] || hR[eJ] < 1 || 2 * mh[eJ] > 3 * (hQ[eJ] + hR[eJ])) && (t7[eJ] = 0);
let sx = 0;
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) sx += 0 < t7[eJ];
return sx
}, this.a7q = function() {
return Math.min(65535, b4.iS())
function aGv() {
function aH2(df, aAj, min, max) {
return min + (df * aAj + 137) % (max - min)
this.iE = function(aGx, aGy) {
let aH0 = 1;
for (let eJ = 0; eJ <= 10; eJ++) aH0 = function(aH0, aGx, aGy, fg) {
var ef = 65536 + (aH0 * fg + 7 & 16383);
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) aH0 = 1 + aH0 * aGx % aGy;
return aH0
}(aH0, aGx, aGy, eJ), aGx = aH2(aGx, aH0, 16384, 65536), aGy = aH2(aGy, aH0, 1 << 18, 1 << 20);
return aH0 - 1 & 65535
function c4() {
var aH3, aH4, fn, aH5;
this.ct = function() {
var eJ, fO, fP, a6J, aH6, gA, gF, qw, gS, pr, df, em, i6, hg, xG;
if (function() {
if (fn = !0, aH5 = "rgb(" + aq.po[0] + "," + aq.po[1] + "," + aq.po[2] + ")", aq.aAq(aq.qB)) return 1;
return fn = !1, 0
}()) aH4 = null;
else {
for (aH3 = eX(96, 4), aH6 = 1 === aq.qB ? (a6J = 0, 160) : (a6J = 128, 32), aH5 = "rgb(" + a6J + "," + a6J + "," + a6J + ")", aH4 = new Array(4), eJ = 3; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) {
if (aH4[eJ] = document.createElement("canvas"), gA = eJ % 2 == 0 ? aq.eE : aH3, gF = eJ % 2 == 0 ? aH3 : aq.eF + 2 * aH3, aH4[eJ].width = gA, aH4[eJ].height = gF, pr = (gS = (qw = aH4[eJ].getContext("2d", {
alpha: !1
})).getImageData(0, 0, gA, gF)).data, eJ % 2 == 0)
for (fP = aH3 - 1; 0 <= fP; fP--)
for (df = aH6 + Math.floor((fP + 1) * (a6J - aH6) / (aH3 + 1)), fO = gA - 1; 0 <= fO; fO--) pr[em = 4 * ((0 === eJ ? aH3 - fP - 1 : fP) * gA + fO)] = df, pr[em + 1] = df, pr[em + 2] = df, pr[em + 3] = 255;
else {
for (fO = aH3 - 1; 0 <= fO; fO--)
for (df = aH6 + Math.floor((fO + 1) * (a6J - aH6) / (aH3 + 1)), fP = gF - 1 - aH3; aH3 <= fP; fP--) pr[em = 4 * (fP * gA + (3 === eJ ? aH3 - fO - 1 : fO))] = df, pr[em + 1] = df, pr[em + 2] = df, pr[em + 3] = 255;
for (hg = 1; 0 <= hg; hg--)
for (fO = aH3 - 1; 0 <= fO; fO--)
for (fP = aH3 - 1; 0 <= fP; fP--) i6 = (Math.pow(fO * fO + fP * fP, .5) + 1) / (aH3 + 1), df = aH6 + Math.floor((1 < i6 ? 1 : i6) * (a6J - aH6)), pr[em = 4 * ((0 === hg ? aH3 - fP - 1 : fP + hg * (gF - aH3)) * gA + (
1 === eJ ? fO : aH3 - fO - 1))] = df, pr[em + 1] = df, pr[em + 2] = df, pr[em + 3] = 255
qw.putImageData(gS, 0, 0)
xG = aH6, aq.pj.fillStyle = "rgb(" + xG + "," + xG + "," + xG + ")", aq.pj.fillRect(0, 0, aq.eE, 1), aq.pj.fillRect(0, aq.eF - 1, aq.eE, 1), aq.pj.fillRect(0, 0, 1, aq.eF), aq.pj.fillRect(aq.eE - 1, 0, 1, aq.eF)
}, this.qs = function() {
var hg = fn ? 0 : -aH3;
aCP(hg, hg, aq.eE - 2 * hg, aq.eF - 2 * hg, az.aH9, az.aHA, az.aHB, az.aHC) || (gM.fillStyle = aH5, gM.fillRect(0, 0, aL.gA, aL.gF))
}, this.gL = function() {
fn || (aCO(0, -aH3, aq.eE, aH3, az.aH9, az.aHA, az.aHB, az.aHC) && gM.drawImage(aH4[0], az.aHD, az.aHE - aH3), aCO(aq.eE, -aH3, aH3, aq.eF + 2 * aH3, az.aH9, az.aHA, az.aHB, az.aHC) && gM.drawImage(aH4[1], az.aHD + aq.eE, az.aHE - aH3),
aCO(0, aq.eF, aq.eE, aH3, az.aH9, az.aHA, az.aHB, az.aHC) && gM.drawImage(aH4[2], az.aHD, az.aHE + aq.eF), aCO(-aH3, -aH3, aH3, aq.eF + 2 * aH3, az.aH9, az.aHA, az.aHB, az.aHC) && gM.drawImage(aH4[3], az.aHD - aH3, az.aHE - aH3))
function cR() {
this.fo = new aHF, this.a7o = new aHG, this.qt = new aHH, this.j4 = new aHI, this.hI = new aHJ, this.xG = new aHK, this.aHL = new aHM, this.iD = new aHN, this.mq = new aHO, this.ct = function() {
this.qt.ct(), this.j4.ct(), this.hI.ct(), this.xG.ct()
function aHN() {
function aHU(player, hi, aHW, aHX) {
for (var jj, jk, gA, gF, gY, aHY, jl, jm, ef = hi + aHX, eJ = hi; eJ < ef; eJ += aHW)
if (jj = (jj = a6.i2[player] - eJ) < 1 ? 1 : jj, jk = a6.i5[player] - eJ, jl = (jl = a6.i1[player] + eJ) >= aq.eE - 1 ? aq.eE - 2 : jl, gF = (jm = (jm = a6.i4[player] + eJ) >= aq.eF - 1 ? aq.eF - 2 : jm) - (jk = jk < 1 ? 1 : jk), jl = (
gY = eX(aM.random() * (2 * (jl - jj + jm - jk)), aM.value(100))) <= (gA = jl - jj) ? (aHY = jj + gY, jk) : gY <= gA + gF ? (aHY = jl, jk + gY - gA) : gY <= 2 * gA + gF ? (aHY = jj + gY - gA - gF, jm) : (aHY = jj, jk + gY - 2 *
gA - gF), aHV(player, jm = a1.qU(aHY, jl))) return jm;
return -1
function aHV(vh, en) {
return a1.eh(en) && (a1.er(en) || vh !== (en = a1.eq(en)) && fw(vh, en) && 0 < a6.ey[en].length)
this.iE = function(player) {
return !(0 === a6.ey[player].length || a6.eb[player] < 100) && al.j4.mc !== al.j4.mo && (al.j4.mb[player] !== al.j4.mp && aZ.fU.mj(player, 203, 32, 16) ? !! function(player) {
var en = function(player) {
var eJ, qY, qX, jj = a6.i2[player],
jk = a6.i5[player],
h1 = a6.i1[player] - jj + 1,
h4 = a6.i4[player] - jk + 1,
df = aM.value(100);
for (eJ = 0; eJ < 32; eJ++)
if (qY = jj + aj.fK(aM.random() * h1, df), qX = jk + aj.fK(aM.random() * h4, df), qY = a1.qU(qY, qX), aHV(player, qY)) return qY;
return -1
if (0 <= en) return al.mq.mr(player, en >> 2);
if (0 <= (en = aHU(player, 1, 4, 40))) return al.mq.mr(player, en >> 2);
if (0 <= (en = aHU(player, 40, 8, 200))) return al.mq.mr(player, en >> 2);
}(player) && !! function(vh) {
if (0 === am.dn[2]) return void console.log("error 325234");
var aHS = am.dn[1] + ak.gZ[am.dn[2] - 1] << 2;
if (a1.er(aHS)) return 1;
return aHS = a1.eq(aHS), vh !== aHS && !!fw(vh, aHS)
}(player) && function(player) {
return aZ.fU.ml(player), al.j4.ms(player), !0
}(player) : void 0)
function aHF() {
function aHb(aHa) {
var aHl = 4 + .03 * (1 + 1.5 * b8.cy.g0()) * aL.g1 / hB;
return ak.h7(aHa, am.dn[1]) < aHl
this.fp = function(player, aHa) {
return !!ak.hD(aHa) && al.j4.mc !== al.j4.mo && al.j4.mb[player] !== al.j4.mp && 0 !== a6.ey[player].length && !!al.mq.mr(player, aHa) && !!aHb(aHa)
}, this.lv = function(player, lu, aHa) {
return !!(ak.hD(aHa) && this.mt(player, lu) && al.mq.mu(aHa) && aHb(aHa))
}, this.mt = function(player, id) {
for (var aHc, gI = player << 3, gJ = gI + al.j4.mb[player], aHd = al.j4.aHd, aHe = al.j4.aHe, eJ = gI; eJ < gJ; eJ++)
if (id === aHe[aHc = aHd[eJ]]) return am.dn[3] = aHc, !0;
return !1
}, this.lt = function(fe) {
var xH = al.xG.xH;
return !!this.mt(b.ea, xH) && (aX.fk.lt(xH, fe), !0)
}, this.xI = function(gD, gE, aHf = !1) {
var eJ, gJ, aHg, aHd, aHh, aHi, aHj, i6, yL, aHk, player = b.ea,
ef = al.j4.mb[player];
if (0 === ef) return !1;
for (aHd = al.j4.aHd, aHi = al.j4.aHi, yL = al.j4.yL, gJ = (player = player << 3) + ef, aHh = .4 * aZ.g5.nJ(.5) * aL.g1 / hB, aHg = -1, eJ = player; eJ < gJ; eJ++) aHk = aHd[eJ], aHj = 16 * (.625 + .125 * Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(yL[aHk]))), (
i6 = ak.gx(gD, gE, aHi[aHk])) - aHj < aHh && (aHh = i6, aHg = aHk);
return !(aHg < 0 || (aHf ? am.dk[0] = al.j4.aHe[aHg] : al.xG.xH = al.j4.aHe[aHg], 0))
}, this.xP = function(gD, gE) {
var eJ, aHg, aHh, aHi, aHj, i6, yL, ef = al.j4.mc;
if (ef < 1) return -1;
for (aHi = al.j4.aHi, yL = al.j4.yL, aHh = 1e3, aHg = -1, eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) aHj = 16 * aZ.g5.nJ(.5) * (.625 + .125 * Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(yL[eJ]))), (i6 = ak.gx(gD, gE, aHi[eJ])) < aHh && i6 < aHj && (aHh = i6, aHg = eJ);
return aHg
function aHG() {
this.a7p = function(player) {
for (var aHd = al.j4.aHd, gI = player << 3, eJ = gI + al.j4.mb[player] - 1; gI <= eJ; eJ--) this.aHm(aHd[eJ])
}, this.aHm = function(aHn) {
var j4 = al.j4,
aHo = j4.mc - 1,
aHp = j4.yK[aHn],
aHq = j4.aHr[aHn],
aHs = j4.aHi[aHn];
j4.mc = aHo, j4.yK[aHn] = j4.yK[aHo], j4.aHt[aHn] = j4.aHt[aHo], j4.aHu[aHn] = j4.aHu[aHo], j4.aHi[aHn] = j4.aHi[aHo], j4.aHv[aHn] = j4.aHv[aHo], j4.yL[aHn] = j4.yL[aHo], j4.aHr[aHn] = j4.aHr[aHo], j4.aHe[aHn] = j4.aHe[aHo], j4.aHw[aHn] =
j4.aHw[aHo], j4.aHd[j4.yK[aHn]] = aHn,
function(a5f) {
var player = a5f >> 3,
j4 = al.j4,
ef = j4.mb[player] - 1,
aHz = (player << 3) + ef;
j4.mb[player] = ef, aHz !== a5f && (j4.aHd[a5f] = j4.aHd[aHz], j4.yK[j4.aHd[a5f]] = a5f)
}(aHp), al.hI.hI[ak.hH(j4.aHi[aHn])][j4.aHr[aHn]] = aHn, aHo = ak.hH(aHs), aHp = aHq, aHo = al.hI.hI[aHo], j4 = aHo.pop(), aHp !== aHo.length && (aHo[aHp] = j4, al.j4.aHr[j4] = aHp)
function aHH() {
var aI1, rN = 8,
aI2 = new Array(2);
function aI3(g4) {
var gP = rN + 4,
vK = aZ.g5.pf(gP, gP),
gW = aZ.g5.getContext(vK, !0),
gS = aZ.g5.getImageData(gW, gP, gP),
pr = gS.data;
return aI4(pr, gP + 1, g4), aI4(pr, gP + 2, g4), aI4(pr, 2 * gP + 1, g4), aI4(pr, 2 * gP - 3, g4), aI4(pr, 2 * gP - 2, g4), aI4(pr, 3 * gP - 2, g4), aI4(pr, gP * (gP - 3) + 1, g4), aI4(pr, gP * (gP - 2) + 1, g4), aI4(pr, gP * (gP - 2) + 2,
g4), aI4(pr, gP * (gP - 2) - 2, g4), aI4(pr, gP * (gP - 1) - 3, g4), aI4(pr, gP * (gP - 1) - 2, g4), gW.putImageData(gS, 0, 0), vK
function aI4(pr, fe, g4) {
fe *= 4;
pr[fe] = 255, pr[1 + fe] = 255, pr[2 + fe] = g4, pr[3 + fe] = 255
function pf(player) {
var vK = aZ.g5.pf(rN, rN);
return function(gW, player) {
var fO, fP, h1, fe, aI6, a5g, gP = rN,
gS = aZ.g5.getImageData(gW, gP, gP),
pr = gS.data,
pb = (gP >> 1) - .5,
aH5 = a1.yx(player),
aI8 = aZ.pp.v7(aH5, .5);
aZ.pp.v8(aH5, aI8, 300) || aZ.pp.vA(aH5, 100);
for (fP = 0; fP < gP; fP++)
for (fO = 0; fO < gP; fO++) a5g = (gP - 1.5) * (gP - 1.5) / 4, aI6 = (h1 = (h1 = fO - pb) * h1 + (h1 = fP - pb) * h1) <= (gP - 4.5) * (gP - 4.5) / 4 ? aI8 : aH5, pr[fe = 4 * (fP * gP + fO)] = aI6[0], pr[1 + fe] = aI6[1], pr[2 +
fe] = aI6[2], pr[3 + fe] = a5g < h1 ? 0 : 255;
gW.putImageData(gS, 0, 0)
}(aZ.g5.getContext(vK, !0), player), vK
this.ct = function() {
aI1 = new Array(b.ej), aI2[0] = aI3(255), aI2[1] = aI3(0)
}, this.gL = function() {
var eJ, player, aI9, ha, aIA, h0, aID, aIF, aIG, aHi = al.j4.aHi,
yK = al.j4.yK,
yL = al.j4.yL,
aIH = aI1,
aII = b.ea,
aIJ = -1,
ef = al.j4.mc,
aIK = aL.gA,
aIL = aL.gF,
aIM = aq.eE << 4,
wC = hB,
fg = wC / rN,
jj = hA / wC,
jk = hC / wC,
h1 = (aIK + hA) / wC - jj,
h4 = (aIL + hC) / wC - jk,
gW = gM;
for (al.fo.mt(b.ea, al.xG.xH) && (aIJ = am.dn[3]), gW.fillStyle = aa.gN, aZ.g5.textAlign(gW, 1), aZ.g5.textBaseline(gW, 1), eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) player = yK[eJ] >> 3, ha = yL[eJ], aI9 = .625 + .125 * Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(ha)), aIA = (
h0 = aHi[eJ]) % aIM / 16 - aI9, h0 = aIL * (Math.floor(h0 / aIM) / 16 - aI9 - jk) / h4, aID = -2 * (aIG = wC * aI9) * (1 + (aIF = +(player === aII)) / 8), aIF = aIF * aIG / 4, (aIG = aIK * (aIA - jj) / h1) < aID || h0 < aID ||
aIK + aIF < aIG || aIL + aIF < h0 || (aIA = aI9 * wC, gW.imageSmoothingEnabled = (aID = 2 * aI9 * fg) < 3, void 0 === (aIF = aIH[player]) && (aIH[player] = aIF = pf(player)), player === aII && (gW.setTransform(aID, 0, 0, aID, aIG -
2 * aID, h0 - 2 * aID), gW.drawImage(aI2[+(eJ === aIJ)], 0, 0)), gW.setTransform(aID, 0, 0, aID, aIG, h0), gW.drawImage(aIF, 0, 0), (aI9 = Math.floor(function(ha) {
if (ha < 1e3) return .42;
if (ha < 1e4) return .34;
if (ha < 1e6) return .26;
if (ha < 1e8) return .19;
return .15
}(ha) * aIA)) < 6) || (gW.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), gW.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, aI9), gW.fillText(aZ.jr.js(ha), aIG + aIA, h0 + aIA + .1 * aI9));
gW.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1, gW.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
function aHM() {
this.iE = function() {
for (var aIP, aHL, aHw = al.j4.aHw, aHi = al.j4.aHi, aHu = al.j4.aHu, eJ = al.j4.mc - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) aIP = aHi[eJ], 0 !== (aHL = aHw[eJ]) && aIP === aHu[eJ] && (! function(eJ, aIR, gm) {
var hZ, player = al.j4.yK[eJ] >> 3,
gm = aIR + ak.gZ[gm] << 2,
eJ = al.j4.yL[eJ];
if (a1.er(gm)) hZ = b.ej;
else {
if ((hZ = a1.eq(gm)) === player) return aZ.fU.mB(player, eJ);
if (!fw(player, hZ)) return aX.iX.m9(player, hZ, eJ)
player === b.ea && (b2.ed[13] += eJ);
a6.eg[player].push(aIR << 2), a3.hW(player, eJ, hZ), d.hX(player, !0)
}(eJ, ak.hG(aIP), aHL - 1), al.a7o.aHm(eJ))
function aHI() {
this.aIS = null, this.mo = 512, this.mp = 8, this.mc = 0, this.jU = 0, this.yK = new Uint16Array(this.mo), this.aHt = new Uint32Array(this.mo), this.aHu = new Uint32Array(this.mo), this.aHi = new Uint32Array(this.mo), this.aHv = new Uint16Array(
this.mo), this.yL = new Uint32Array(this.mo), this.aHr = new Uint16Array(this.mo), this.aHe = new Uint16Array(this.mo), this.aHw = new Uint8Array(this.mo), this.mb = new Uint8Array(b.ej), this.aHd = new Uint16Array(this.mp * b.ej), this
.ct = function() {
this.jU = 0, this.mc = 0, this.aIS = new Uint8Array(aq.eE + aq.eF), this.mb.fill(0)
}, this.ms = function(player) {
var ef = this.mc,
aIT = ak.hF(am.dn[0]),
aIU = this.mb[player],
aIV = (player << 3) + aIU;
a6.jS[player] = 2, this.yK[ef] = aIV, this.aHt[ef] = aIT, this.aHi[ef] = aIT, this.aHu[ef] = ak.hF(am.dn[1]), this.aHv[ef] = 0, this.yL[ef] = am.dj[0], this.aHr[ef] = al.hI.ms(ef, ak.hH(aIT)), this.aHe[ef] = this.jU, this.aHw[ef] = am.dn[
2], this.jU = this.jU + 1 & 1023, this.aHd[aIV] = ef, this.mb[player] = aIU + 1, this.mc++
}, this.lt = function() {
var aHc = am.dn[3];
this.aHt[aHc] = this.aHi[aHc], this.aHu[aHc] = ak.hF(am.dn[1]), this.aHv[aHc] = 0, this.aHw[aHc] = am.dn[2]
}, this.iE = function() {
if (b4.iS() % 5 == 3) {
al.aHL.iE(), ! function(xT) {
var eJ, aIZ, aIa, aIb, aIc, aIT, aIg, aIh, eo, en, aHt = xT.aHt,
aHu = xT.aHu,
aHi = xT.aHi,
yL = xT.yL,
aHv = xT.aHv,
aHr = xT.aHr,
xT = xT.mc,
aIM = aq.eE << 4;
for (eJ = xT - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) aIa = aHi[eJ], aIZ = aHu[eJ], aIa !== aIZ && (aIT = aHt[eJ], aIg = aIZ % aIM - (aIc = aIT % aIM), aIh = ~~((aIZ + .5) / aIM) - (aIT = ~~((aIT + .5) / aIM)), eo = ~~Math.sqrt(aIg * aIg + aIh *
aIh + .5), en = 4e5 + 2e4 * ~~Math.sqrt(.5 + (Math.sqrt(yL[eJ] + .5) << 4)), 65535 <= (en = aHv[eJ] + Math.max(~~((.5 + en) / eo), 1)) ? aHi[eJ] = aIb = aIZ : (aHv[eJ] = en, aHi[eJ] = aIb = aIc + aj.fK(en * aIg,
65536) + aIM * (aIT + aj.fK(en * aIh, 65536))), aHr[eJ] = al.hI.aIj(aHr[eJ], aIa, aIb))
}(this), ! function(xT) {
var eJ, q4, pb, hp, iT, aIk, rj, aIl, pz, ge, jj, jk, aIm, aHh, aIn, q0, aIT, aIq, ef = xT.mc,
aHi = xT.aHi,
yK = xT.yK,
yL = xT.yL,
hI = al.hI.hI,
aIr = hI.length,
aIs = al.hI.aIs,
aIM = aq.eE << 4,
aIt = b.hT,
aIu = b5.iU,
en = (ef - 1) * (b4.iS() % 2);
for (eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) {
for (q4 = Math.abs(eJ - en), aIT = aHi[q4], pb = ak.hH(aIT), pz = yK[q4] >> 3, jj = aIT % aIM, jk = ~~((aIT + .5) / aIM), aIT = yL[q4], aIq = 80 + ~~Math.sqrt(.5 + (Math.sqrt(aIT + .5) << 8)), aHh = Math.min(aIq * aIq,
262144), aIn = -1, hp = 0; hp < 9; hp++)
if (!((aIk = pb + aIs[hp]) < 0 || aIr <= aIk))
for (aIl = hI[aIk], rj = aIl.length, iT = 0; iT < rj; iT++) aIm = aIl[iT], q0 = yK[aIm] >> 3, pz == q0 || aIt && aIu[pz] === aIu[q0] || (q0 = aHi[aIm], (q0 = (ge = jj - q0 % aIM) * ge + (ge = jk - ~~((q0 + .5) /
aIM)) * ge) < aHh && (aIn = aIm, aHh = q0)); - 1 !== aIn && (aIT = Math.min(Math.max(1, aj.fK(aIT * (aIq - Math.floor(Math.sqrt(aHh + .5))), 5 * aIq)), yL[aIn]), yL[q4] -= aIT >> 4, yL[aIn] -= aIT)
var eJ, ha, yL = (xT = this).yL,
xT = xT.mc;
for (eJ = xT - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) ha = yL[eJ], 0 < (ha -= Math.max(1, ha >> 7)) ? yL[eJ] = ha : al.a7o.aHm(eJ)
function aHJ() {
this.aIv = 32, this.fO = 0, this.fP = 0, this.hJ = 0, this.aIw = 0, this.aIx = 4, this.hI = null, this.aIs = new Int16Array(9), this.ct = function() {
this.hJ = 1 + aj.fK(aq.eE - 1, this.aIv), this.aIw = 1 + aj.fK(aq.eF - 1, this.aIv), this.hI = new Array(this.hJ * this.aIw), aZ.pp.v6(this.hI);
var fO, fP, aIs = this.aIs,
gA = this.hJ;
for (fO = -1; fO <= 1; fO++)
for (fP = -1; fP <= 1; fP++) aIs[3 * (1 + fP) + 1 + fO] = fP * gA + fO
}, this.ms = function(aIz, eJ) {
return this.hI[eJ].push(aIz), this.hI[eJ].length - 1
}, this.aIj = function(aJ0, aIT, aIZ) {
var aJ1, aJ2, aIT = ak.hH(aIT),
aIZ = ak.hH(aIZ);
return aIT === aIZ ? aJ0 : (aJ1 = this.hI[aIT].pop(), this.hI[aIT].length === aJ0 ? this.ms(aJ1, aIZ) : (aJ2 = this.hI[aIT][aJ0], this.hI[aIT][aJ0] = aJ1, al.j4.aHr[aJ1] = aJ0, this.ms(aJ2, aIZ)))
function aHO() {
function tq(aIZ, aJ3) {
if (function(aIZ, aHa) {
var gd = ak.hG(aIZ),
aJ6 = Math.abs(ak.gf(aHa) - ak.gf(gd)),
gd = Math.abs(ak.gh(aHa) - ak.gh(gd));
return 0 !== Math.max(aJ6, gd) && (function(aIT, aIZ, aJ6, aJ7) {
var aJ9 = ak.h3(aIT),
aIT = ak.h6(aIT),
aJB = ak.h3(aIZ),
aIZ = ak.h6(aIZ),
aJB = aJB - aJ9,
aIZ = aIZ - aIT,
aJF = Math.abs(aJB),
aJG = Math.abs(aIZ),
aJB = 0 < aJB ? 1 : 3,
aIZ = 0 < aIZ ? 2 : 0;
aJG < aJF ? aJJ(aJ9, aIT, aJ9 + aJF, aIT + aJG, aJB, aIZ, aJ6) : aJJ(aIT, aJ9, aIT + aJG, aJ9 + aJF, aIZ, aJB, aJ7)
}(aIZ, ak.hF(aHa), aJ6, gd), !0)
}(aIZ, aJ3)) {
if (0 === am.di[0]) return !!a1.fn(aJ3 << 2);
if (function(aHa) {
if (a1.fn(aHa << 2)) return 1;
return function(aHa) {
var eJ, gm, aIS = al.j4.aIS,
aJN = ak,
ef = am.di[0],
aJO = 4 * aHa;
for (eJ = ef - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
if (gm = aIS[eJ], aJO = aJN.hL(aJO, gm + 2 & 3), a1.fn(aJO)) return am.di[0] = eJ, am.dn[1] = aJO >> 2, am.dn[2] = 1 + gm, 1;
}(aJ3)) {
var eJ, aJ3 = ak.hG(aIZ),
pr = a2z,
aIS = al.j4.aIS,
ef = am.di[0] - 1,
aJO = 4 * aJ3,
ga = ak.ga;
for (eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++)
if (aJO += ga[aIS[eJ]], 0 !== pr[aJO + 3] || 2 !== pr[aJO + 2]) return !!void 0;
return !!1
return !1
function aJJ(aJ9, aJA, aJB, aJC, aJH, aJI, aJ6) {
for (var fP, aIS = al.j4.aIS, en = 0, aJK = 0, gF = aJC - aJA, gA = aJB - aJ9, aJL = aJ9 % 16, eJ = 1; eJ <= aJ6; eJ++) aIS[en++] = aJH, aIS[en] = aJI, en += (fP = (gF * (aJL + (eJ << 4)) + .5) / gA >> 4) - aJK, aJK = fP;
am.dr(am.di, en)
this.mr = function(player, aJ3) {
var gm, gd, gc = ak.go(player, aJ3);
return gc !== aJ3 && (gm = ak.gb(gc, aJ3), gd = ak.hK(gc, gm), !(!a1.fn(gd << 2) && (gm = ak.gl(gc, aJ3, gm), gd = ak.hK(gc, gm), a1.q1(gd << 2) || !a1.fn(gd << 2)) || (am.dn[0] = gd, am.dn[1] = aJ3, am.dn[2] = 0, !tq(ak.hF(gd), aJ3)) ||
0 !== am.dn[2] && ak.gw(player, am.dn[1] + ak.gZ[am.dn[2] - 1] << 2)))
}, this.mu = function(aJ3) {
var aIT = al.j4.aHi[am.dn[3]];
return am.dn[1] = aJ3, am.dn[2] = 0, tq(aIT, aJ3)
function aHK() {
var rN = 32,
rM = new Array(2);
function pf(iT) {
var fO, fP, fe, h4, h1, gP = rN,
vK = aZ.g5.pf(gP, gP),
gW = aZ.g5.getContext(vK, !0),
gS = aZ.g5.getImageData(gW, gP, gP),
pr = gS.data,
pb = (gP >> 1) - .5,
aJQ = Math.sqrt(pb * pb);
for (pr.fill(255), fP = 0; fP < gP; fP++)
for (fO = 0; fO < gP; fO++) h1 = fO - pb, h4 = fP - pb, fe = 4 * (fP * gP + fO), h1 = 714 * (aJQ - Math.sqrt(h1 * h1 + h4 * h4)) / aJQ, pr[2 + fe] = iT, pr[3 + fe] = 255 < h1 ? 0 : h1;
return gW.putImageData(gS, 0, 0), vK
this.xH = -1, this.ct = function() {
this.xH = -1, rM[0] || (rM[0] = pf(255), rM[1] = pf(0))
}, this.aJR = function(gW, fg, fO, fP, gY, eJ) {
aZ.fU.fW(b.ea) && (gW.setTransform(fg *= 4 / 3 * .625, 0, 0, fg, fO - (gY *= 4 / 3), fP - gY), gW.drawImage(rM[+(al.j4.aHe[eJ] === this.xH)], 0, 0))
function bs() {
this.zm = function() {
var aJU, aJV;
return !(iV < 3 || a6.f5[jM[0]] >= b.wS >> 1) && (b.hT ? (aJU = a4.a91(), aJV = a4.a92(b6.tE()), !(aJU <= 2 * aJV)) : function() {
var aJU = a4.a91();
if (2 * a6.eb[jM[0]] >= aJU) return !1;
return !0
function cl() {
this.size = 501, this.tO = new Uint32Array(this.size), this.vk = new Uint32Array(this.size), this.a2c = new Uint16Array(this.size), this.aE1 = 0, this.aJW = 1, this.iT = 0, this.max = [0, 0, 0], this.ed = 0, this.aJX = ["Avg. Attack Strength",
"Number Attacks", "Ships sent", "Bots conquered", "Humans conquered", "Attacked by Bots", "Attacked by Humans", "Territorial Loss", "Territorial Income", "Interest Income", "Received Support", "Overall Income", "Commanding Costs",
"Attack Losses", "Defense Losses", "Shipping Losses", "Transmitted Support", "Overall Expenses"
], this.ct = function() {
this.aE1 = 0, this.aJW = 1, this.iT = 0, this.aJY(), this.aJZ()
}, this.mm = function(player, h9) {
player === b.ea && (this.ed[0] += h9, this.ed[1]++, this.ed[12] += am.dj[1], this.ed[13] += am.dj[0])
}, this.mC = function(player, lp) {
donationsTracker.logDonation(player, lp, am.dj[0]);
player === b.ea && (l.mC(am.dj[0], am.dj[1], lp), this.ed[12] += am.dj[1], this.ed[16] += am.dj[0]), lp === b.ea && (l.yZ(am.dj[0], player), this.ed[10] += am.dj[0])
}, this.iE = function() {
0 < this.iT-- || this.aJa()
}, this.aJa = function() {
0 !== a6.jS[b.ea] && (this.tO[this.aE1] = a6.f5[b.ea], this.vk[this.aE1] = a6.eb[b.ea], this.a2c[this.aE1] = a4.a2d(b.ea), this.aJb(this.aE1), this.aE1++, this.aE1 === this.size && this.aJc(), this.iT = this.aJW - 1, b3.g7())
}, this.aJc = function() {
this.aJY(), this.aJb(0), this.aE1 = 1 + eX(this.size, 2);
for (var eJ = 1; eJ < this.aE1; eJ++) this.tO[eJ] = this.tO[2 * eJ], this.vk[eJ] = this.vk[2 * eJ], this.a2c[eJ] = this.a2c[2 * eJ], this.aJb(eJ);
this.aJW *= 2
}, this.aJY = function() {
this.max[0] = this.max[1] = this.max[2] = 0
}, this.aJZ = function() {
this.ed = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
}, this.aJb = function(eJ) {
this.max[0] = this.tO[eJ] > this.max[0] ? this.tO[eJ] : this.max[0], this.max[1] = this.vk[eJ] > this.max[1] ? this.vk[eJ] : this.max[1], this.max[2] = this.a2c[eJ] > this.max[2] ? this.a2c[eJ] : this.max[2]
function cm() {
this.gA = 0, this.gF = 0, this.r1 = 0, this.r2 = 0, this.a3c = 0, this.a3d = 0, this.zy = 0, this.a6N = 0, this.a68 = 0, this.aJd = 0, this.aJe = 0, this.aJf = 0, this.zO = 0, this.g4 = 0, this.a2H = ["Territory", "Balance", "Interest",
"Numbers"], this.rI = !1, this.aJg = -1, this.aJh = !1, this.aJi = [0, 0], this.ct = function() {
this.rI = !1, this.aJg = -1, this.aJh = !1, this.resize()
}, this.resize = function() {
this.gA = aL.gA < 1.369 * aL.gF ? aL.gA : 1.369 * aL.gF;
var eo = b8.cy.g0() && aL.gA < aL.gF ? 1 : b8.cy.g0() ? .8 : aL.gA < aL.gF ? .65 : .59;
this.gA = Math.floor(eo * this.gA), this.gA -= b8.cy.g0() && aL.gA < aL.gF ? 2 * b1.gap + 2 : 0, this.gF = Math.floor(this.gA / 1.369), this.zO = Math.floor(this.gF / 150), this.zO = Math.max(this.zO, 1.5), this.r1 = Math.floor(1 + .02 *
this.gA), this.r2 = Math.floor(1 + .04 * this.gA), this.zy = this.r2, this.a6N = Math.floor(1 + .075 * this.gA), this.aJd = Math.floor(1 + .1125 * this.gA), this.aJe = Math.floor(this.gA * (b8.cy.g0() ? .03 : .029)), this.aJe =
Math.max(this.aJe, 4), this.aJf = Math.floor(.035 * this.gA), this.aJf = Math.max(this.aJf, 4), this.a68 = this.gF - 2 * this.zy - this.a6N - this.aJd, this.rI && this.aJj()
}, this.fX = function(gD, gE) {
var qM, qL;
return !!this.rI && (qL = gD, qM = gE, gD -= eX(aL.gA - this.gA, 2), gE -= eX(aL.gF - this.gF, 2), gD < 0 || gE < 0 || gD >= this.gA || gE >= this.gF || gD >= this.gA - this.aJd && gE < this.aJd ? 1 < k.fX(qL, qM) || this.oP() : gE < this
.aJd || (gE < this.gF - this.a6N ? (this.aJh = !0, this.aJg = (gD - 2 * this.r1 - this.a3c) / this.a3d, 3 !== this.g4 && (b4.d3 = !0)) : (qL = (qL = Math.floor(gD / (this.gA / this.a2H.length))) < 0 ? 0 : qL >= this.a2H.length ?
this.a2H.length - 1 : qL) !== this.g4 && (this.g4 = qL, this.aJj(), b4.d3 = !0)), !0)
}, this.un = function() {
var aJk = Math.floor((this.aJi[0] + hA) / hB),
aJl = Math.floor((this.aJi[1] + hC) / hB);
aJk < 1 || aJl < 1 || aJk >= aq.eE - 1 || aJl >= aq.eF - 1 || console.log(aJk + " " + aJl)
}, this.uE = function(gD, gE) {
return this.aJi[0] = gD, this.aJi[1] = gE, !(!this.rI || !this.aJh || (gD -= eX(aL.gA - this.gA, 2), gE = this.aJg, this.aJg = (gD - 2 * this.r1 - this.a3c) / this.a3d, (0 <= this.aJg && this.aJg <= 1 || 0 <= gE && gE <= 1) && (b4.d3 = !
0), 0))
}, this.ue = function() {
this.aJh && (this.aJh = !1)
}, this.ur = function() {
this.rI ? this.oP() : this.show()
}, this.show = function() {
b2.aE1 < 2 || (this.rI = !0, this.aJj())
}, this.oP = function() {
this.rI = !1, this.aJg = -1, b4.d3 = !0
}, this.aJj = function() {
this.g4 < 2 ? this.a3c = o.measureText(aZ.jr.js(b2.max[this.g4]), aZ.g5.g6(0, this.aJe)) : 2 === this.g4 && (this.a3c = o.measureText(aZ.jr.w9(6, 2), aZ.g5.g6(0, this.aJe))), this.a3d = this.gA - 2 * this.r1 - this.a3c - this.r2
}, this.g7 = function() {
this.rI && this.aJj()
}, this.gL = function() {
this.rI && this.a0E()
}, this.a0E = function() {
var fO = eX(aL.gA - this.gA, 2),
fP = eX(aL.gF - this.gF, 2);
gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, fO, fP), gM.fillStyle = aa.kh, gM.fillRect(0, this.aJd, this.gA, this.gF - this.aJd), this.aJm(), this.aDW(), gM.strokeRect(0, 0, this.gA, this.gF), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 2), gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(0, this.aJe),
0 === this.g4 ? this.aJn(b2.tO, fO, fP) : 1 === this.g4 ? this.aJn(b2.vk, fO, fP) : 2 === this.g4 ? this.aJo(fO, fP) : 3 === this.g4 && (this.aJp(fO, fP), this.aJq(fO, fP)), k.xg(Math.floor(fO + this.gA - .725 * this.aJd), Math.floor(
fP + .275 * this.aJd), Math.floor(.45 * this.aJd)), gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
}, this.aJm = function() {
var eJ, dd;
for (gM.lineWidth = this.zO, aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 1), gM.strokeStyle = aa.gN, gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, this.aJf), dd = this.gA / this.a2H.length, gM.fillStyle = aa.l2, gM.fillRect(this.g4 * dd, this.gF - this.a6N,
dd, this.a6N), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.fillRect(0, this.gF - this.a6N - .5 * this.zO, this.gA, this.zO), eJ = 1; eJ <= 3; eJ++) gM.fillRect(eJ * dd, this.gF - this.a6N, this.zO, this.a6N);
for (eJ = this.a2H.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) gM.fillText(this.a2H[eJ], (eJ + .5) * dd, this.gF - .46 * this.a6N)
}, this.aDW = function() {
gM.fillStyle = aa.lM, gM.fillRect(0, 0, this.gA, this.aJd), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.fillRect(0, this.aJd - .5 * this.zO, this.gA, this.zO), gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, .39 * this.aJd), gM.fillText("Statistics", Math.floor(this.gA / 2), Math
.floor(.55 * this.aJd))
}, this.aJn = function(ds, fO, fP) {
var pb = b2.max[this.g4],
fy = (gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, fO + 2 * this.r1 + this.a3c, fP + this.zy + this.aJd), gM.lineWidth = 2, this.a68 / Math.sqrt(pb));
gM.beginPath(), gM.moveTo(this.a3d, this.a68 - fy * Math.sqrt(ds[b2.aE1 - 1]));
for (var eJ = b2.aE1 - 2; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) gM.lineTo(eJ * this.a3d / (b2.aE1 - 1), this.a68 - fy * Math.sqrt(ds[eJ]));
fO = this.xg(ds, fy, .5);
fO < .95 && gM.fillText(aZ.jr.js(pb), -this.r1, 0), .05 < Math.abs(fO - .5) && gM.fillText(aZ.jr.js(Math.floor(pb / 4)), -this.r1, Math.floor(this.a68 / 2)), .05 < fO && gM.fillText("0", -this.r1, this.a68)
}, this.aJo = function(fO, fP) {
gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, fO + 2 * this.r1 + this.a3c, fP + this.zy + this.aJd), gM.lineWidth = 2;
var fy = this.a68 / Math.max(b2.max[this.g4], 1);
gM.beginPath(), gM.moveTo(this.a3d, this.a68 - fy * b2.a2c[b2.aE1 - 1]);
for (var eJ = b2.aE1 - 2; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) gM.lineTo(eJ * this.a3d / (b2.aE1 - 1), this.a68 - fy * b2.a2c[eJ]);
fO = this.xg(b2.a2c, fy, 1), fP = b2.max[this.g4] / 100;
fO < .95 && gM.fillText(aZ.jr.w9(fP, 2), -this.r1, 0), .05 < Math.abs(fO - .5) && gM.fillText(aZ.jr.w9(fP / 2, 2), -this.r1, Math.floor(this.a68 / 2)), .05 < fO && gM.fillText(aZ.jr.w9(0, 2), -this.r1, this.a68)
}, this.aJp = function(fO, fP) {
gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, fO + .34 * this.gA, fP + 2 * this.zy + this.aJd), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 2);
for (var a22 = this.gF - 4 * this.zy - this.a6N - this.aJd, eJ = 7; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) gM.fillText(b2.aJX[eJ], 0, eJ * a22 / 7);
gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, fO + .39 * this.gA, fP + 2 * this.zy + this.aJd), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 0);
fO = b2.ed[1];
for (gM.fillText(aZ.jr.w9(b2.ed[0] / (10 * (fO < 1 ? 1 : fO)), 1), 0, 0), eJ = 6; 1 <= eJ; eJ--) gM.fillText(b2.ed[eJ].toString(), 0, eJ * a22 / 7);
gM.fillText(aZ.jr.w9(100 * (1 - a6.f5[b.ea] / b2.ed[7]), 0), 0, a22)
}, this.aJq = function(fO, fP) {
gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, fO + .79 * this.gA, fP + 2 * this.zy + this.aJd), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 2);
var eJ, a22 = this.gF - 4 * this.zy - this.a6N - this.aJd;
for (gM.fillStyle = aa.kx, eJ = 2; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) gM.fillText(b2.aJX[eJ + 8], 0, eJ * a22 / 9);
for (gM.fillStyle = aa.kw, gM.fillText(b2.aJX[11], 0, 3 * a22 / 9), gM.fillStyle = aa.lD, eJ = 8; 4 <= eJ; eJ--) gM.fillText(b2.aJX[eJ + 8], 0, eJ * a22 / 9);
gM.fillStyle = aa.lC, gM.fillText(b2.aJX[17], 0, 9 * a22 / 9), gM.fillStyle = aa.kx;
var yI = aZ.jr.js(b2.ed[8] + b2.ed[9] + b2.ed[10] + b2.ed[11]),
aJr = gM.measureText(yI).width,
fO = (gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, fO + .83 * this.gA + aJr, fP + 2 * this.zy + this.aJd), gM.fillText(aZ.jr.js(b2.ed[8]), 0, 0), gM.fillText(aZ.jr.js(b2.ed[9]), 0, a22 / 9), gM.fillText(aZ.jr.js(b2.ed[10]), 0, 2 * a22 / 9), gM
.fillStyle = aa.kw, gM.fillText(yI, 0, 3 * a22 / 9), gM.fillStyle = aa.lD, b2.ed[13] - a3.a8l(b.ea)),
aJr = (gM.fillText(aZ.jr.js(b2.ed[12]), 0, 4 * a22 / 9), gM.fillText(aZ.jr.js(fO), 0, 5 * a22 / 9), gM.fillText(aZ.jr.js(b2.ed[14]), 0, 6 * a22 / 9), gM.fillText(aZ.jr.js(b2.ed[15]), 0, 7 * a22 / 9), gM.fillText(aZ.jr.js(b2.ed[16]),
0, 8 * a22 / 9), b2.ed[12] + fO + b2.ed[14] + b2.ed[15] + b2.ed[16] + b2.ed[17]);
gM.fillStyle = aa.lC, gM.fillText(aZ.jr.js(aJr), 0, a22), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN
}, this.xg = function(ds, fy, a0o) {
var eJ, dI, dt;
return this.aJg < 0 || 1 < this.aJg ? .25 : (eJ = this.aJg * (b2.aE1 - 1), dt = ds[dI = Math.floor(eJ)], dt += (eJ - dI) * (ds[dI < b2.aE1 - 1 ? dI + 1 : dI] - dt), gM.strokeStyle = aa.km, .04 < this.aJg && this.aJu(0, this.a68 - fy *
Math.pow(dt, a0o), eJ * this.a3d / (b2.aE1 - 1), this.a68 - fy * Math.pow(dt, a0o)), .04 < dt / b2.max[this.g4] && this.aJu(eJ * this.a3d / (b2.aE1 - 1), this.a68, eJ * this.a3d / (b2.aE1 - 1), this.a68 - fy * Math.pow(dt,
a0o)), gM.fillStyle = aa.lF, gM.beginPath(), gM.arc(eJ * this.a3d / (b2.aE1 - 1), this.a68 - fy * Math.pow(dt, a0o), Math.max(2, .014 * this.gF), 0, 2 * Math.PI), gM.fill(), ds = this.aJg * b4.a2e, ds = 0 === a6.jS[b.ea] ?
Math.floor(ds * v.a2l) : Math.floor(ds * b4.iS()), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.fillText(1 === a0o ? aZ.jr.w9(dt / 100, 2) : aZ.jr.js(Math.floor(dt)), -this.r1, this.a68 - fy * Math.pow(dt, a0o)), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 1), gM.fillText(u
.a1O(ds), eJ * this.a3d / (b2.aE1 - 1), this.a68 + this.aJe - (b8.cy.g0() ? 2 : 0) - this.zO), aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 2), fy * Math.pow(dt, a0o) / this.a68)
}, this.aJu = function(jj, jk, jl, jm) {
gM.beginPath(), gM.moveTo(jj, jk), gM.lineTo(jl, jm), gM.stroke()
function bJ() {
this.aJv = "https://", this.aJw = this.aJv + "territorial.io/", this.aE2 = this.aJw + "changelog", this.aE7 = this.aJw + "terms", this.aJx = this.aJw + "cookie_policy", this.aE8 = this.aJw + "privacy", this.aE6 = this.aJw + "tutorial", this.aE5 =
this.aJw + "players", this.aE3 = this.aJw + "clans", this.aE4 = this.aJw + "clan-results", this.a3s = this.aJv + "play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=territorial.io", this.tj = this.aJv + "apps.apple.com/app/id1581110913", this.a3t = this
.aJv + "www.youtube.com/watch?v=toZTQ8aRdFc", this.a3u = this.aJv + "discord.gg/pthqvpTXmh", this.a3v = this.aJv + "www.instagram.com/davidtschacher/", this.rd =
function cT() {
this.j4 = new aJy, this.qt = new aJz, this.ct = function() {
}, this.iE = function() {
0 !== this.j4.yj && this.j4.yj--
function aJz() {
this.gL = function() {
if (0 !== an.j4.yj && (gM.globalAlpha = Math.min(an.j4.yj / 580, 1), gM.drawImage(an.j4.aK2, 1 + q.jn(), 1 + q.gK()), gM.globalAlpha = 1, b.fj)) {
var jj = hA / hB,
jk = hC / hB,
jl = (aL.gA + hA) / hB,
jm = (aL.gF + hC) / hB,
en = an.j4.aK3 * hB,
aK4 = an.j4.aK4;
for (let eJ = b.ht - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) ! function(eJ, en, jj, jk, jl, jm, aK4) {
0 === a6.jS[eJ] || 0 === a6.f5[eJ] || (jl = aL.gA * ((a6.i2[eJ] + a6.i1[eJ] + 1) / 2 - jj) / (jl - jj) - .5 * en, jj = aL.gF * ((a6.i5[eJ] + a6.i4[eJ] + 1) / 2 - jk) / (jm - jk) - .5 * en, jl > aL.gA) || jj > aL.gF || jl < -
en || jj < -en || (gM.setTransform(hB, 0, 0, hB, jl, jj), gM.drawImage(aK4[b.hT ? b5.iU[eJ] : 1], 0, 0))
}(eJ, en, jj, jk, jl, jm, aK4);
gM.setTransform(hB, 0, 0, hB, 0, 0)
function aJy() {
this.aK3 = 28, this.yj = 0, this.aK2 = null;
var aK6 = this.aK4 = null;
function aK9(gP, aKB) {
var fO, fP, fe, h1, vK = aZ.g5.pf(gP, gP),
gW = aZ.g5.getContext(vK, !0),
gS = aZ.g5.getImageData(gW, gP, gP),
pr = gS.data,
pb = (gP >> 1) - .5,
aKC = .5 + pb;
for (aKC *= aKC, fP = 0; fP < gP; fP++)
for (fO = 0; fO < gP; fO++) h1 = (h1 = fO - pb) * h1 + (h1 = fP - pb) * h1, pr[fe = 4 * (fP * gP + fO)] = aKB[0], pr[1 + fe] = aKB[1], pr[2 + fe] = aKB[2], pr[3 + fe] = (aKC - h1) * aKB[3] / aKC;
return gW.putImageData(gS, 0, 0), vK
function aJR(eJ, gW, vK, gP) {
var fO;
0 !== a6.jS[eJ] && 0 !== a6.f5[eJ] && (fO = a6.i2[eJ] + a6.i1[eJ] + 1 - gP - 2 >> 1, gP = a6.i5[eJ] + a6.i4[eJ] + 1 - gP - 2 >> 1, gW.drawImage(vK[b.hT ? b5.iU[eJ] : eJ < b.ht ? 1 : 0], fO, gP))
this.ct = function() {
var xT;
this.yj = 700,
function(xT) {
var gP = xT.aK3;
if (xT.aK4 = [], aK6 = [], b.hT)
for (let eJ = 0; eJ <= b.wU; eJ++) xT.aK4.push(aK9(gP, b5.aKA[b5.tD[eJ]])), aK6.push(aK9(gP >> 1, b5.aKA[b5.tD[eJ]]));
else xT.aK4.push(aK9(gP, b5.aKA[0])), xT.aK4.push(aK9(gP, b5.aKA[4])), aK6.push(aK9(gP >> 1, b5.aKA[0]))
function(xT, aKD) {
var eJ, aK2 = xT.aK2,
gW = aZ.g5.getContext(aK2, !0),
ef = b.ej,
gP = xT.aK3 >> 1;
gW.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1, gW.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), aKD && gW.clearRect(0, 0, aK2.width, aK2.height);
for (eJ = b.ht; eJ < ef; eJ++) aJR(eJ, gW, aK6, gP)
}(this, null !== (xT = this).aK2 && xT.aK2.width === aq.eE - 2 && xT.aK2.height === aq.eF - 2 || (xT.aK2 = aZ.g5.pf(aq.eE - 2, aq.eF - 2), !1)), b.fj || this.wO()
}, this.wO = function() {
var ef = b.ht,
gP = this.aK3,
aK4 = this.aK4,
gW = aZ.g5.getContext(this.aK2, !0);
for (let eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) aJR(eJ, gW, aK4, gP)
function cU() {
this.aKE = -1, this.ct = function() {
this.aKE = -1
}, this.iE = function() {
-1 !== this.aKE && ap.sM.se(this.aKE)
}, this.m6 = function(player) {
return !!k.xf(player) && (1 === iV ? (this.aKE = player, b.iv && b.fj && b.mg.iE()) : (l.sc(player, player === b.ea ? 21 : 22), 8 === b.it ? this.aKE = 1 - player : b.iv ? (a7k(player), aAZ(), b.fj && b.mg.iE()) : this.aKF(player)), !0)
}, this.md = function(player) {
1 === b.sm && 0 !== a6.jS[player] && 2 !== a6.vg[player] && (8 === b.it ? this.aKE = 1 - player : this.aKF(player)), b.sp--, b.so--, l.sc(player, 4), aZ.fU.fV(2) && u.jC(!0)
}, this.aKF = function(player) {
b.fj ? (a7k(player), aAZ()) : aR.aAV(player)
function cf() {
this.a5e = ["rgba(130,130,130,0.88)", "rgba(130,12,12,0.88)", "rgba(12,130,12,0.88)", "rgba(12,12,130,0.88)", "rgba(130,130,12,0.88)", "rgba(130,12,130,0.88)", "rgba(12,130,130,0.88)", "rgba(130,130,130,0.88)", "rgba(0,0,0,0.88)"], this.a20 = [aa
.gN, "rgb(255,120,120)", "rgb(0,230,0)", "rgb(150,150,255)", "rgb(240,240,25)", "rgb(255,70,255)", "rgb(25,240,240)", aa.gN, "rgb(170,170,170)"
], this.aKG = [aa.gN, "rgb(255,0,0)", "rgb(0,255,0)", "rgb(0,0,255)", "rgb(255,255,0)", "rgb(255,0,255)", "rgb(0,255,255)", aa.gN, aa.jp], this.aKH = [aa.jp, aa.gN, aa.gN, aa.gN, aa.jp, aa.jp, aa.jp, aa.jp, aa.gN];
var aKI = ["255,255,255", "0,0,0", "255,4,4", "200,4,4", "4,255,4", "4,180,4", "255,195,195", "90,3,3", "200,255,200", "3,84,3"],
aKJ = (this.aA0 = ["rgba(" + aKI[0] + ",", "rgba(" + aKI[1] + ",", "rgba(" + aKI[2] + ",", "rgba(" + aKI[3] + ",", "rgba(" + aKI[4] + ",", "rgba(" + aKI[5] + ",", "rgba(" + aKI[6] + ",", "rgba(" + aKI[7] + ",", "rgba(" + aKI[8] + ",",
"rgba(" + aKI[9] + ","
], this.aA1 = ["rgb(" + aKI[0] + ")", "rgb(" + aKI[1] + ")", "rgb(" + aKI[2] + ")", "rgb(" + aKI[3] + ")", "rgb(" + aKI[4] + ")", "rgb(" + aKI[5] + ")", "rgb(" + aKI[6] + ")", "rgb(" + aKI[7] + ")", "rgb(" + aKI[8] + ")", "rgb(" + aKI[
9] + ")"
], this.fz = ["White", "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Yellow", "Magenta", "Cyan", "White", "Black"], this.aKA = [
[255, 255, 255, 180],
[255, 0, 0, 180],
[0, 255, 0, 180],
[50, 50, 255, 180],
[255, 255, 0, 180],
[255, 0, 255, 180],
[0, 255, 255, 180],
[255, 255, 255, 180],
[0, 0, 0, 180]
], [
[255, 255, 255],
[255, 0, 0],
[0, 255, 0],
[0, 0, 255],
[255, 255, 0],
[255, 0, 255],
[0, 255, 255],
[255, 255, 255],
[0, 0, 0]
this.tD = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], this.iU = new Uint8Array(b.ej), this.tI = null, this.aKK = null, this.ct = function(r5) {
this.iU.fill(0), this.aKL(), b.hT && (aV.iq && aV.ir.a8U ? this.a74() : 9 === b.it ? this.aKM() : this.iE(r5))
}, this.a74 = function() {
var eJ, ef = b.qN;
for (this.tD = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++) this.iU[eJ] = aV.ir.a8U[eJ]
}, this.aKL = function() {
for (var eJ = this.tD.length - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) this.tD[eJ] = eJ;
this.tI = [], this.aKK = []
}, this.aKM = function() {
for (var eJ = b.ht + aN.aAL - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) this.iU[eJ] = 1;
for (eJ = b.ht + aN.aAL; eJ < b.ej; eJ++) this.iU[eJ] = 2;
this.tD[1] = 7, this.tD[2] = 8
}, this.iE = function(r5) {
var gi = new Uint8Array(b.ht),
gj = new Uint8Array(b.ht),
aKN = new Uint16Array(8),
aKO = new Uint16Array(this.tD.length);
this.aKP(r5, gi, gj, aKN), this.a72(aKN), b.iv || this.aKQ(aKO, gi, gj), this.aKR(gi, gj, aKO), b.iv ? this.aKS() : this.aKT()
}, this.aKP = function(r5, gi, gj, aKU) {
for (var hp, dI, aKV, ef = this.tD.length - 1, ds = new Uint16Array(ef), eJ = b.ht - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) {
for (hp = ef; 1 <= hp; hp--) ds[hp - 1] = Math.abs(4 * r5[eJ].a6J[0] - aKJ[hp][0]) + Math.abs(4 * r5[eJ].a6J[1] - aKJ[hp][1]) + Math.abs(4 * r5[eJ].a6J[2] - aKJ[hp][2]);
for (aKV = 768, hp = ef - 1; 0 <= hp; hp--) ds[dI = (hp + eJ) % ef] < aKV && (aKV = ds[dI], gi[eJ] = dI);
for (aKU[gi[eJ]] += 4, aKV = 768, hp = ef - 1; 0 <= hp; hp--) ds[dI = (hp + eJ) % ef] < aKV && dI !== gi[eJ] && (aKV = ds[dI], gj[eJ] = dI);
}, this.a72 = function(aKU) {
for (var hp, x2, ef = this.tD.length - 1, eJ = ef; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) this.tD[eJ] = eJ;
for (eJ = ef - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) aKU[eJ]++;
for (eJ = 1; eJ <= ef; eJ++) {
for (x2 = 0, hp = 1; hp < ef; hp++) aKU[hp] > aKU[x2] && (x2 = hp);
aKU[x2] = 0, this.tD[eJ] = x2 + 1
}, this.aKQ = function(aKO, gi, gj) {
var eJ, hp, aKW, iT, eo, dI, kO, vR, aKX = this.tD.length - 1,
nd = new Uint16Array(aKX),
aKY = [],
zy = Math.max(b.ht + 1 >> 1, 6);
loop: for (eJ = 0; eJ < b.ht; eJ++)
if (null !== (aKW = aZ.jr.tS(a6.tQ[eJ]))) {
for (hp = this.tI.length - 1; 0 <= hp; hp--)
if (aKW === this.tI[hp] && this.aKK[hp].length < zy) {
continue loop
} this.tI.push(aKW), aKY.push(!1), this.aKK.push([eJ])
for (hp = this.tI.length - 1; 0 <= hp; hp--) {
for (eo = -1, iT = this.tI.length - 1; 0 <= iT; iT--) !aKY[iT] && (-1 === eo || this.aKK[iT].length > this.aKK[eo].length) && (eo = iT);
for (iT = aKX - 1; 0 <= iT; iT--) nd[iT] = 1;
for (iT = this.aKK[eo].length - 1; 0 <= iT; iT--) nd[gi[this.aKK[eo][iT]]] += 3, nd[gj[this.aKK[eo][iT]]]++;
for (eJ = aKX - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) {
for (dI = eo % aKX, iT = aKX - 1; 0 <= iT; iT--) nd[iT] > nd[dI] && (dI = iT);
for (kO = -1, iT = b.wU; 0 < iT; iT--)
if (this.tD[iT] === dI + 1) {
kO = iT;
} if (nd[dI] = 0, -1 !== kO) {
for (vR = 0, iT = b.wU; 0 < iT; iT--) aKO[kO] > aKO[iT] && vR++;
if (vR !== b.wU - 1) {
for (iT = this.aKK[eo].length - 1; 0 <= iT; iT--) aKO[kO]++, this.iU[this.aKK[eo][iT]] = kO;
aKY[eo] = !0
}, this.aKR = function(gi, gj, aKO) {
for (var eJ, h0, ef = this.tD.length - 1, border = eX(b.ht, b.wU), aKZ = (0 < b.ht % b.wU && border++, new Uint8Array(1 + ef)), hp = ef; 1 <= hp; hp--) aKZ[this.tD[hp]] = hp;
for (eJ = 0; eJ < b.ht; eJ++) h0 = aKZ[gi[eJ] + 1], 0 === this.iU[eJ] && h0 <= b.wU && aKO[h0] < border && (aKO[h0]++, this.iU[eJ] = h0);
for (eJ = 0; eJ < b.ht; eJ++) h0 = aKZ[gj[eJ] + 1], 0 === this.iU[eJ] && h0 <= b.wU && aKO[h0] < border && (aKO[h0]++, this.iU[eJ] = h0);
for (hp = b.wU; 1 <= hp; hp--)
for (eJ = b.ht - 1; 0 <= eJ && !(aKO[hp] >= border); eJ--) 0 === this.iU[eJ] && (aKO[hp]++, this.iU[eJ] = hp)
}, this.aKS = function() {
var eJ, hg, aKU = new Uint16Array(b.wU);
for (aKU[b.wU - 1] = b.ej, eJ = b.wU - 2; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) aKU[eJ] = z.iw[eJ].rk;
for (aKU[0]--, hg = 0 === aKU[0] ? 1 : 0, eJ = b.ht; eJ < b.ej; eJ++) this.iU[eJ] = hg + 1, aKU[hg]--, aKU[hg] <= 0 && hg++
}, this.aKT = function() {
for (var eJ = b.ht; eJ < b.ej; eJ++) this.iU[eJ] = 1 + eJ % b.wU
function f6() {
for (var fO, fP, eJ = e5 - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) fO = eX(e7[eJ], 4) % aq.eE, fP = eX(e7[eJ], 4 * aq.eE), a6.i2[e1] = a6.i2[e1] > fO ? fO : a6.i2[e1], a6.i5[e1] = a6.i5[e1] > fP ? fP : a6.i5[e1], a6.i1[e1] = a6.i1[e1] < fO ? fO : a6.i1[e1], a6.i4[
e1] = a6.i4[e1] < fP ? fP : a6.i4[e1]
function eO() {
var eo, em, eJ, ef = a6.eg[e1].length;
loop: for (eJ = ef - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) {
for (eo = 3; 0 <= eo; eo--)
if (em = a6.eg[e1][eJ] + eA[eo], a1.er(em) || a1.ep(em) && a1.eq(em) !== e1) {
a1.hd(a6.eg[e1][eJ], e1);
continue loop
} a6.eg[e1][eJ] = a6.eg[e1][ef - 1], a6.eg[e1].pop(), ef--
function eP() {
var eo, em, aKa, aKb, ef = a6.ex[e1].length;
loop: for (var eJ = ef - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) {
for (aKa = aKb = !1, eo = 3; 0 <= eo; eo--) {
if (em = a6.ex[e1][eJ] + eA[eo], a1.a7D(em, e1)) continue loop;
aKa = aKa || a1.fn(em), aKb = aKb || a1.q1(em)
aKa ? a6.ey[e1].push(a6.ex[e1][eJ]) : aKb ? a6.f1[e1].push(a6.ex[e1][eJ]) : a1.qg(a6.ex[e1][eJ], e1), a6.ex[e1][eJ] = a6.ex[e1][ef - 1], a6.ex[e1].pop(), ef--
function ev() {
a6.f5[e4] -= e5
function ew(border) {
for (var ef = border.length, eJ = ef - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) a1.qo(e4, border[eJ]) || (border[eJ] = border[ef - 1], border.pop(), ef--)
function ez(border) {
for (var ef = border.length, eJ = ef - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) !a1.qo(e4, border[eJ]) && a1.eh(border[eJ]) && (border[eJ] = border[ef - 1], border.pop(), ef--)
function f0(border) {
for (var eo, em, ef = border.length, eJ = ef - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
for (eo = 3; 0 <= eo; eo--)
if (em = border[eJ] + eA[eo], a1.a7D(em, e4)) {
a6.ex[e4].push(border[eJ]), border[eJ] = border[ef - 1], border.pop(), ef--;
function f2() {
for (var eo, em, eJ = e5 - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--)
for (eo = 3; 0 <= eo; eo--) em = e7[eJ] + eA[eo], a1.a7E(e4, em) && a1.a7F(em) && (a6.ex[e4].push(em), a1.ei(em, e4))
function f3() {
var fO, fP;
loop: for (; a6.i5[e4] < a6.i4[e4];) {
for (fO = a6.i1[e4]; fO >= a6.i2[e4]; fO--)
if (a1.qo(e4, 4 * (a6.i5[e4] * aq.eE + fO))) break loop;
loop: for (; a6.i5[e4] < a6.i4[e4];) {
for (fO = a6.i1[e4]; fO >= a6.i2[e4]; fO--)
if (a1.qo(e4, 4 * (a6.i4[e4] * aq.eE + fO))) break loop;
loop: for (; a6.i2[e4] < a6.i1[e4];) {
for (fP = a6.i4[e4]; fP >= a6.i5[e4]; fP--)
if (a1.qo(e4, 4 * (fP * aq.eE + a6.i2[e4]))) break loop;
loop: for (; a6.i2[e4] < a6.i1[e4];) {
for (fP = a6.i4[e4]; fP >= a6.i5[e4]; fP--)
if (a1.qo(e4, 4 * (fP * aq.eE + a6.i1[e4]))) break loop;
function fw(player, hZ) {
return 0 === b5.iU[player] || b5.iU[player] !== b5.iU[hZ]
function fu(player, hZ) {
for (var dI, aKc = a3.eK(player), eJ = 0; eJ < aKc; eJ++)
if (0 === a3.eL(player, eJ))
if ((dI = a3.eQ(player, eJ)) === b.ej) {
if (hZ === b.ej) return !1;
if (fs(hZ)) return !0
} else if (hZ === b.ej) {
if (fs(dI)) return !0
} else if (fx(hZ, dI)) return !0;
return !1
function fs(player) {
for (var eJ, en, ef = a6.ex[player].length, eo = 3; 0 <= eo; eo--)
for (en = eA[eo], eJ = 0; eJ < ef; eJ++)
if (a1.er(a6.ex[player][eJ] + en)) return !0;
return !1
function fx(vh, vi) {
var eJ, dd, eo, en, em, aIU = a6.ex[vh].length,
aIV = a6.ex[vi].length;
for (aIV < aIU && (dd = vh, vh = vi, vi = dd, dd = aIU, aIU = aIV, 0), eo = 3; 0 <= eo; eo--)
for (en = eA[eo], eJ = 0; eJ < aIU; eJ++)
if (em = a6.ex[vh][eJ] + en, a1.ep(em) && a1.eq(em) === vi) return !0;
return !1
function aKd() {
this.iE = function() {
m.iE(), x.iE(), aL.iE(), aO.j4.iE(), aK.a59(), b4.d3 && (b4.d3 = !1, y.gL(), at.gL())
function aKe() {
this.dc = b4.dc, this.g4 = 0, this.aKf = 0, this.a54 = 0, this.aKg = null, this.aKh = 7, this.yk = 0, this.ct = function() {
this.a54 = 0, this.aKg = [], this.g4 = 0, this.aKf = 0
}, this.aF9 = function(mP) {
var eJ;
if (b.fj) this.a2f(mP);
else if (this.aKg.push(mP), 2 === b.sm) {
for (eJ = 0; eJ < this.aKg.length; eJ++) aX.lh.iE(this.aKg[eJ]);
this.aKg = []
}, this.a2f = function(mP) {
aX.lh.iE(mP), aY.iE(), u.a2f(this.a54), this.a54 === b.wV ? (b.mg.iE(), this.a54 = 0, this.g4 = 0, this.aKf = 0, this.dc = b4.dc) : (this.a54++, a5.wN(), a5.jC(!0), b0.a2x())
}, this.iE = function() {
aL.iE(), b.fj ? (b4.d3 = u.a2f(-1) || b4.d3, jD()) : (0 !== this.g4 || b4.dc >= this.dc && (this.dc += b4.a2e * Math.floor(1 + (b4.dc - this.dc) / b4.a2e), 2 === b.sm ? j2() : this.aKi(), this.g4++, 27 < b4.dc - this.yk)) && this.aKj(),
j9(), b4.d3 && (b4.d3 = !1, qr()), this.yk = b4.dc
}, this.aKj = function() {
b4.d3 = !0, jB(), this.g4 = 0
}, this.aKi = function() {
var aKk, eJ;
if (this.aKf !== 7 * this.a54) j5(), b0.a2x();
else {
for (aKk = !1; this.aKl() && (aKk = !0, j5(), 0 < this.aKg.length);)
for (eJ = this.aKh - 2; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) j5();
aKk ? b0.a2x() : (j2(), b0.wQ())
}, this.aKl = function() {
return 0 < this.aKg.length && (this.a54++, aX.lh.iE(this.aKg[0]), this.aKg.shift(), !0)
function aKm() {
var aKn, aKo, aKp, a54, aKq, g4 = 0,
dc = b4.dc;
function aKt() {
! function() {
if (!b.fj) return;
if (b.iv) return;
return aKq % 7 != 0 ? aKq++ : a54 === b.wV ? (aKw(), u.a2f(a54), b.mg.iE()) : (aKw(), aKq++, a54++, a5.wN(), a5.jC(!0)), 1
}() && (aKw(), j5())
function aKu() {
g4 = 0, (b.fj ? (b4.d3 = u.a2f(a54 - (aKq % 7 == 0 ? 0 : 1) + aKq % 7 / 7) || b4.d3, jD) : k.fT || !ab.wq ? jD : (b4.d3 = !0, jB))()
function aKw() {
var eJ, ef, aKx = aY.me.aFz,
dt = aY.me.aG0,
dv = aY.me.aG1,
dx = aY.me.aG2,
aKy = aY.me.aG3,
aKz = aY.me.aG4;
if (aKn >= aKz.length) l.tv("Replay file smaller than expected."), ap.sM.se(-1);
else if (aKz = aKz[aKn], aKy[aKn]) {
for (ef = aKo + aKz, eJ = aKo; eJ < ef; eJ++) aX.lh.mR(aKx[eJ], dt[eJ], dv[eJ], dx[eJ]);
aKo += aKz, aKn++
} else ++aKp >= aKz && (aKn++, aKp = 0)
this.aKf = 0, this.ct = function() {
aKq = a54 = aKp = aKo = aKn = 0
}, this.iE = function() {
var aIr;
aL.iE(), ab.a09() < 1.7 ? 0 === g4 ? b4.dc >= dc && (aIr = b4.a2e / ab.a09(), dc += aIr * Math.floor(1 + (b4.dc - dc) / aIr), 2 === b.sm || k.fT || !ab.wq ? j2() : (aKt(), b0.a2x()), g4++) : aKu() : function() {
var aIr;
if (b4.dc >= dc)
if (2 === b.sm || k.fT || !ab.wq) j2(), dc = b4.dc;
else {
for (aIr = b4.a2e / ab.a09(), 16 < (b4.dc - dc) / aIr && (dc = b4.dc - 16 * aIr); b4.dc >= dc && 2 !== b.sm;) dc += aIr, aKt();
} aKu()
}(), j9(), b4.d3 && (b4.d3 = !1, qr())
}, this.sv = function() {
aKn !== aY.me.aG4.length && aKn + 1 !== aY.me.aG4.length && l.tv("Replay file larger than expected.")
function aL0() {
var g4 = 0,
dc = b4.dc;
this.aKf = 0, this.iE = function() {
aL.iE(), b.fj ? jD() : 0 === g4 ? b4.dc >= dc && (dc += b4.a2e * Math.floor(1 + (b4.dc - dc) / b4.a2e), 2 === b.sm || k.fT ? j2() : (j5(), b0.a2x()), g4++) : ((k.fT ? jD : (b4.d3 = !0, jB))(), g4 = 0), j9(), b4.d3 && (b4.d3 = !1, qr())
function cn() {
this.su = null, this.d3 = !1, this.dc = 0, this.a2e = 56;
var aL1 = 0;
function aL2() {
b4.dc = aL1 = performance.now(), b4.su.iE(), window.requestAnimationFrame(aL2)
this.ct = function() {
this.wo(), window.requestAnimationFrame(aL2), this.dc = performance.now()
}, this.wk = function() {
b.fS ? (this.su = new aKm, this.su.ct()) : b.iv ? this.su = new aL0 : (this.su = new aKe, this.su.ct())
}, this.wo = function() {
this.su = new aKd, this.d3 = !0
}, this.iE = function() {
}, this.iS = function() {
return this.su.aKf
}, this.aEs = function() {
var dd = performance.now();
dd < aL1 + 1e3 || (this.dc = dd, this.su.iE())
function cD() {
var k5 = 0,
aL3 = !0;
function aL5(g3) {
8 !== y.tp() || 2 !== a6.vg[b.ea] && (0 !== a6.jS[b.ea] || b.fj) || l.yQ(g3)
this.iE = function() {
var dd, yn;
b4.dc > k5 && (k5 = b4.dc + 2500, dd = new Date, yn = dd.getUTCSeconds(), aL3 ? yn < 45 && (aL3 = !1) : yn < 45 || (aL3 = !0, (yn = dd.getUTCMinutes() + 1) % 15 == 0 && aL5(30 === yn ? "Upcoming Battle Royale Contest!" :
"Upcoming Alliance Contest!")))
function c5() {
var jj, jk, jl, jm, aL6 = 0,
aL7 = 0;
function aL9() {
return Math.pow(Math.pow(jl - jj, 2) + Math.pow(jm - jk, 2), .5)
function aL8(dI) {
jj = aL.nN * dI.touches[0].clientX, jk = aL.nN * dI.touches[0].clientY, jl = aL.nN * dI.touches[1].clientX, jm = aL.nN * dI.touches[1].clientY
this.uI = function(dI) {
return 1 < dI.touches.length ? (aL7 = b4.dc, aL6 = 3, aL8(dI), j.oP(), !0) : (aL6 = 0, !1)
}, this.uJ = function(dI) {
var aBH, gy, gz;
return 0 !== b.sm && 1 < dI.touches.length && (aL6 = Math.max(aL6 - 1, 0), g.kT() && (aBH = aL9(), aL8(dI), dI = aL9(), gy = Math.floor((jj + jl) / 2), gz = Math.floor((jk + jm) / 2), q.a0Z(gy, gz, Math.max(.125, dI) / Math.max(.125,
aBH)), b4.d3 = !0), !0)
}, this.uh = function() {
var fO, fP;
return !!(aL6 && (aL6 = 0, b4.dc < aL7 + 500)) && (fO = (jj + jl) / 2, fP = (jk + jm) / 2, j.ua(fO, fP), j.click(fO, fP, !0) && (b4.d3 = !0), !0)
function cN() {
this.size = 0, this.g4 = 0, this.mP = null, this.ct = function(mP) {
this.g4 = 0, this.mP = mP, this.size = mP.length
}, this.u1 = function() {
this.mP = null
}, this.mQ = function(size) {
for (var df = 0, mP = this.mP, kT = this.g4 + size - 1, eJ = this.g4; eJ <= kT; eJ++) df |= (mP[eJ >> 3] >> 7 - (7 & eJ) & 1) << kT - eJ;
return this.g4 += size, this.g4 > 8 * this.size && console.log("error unwrapper"), df
}, this.aFI = function(size) {
var hp = size >> 1;
return (1 << hp) * this.mQ(size - hp) + this.mQ(hp)
}, this.aLA = function(size) {
for (var ds = new Array(size), eJ = 0; eJ < size; eJ++) ds[eJ] = this.mQ(10);
return i.pZ(ds)
}, this.aFH = function(aGP) {
return this.size === ac.aFF(aGP)
function ci() {
this.aHD = 0, this.aHE = 0, this.aH9 = 0, this.aHA = 0, this.aHB = 0, this.aHC = 0, this.a2y = [0, 0, 0, 0], this.kS = function() {
this.aHD = q.jn(), this.aHE = q.gK(), this.aH9 = -this.aHD, this.aHA = -this.aHE, this.aHB = aL.gA / hB, this.aHC = aL.gF / hB, this.a2y[0] = Math.floor(this.aH9), this.a2y[1] = Math.floor(this.aHA), this.a2y[2] = Math.floor(this.a2y[0] +
this.aHB + 1), this.a2y[3] = Math.floor(this.a2y[1] + this.aHC + 1), b0.a2v = !0
function c6() {
var zK, k5;
this.ct = function() {
zK = 1, k5 = 0
}, this.iE = function() {
0 < zK && (k5 = 0 === k5 ? b4.dc + 16 : k5, zK = (zK -= .001 * (b4.dc - k5)) < 0 ? 0 : zK, k5 = b4.dc, b4.d3 = !0)
}, this.gL = function() {
0 < zK && (gM.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0," + zK + ")", gM.fillRect(0, 0, aL.gA, aL.gF))
function c9() {
function aLD(map, fO, fP, gA, gF) {
map >= aq.a8O || (aq.qB === map && (gM.fillStyle = aa.lN, gM.fillRect(fO, fP, gA, gF), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN), gM.strokeRect(fO, fP, gA, gF), gM.fillText(aq.ir.qA[map].name, Math.floor(fO + .5 * gA), Math.floor(fP + .55 * gF)))
this.rI = !1, this.a69 = [0, 0, 0, 0], this.show = function() {
this.rI = !0, this.resize(), b4.d3 = !0
}, this.resize = function() {
var aIU = eX(aq.a8O + aq.a8O % 2, 2),
aIU = aL.gF - aIU * b1.gap;
b8.cy.g0() ? this.a69[2] = Math.floor(.75 * aL.min) : this.a69[2] = Math.floor(.5 * aL.min), this.a69[3] = Math.floor(1.25 * this.a69[2]), this.a69[3] > aIU && (this.a69[3] = aIU, this.a69[2] = Math.floor(aIU / 1.2)), this.a69[0] = Math
.floor((aL.gA - this.a69[2]) / 2), this.a69[1] = Math.floor((aL.gF - this.a69[3]) / 2)
}, this.uE = function(fO, fP) {
return !(fO < this.a69[0] || fP < this.a69[1] || fO > this.a69[0] + this.a69[2] || fP > this.a69[1] + this.a69[3])
}, this.fX = function(fO, fP) {
var zy, aIU = eX(aq.a8O + aq.a8O % 2, 2);
return b4.d3 = !0, fO < this.a69[0] || fP < this.a69[1] || fO > this.a69[0] + this.a69[2] || fP > this.a69[1] + this.a69[3] ? !(this.rI = !1) : (zy = Math.floor(.17 * this.a69[3]), fP < this.a69[1] + zy ? fO > this.a69[0] + this.a69[2] -
zy && (this.rI = !1) : (fP = (fP = Math.floor(aIU * (fP - this.a69[1] - zy - .00576 * aL.g1) / (this.a69[3] - zy - .01152 * aL.g1))) < 0 ? 0 : aIU - 1 < fP ? aIU - 1 : fP, fO > this.a69[0] + this.a69[2] / 2 && (fP += aIU), fP >=
aq.a8O || aq.d4(fP, Math.floor(16384 * Math.random()))), !0)
}, this.gL = function() {
var eJ, jk, zy = Math.floor(.17 * this.a69[3]),
aIU = eX(aq.a8O + aq.a8O % 2, 2),
gap = .6 * .01152 * aL.g1,
a6N = (this.a69[3] - zy - (aIU + 1) * gap) / aIU,
r1 = Math.floor((this.a69[2] - 3 * gap) / 2);
for (gM.lineWidth = b1.rn, aZ.g5.textAlign(gM, 1), aZ.g5.textBaseline(gM, 1), gM.fillStyle = aa.kh, gM.fillRect(this.a69[0], this.a69[1] + zy, this.a69[2], this.a69[3] - zy), gM.fillStyle = aa.lN, gM.fillRect(this.a69[0], this.a69[1],
this.a69[2], zy), gM.strokeStyle = aa.gN, gM.strokeRect(this.a69[0], this.a69[1], this.a69[2], this.a69[3]), gM.fillStyle = aa.gN, gM.fillRect(this.a69[0], this.a69[1] + zy, this.a69[2], 2), gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, .48 * zy), gM
.fillText("Maps", Math.floor(this.a69[0] + this.a69[2] / 2), Math.floor(this.a69[1] + .55 * zy)), gM.font = aZ.g5.g6(1, .48 * a6N), eJ = aIU - 1; 0 <= eJ; eJ--) jk = Math.floor(this.a69[1] + zy + gap + eJ * (a6N + gap)), aLD(eJ, this
.a69[0] + gap, jk, r1, a6N), aLD(eJ + aIU, this.a69[0] + r1 + 2 * gap, jk, r1, a6N);
k.xg(Math.floor(this.a69[0] + this.a69[2] - .7 * zy), Math.floor(this.a69[1] + .3 * zy), Math.floor(.4 * zy)), gM.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
function cM() {
this.size = 0, this.g4 = 0, this.mP = null, this.ct = function(mP) {
this.g4 = 0, this.mP = mP, this.size = mP.length
}, this.d4 = function(aGP) {
return this.ct(new Uint8Array(this.aFF(aGP))), this.mP
}, this.u1 = function() {
this.mP = null
}, this.pU = function(size, yp) {
for (var mP = this.mP, kT = this.g4 + size - 1, eJ = this.g4; eJ <= kT; eJ++) mP[eJ >> 3] |= (yp >> kT - eJ & 1) << 7 - (7 & eJ);
this.g4 += size, this.g4 > 8 * this.size && console.log("error wrapper")
}, this.aLE = function(size, yp) {
var hp = size >> 1,
eo = 1 << hp;
this.pU(size - hp, aj.fK(yp, eo)), this.pU(hp, yp % eo)
}, this.aLF = function(size) {
for (var mP = this.mP, kT = this.g4 + size, eJ = this.g4; eJ < kT; eJ++) mP[eJ >> 3] &= 255 ^ 128 >>> (7 & eJ)
}, this.aFF = function(aGP) {
return aGP + 7 >> 3
}, this.aLG = function(ds, hi, kT, aLH) {
for (var eJ = hi; eJ < kT; eJ++) this.pU(aLH, ds[eJ])
setTimeout(bE, 1e4), window.onload = function() {